Chaos Within the Greens - myrakkuran (2024)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

It was deep into the night when a maid had woken Queen Alicent Hightower, to inform her that her husband— the King has asked for her.

A look was exchanged between the two women. A look of understanding. Both knew what a call from the king at this hour meant.

The queen remained in silence for some time before dismissing the maid with a simple wave of her hand.

She lay underneath him… dead as corpse…

It was a duty she was performing. Alicent repeated in mind again and again and again! So that it stays embedded in her head, heart and soul.

Duty towards the realm!

Duty towards her husband!

Duty towards her family— no father!

Two moons later the queen was with child.

At fifth time around Alicent was no longer under pressure to birth a male heir. Since she has already done her due after giving the King three healthy Princes and a beautiful Princess.

Her youngest Daeron who has recently passed his second naming day. Aemond, her second son who is now six years of age. Daughter Heleana who is seven years of age and her eldest Aegon ii being nine, close to reaching ten.

Therefore be it a Prince or Princess, the realm would embrace the child with open arms.

As time neared Alicent observed her husband, King Viserys was eager on having another daughter. Although the young Queen never expressed her opinion verbally, but she too has been silently praying for a daughter. For reasons: Alicent wanted to name her after her dead mother. A small way to honour whatever memory she had of the woman left inside her.

However it would not be possible without the permission of her husband.

So after days of building up the courage, Alicent approached Viserys one night right after the maesters had departed his chamber.

"I was wondering if Your Grace would be so kind to allow me to name this child, if it is a daughter, to name after my dead mother...?"

The King listened, with his eyes tightly closed. As pain continued to course through his body. His current wife has never asked for much from him, of that he was aware. So he saw no problem in granting this one little wish.

Alicent smiled, taken aback, that her husband agreed.

…or so they both thought.

As time and fate both seems to change unnoticed.

Labour was hard and excruciatingly painful, not that Alicent wasn't used to it.

However, what she actually wasn't used to, was having her husband around during these difficult hours of her life.

Not only Alicent, but the midwives and maesters present with her in the chamber were also taken by surprise. As it was the King's first time being present during a childbirth of his now wife.

In spite of the pain she was in, Alicent remembered the moment Viserys walked through the door so vividly that even the memories of her previous near death labour during birthing Aemond seemed to be blurry images in comparison to that.

Now, not sure of how to interpret this gesture, Alicent was left confused. Irrespective of that she was also happy.

Hours of agony ultimately met its end when the loud wailing of the new life echoed, telling the world of its arrival.

"A girl!" The midwife who pulled the child out, announced.

Alicent rested against the pillows, her breathing finally steadying after the long labor ended. Her body and the sheets were damp with sweat and she was exhausted, but she forced herself to stay awake and receive the wailing newborn the midwife would soon place in her arms.

The newborn was quickly cleaned up and wrapped up in silk blanket before she was brought to her father, the King.

Viserys accepted the child wholeheartedly and placed a deeply affectionate kiss on her forehead followed by declaring:

"My Aemma has come back to me."

The words echoed inside Alicent making her heart skip a beat. She looked at her husband in shock. But he took no notice of that. Instead sent maid to immediately fetch his eldest daughter. And it wasn't long before Princess Rhaenyra walked in through the same door the maid that went to summon her had exited.

Excited, the King placed his newborn into the arms of his Heir while his Queen remained on the bed…spectating awaiting her turn to hold her own daughter… her patience running low but she was unable to anything about it.

"Rhaenyra, meet Aemma." Viserys introduced his youngest daughter to his eldest, placing another kiss on the babe's head. Establishing that the newest Targaryen had already name. His promise to his wife long forgotten.

In that moment Aemma Targaryen was born.

"You have named her after my mother?!" It was a question and a statement simultaneously. A ghost of smile appeared on Rhaenyra's face hearing that her father has chosen to honour her dead mother. Her heart was not big enough to contain the happiness coursing through her that moment. She gazed at her ageing father softly, glad that she can finally forgive him for the cruel fate he had chosen for her mother.

At the same time, the smile had dropped from Alicent's face. Her husband has broken his promise, alongside that… her heart.

Contrary to what she had expected, Viserys still honoured the dead. It's just that he didn't honour her mother, instead he chose to honour his first wife the love of his life.

"Congratulations my queen! You have done well. Indeed a very beautiful girl. No doubt she will grow up to steal many hearts." Said Rhaenyra, bringing the child to her mother.

Alicent collected the small bundle from Rhaenyra. A soft smile gracing her lips as she met her youngest's gaze for the first time. The newborn had stopped wailing and her deep purple eyes, the deepest amongst all her siblings, were watching her mother with matching curiosity.

Looking up Alicent briefly locked eyes with her husband. A look akin to pride shining on his face. It was the first time he had looked at her with such eyes. Like he was thanking her for bringing this child— no his Aemma back into his life once again.

Bile rose to her throat turning her taste bitter. And the next time the young Queen turned to her daughter, with face that was ice cold. She ventured her mind into thinking how much misfortune would this young one bring upon her. But her heart argued that she maybe wrong.

After all maybe one child of her would finally have what the rests lacks— their father's unconditional love. The kind that is only reserved for Rhaenyra.

If so it happens, would she be able to give this child, the same unconditional love that she gives her other children...?

Truth be told, she knew not in the moment then, neither would she know in the days to come. And perhaps it is this indecision of her that led to the flame which resulted in hatching...

Not of a dragon, but of a snake amongst them.

Chapter 2: Chapter 2


All it took was lack of a mother's love towards one particular child to stir chaos amongst the Greens themselves and draw a wedge between Alicent Hightower and her sons. (Story of Alicent's 5th child, the youngest Princess.)


Alicent may have birthed the child but her husband is determined to show her, that the babe named after his wife, most certainly belongs to him and his daughter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Loud shirking wail of the newborn echoed from inside of the Queen's personal chamber.

Ser Criston Cole, stationed outside of the door could barely hold his ears from bleeding. He worried for his Queen, hoping everything was alright. The Queen was alright, the new princess was alright. However, the hours long cry simply made his worry grow and hopes shorten.

It was the early hours of the morning when the princess was born, now evening was approaching. And the babe was yet to stop her cries.

Nothing was alright.

On the other side of the door, an extremely distressed Alicent Hightower rocked her newborn back and forth pacing across the room helplessly. She has not yet been properly cleaned nor changed out of the clothes she had given birth in.

Signs of tension began showing up on all faces present as the second wet nurse failed to produce milk. It came as no surprise since neither had birthed any children recently. And as Princess Rhaenyra was nursing her second son Lucerys Velaryon by herself this time, so no prior arrangements were made for the Queen. Nor did they have many wet nurses ready in hand.

Utmost desperate the Queen attempted to latch the newborn onto her breast again. Her third attempt!

But to no avail.

There was no answer to why she remained unable to produce milk?

Alicent danced her face between her daughter and the grand maester Mellos, hoping he had some answers.

Unfortunately, that moment he had naught.

Everyone was focused on the newborn who has been hungry for far too long.

One of the young maester rushed out whilst Mellos and the other senior maesters remained, attending to the Queen and her newborn daughter.

The matter was addressed to the King immediately.

In an instant Viserys rose to feet and left the feast he threw to celebrate the arrival of his new daughter, leaving his Hand Ser Lyonel Strong and his heir Princess Rhaenyra in charge.

The pace of his footsteps picked up as he neared his destination. He knows the agony of losing Aemma once — it is excruciating. A pain that is devouring him little by little every day. Therefore he cannot lose her again.

She will never forgive him then. Never!

Barging into the Queen's chamber he rushed to his wife's side to check on his daughter and demanded to know what was happening. Surprised by Viserys's unexpected harsh voice Alicent found herself at loss of words. She looked at him perplexed, unable to speak.

Maester Mellos then briefed the King on the urgency of the situation: No prior arrangements for wet nurses had been made. The Queen herself included is unable to produce milk. The newborn has been hungry for far long.

The King's face paled, his eyes went wide. Fear reflected in them.

An order was barked out: immediate search for a wet-nurse in King's Landing.

Alicent shivered. Repulsed by the idea of someone absolutely unknown feed her child. What if it is a whor* picked up from the Streets of Silks. Chances are that is where they will find a lactating mother in such haste.

And Alicent would rather have the babe dead than watch her be fed by a filthy woman.

As it contradicted with her faith and beliefs.

But she was given no chance to explain.

Maester Mellos and the King remained in discussion completely ignoring her presence. Even though she was there, standing between them.

While the King rushed everyone to find a new wet nurse as quickly as possible, the grand maester suggested against the idea, stating it would take time and unfortunately they do not have much of it in hand. He then reminded the King of his eldest daughter; who was still nursing her second even though he born last year.

That was all it took for King Viserys to snatch the child from his Queen's arms and unceremoniously thrust her into the arms of his heir.

Alicent hoped, she desperately hoped for it to be a temporary solution. Meant to last just for couple of days.

What seemed to be a few weeks passed by, with the maesters trying everything they could to bring the Queen to produce milk.

No remedies worked.

Her breasts remained dry.

On the other hand Princess Rhaenyra gladly took upon the task of breastfeeding Aemma. While the latter's birth mother was left to watch from afar, with frosty expression on her face and a bitter taste in her mouth.

Her bond with her child already set on the path to diminish.

Alicent was always bothered by the queer customs of the Targaryens. But until now she had never felt so disgusted by it. First Daeron was made to share wet-nurse with Jacerys Velaryon and now...

Perhaps a whor* from the Streets of Silk was indeed a better choice.

During her regular nightly prayers Alicent Hightower found herself quietly questioning the gods she was devoted to, asking why have they put her and her daughter through such difficult journey? She carried the child in her womb for ten moons. Laid down on the birthing bed for hours suffering excruciating pain. And yet she could not have the sheer delight of naming the babe. Perhaps the only chance she had to honour her dead mother was lost at the hand of her husband who at that moment saw this as his only chance at redemption.

It was a blow the young woman felt straight into her heart.

Even before she could heal and come to terms accepting the reality she was forced to accept, gods threw more her way.

Her ability to feed the child getting taken away.

Another must do the task on her behalf. Rhaenyra.

The situation was utterly unjust.

And Alicent felt no remorse as she secretly wished for the child to have been born deformed... dead...

The following week, Aemma had been presented before the rest of her siblings.

Ironic, how Princess Rhaenyra was the first to meet and hold little Aemma (even before her own mother), whereas her full blooded siblings had to wait an entire week. Even if Alicent was upset about it, she did not let it be shown.

Viserys summoned them all to his personal quarter and have them circle around the cradle. Aegon, Helaena, Aemond standing and Daeron in their mother's arms.

"Children meet your youngest sister, Aemma."

Viserys introduced, uttering his youngest daughter's name with tenderness as if it is his salvation. Alicent Hightower grimaced beside her husband. It is a name she is all too familiar with. As it is the only name he breathes… it is the only name he sighs…while in bed with her.

Since her marriage Alicent was forced to coexist with the ghost of her husband's first wife. Now her children must adapt as well. As his favours are blatantly on display. King Viserys rarely attended the nursery when it was occupied by his other children. But now for the girl named Aemma a separate cradle has been placed inside his personal quarter.

Alicent found herself involuntarily focusing on the curious bunch.

Except Aegon, the rest of the young Targaryens watched their youngest sister with great interest.

The babe was asleep, wrapped in a thick blanket.

The eldest prince was only yawning and rolling his eyes. Ready to leave. He would not have come if not for his mother giving him a tight slap hearing his refusal, prior to dragging him here. Aemond on the other hand leaned over the cradle as far as he could to study the features of their youngest sibling. Helaena was the only one who extended a hand and softly caressed the rounded face. Following her, Daeron tried extending his hand from the arms of his mother. Noticing, Alicent bent down slightly so that he too could get a fair share. But instead of caressing like his older sister, the youngest poked hard into the stomach and woke up the babe.

Regardless of being annoyed, Viserys was quick to pick up Aemma. Shooting the little boy a scolding look he attempted to put the infant back to sleep. With experience Alicent learned it would be wise to feed the child first. So she suggested it to her husband.

Glancing at his wife and nodding his head in full agreement the King motioned for the awaiting maid, who approached in haste. Placing Aemma into the said maid's arms he instructed for the babe to taken to Princess Rhaenyra.

Alicent felt herself go rigid.

Yes, Rhaenyra was the one nursing Aemma.

Although it was a terms the young Queen was forced to digest, still, it hurt as bad as the freshly made cuts with a sharp blade.

Unknowingly she grasped onto the shoulder of Aemond, who stood closest to her. The young prince turned to his mother in concern, feeling her nails almost digging through his clothes and piercing onto his flesh. Even though he did not quite grasp as to what had just transpired. However, he was mature enough to understand that his father's action has deeply wounded his mother.

"Is it alright if I have the first pick?" Viserys asked for Rhaenyra's permission.

"Of course you may, father." The princess nodded enthusiastically. A soft smile gracing her lips as she refocused on her toddler son, rocking him in her arms.

Standing on the other side of the King, his Queen gave a tight lipped smile. Struggling to hold back on the urge to roll her eyes. Often times she found herself at the edge of her nerves because of her husband's brazen favouritism towards his spoiled daughter. Just like now, he was seeking Rhaenyra's permission as if she was his mother. Alicent's eyes darted toward her own daughter, cooing in the arms of one of her maids. Wondering where she will stand when competing with Rhaenyra for their father's affection. Others have certainly failed, only time will tell if Aemma will succeed in dethroning her predecessor.

Viserys carefully examined before making his pick on the dragon egg.

"This one will be for Aemma." He pointed towards the dark violet coloured egg with hint of shining green scales at the centre. Leaving behind the dark grey egg with red scales at the centre for his grandson Lucerys Velaryon.

"Give her to me." The King ushered the maid to bring forth the babe.

Exchanging a weary glance with her Queen the timid maid cautiously placed the princess into the King's awaiting arms.

The eager father held the infant at a particular angle in order to show her the egg he had chosen to be placed in her cradle and explained why he chose that specific egg.

"It used to be her favourite colour. And I know it in my heart it will be to your liking as well." It was common knowledge whom the King was referring to.

Rhaenyra grinned hearing her father whilst Alicent clenched her jaws. She did not desire for her daughter to become the former Queen's shadow.

Aemma began to fuss. Suddenly crying and kicking her tiny legs. Not expecting the sudden tantrum Viserys almost lost his grip. His wife scooted closer swiftly to assist her husband. Fearing he might drop the child any moment.

"Please allow me your grace." She tried to take Aemma from him. Knowing all too well that the King has not been faring so well the past couple days and his weakening condition will not be able to keep up with the hyper child for much longer. It is inevitable, he will end up dropping her at a certain point.

However, Viserys kept his grip intact on his daughter refusing to let go. His gaze not concealing the fact that he was doubting her ability to properly care for her own child.

Alicent's expression was wounded, but her composure did not deter. The subtle ache pulsing from her heart to her blood gave her newfound strength. Strength that she knew she would need to win this battle.

"Worry not, I shall bring her to you later in the evening. For now both you, my husband and our daughter need rest." Her words sounded sweet, matching the face she always wore for her surrounding to see.

But underneath that sweet facade lay a woman scorned. Her blood boiling in rage.

That night, following their old tradition, the eggs were respectively placed in Aemma Targaryen and Lucerys Velaryon's cradle.

Keeping track of time became troublesome especially when days passed by with nothing new happening. Alicent Hightower had long given up on counting the days. Fortunately for her, what felt like the next few months… passed.

Soon solid food was added to Aemma's dietary routine beside milk. Although it was a task generally carried out by the maids. But Alicent seized the opportunity in an instant. She fed Aemma herself. Secretly intending to outgrow the bond her youngest daughter had formed with her older half sister.

Regrettably it turned out to be a task close to impossible, because the toddler has come to think of Rhaenyra as her mother.

To make matters worse she proved it with action too.

The length of time between Aemma crawling and walking seemed only a blink of an eye. After countless falls, when the very first time she walked, she walked toward the direction of Princess Rhaenyra instead of her mother who had been already on her knees waiting with wide open arms.

Shame numbed her. The pain the Alicent felt in that moment can only be compared to the ones she experienced during giving birth.

The wound left its mark on the young Queen. Even though she told herself repeatedly that a child knows no better. However the crude remarks from her eldest son who had been a witness to the incident only served as a rub of salt on a freshly made wound.

Trying to organize her jumbled thoughts Alicent made more attempts to bond with her youngest but to no avail, the toddler only sought after Rhaenyra. Thinking she was her mother and her children were her siblings.

Therefore without realizing the young queen began withdrawing herself from her youngest.

Viserys dedicated every moment of his spare time to Aemma.

But he could not always be available. As the King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm— he also had duties to his subjects. Just like Rhaenyra had her own children to look after. Therefore for the times when neither of the father-daughter were available, someone else was brought in their stead.

Lady Lyanne of some lowly unknown house.

Upon introduction Queen Alicent recognized the elderly woman instantly — A close confidant of the late Queen. Who also raised Rhaenyra.

Alicent was greatly displeased. Desperately tried to convince the King that she and her maids were enough.

Her convincing did not work, as expected.

Viserys remained firm in his decision: Lady Lyanne will be Aemma's nurse.

Alicent may have been bitter then, but soon she would learn that her husband unknowingly did her a favour.

Being nursed by Rhaenyra meant Aemma was spending a lot of her time with the former and her sons. So her attachment to the dark haired boys came as no surprise.

Now that she learned to walk she constantly sought after those boys. Whereas with her own siblings the infant would not even spare them a glance.

Being the eldest Aegon was hardly around. But Aemond, Daeron and occasionally Helaena's attempts to get acquainted with their youngest sibling mostly met in failure. Albeit Aemma was a little more tolerant towards Helaena and Daeron but anytime Aegon or Aemond picked her up, her screams would burst through the hall of Red Keep deafening all ears.

With days the distance continued to grow. It left Alicent unsettled. The very least she wanted was for all her children to get along. They were family and must stick to one another through thick and thin.

When she shared her concern with the King and requested him to do something about it, Viserys brushed it away. Like he always did every time it came to her andtheir children. He seemed content enough knowing Aemma was getting along well with Rhaenyra's children. And truth be told, that was all that mattered to him. Even if he never said it out loud. He simply wanted all his children and grandchildren to get along. A prospect that was close to impossible.

Alicent was starting to lose all hope. There seemed no end to the dark tunnel she was inside of.

It was at that moment lady Lyanne came to her rescue. The woman whom the young Queen had initially expected to be a foe surprisingly turned out to be a real friend in need.

How times have changed. Tides have shifted.

Lady Lyanne may have raised Rhaenyra but her pious nature now forces her to despise the girl she once raised as her own because of the sinuous life she has chosen to live.

Alicent was relieved to have found someone who shared her sentiment.

Lady Lyanne played a vital role in making sure Aemma understood who her mother and siblings were.

It was the older woman who planted the idea on Alicent's head.

"She just came to the world, she knows no better. My Queen, she must be taught at every step of the way. And the duty to teach solely belongs to you as her mother." Lyanne hammered the words till they were embedded into the Queen's head.

"I'm sure you realize this as much as I do, Princess Rhaenyra will be a bad influence. The young princess should be kept away from her. It will certainly be impossible over night, however, you must slowly work towards bringing the girl to your side."

"And what must you suggest I do lady Lyanne?" Alicent asked, helplessness floating in the tone of her voice.

"Start by making arrangements for the siblings to spend time together. Make it a mandatory practice. At least an hour everyday, the five of them should spend together in a small closed space with nothing but each others company."

Alicent appeared uncertain about the idea. Aegon is building the bad habit of looking under the maids skirts. Helaena lives in an different world entirely muttering gibberish to herself and talking to insects. Aemond is so far the only normal one. Daeron just turned three and Aemma has passed ten moons. How are these folks supposed to connect? What common ground do they even have?

Lady Lyanne placed a hand on the Queen's tensed shoulder understanding her concern and reassured her.

"It maybe chaotic at first considering due to their contrasting personalities but fear not, as it will eventually help strengthen their bond. After all, they have the same dragon blood streaming in them."

Alicent nodded her head, understanding.

It was settled then.

Together the two women began making arrangements for the five siblings to spend time together.

The place they were in was Helaena's bedchamber.

Alicent was already there with Daeron, playing on her lap when Helaena returned after finishing her lesson with the septa. But the girl paid little attention to her mother and little brother. She simply settled in a corner pulling the wooden box where all her insect collection were stored.

Soon Aegon and Aemond were escorted by Ser Criston Cole. Ultimately lady Lyanne walked in, carrying Aemma after she had woken from her nap.

Alicent explained to the grown children as to why she had gathered them. And just as she had predicted, her older boys were not impressed. In spite of that Alicent remained unyielding in her decision and ordered for Aemma to be put down to her feet.

Soon as her small feet touched the ground, Aemma walked with her wobbly steps and went straight toward Helaena. Only to snatch the beetle the older girl had on the back of palm, admiring, and put it into her mouth.

Helaena screamed.

Aemond gasped.

Aegon laughed, with his back against the wall and a hand a clenching his stomach.

Putting Daeron on the ground Alicent rushed to pick up Aemma, forced her tiny mouth open and inserted two fingers to pull the insect out.

And that was how their first time together was spent.

In a complete disaster.




Lyanne did not allow Alicent to lose hope despite how badly the first time went.

Next time Aemma approached Daeron who was playing with his wooden dragon sculpture. Her interest peaked by his toy. Predictably she tried to snatch the toy from him. But Daeron wouldn't allow it. Being the older one he had the advantage of size and strength over her. He pushed her away first time making the girl fall on her back. But she rolled back up on her feet in no time and reproached him. Only this time Daeron tried to hit her with the very thing she tried to take from him.

Alicent tensed, and was about to intervene , but Aemond beat her to it. He came between the two young ones, picked up Aemma and moved to the other corner. The girl began to scream as she struggled against him. But he did well for someone of seven years of age.

"You're doing well Prince Aemond. Just loosen your hold a little, she struggling to breathe." Lyanne encouraged the boy. "Try to distract her my Prince, divert her mind elsewhere."

"What should I do?"

"You may bounce her a little, blow air to her face or make different faces that she maybe able to imitate."

He followed word by word. And it worked like magic. Aemma's crying came to a stop. Confused she stared at the older boy. Aemond turned to Lyanne, wordlessly asking for the next instruction. She motioned him to repeat. He did! This time the babe giggled kicking her tiny legs. Signalling she liked it.

It was at that point Alicent finally began to see glimpse of light at the end of the dark tunnel.




Helaena's scream got Aemond to leave Daeron and rush over to her. He needed not ask what had happened. He could see it— the beetles from her collection were all gone.

The boy had to look no further to find out what happened to those poor creatures. The evidence sat right in front of them, just few feet away.

Angrily Aemond stomped toward their eldest sibling who sat on the floor with their youngest one on his lap.

"What do you think you're doing Aegon?!" He demanded an explanation on Heleana's behalf.

"What? It's funny. That one," he pointed towards Helaena. "… likes to collect insects. And this one…" he pointed the same finger back at Aemma. "… likes to eat them."

"You can't be feeding her insects Aegon! Mother will have us severely punished if she were to find out." Exclaimed Aemond. But it had little to no effect on his older brother.

"Then don't tell her. Keep it a secret."

Aemond let out a frustrated sigh. Tired of playing the role of a mediator.

Alicent witnessed the whole incident from the small gaping of the door. She felt conflicted and indeed wanted to barge in to punish the older ones for being reckless enough to feed a little babe insect.

But she was stopped by lady Lyanne. The latter grabbed hold of her hand just when the Queen was about to push the door open and silently nodded her head no. Indirectly telling the mother to leave those children be. Leave it to them to make their own memories. Leave it to them to figure out the own connection. Let the bond born naturally.




Alicent further tensed, when the following week Aemma was found to be developing the habit of spitting on all her siblings.

No doubt it was taught by Aegon.

She was all set to give the boy an earful. But got prevented by lady Lyanne once again.

In the weeks to come the bad habit picked up on the child like a disease. She began to spit on anyone and everyone that was near her vicinity. Alicent and lady Lyanne herself were the victim of it several times. From what the maids have also informed, Rhaenyra and her family were not spared either.

At this point only Aegon, Heleana and Aemond were the ones who learned with practiced ease on how to dodge Aemma's spit attack or tactically divert her mouth elsewhere.

Soon Aemma no longer targeted her siblings. However her assault continued on to others.

Alicent found herself often questioning where this whole situation was headed. Are the siblings truly bonding or are the older boys using their little sister as a purpose of entertainment?

Then one fateful evening during family supper she got her answer.

The King asked for everyone to be present at the dining room that evening. It was no special occasion, the old man simply wanted to eat with all members of his family.

Sadly not all members of his family felt that way. And Aemma certainly made it to the top of that list.

Being forcibly woken from her nap and brought to the dining hall left Aemma in a bad mood. It certainly did not help when her father, the King picked her up. She was already fussing and kicking. Viserys held her carefully, at a safe distance nonetheless.

Alicent look around in concern. None of her children looked quite happy to be here. Except for Daeron maybe.

Only then a light whistle was heard escaping Aegon's lips... as if on queue Aemma made her move and did the unthinkable - spit on the King's face!

Viserys was stunned. He stared at his daughter with wide eyes in disbelief.

Everyone gasped. Shocked by what had just happened.

Alicent stood immediately and moved over to wipe her husband's face clean with a napkin. Her attention getting caught midway as Aegon began to laugh. He laughed loudly enough to draw everyone's attention to him. Daeron followed suit mimicking his older brother; although he barely understood anything. Aemond and Helaena giggled in unison. Lastly Aemma joined her siblings and laughed the loudest.

Rhaenyra and her husband along with her children who sat on the other side of the table looked at the laughing children aghast. Trying to understand which part of this offensive act was anyway or from hilarious.

But what Alicent saw in that moment was something truly special.

Yes it was a jest, a sick one indeed. A jest that only the five of them understood and share. No one else was included in on it.

And there it was, right before her eyes - the connection and the bond between the siblings she so earnestly desired, blossoming so beautifully.

Viserys watched, with eyes filled with contentment.

It was a sight to beheld — his youngest playing with the sons of his eldest.

An image that gave the illusion of his two families peacefully coexisting as one.

Viserys Targaryen maybe have been a fool. A fool for wanting peace and his family together. But he certainly wasn't blind. He knew the peace that he so desperately longed for did not exist in reality. The rift in his family began from the moment he had made that selfish decision and bestowed a cruel fate upon his wife, whom, he should have protected.

Perhaps it is a curse. Punishment for his wrong doing, to her.

Viserys felt his inside clench.

Thinking about his wife made his heart heavy.

Till to this day her cries haunt him. He feels a knife stabbing into his chest and twisting when every time he close his eyes and it is her image that flashes in front of him. They shared a beautiful life together. But now all that he is left with is the harrowing image from the last moments of her life —those bright beautiful eyes shining with tears, frightened faces, desperately begging him not to go through with it!

She wanted to live. Aemma wanted to live!

And what did he do?

He robbed her off of her life for a chance to provide the kingdom with male heir.

He chose duty over love!

A fitting choice for a king but a disgraceful one for a husband so deeply in love with his wife.

She deserved better! Much better man than he was.

No! His heart roared.She deserves better!

She was returned to him for a purpose. The debt he owes is yet to be paid.

He had always known being born a woman in this world is a curse. But now he knows that curse can be altered to blessing if she is wedded to the right man. A man who will be devoted to her.

Precisely the type of man he wanted Aemma to be wedded to. He wanted no heir to throne. No dutiful lord or prince. Just a man who will love her unconditionally. A man who will not only die for her but kill for her and her wellbeing with no remorse. Most importantly he must be a man who will choose her above all else.

Exactly what he did not!

With that thought settled in the back of his mind he called, "Rhaenyra?"

The older princess who was also watching the children play, tore her gaze from the scene and redirected them to her father.

"Yes father."

"There is one last thing I would like to ask of you."

"What is it?" Rhaenyra smiled softly.

"I know not how much longer I will walk amongst you all…"


Ignoring her protest he continued on. "However I would like to ensure, that in my absence it is you looking after Aemma. For there is none that I can put my faith on above you, my child."

Rhaenyra took hold of her father's both hands in her.

"I would look after Aemma, even without you having to tell me." She assured, her eyes pouring into his.

"I need you to give me your word Rhaenyra." Viserys persisted.

Sighing she squeezed her father's hands. "You have my word father. Nothing will deter me from looking after my youngest sister like she is my own."

Viserys smiled, as if he had finally found some solace.

"Then you must raise young Lucerys Velaryon to become a man who would always be devoted to his lady wife. Choose her above all else. Prioritize her life over a male heir's."

Rhaenyra felt her eyes go wide guessing her father's insinuation. Still she asked for confirmation.

"I'm afraid I do not understand what you mean father."

"I am proposing for my youngest daughter Aemma Targaryen to be betrothed to your second-born Lucerys Velaryon."

Admittedly, she was briefly stunned. "Why Luke father, why not Jace? He is my heir. By betrothing Aemma to Jace we can unite the family. With the two of them ruling side by side the house of the dragon can finally become one."

Viserys shook his head disapproving of the suggestion. "No! Jace will one day become the King. He will be put into the same difficult situation as I was."

"Father we're speaking of a time that is far ahead. Aemma is not yet one. Besides how do we know that they will not be blessed with a boy as their first born." Rhaenyra tried to reason.

"Rhaenyra, if I were not the King, perhaps…" he paused for an agonizing moment and faced away from his daughter with guilt stricken face. "… your mother would still be amongst us today."

Closing her eyes tightly Rhaenyra let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. And reopened those eyes when her father spoke again.

"Besides I had a dream, a dream I vividly remember. Our Aemma living a long life, she reached old age. Wedded to someone who was no heir to throne."

"Not to worry father, I understand what you mean."

This time she truly did.

They say the first name day is the most important in a child's life. As it establishes the child's value and worth to the family. Which is why when the matter comes down to Princes and Princesses it is always a grandeur celebration to show the world of the importance of their mere existence.

Being the first born son of the King, Aegon had the most grandeur celebration of his first name day. A large feast was thrown in honour of Helaena too, but it wasn't as much of a grand affair as her older brother's. When it came to Aemond's first name day celebration, the King was not even in attendance. He was away on a hunting trip with some of his trusted lords, and unfortunately could not make it back on time for the celebration. However he was certainly present during the first nameday celebrations of Jacaerys Velaryon, his first grandson. But Daeron, whose first name day celebration was only two moons after was cancelled due to the King's sudden declining health. It was celebrated two years later, merged with the feast of Lucerys Velaryon's first name day.

Alicent fumed to have her youngest son's special day be conjoined with Rhaenyra's bastard (rumoured to be fathered by Ser Harwin Strong). But her words remained unheard, the King is deaf to her opinion when it came to his eldest daughter's dalliances.

So this year, during Aemma's time she simply kept her lips sealed. Curious and intrigued to see how true are the man's affection for his youngest daughter. Did Viserys truly care for the girl as he boasted or was it all just a farce?

To say she was proven wrong would be a massive understatement. The occasion this year surpassed all of it predecessors.

Preparation for Princess Aemma's first name day celebration began couple moons ahead of its time. The whole of Red Keep was prepared and dressed like a new bride for her wedding. People were invited and came from all over Westeros carrying gifts and gold and other jewels for the little Princess.

As the day to the occasion neared the Queen commissioned the royal seamstress to make matching dress for herself and Aemma in the colour Green. So what if the child was named after the dead Queen? It will not change the fact that Aemma is her daughter. Therefore she has all the rights to present her daughter before the court in her colour.

Unbeknownst to the Queen, simultaneously Princess Rhaenyra, the to be mother-by-law of Aemma had also spoken to the seamstress instructing them to prepare a dress for the little princess in the traditional Targaryen colour:Black. With traces of red and Targaryen sigil embroidered on it.

Unfortunately the Queen came to learn about it right before the festivities began. She sent one of her trusted maid to fetch her daughter, only for the maid to return empty handed and with information that the princess has already been dressed in clothing of her sister's choice.

How dare she!

Alicent clenched her fist so tight that her knuckles turned white. All her happiness and excitement was quickly overthrown by rage she couldn't phantom was possible.

How dare she take such liberties with my daughter without even having the minimum decency to consult me beforehand.

Tearing the emerald necklace off of her neck she carelessly tossed it to the ground. The necklace in question already broken and shredded to pieces. Her mind was already made up, she wouldn't attend the celebration.

It was then lady Lyanne entered her chamber. The older woman convinced the young Queen with much ease, showing all the reasons and logic behind why she must be in attendance. Not only that, to further encourage, she gently wiped away the tears pouring out of the helpless mother's eyes and helped her get re-ready.

Alicent sauntered down the steps of the grand hall dressed in a form fitting green gown with lace details on the sleeves and chest above. The miniature version of which she had tailored for Aemma but of course it didn't go how she had wanted.

The young Queen moved maintaining pretty much the same grace she did during Rhaenyra's wedding with Ser Laenor Velaryon. Her gaze sought out her daughter, and found her in the arms of her father, throwing a tantrum. The toddler was surely in no mood to enjoy the feast thrown in her honour. Even Rhaenyra was having difficulty handling her.

Alicent paused briefly to watch the scene unfold. A wicked pleasure tickling at the pit of her stomach. A smile beginning to curve up the corner of her lips. As a firm believer of the Faith of the sevens, she believed the Gods to be inflicting the same pain and humiliation upon them that they had caused her.

And then, suddenly, the toddler managed to yank the crown off of the King's head and toss it to the ground.


The sound of the crown hitting the cold stone floor put a pause on the celebration.

Silence. Dead silence.

That was all there was. Of course with Aemma still crying in the background and the crown now on the floor rolling towards the Queen's feet.

A shiver shiver ran down Alicent's spine and the spine of many others present there. It wasn't everyday where one gets to witness the King's crown getting taken off of his head and thrown to the ground so carelessly as if it was a regular piece of metal. But she was probably one of the first to regain composure. Given it was caused by the king's favourite child, whom she had brought into this world.

Alicent was quick to pick up the crown and strode over to her husband. For the first time ever the man bent before her, even if slightly, and allowed her put his crown back on the head. Her attention now moved to her daughter, who has just made the King bend before her.

Alicent felt her heart swell. She couldn't be more proud ofher Aemma. She did something none of her other children succeeded in doing.

With a broad grin Alicent took Aemma into her arms. Miraculously the child stopped crying. Her simple action telling everyone loud and clear that she had been wanting her mother all along.

Satisfied Alicent pressed a soft kiss on her daughter's fluffy cheek. The pain she suffered earlier felt futile before the joy she was currently feeling.

But the satisfaction was short lived.

It lasted till her husband opened his mouth revealing to the realm of the arrangement he had made with the heir to the iron throne.

The world around Alicent Hightower came to a halt. She numbed. Finding herself clutching the shoulders of her daughter Helaena like she might fall over without her support.

Aemma was already taken from her arms by Rhaenyra. And she had no clue when that happened.

Finally gathering the courage she turned to her husband,disgusted. Her face contorting in expression as if she had bitten into a lemon.

Viserys continued on to smile, his focus solely on his daughter whose fate he just sealed.

Her gaze then settled onto Rhaenyra.

The tension of unspoken words pulsed between the ladies who once used to be great friends. But neither acknowledged what those words were.

It was inevitable. One had to withdraw. This time Alicent found herself at the losing end of the spectrum. Therefore collecting whatever dignity had remained she left the celebration.




She was fuming as she mindlessly walked through the halls of the Red Keep. The servants and maids who wandered the corridors were quick to move out of the Queen's way. She looked as enraged on the outside as she was on the inside.

It was at that moment she understood, if only, she had her father beside her today, perhaps her daughter would not have been betrothed to a possible Strong bastard.


A.N: Thank you all for reading hope you enjoyed and it was worthwhile. Please feel free to point out if you notice any errors or mistakes.

Chapter 3: Chapter 3


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

To be a dragon but not be bonded with one. Oh how painful it was, Aemond Targaryen came to understand as the eggs around him begun hatching.

The first egg that hatched belonged to Jacaerys. The bastard was fortunate enough to have it hatched in his cradle. Vermax was the name his dragon received. Couple years later Daeron's egg hatched. Tessarion was the name given to the new hatchling; who'd later grow to be a beautiful blue she dragon. Few moons later another egg hatched. Now the other bastard also has a dragon.Arrax was the name given to the beast. In Aemond's personal opinion it was the ugliest one so far.

At least the boy has a dragon. A voice inside the dragon-less prince constantly nagged. Making him taste bile in his mouth.

Then, towards the end of the year Aemma's egg also hatched. Her hatchling was named Arryron. Chosen by the King personally, matching with the family name of his beloved wife; Arryn.

Like Aemma, her little dragon also received a lot of attention from the King.

The children were all invited to the dragon-pit for viewing the new hatchling. While the rest hardly bothered, Aemond went, and watched with downhearted eyes. Pain, shame and guilt of now being the only one without a dragon reflected in them.

That aside, his eyes held great deal of admiration for the little dragon. By far she was the most beautiful hatchling, in the hues of dark violet and shades of green scales reflecting on her chest to stomach. Perhaps his own dragon would have been of similar features, if only his egg had not turned to stone.

He sighed heavily.

If only…

Much to his dismay, a week later during their morning training session Aemond learned of the disturbing news.

"Oh Aemond, you have a partner now."

"Whatever do you mean?" Aemond arched an eyebrow. Surely his brother's remark was odd, but definitely not worthy enough to deter him from his training.

"Haven't you heard?" Aegon asked, striking Daeron. The latter focused on defending his brother's blow. Their nephews were absent, so it was just them, the three brothers, on the courtyard training that morning.

"Heard what?"

"Just like you, now, our little sister is also without a dragon." Aegon revealed, grinning. His face made it look like he was jesting.

"Arryron's dead." Daeron clarified.

"What?!" Aemond managed to exclaim before finding himself frozen on the spot. Giving his brothers the opportunity to knock him down to the ground.

"A dragon keeper found her unmoving and unconscious in her confinement, earlier this morning." Aegon elaborated whilst Daeron offered him a hand and helped him up on his feet.

"From what I heard, several attempts were made to revive her, before the dragon-keepers declared her dead."

Aemond felt his heart skip a beat before it began beating in his ears. He looked at Aegon perplexed. Mind contemplating whether or not to believe him. Because what he was speaking of was a matter beyond serious. Not only is the death of a newly hatched dragon considered bad omen; but death of a bonded hatchling has never occurred. While weak young hatchlings are known to die in some rare occasions, but death of a one bonded was unheard of.

It happened nevertheless.

His heart throbbed uneasily.

It happened to Aemma!

Instantly tossing his wooden practice sword he turned around on his heels and ran…

His destination: Aemma.

Standing outside, Aemond peeked through the door that was left ajar.

Aemma looked so small and helpless, crying in their father's arms, clinging to him like her life depended. Their mother and lady Lynne standing close by, quietly spectating. All three adults looked unsure of how to help the grieving young girl. But it was clear that they were all giving the best of their effort.

While Alicent and lady Lyanne continued to console Aemma with words, her father decided to give her a gift.

A pendant, he had on him at all times. A pendant, that had been an extension of him for all these years. A pendant, gifted to him by the most precious person of his life.

The pendant in question was pulled from underneath his heavy robes and tunic, revealing it to be a big beautiful sapphire stone held by an incarnate locket, hanging on a simple gold chain.

He unfastened the chain, only to put it on Aemma's neck and fasten it back.

"My child, I understand your pain. Believe me, I do! As I am well aquatinted with the feeling." Viserys admitted, kissing his daughter's small forehead longingly. His arms wrapped around her small form protectively yet so tenderly, as if she'd break if he were to tighten it any further.

"I too, suffered the loss of my dragon." He told her, referring to the death of Balerion-the black dread. One of his hand rubbing the sobbing child's back up and down. In hopes to bring her comfort.

"Then, my wife Aemma gifted me this," he took hold of the sapphire pendant between his fingers. Mind reliving those days once more. "…a small token of her profound love, to help me cope with my sorrow." And kissed the pendant one last time.

"Today I am gifting it to you, my little darling daughter. All the while praying, may your sorrow be lessened the same way mine was."

Unfortunately the deep meaning of those words or even the gesture did nothing to penetrate into the child's mind. She was too young to grasp the message her father tried to convey.

So her crying continued, resulting in failure of all efforts.

Meanwhile, Aemond remained outside, with hands tightly fisted to his sides and jaws tightly clenched… watching.

The scene unfolding took him back in time to the day when his own egg turned to stone. He was the same age as her now; four. But the treatment he received vastly differed.

He too suffered loss. Alone!

He also cried. Alone!

He mourned. All Alone!

None was there to console him. Not one person offered him any sympathy. His mother may have thrown few words of assurance and comfort once stating "…you will have a dragon, one day." And that was it. Nothing came from his father, as expected. Aegon mocked him when no one was around, only for it to become vigorous and consistent after Helaena, by some miracle, managed to claim Dreamfyre. Soon Daeron and his nephews joined too, and their taunts and mockery became a constant part of his days ever since.

And here she gets consolation gift from their father!

How unfair!

Unbeknownst to him, an ugly feeling of envy was crawling up his spine.

In a twisted way he was happy that her dragon died. Now they're in this together. They will suffer taunt and bullying from the rest, together.

So he waited till his parents departure, and then strode inside making his presence known.

Aemma was still crying, on the bed, hunched over, burying her face into the pillow. He joined her quietly and after a moment of hesitation reached out to touch her. His hand gently caressing her head, feeling the softness of her hair. In response she jerked her body and immediately he retracted without taking any offence. But remained there, unmoving. Knowing all too well that she would need someone at her side. Someone who would understand her. And who maybe any better candidate than him?! For he knows what it feels like to not have a dragon.

So he laid down. Eyes still glued on her small, curled up form. A part of him hoped she would turn, they would talk, share each other pain and find out whose hurts more?

His— whose egg turned to stone.

Or her— who had a dragon only to be take away by fate.

He waited... waited for her to turn.

Then, took the initiative himself.

"Mother said I would have a dragon one day. You will too Aemma... I know."

"I don't want a different dragon." She mumbled after a moment of silence, but he heard her clearly. "I want Arryron. I want My dragon back!"

"She is dead. She won't ever return."

There was another pause, one that seemed to have stretched for longer than necessary. During which she let out a sob and he let her.

"I care not to have another dragon."

After that, she said nothing more. Signalling it was the end of their short lived conversation.

Aemond opened his mouth only to close it off after not finding the right words to say. His eyes simply stared at her back. She may not have turned, but they talked. But not enough for him to reach the conclusion as to whose situation hurt more.

Interestingly enough, it may not have been that morning or the same night. However, Aemond did get a part of the answer he was so desperately seeking. When, in a matter of few days Aemma Targaryen was past the sorrow of losing her dragon.

Arryron became a fleeting memory settled in the back of her mind.

Almost forgotten.

It definitely was not usual for Aemond to wake up to the sensation of someone breathing on him.

But it happened!

One night he woke to the sensation of warm breath tickling his skin, causing chills to race down his spine. Without lifting his head from the pillow, he slowly turned his face to find a little figure with long straight sliver hair cascading down the shoulders and glowing violet eyes standing at his bedside. A single flare of light now illuminating other features of her face. She got close enough for him to feel her breath, brushing against his face. He could even smell the citrus of orange and pineapple, fruits she had ingested at dinner.

"Aemma!" Aemond came as close to yelping as he could in hushed tone and barely held back his impulse to hit the creepy figure beside him. Sitting up in bed he glared down Aemma, who had just climbed up and was now sitting on his lap.

"Come! Come quickly!" She tugged on his sleeves roughly. "I need your help."



Grabbing him by the lapels of his sleep-shirt, she shook him. Her attempt at shaking his sleep away. After all he would be of no use to her in his sleepy drowsy state. She needs him awake and aware.

Vaguely aware that he has no way out of it. His little sister will not accept his dismissal. Aemond surrendered, allowing the girl- half his size- to drag him off the bed and lead them through the dimly lit hallway of the Red Keep.




And that's how Aemond Targaryen found himself inside his older sister's chamber, in the dead of the night, doing the dirty work of scrapping out remains of a praying mantis that his younger sister had somehow squashed.

"It is completely pasted on the floor!" Exclaimed Aemond. "What did you do?"

"I had night terrors. So I came to see Helaena."

Aemond glanced at her for a moment, trying to assess how that was relevant to their current situation. Because it still doesn't explain why Helaena's praying mantis is squashed to the floor.

"Since she's sleeping, I thought it was best not to bother her and decided to leave. But on my way back I..." She trailed off in search of better words "...accidentally stepped on it."

He averted his gaze from the disgusting task in hand and directed them toward Aemma, once again.

Did she take him for an idiot? Probably.

Was he one? Definitely not.

"You cannot squash an insect onto the floor just byaccidentally stepping on it. You can kill it, but certainly not smash it to this horrid extent."

The younger Targaryen looked the other way, swallowing nervously.


She took a moment to think before coming clean.

"I may have also slammed it with that book." Her finger pointed and Aemond followed, landing his gaze at the leather covered book laying nearby.

Frustrated the boy closed his eyes tightly. "Helaena will be so upset when she finds out."

"So hurry up! We must finish this before she awakes." She tapped on his shoulder to rush him. Leaving Aemond surprised by her audacity.

We? There was no 'we'. It was just him doing the work while she is just loitering around.

Often times he wonders who does Aemma think she is? Or where she harbours such audacity from? First she ruined his sleep, then dragged him here to clean up a mess she made and now, rushing him on top of that.

Regardless, he is listening... like a twat. As Aegon would often refer to him. Well, at least now Aemond knows his older brother is correct in calling him that name.

"Hurry Aemo—"

"What are you two doing down there?"

Interrupted a third voice. Shaking the two to the core.

Aemond and Aemma looked up in unison and found Helaena sitting up on the bed, with one hand rubbing the corner of her eyes. In the next moment she was coming down the bed about to inquire their business in her chamber but stopped dead in her tracks.

"You did this!" The older Targaryen girl narrowed her eyes accusingly toward the younger. Given, the latter has the history of eating and killing the former's little friends.

"No! She didn't." Aemond came to defend, surprising both his sisters.

"If not her, then who?" Helaena asked, her light violet eyes pouring into his.

Good question: who? It was Aemond's turn to gulp. He would have taken the blame upon himself. But Helaena wasn't foolish, she knows he would never do that to her and Daeron is too scared to go anywhere near those. Therefore it left him with one option.



"Yes… it was Aegon."

Helaena contemplated for a moment. Could it really be Aegon? If so, what was he doing in her chamber? At the same time it also made sense, after all he does all sorts of nonsense now that he has started to drink.

Her face softened, revealing deep sorrow for her dead praying mantis as she joined them to scrape out his remains.

It was in that moment Aemond Targaryen learned, any time under dire circ*mstances where he needed to save another, he could always put the blame on his older brother.

Little did he know then that down the line, he would need to use his older brother's name again to save his mother.

Viserys tirelessly continued his constant efforts to make sure the children from both sides got along. It was much needed, especially now, after he had gotten Aemma and Lucerys betrothed.

Naively he had hoped the announcement would be enough, that it would forcefully bind the two ladies together for the sake of the little girl, whom they both adored. But no, it only seized to increase the hostility from Alicent's side with her sons now following suit.

Viserys understood his choice for Aemma had only fuelled his wife's resentment towards Rhaenyra. And Alicent made no attempt to hide it. In fact, she tried to convince him many at times to end the betrothal. But he remained vigilant. Not a hair of his would move from his decision. Then years later, one night, in a fitting rage Alicent challenged him, promising in a deathly cold voice

"I will not let it happen. I swear by Seven! My daughter will not be wedded to that filthy flesh."

The words stayed with Viserys, ringing in his ears, serving as the reminder of the oncoming danger that could possibly tear down his family.

And it was said to be this fear, which prompted the peaceful man to put his foot down firmly.

He made changes. Imposed new rules to ensure times throughout the day where all seven children were forced to spend together. All five boys would train together. All of them would study under the same maester, at least one subject. It was also made mandatory for them to eat lunch together.

As solid as the plan appeared initially, it backfired massively. As it caused to increase dislike and despair between the boys. Resulting in his sons becoming bitter rivals to Rhaenyra's sons. Seeing the latter party as thieves, that first stole their birthright, and now stealing one of their sisters.

Viserys knew, like her father Rhaenyra was trying her best to make it happen. If only he had little contribution from his wife, his beautiful dream would have come to fruition.

Unfortunate as it is, Alicent shared her son's sentiments. To be more accurate, it is her feelings that has been passed on to her boys.

Maybe in the future things will change. Once the lads age and mature, surely they will understand the value of unity needed for the survival of the House of the Dragon.

Releasing a sigh of pain both physical and emotional Viserys returned to his task of working on the model city.

For now the old King could only hope.

Hope that time does not arrive too late.

Meanwhile in the garden:

"Hey Aemma," Aegon gently shook the legs of the little girl seated on his shoulder, playing with the strands of his hair, making different kinds of braids.

"What?" She responded in absent-mind. Her attention fully captured the task in hand.

"Did you know, that our father despises you."

Now that snapped her out.

"No!" She retaliate back right away, pulling onto the strands of his hair which remained on her grip. "Father does not hate me! He loves me the most!"

The older boy yelped but then laughed throwing his head back slightly. His mouth reopened, voice turning to taunt this time.

"I think he actually hates you the most amongst all of us."

"No. He. Doesn't!" She yanked his hair harder earning a scream through the sound of his laughter.

"Oh believe me, he does. That's why he has betrothed you to a bastard."

"I won't marry a bastard!"

Aegon could tell she was getting riled up. The sound of her voice made it clear she was struggling to hold back a sob. This is where his entertainment began. So he pressed her more.

"Of course you won't… because you'll marry a strong bastard!"

Aegon burst into a series of laughter soon as he finished his sentence. Only seconds later Daeron and Aemond joined their older brother into the laughter, catching the gist of the jest. And Helaena nodded her head disappointed before returning her attention to the nearby grasshopper.

Feeling helpless Aemma let out a frustrated cry. Her action seemed to fuel her brother's energy.

"Cry not, my sweet sister, I would have married you, if only… you weren't marrying a strong bastard!"

The boys laughed louder than earlier.

Joining their laughter was Aemma's high pitched scream. Followed by an attempt to scratch the instigator's face. But Aegon was faster. He caught her tiny hand before it could make contact with his face and gave it a sharp flip, instantly bringing her to the ground.

And that's when their mother's voice roared in.


The series of laughter finally came to a stop but the wailing continued.

Alicent rushed to the scene leaving her conversation with Larys Strong midway. She may have been hidden from her children's line of vision, but not far away. Just in a secluded corner of the garden where she could speak to man, undisturbed while keeping an eye on her kids simultaneously.

Quickly scooping up her youngest into her arms she returned to scolding her eldest.


"We were just jesting." Aegon shrugged his shoulders, like it was an everyday game for them.

"YOU ALMOST BROKE HER ARM!" She screamed at the top of her lungs before turning to her other children.

"AND WHAT WERE YOU THREE DOING?" The Queen demanded, even though she could see.

Helaena was murmuring to the grasshopper she just collected. Beside her Aemond was reading a book and Daeron was peering over Aemond, trying to read the same book.

"We were just here." Daeron answered, putting on an innocent face. As if him and Aemond took no part in Aegon's nasty jest.

"Then how come none of you bothered to stop him."

"It is a normal occurrence. He teases, she cries, they fight and they forget. Until the whole circle repeats. We have gotten rather quite used to it, mother." Aemond told her. And Helaena pointed out after him.

"Look, she has already stopped crying."

Alicent looked at Aemma and let out a sigh of relief, seeing that she has stopped crying and was already sticking her tongue out at Aegon with him reciprocating her action.

The Queen called for her hand-maiden Talya. Upon the latter's arrival handed Aemma to her and sent them inside. It was after Talya's figured disappeared into the Red Keep that Alicent looked over her shoulder, glaring a warning at her boys.

"Do not speak of such things in front of your sister. She is yet to reach the age to understand how to differentiate. If a word leaves her mouth in front of your father or Rhaenyra… you know what will happen."

With that warning she left them in the garden and walked back into the castle.

Amongst her long list of least favourite past time, the one to make it to the top of the list was spending time with Luke.

Her betrothed (as her father and eldest sister referred to him as).

Other than her lesson with the Septa, this was the part of her day, which she did not look forward to.

If asked why such distaste for such a wonderful boy, she would not be able to answer. Since nothing was really wrong with him. Indeed he is a gem of a boy. And yet, for some reason, Aemma Targaryen couldn't find it in herself to stand him. Everything about him irritated her. She couldn't detect where such emotions erupted it from?


"I won't marry a bastard!"

"Of course you won't… because you'll marry a strong bastard!"'s her eldest brother's words that rang in her mind often, have unintentionally picked thorns into her heart.

"Here, I made this for you." The voice of the brunette pulled the blonde out of her thought. Making her gaze at him briefly with vacant dark violet eyes before proceeding to examine the box he was holding out for her.

"What is this?" Her brows furrowed, voice equally uninterested. But accepted the gift regardless.

Opening the box she found an unruly drawn art of a family. A man, a woman, small children and two dragons. It was drawn by him, no doubt in that. During their lesson last week she noticed him do something akin to draw.

"Mother and grandsire says we will have a family one day," Enthusiasm laced within his voice as he spoke. "I've drawn that family."

Though his betrothed hardly listened. Her attention was already captured by a particular spot in the painting. The supposed representation of her dragon.

"Do you like it?"

No, Aemma nodded.

The boy's face turned down.

"My dragon died! I no longer have a dragon."

Her words put him through guilt. His intention was to make her happy, instead his present only brought the opposite reaction.

"I'm sure you will have a dragon one day." He tried to cheer her up. An attempt at undoing his little mistake.

Aemma shifted slightly and looked away, refusing to even look at him.

"I don't want any other dragon!" She said stubbornly.

"That's fine we will ride Arrax together. Soon he will grow big enough to carry us both."

"No! I don't want to ride your dragon." Aemma hissed, up on her feet abruptly.

Lucerys grew nervous, not grasping where he went wrong. He followed his mother's instructions word by word. Still, it appeared as though Aemma was...displeased... irritated.

To his relief, Ser Harwin suddenly appeared and approached them. The man knelt down on a knee before the young Princes, flashing her a gentle smile.

"Is everything alright princess?"

"I wish to return to my chamber, now!" Came her response, which pretty much sounded like a command she gave him.

"Very well I shall personally escort you back. But before we do that, would you mind telling me why is it that you wish to leave so soon, my Princess? You've just arrived." He cast the boy behind a look. The kind of look only father's shoot towards their son.

Only for it to go unnoticed by either of the children.

"Has the lad said something to offend you?"

Aemma said nothing, as there was nothing to say. Simply shook her head, insisting on retreating to her chamber.

Ser Harwin stood, understanding. He cast a somber look at the boy behind before taking hold of the princess's hand and escorting her back.

Rhaenyra did not expect to find her little boy sitting by the fireplace, all alone; when she entered her quarter.

A quick survey of his face and the absence of her little sister already explained why her son was sulking.

Still she asked, acting oblivious.

"Luke, what's happen?"

He gave her no answer initially. Simply met her gaze briefly before gazing down at his feet, embarrassed.

"Nothing." His voice was barely above whisper.

"Where's Aemma?"

"I made her upset." He was barely audible. "So she left."

Rhaenyra's heart sank seeing her little boy in such state. A part of her felt guilty for putting him in such situation. At her father's insistence she began to train him differently and help form a connection between Luke and Aemma that would tie them deep love. Because neither her nor her father wishes for the marriage between these two little ones to be a political marriage of convenience. Like most marriages in Westeros, where the spouse only remain tied in name. Otherwise they are free to do anything; f*ck anyone they want or rather could. Such as her own marriage: her husband entertaining the young squires and boys in the Streets of Silk. Whilst she'd spend her nights in the arms of the commander of the City Watch.

This wasn't the life Rhaenyra wanted. It was what fate had bestowed upon her. Hence often she is left to wonder, would it have been any different if her uncle stole her from her wedding, took her to Dragonstone and made her his wife.


Now she understands what her father meant when he betrothed Aemma to her Luke. This marriage should be built on the foundation of loved and be cemented by undying loyalty to one another. A marriage that should withhold the ability to tackle any obstacle thrown its way.

Be that as it may, it still did not relieve Rhaenyra of off her worries. Aemma's cold demeanour these days towards Luke only added to her growing fears and rousing doubts.

Is it truly worth it? More often than not she'd ask herself.

By some miracle, during these moments of indecision a voice in her head gave her confidence. Assuring her, the hard work she is doing today will certainly pay off in the future. She will raise a boy who will grow up to be a man who would be a loving and devoted husband, a doting father and a great lord of whichever land he rules. Because he will have a family by his side, who will support him through thick and thin.

What more could one ask for...?

Rhaenyra highly doubts Alicent Hightower is teaching her sons the same lessons. Her eldest is already staring to take the shape of the kind of man he will be. And the way things are progressing, it wouldn't be long until the other two takes after their older brother.

...Few weeks later...

Another damn family dinner!

Alicent blankly watched herself in the mirror as her hand-maiden helped her get dressed.

She never truly looked forward to the private feasts the King threw to get the family to dine together. Much to her dismay, with Viserys's health at rapid decline, these feasts seem to frequent. That left her, the dutiful wife, little to no choice but to comply with her husband's wishes. Matters not how much it irked her to be around Rhaenyra, her cuckold husband and their- no her- bastard children.

Tonight was no exception.

"There are whispers, my Queen," Talya whispered into her ear. "...speculation of the King making a special announcements are making rounds amongst the maids."

Although she dismissed the woman with a simple hum. The information provided, certainly sparked the Queen's interest.




When Alicent arrived at the dining hall Rhaenyra was already there, seated with her sons but husband nowhere in sight. Three of her own children were also present— Helaena, Aemond and Daeron.

Sharing a customary greeting of courtesy with the heir to the Iron Throne, the Queen took her seat at the end of the long table. The table was still being dressed for dinner and the members all sat around waiting for the missing members— the King, prince Aegon and princess Aemma.

Soon a drunk Aegon was brought in by one of the guards. Who assisted the prince onto the empty seat beside Aemond before leaving his side.

Alicent glared at her eldest. Pure unfiltered rage shining in those eyes of her. But the boy paid his mother no heed. He could barely keep an eye open, let alone pay attention to his surrounding.

Rhaenyra's people reading skills were sharp enough to read through the Queen's first hand embarrassment and disappointment. There was palpable tension rising amongst the Queen and her children. From her position Rhaenyra could see Prince Aemond and Prince Daeron's shoulder blades stiffen. The lads were worried and simultaneously frightened of their mother's brewing rage.

There were only two empty seats now. One located opposite to the Queen, at the other end of the table. While the other was beside Lucerys.

When the doors opened again and a procession of Kings Guard was seen, everyone stood up from their respective seats to show respect to the arriving King.

The King walked in shortly after. Leaning his weight onto the dark oak shaft he held in left hand. His right hand holding Aemma like the ever so protective father.

"Come Aemma, sit here." Rhaenyra took the initiative to break the silence that companied the King's presence. Motioning her little sister to come forth and take the empty seat between her and Lucerys.

Feeling intimidated by all sets of eyes set on her, Aemma turned to her father for guidance.

Begrudgingly Alicent watched her husband personally guide Aemma to her designated seat. He pulled the chair for her and pushed it back once she sat. The show of affection did not end there. Despite the pain and his discomfort the King bent down and placed a deep kiss on his youngest daughter's head followed by a small kiss on his eldest daughter cheek.

He finally took the seat and raise his glass to a toast, his eyes proudly pouring down on Rhaenyra.

"To my daughter Rhaenyra and her husband Ser Laenor. Offering you and your husband our most heartfelt congratulations."

Alicent raised a brow, finally having an inkling of what Talya was trying to say. Her trained eyes turned to the Princess in silent observation and pure judgment. But she did not dare interrupt the King's toast.

"My child, may you and your husband be blessed with another healthy and beautiful child."

"Thank you father."

"My sincere congratulations to you as well, Princess." Alicent had no idea how she managed to bring out the words. They were anything but sincere.

"Thank you, my Queen." Rhaenyra gave her a polite smile.

Even when she could clearly see the Queen was struggling to hold back the urge to roll her eyes. Absolutely appalled at the thought of having another bastard joining the family.


A.N. Thank you for reading. Hope it was worthwhile.

As you can see it's still in the early stages with everyone still young. However I tried my best to keep everyone in character, not sure how much it succeeded. As I also needed to incorporate Aemma and see how she interacts with others. I'm sure next chapter will show more of her interactions with her siblings and nephews.

Just in case anyone is wondering about Aemma's cold demeanour towards Luke- she's growing up in an environment where people around her constantly sh*t talks about them. She herself is getting teased for being his betrothed, so naturally distaste grew inside her.

Anyway next chapter will basically focus on the event of episode 6 or 6 and 7 both.

Chapter 4: The Queen and The Princesses


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Rhaenyra smiled, her fingers running through Aemma's long smooth silky silver locks. Deep inside wishing, if only her sons were blessed to inherit this colour, whispers within the Keep about their legitimacy would cease to exist. For this reason alone, a part of her will always envy all her half-siblings. They are so fortunate to be born with the signature Targaryen features in spite of being birthed by a non-Targaryen, Hightower mother. But that feeling of envy was insignificant, leaving her unable to deny her fondness for her little sister and stop doting on her.

Aemma Targaryen may have no connection with Aemma Arryn. Yet every time Rhaenyra looked deeply into her little sister's eyes it felt as if she was staring into her mother's soul. And a sense of urgency to protect this little girl grew inside her. Rhaenyra did not feel such connection with any of her other half siblings; which led her to wonder often times if her father was right.

Could Aemma be her mother... reborn?

Lucerys and Aemma sat before Rhaenyra, who is now heavy with her third child. Their curious eyes transfixed on the woman's swollen belly.

"The babe is in here?" Aemma asked, pointing at the highest peak of the expanded belly. Hesitant to touch it, afraid she might hurt her sister. "Does it not feel heavy and uncomfortable to have it inside your belly. Do you not feel frightened, sister?"

Slowly, so as not to scare the little girl than she already was, Rhaenyra reaches out to take Aemma's hand and press it to her belly, letting her feel the babe kicking.

Sharing this experience with her.

"I will not lie, it is a frightening experience indeed, little sister. I was scared during my first and the second time. As much as I am scared now." Using her other hand Rhaenyra rubbed her belly, smiling.

"For what it is worth, all such unpleasant feelings are forgotten the moment you meet your newborn and take them into your arms."

Aemma looked up, and held Rhaenyra's gaze with glassy eyes. Least convinced by her explanation.

"I do not expect you to understand me now. But I assure you, that one day you will, after becoming a mother yourself."

Aemma retrieved her hand off of Rhaenyra's belly.

"I have no wish to become a mother." She admitted timidly. Gaining a confused look from the dark haired boy sitting beside her.

"Lady Lyanne told me birthing is excruciatingly painful. Many at times causing the death of the mother…" Rhaenyra closed her eyes, already knowing what her sister is about to say "…your own mother died in birthing bed too, did she not?"

"And yet it did not prevent me from becoming a mother myself." The older female encouraged the younger one.

"Fret not now, age will give you the courage to embrace motherhood. In addition to that," Rhaenyra cast a glance at Lucerys before promising Aemma, "you shall have a loving lord husband by your side, holding onto your hand like…" She could not finish the sentence. Because the name sitting at the tip of her tongue isn't her husband's, it's the Commander of the City Watch.

"I will protect you Aemma, always." The young boy also promised, following in his mother's direction.

Aemma stared at him, blankly.

I don't need you to protect me. Is what she wanted to say. But dared not. Alternately, she smiled. Her contagious smile bringing smile to Rhaenyra and her son's face as well.

Little did they know then, those promises meant nothing to younger girl. She cared little for their words or their tender smiles. It would have only mattered to her, if it came from certain someone. The very thought of whom actually brought that smile on the her face. Although too young to recognize what sort of feeling it was but had enough awareness to understand her insides warmed every time his thought came to her mind.

...a brother of her.

Which brother?

That she wasn't ready to disclose, yet.

With Rhaenyra counting her days to go into labour, she isn't able to supervise the children as well she did before.

For Alicent Hightower it was an opportunity to snatch her daughter back, presented on a golden platter. The Queen took full vantage. Strategically cutting off most of Aemma's audience with her betrothed and assigning her to additional lesson with the Septa, alongside her sister.

Henceforth the challenge begun.

It was no secret that Aemma despised the womanly lessons of embroidery, knowledge of religion, niceties and platitudes given by the Septa. They were so boring, most of the time she would struggle to keep her eyes open. Occasionally she would even be found napping on her sister's shoulder while the latter worked on her embroidery. An upset Septa would shake the young princess up, but never succeed in getting her to pay the required attention. Once their lesson ended, Aemma was always the first one out of the door forcefully tagging along Helaena.

Next issue was the one between the sisters.

The Queen's idea to force her two daughters into spending more time together was scarcely proving to be successful. Over the years the sisters hardly built a connection, they barely interacted. Both lived in their own world. Helaena with her insects and nature, while Aemma always running around in search of herself. Helaena only enjoys Aemond's company. He is the only one patient enough to listen to her talk about the insects and more often than not her gibberish. In fact he is the only one who knows these insects by their names. Daeron steered clear of her due to his fear of insects and Aegon only looked her her in disdain. Those two preferred Aemma's company than put bare minimum effort to try and engage with Helaena.

Unknowingly the siblings have been divided into groups over the years. Helaena and Aemond consisting of one. Aegon, Daeron and Aemma consisting of the other. Then there was a third one, consisting of only Daeron and Aemma.

Alicent was delighted to find Aemma constantly seeking Daeron. Not quite sure how and since when the two began bonding so close, but recently the two were up to a lot of mischief. Playing a vital role in keeping the maids, servants and the guards of the Red Keep on their toes. To the Queen it mattered not what the two little ones were up to, what the Queen actually cared about was keeping her daughter away from Rhaenyra's bastards.

Alicent also spent a lot of her time with Aemma to compensate for time they were forced to stay apart. She specifically preferred having the little one for some lone mother daughter time, an opportunity Alicent used to dig out as much dirty details as she could on Rhaenyra. Not every word out of Aemma's mouth was fruitful. After all, she was a child who knows no better. But some details occasionally slipping out of those fluffy pink lips were worth bags of gold.

They formed an understanding by now. Aemma liked to talk and Alicent liked to listen.

"When are we to see the babe?"

The small voice shook Alicent out of her thoughts. Her head turned to find Aemma on the velvet padded settee, getting her hair brushed by Talya. While Alicent herself was near the window, standing atop a low stool getting measured by the seamstress for new attires.

"Soon as it is born sweetling."

"How come it isn't born yet? Hasn't sister been in labour for almost a day."

"Labour can go on for days Princess." Talya answered. Clipping the tresses she had carefully twirled from both sides at the back of the little girl's head.

"The Queen herself had a very tough labour when birthing Prince Aemond. Everyone assumed the Stranger was at the doorstep to take them both. But the Seven blessed, ultimately your brother came out healthy and your mother also survived."

Soon after Talya's explanation a knock on the door was heard. It opened to reveal a maid, who obviously came bearing news.

"My Queen, the Princess's maids have confirmed the babe is expected to be born any moment."

"Well then, have the babe brought to me." Came the Queen's response followed by a icy cold smile appearing on her beautiful face.

"Now?" The maid swallowed nervously. The command she received still being processed. "But the babe would have probably just been bo—"

"Yes, now!" Alicent cut in sharply, frightening the maid in the process. She then added, looking at Aemma. Her expression immediately transforming into a phoney kind one.

"Princess Aemma wishes for an audience with the newborn. And as we all know, the young Princess should not be kept waiting." Those were the King's words she quoted for the latter sentence.

In return earning an enthusiastic nod from the little girl who remained clueless to the fact that her mother used her, to pull off an act so cruel. Just so that she could be the first to see if the newborn indeed harboured features that were neither Targaryen nor Velaryon.

"Go! Bring the babe to me, immediately." Alicent barked, sending the maid bursting through the door in haste.

It was taking longer than it should have, and Aemma was beginning to grow impatient.

She even asked her mother if she could simply run to her sister's room and see the babe; because at this point that appeared to be a faster idea. But of course her mother reprimands.

After what seemed like an eternity, the door finally opened, revealing Princess Rhaenyra and her husband Ser Leanor with their newborn.

"Your grace." Rhaenyra greeted, her voice cold, no emotion within it. All those bitter emotions were expressed through her eyes.

"Rheanyra! You should be resting after your labour." Alicent gasped. Shocked to see the Princess, who looked as bad as anyone would right after giving birth. Aemma crunched her nose at the odd smell of sweat and afterbirth oozing off of her half-sister.

"I have no doubt you'd prefer that, your grace." Rhaenyra answered sarcastically.

"You must sit. Talya fetch a cushion for the princess."

"There's no need." Rhaenyra attempted to put a stop to this false show of kindness. But the Queen insisted, not letting the Princess have it her way.

"Nonsense! You should sit."

While Talya prepared the other velvet-padded settee Alicent approached her guests with her daughter in tow.

"You see, I had no intent to disturb you. But the little one here was getting too eager and too impatient to meet the babe." She said petting Aemma's head.

Rhaenyra reluctantly sat, eyes already on Aemma, in concern, watching her little figure bouncing up and down to get a glimpse of the babe. Despite being in her miserable state Rhaenyra took an instant notice of the green dress adorning her little sister's body. By now, the heir to the Iron Throne has become accustomed to the Queen's nasty game. In fact not many people knew the Queen like she did. Therefore it served no surprise to Rhaenyra to see Alicent pass the blame on her daughter's shoulder so easily.

Ser Leanor then guided Aemma to sit beside Rhaenyra and have her first look at the babe.

"It is a boy or a girl?"

"A boy."

"Another boy!" Rhaenyra smiled at the little girl's disappointed expression.

"Would you like to hold him?"

The offer seemed to bring back the excitement she lost moment ago after learning the sex of the babe.

"I can?!" She chirped like a bird.

"Of course you can!"

But she didn't get to, as the King walked in that very moment loudly declaring his own happiness.

"What happy news this morning."

"Indeed your grace." Ser Leanor's voice matched the King's excitement.

"Where is he? Where is my grandson?"

Much to Aemma's disappointment the babe was taken out his mother's arms and placed into his grandsire's.

"A fine prince… sturdy." The King observed, before looking to his youngest for her opinion. "He will make a fearsome knight, wouldn't you agree Aemma?" The child in question looked over to her mother and sister.

"Does the babe have a name yet?" Alicent finally spoke after staying in the sidelines all these times.

"We haven't—" Rhaenyra began only to be abruptly cut off by her husband.

"Joffrey. He will be called Joffrey."

Alicent watched amused as Rhaenyra threw the man a nasty glare before lighting her own match to ignite fire.

"An unusual name for a Velaryon." Her voice, coming with full blown taunt.

Rhaenyra did not even spare her a look. Deciding it was best to ignore her and rather focus on her sister beside her.

"Shouldn't you be with Luke?" Rhaenyra asked running her fingers through Aemma's loose locks.

"He said he and Jace were going to the dragon pit to choose an egg for the babe. And I had my lesson with Septa Mira this morning."

"You could have joined them afterwards."

"No," Aemma shrugged her shoulders. "I would rather spend the time with my mother."

A proud smirk appeared on Alicent's lips as she rejoiced her daughter's blunt response.

As the tension between the two women began to cross the threshold the King intervened. Whether a deliberate act or no none would know.

"I do believe he has his father's nose."

But the words he chose came with adverse effect making the situation farther awkward for the parents of the newborn.

Then Aemma got herself involved, making it worse.

She took a good look at Ser Leanor, her gaze narrowing on the man's nose before she leapt out of the settee, rushed to her father and tugged on his grab asking him to show her the babe again.

Silently groaning the old King managed to bend over as much as he could. Aemma took a closer look at the babe, removing the cover and revealing his hair in the process. Alicent took a peek. To no surprise of her, even this boy was brunette, like his older brothers.

The little girl turned back to take another look at Ser Leanor and then back at the babe one last time before reaching her conclusion and delivering her verdict.

"You're wrong father. Look!" She pointed at the babe's nose. "He is pug-nosed. Just like your lord Hand."

Aemma may not have realized what her observation resonated to, but the adults certainly picked up.

The air around became unbreathable for the parents. Colour drained from Rhaenyra's already pale face. Alicent had to bite the inside of her mouth to stop her smile from widening. Viserys for a moment examined his daughter's claim before getting into an childish argument with her.

"Lyonel, you mean. Oh no no no child. This boy looks nothing like Lyonel. Look carefully Aemma, the boy has Ser Leanor's nose. Shall I ask the maesters to take a look at your eyes. Perhaps your vision is blurring." He added the last part as a jester, which did not sit very well with his daughter. She took offence.

"My vision is perfectly fine. It's your vision that's blurring. Just like your hair that is thinning. Look again, Joffrey's nose is nothing like his father's."

Rhaenyra shared a warring look with her husband. Both of them fully aware that this childishness must be put to stop immediately before either of them says more that would do further damage.

At Rhaenyra's signal Ser Leanor quickly cleared his throat to gain the King's attention. Putting an end to the father-daughter argument.

"If you don't mind your grace, your daughter has exerted herself heroically and should rest." He said helping Rhaenyra up on her feet.

The King nodded, understanding. But Aemma did not understand. She was not prepared to give up till her father accepted defeat. So she opened her mouth to make her point clear. However, one stern look from her mother made Aemma shut her mouth and swallow the words back.

Alicent softly pet her daughter's head.

To say she was proud of her little one, would be an understatement. Her daughter just did, what she had been itching to do.

It was her daughter's action that gave her the courage to take the babe from her husband's arms and walk over to the supposed father of the newborn. Not paying much attention to the conversation that was now taking place between the King and his heir in the background.

"Do keep trying Ser Leanor, sooner or later you'll get one that looks like you." She told the Velaryon man in a nauseatingly sweet voice as she handed him the newborn and strode back to her daughter.

For what she had done today, Aemma certainly deserves a much bigger reward than what her mother can afford to give. But for now, sadly, all she can give her is a kiss on the forehead. As a gesture to show how proud she was of her.

Currently, the only lesson they took altogether was in the Dragonpit. Getting trained by the dragon keepers on how to bond, command and control the dragons.

So far Prince Aegon and Princess Helaena both had the vantage of having adult dragons which they could take to the sky while the rest remained on the ground. Prince Daeron and Prince Lucerys steadily forming bonds with their hatchlings that could barely breathe fire. Prince Jacaerys and his dragon Vermax, who is couple years older than the hatchlings were being taught how to give and take command through High Valyrian. And as for the two dragon-less Targaryen, they stood on the side observing. One sulking and the other wondering why was she even here. Even if Aemma understood the importance of this lesson for everyone, including Aemond. For her, it was simply a waste of time. Especially when she has made it clear of her intention to never claim another dragon.

She would rather spend this time in her mother's company than stand here and be bored to sleep.

Like now for instance.

Aemma made no attempt to suppress when anunladylike audible yawn left her lips. Her eyes blinked few times, struggling to stay open. It was harder said than done, especially when the body behind her was emanating warmth, which was further ruining whatever small effort her body was giving to stay awake. As time progressed Aemma leaned back, resting against the body behind her as if it was a makeshift bed meant for brief nap.

However, the owner of the body was in too much of a bitter mood to put up with her silliness. Therefore grasping her shoulders tightly Aemond forced Aemma to stand in straight posture.

"Pay attention!" He hissed. Angry that not only was she not paying attention, but was also disturbing him.

"To what?" Matching his tone Aemma retaliated. Snapping her head back, her dark violet eyes glowering at him. "We don't have dragons! All we're doing is wasting our time."

"Gaining knowledge is never a waste of time."

"Not when it will never be of use."

Aemond dropped his gaze. Brows furrowed, he watched her, feeling attacked. It was his turn to glare now.

Something primal and ugly reared its head inside of him. Aemond may not have had a dragon, but that did not make him inferior. Although he was treated as one. If anything, he was the most deserving one out of them all. He studied history and philosophy. Spoke high Velarion fluently out of all the children. Had the most passion towards these beasts. And here, a dwarf that barely reaches his chest was using that taunting tone with him.

How dare she! He growled inside, furious.

The urge to pick her up and throw her at the feasting dragon seemed quite appealing to him at the moment. But the thought subsided soon as the rational part of his head began working.

Aemma will never understand his pain, Aemond realized. Seeing how rarely Helaena rode her dragon it came as no pressure onto Aemma for no longer having a beast to call her own.

Whereas for him, it was a whole other matter.

"I have had enough for today. I shall take my leave now." Helaena suddenly declared making her towards the exit.

"I will come with you."

Shrugging her shoulders free from Aemond's grip Aemma galloped her way towards Helaena.

The two sisters then left the Dragonpit, never once looking back.

Once back at the Red Keep the sisters split up and headed in different directions.

Helaena returned to her chamber whilst Aemma went to her mother's apartment. Only to later find herself at Helaena's chambers, at her mother's insistence.

As much as Aemma enjoyed spending time around her mother, she absolutely detested whenever her older sister was present. Having to be anywhere near Helaena was pure torture. And it wasn't just Aemma's bitterness speaking, her other siblings (except Aemond) were on the same boat as herself. Even her mother at times reached her limit on holding back on her frustration.

Aemma turned, to check how her mother was currently faring.

The woman's struggles with Helaena showed on her face. Even now, as she sat there holding Aemma close, listening to Helaena, her face made many different expressions— none of which consisted of pride or joy. Rather it was exhausted, irritated, confused and concerns regarding what to do? How to manage this strange girl.

Naturally, as a mother, the Queen worried for her eldest daughter. Given how quickly her younger one was gaining so much popularity while the older one was not just massively falling behind, but got more and more strange.

Alicent's distaste for Helaena's insects were no secret. But unlike her little one, who had her nose crunched in disgust just as Helaena brought out the Millepede out of its wired cage; Alicent tried not to show. Nevertheless, she was grimacing inside as much as Aemma was on the outside.

"Pair of legs on each side… it's two hundred and forty." Helaena muttered, examining the Millepede crawling on her hand.

"Yes it is." Alicent agreed, intending to keep the conversation going. But pulled Aemma closer to herself. Putting enough distance between them and Helaena so that her little friend does not find a way to make contact with their skin.

The older Targaryen girl went on, paying no attention to the judging gaze of her sister or indifferent stare of her mother.

"It has eyes, though… I don't believe it can see."

"Why is that so, do you think?"

Although she asked, but in reality, Alicent didn't care. She did not care enough to know whether the Millepede is blind or not.

"It is beyond your understanding." Helaena stated like it was a matter of fact.

Aemma rolled her eyes at her sister's comment. Her small brain couldn't fathom Helaena. Nothing she says makes any sense. Gossipers call her lunatic for a reason. And Aemma couldn't agree with them more.

"I suppose you're right, somethings just are…" Alicent surrendered, expecting to reach the end of this bug related conversation and move onto something else. However, before the expectation could be turned to reality the door opened and a Kingsguard burst through the door, with a disheveled Aemond in his grip, covered in dirt and sand.

"Aemond!" Instantly Alicent was up on her feet, rushing over to inspect the young prince. "What have you done?!" She demanded to know. Even though all of them there, including Aemma, knew exactly what he had done.

It was nothing new.

"He did it again?" The sisters asked in unison, wearing the exact same expression on their faces.

Helaena's focus soon returned to the Millepede. But Aemma's remained, totally glued, studying them. Both at the height of their emotions coursing inside them. Her mother appeared furious, almost ready to explode. Her brother on the other hand seemed to be in despair.

"After how many times you've been warned! Must I have you confined in your chambers?!" Her mother scolded. Aemma recalled the last time he was caught going near a dragon in the Dragonpit. It was approximately three moons ago. Their mother had him confined to his chamber for an entire week. Seems like he did not learn the lesson.

"They made me do it." Aemond accused.

"As if you needed encouragement." Her mother shot back. Tightly gripping his shoulders. "Your obsession with those beasts goes beyond understandi—"

"THEY GAVE ME A PIG!" And he snapped. Voice trembling as he tried to hide the broken sob. Eyes fighting to hold back the tears of shame and anger.

Aemma narrowed her eyes.

"A what…?!" Her mother was baffled and so was she.

"They said they found a dragon for me…" he began to elaborate.

At the same time Helaena began to blabber.

"The last ring has no legs at all."

Aemma groaned, unable to hear either party clearly. She turned to Helaena with a finger to her lips signalling her to be quiet.

"… but it was a pig."

"You will have a dragon one day."

"He'll have to close an eye."

"Helaena!" Aemma hissed, frustrated.

"You will have a dragon one day. So will Aemma."

I don't want one. Aemma wanted to say.

"Two. Without wings." Helaena mumbled, this time in a voice that was barely above whisper.

Therefore no one heard her.

"Now go, sit with your sisters. I'll go, have a word with your father." Having said that Alicent embraced her favourite boy for a moment before nudging him towards the direction of her daughters and left the room in quick strides.

Aemond occupied the empty space between his sisters, head already turned to Helaena, watching her pet the Millepede with fascination and adoration.

Aemma watched their interaction briefly before she gracefully stood up and began marching towards the door.

If Aemond is here then it is her queue to leave. Obviously she did not belong to their group. And Aemma Targaryen was too proud to linger around in places where she did not belong.

She heard Aemond's call just as she managed to stand on her toes and grab the handle of the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

She did not answer. Too focused on opening the door, as that was a bigger priority for her. Once the wooden door opened she then answered, without turning.

"To find Daeron." Unlike you, I have better things to do than watch insects crawling around.

And left.

Helaena looked and noticed her immediate little brother watching the retreating figure of their little sister withlonging eyes until the closing door became the barrier between them.

Aemma entered Aegon's chamber. It was empty, he was nowhere in sight. She knew that training session for the day has ended and so are the dragon riding lessons. So, Aegon's absence only means…

She must find Daeron. Fast!

With that thought settled in Aemma sprinted out, running through one of the long hallways of the Keep which would lead her directly to Godswoods.

When she turned around the corner, she bumped into another figure and was startled by the presence of her betrothed and Ser Harwin Strong, trailing behind.

"Princess Aemma," The older man addressed her. "This young man was on his way to meet with you." He said, affectionately running his hand through the boy's curly hair. "Weren't you, my prince?" He gave Lucerys a small nudge to move forth and further encouraged. "Come on, don't be shy lad. Give the Princess her present."

Finally mastering the courage Lucerys brought out the hand he had hidden behind his back and held out the small bouquet of flowers, which he picked out from the garden, with the help of Ser Harwin Strong.

"For you." He mumbled, nervously looking down. Too shy to meet her gaze. Mayhaps it was for the best, because the looks she had on her face certainly would not have helped.

To make up for his previous mistake with the portrait Lucerys took another approach to make amends. Of course Ser Harwin was generous enough to lend him a helping hand. Besides the man seemed to know exactly what type of flowers a lady would like.

"The prince has personally picked them for you, my Princess." Harwin Strong advocated.

Aemma accepted the bouquet and brought it her nose and inhaled deeply. But instead of expressing gratitude what left her lips was a demand.

"Did you apologize?"

Both Lecerys and Harwin Strong were taken aback by her harsh tone.

"Apologize? To whom?"

"My brother." She clarified. "For giving him a pig!"

"It was a jest. Your brothers were in with us."

"Does not matter. You have to apologize."

"I will apologize, if others apologize."

Her face hardened. Body turned rigid with rage. How dare he insult her brother and refuse to apologize.

"If you do not apologize, then I won't ever speak to you again." She threatened, her nose flaring.

"I told you, I will only apologize if others do." He shot back.

"Fine." Muttering under her breath, Aemma dropped the flower to the ground, stomped on it relentlessly for sometime before picking it up and throwing it into the boy's face.

"Give it to someone that cares! I won't accept anything from you nor speak to you till you apologize to my brother and he forgives you." She spat. Then shove past him and stormed out of there.

Lucery's face fell and Harwin Strong's face began to show concern.

It has began to appear as if the Princes cannot stand the presence of her betrothed. Day by day her bitterness for him is ascending, and happening so, at an alarming pace. In addition to that she is also growing increasingly close to one of her brothers. That matter would have posed no issue if they weren't Targaryen. If this is how things continue, in the long run holding onto their betrothal will definitely become a problem.

As someone concerned for their own offspring, Harwin Strong has discussed the matter with Princess Rhaenyra. Both acutely aware of the fact that its the Queen, Alicent Hightower pulling the strings behind the closed doors. However there isn't much evidence to prove it as of yet. Leaving them out of options but to bite their tongue back and wait for the right opportunity.

But Harwin has his doubts, by the time they reach a solution to this problem, there may not even be any relationship between the two little ones to be mended.

It wasn't much of a struggle to find Daeron.

He was stepping back into the Keep, retreating from Godswood when Aemma located him. She approached him in few strides, grabbed him by the wrist and ran back inside. Urging him to keep up with her pace.

"Where are we going?" Daeron asked, trying to figure out what was she onto.

"Aegon is not in his room."

Hearing that his eyes widened, interest peaked, prompting him to run faster. In haste their position changed and now he was the one leading her. After all they have to make it in before he finishes.

If Aegon is not in his chambers at this time of the day:early afternoon, it only means he is in the inhabited-secluded wing of the castle. Pleasuring himself in one of empty rooms there.

It has become favourite hobby of Daeron and Aemma to watch their older brother pleasure himself, ever since stumbling upon this obscene scene the previous year by fluke.

Funny fact: till to this day, Aegon remains oblivious to the fact that he is frequently watched by his younger siblings doing the filthy act.




They managed to take shelter behind the curtain and had their hands clasped over their mouth to stifle the laughter that scratched their throat, threatening to come out.

But even if a small giggle or something of that sort came out, most certainly would not be enough to gain Aegon's attention, as he was way ahead in his pleasure to notice anything, let alone his siblings creeping in.

"Whose ideas was it?" A familiar voice drifted in, their mother's voice.

The two behind the curtain quickly let go of their mouth and grasped each others hands. Shaking in fear. They did not dare look, but the shuffling sound only confirmed that Aegon has jumped down from the window and was desperately trying to cover his dignity.

"The pig… was it your plot?"

Her mother looked positively infuriated when Aemma peeked through the small gaping of the curtain. The woman appeared completely unfazed by the incident state she found her son in. Truth is, she has gotten used to it by now.

"No it was Jace… and uh… it was the two of them. Maybe Daeron was in on it with them. I couldn't be sure." Aegon defended himself. Barely able to speak due to laboured breathing.

Swallowing thickly and chewing her lower lip Alicent reminded. "Aemond is your brother."

"He is a twat."

Out of nowhere Daeron released a monstrous sneeze. Earning a startling gasp from Aemma and attention of the others on the other side.

Aemma's grip on Daeron became painfully tight as they braced themselves, listening to the nearing footsteps.

Only a matter of few beats until they are found.

In one sharp moment the curtain was pulled open, revealing the youngest Targaryens in their most frightened form. Daeron had his lips wobbling and Aemma had her eyes clenched shut. Both clasping onto the other like they were each others last resort to live.

Baffled by what she was seeing Alicent snapped her head back to Aegon and threw him a look of utmost disgust.

"Have you stooped so low that even the presence of your younger siblings do not stop you from indulging in such depravity!"

"I swear to you, I had no clue about them being here." Aegon defended, pulling the white linen sheet all the way up to his chest.

"You two!" Their mother shouted. "COME OUT!" And pulled Daeron by his hair. Since he was holding onto Aemma, she got dragged out as well. The two were then pushed toward the bed, where their older brother was.

"Listen to me carefully, all three of you…" Alicent's hardened gaze moved from the younger two to the older one as she proceeded to make her point clear.

"You may rip one another apart at home, where no one can see. But in the face of the world we are a family! We must defend our own."

The silence that came following their mother's words was deafening. The three siblings were unable to hold their mother's gaze when she glowered at them in disappointment.

"It was a simple jest, it was supposed to be funny." Aegon broke the silence, finally after building enough courage to meet his mother's gaze.

Alicent felt raw rage pulsating through her heart into the stream of her blood. But somehow she managed to keep her calm, barely hanging by a thread.

"Do you boys truly think Rhaenyra's sons would be your plaything forever?"

All three of them now looked at their mother.

"As things stand, Rhaenyra will ascend the throne and Jacerys Targaryen will be her heir."

"So…?" Aegon shrugged his shoulders. Not understanding why she was repeating what everyone already knew.

Aemma's flinched at the sound of her mother's frustrated groan and leaned more into Daeron. As if trying to melt their bodies together.

"Aegon! You're nearly a man grown, how is it that you can be so short sighted?"

Bending down Alicent scooted closer to her children before beginning to whisper. Keeping in mind that even the walls of the Keep have ears.

"If Rhaenyra comes into power your very life could be forfeit, Aemond's as well, even Daeron's. Aemma's situation would solely depends on where she stands. If it's with her betrothed she may safe but siding with us will lead her to danger as well. You must understand, Rhaenyra can move to cut off any challenge to her succession."

"Then I won't challenge. Nor will I let the others challenge."

Anger flared up inside Alicent at her son's supposed suggestion, making her blood boil. She grabbed Aegon by the face violently and began to scream.


Daeron quickly backed away from the bed, taking Aemma with him. It helped Alicent gain back the composure she lost. Her eyes shifted back and forth between the two who now stood away, visibly shaking in fear and the one who's face she has been grasping.

In order to not appear unhinged and further scare her children, Alicent lowered her tone and reasoned.

"You're the King's first born son. And what they know, everyone in the realm knows. In their blood and bone…" She emphasized tapping a finger onto Aegon's collarbone.

"…is that one day you would be our King."

Silence loomed in.

Very uncomfortable silence.

Despite being only four years of age Aemma understood very well what her mother meant. Even though she did not know if it was the right thing she said or the wrong.

Regardless it did not matter.

Aemma simply kept on watching her mother, unable to tear her gaze away from the beautiful sight of the woman now caressing Aegon's face affectionately.

"Get dressed." She whispered to him before bringing her attention back on Aemma and Daeron.

"Come along, you two. Let us give him some privacy."

The two younger ones followed their mother's lead as she ushered them out.

But right before crossing the threshold, suddenly feeling intrigued Aemma looked over the shoulder. Her eyes meeting Aegon's. Nothing but long silent stare exchanged between them.

There it was… a weakness.

In that moment she understood him, his feelings and realized were not so different from her own.

The mere thought of becoming the next King weighed down his shoulders and troubled him. Just the way her own shoulders felt heavy and mind felt disturbed every time she was reminded that one day she would become the wife of Lucerys Velaryon.

Being born a Targaryen means from a young age you become familiar with the most frowned upon concept of intermarriage; as it is their most common practice. Siblings marry, uncle-nieces marry, aunts-nephews marry, cousins marry. Her own father was married to his cousin. The only woman he ever loved. A place her own mother can never take, in spite of wearing the Queen's crown.

Except for parents and children everyone can marry one another.

If so...? Then why can she not betrothed to...

Her eyes moved to Daeron and she could not help but stare unabashedly. Soon her stare was returned.

Then he... smiled.

Causing her chest to flutter.


A.N: Allow me to clarify few things about the story here. So that it makes it easier for you to decide whether you want to follow through the story.

Firstly- I changed the summary couple weeks ago after figuring out which direction I might head with the story. A little different than before and gives a better idea of the plot.

Second- I thought I could put whole of episode 6 in one chapter but then it would have gotten too long with the additional stuff I was planning on adding. So I divided them into two chapters. (Please feel free to point out if you notice any errors.)

Third- while attempting to keep it mostly close to the show but at the same time I have also taken the liberty to tweak things around a little. Daeron for example isn't in the first season but supposed to be in season 2. However in this version he will stick around for a good amount of time before he gets sent to Old Town. Since it's a Green centre story having him around is important. And if you've noticed, he is the one Aemma developed a crush on. Not sure if most of you were hoping it would be Aemond but the reason I didn't choose him is because there are plenty of good stories like that I'm sure. But that necessarily doesn't mean Aemma and Daeron are the endgame. Those of you reading this story for Aemond, I assure you he will enter the picture but after the events at Driftmark. Although I'm yet to figure out what to do with Aegon. Most likely there won't be any romantic connection between him and Aemma. Hopefully there won't be any. Anyway the main plot will begin after the events of episode 7, focusing solely on the Greens. So we shall see where it actually goes.

Also, allow me to explain my reason for choosing Daeron as Aemma's crush:

a- he is the one closest to her age (although four years older than her.)

b- amongst the three brothers Daeron is supposedly the most gentle, charming and the popular one amongst the ladies in court. And one trait of Aemma's I can reveal now that you'll see in the upcoming chapter is that appearance matters to her. I'm aware it's a problematic trait. But it's her problematic personality that's supposed to cause all troubles.

Hope it clarifies if anyone had any questions.

Thank you for reading. Hope the chapter and my detailed explanation were worthwhile.

Chapter 5: The Queen and the Princesses (part 2)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"This is the stuff Lyonel. Lads that learn together, train together, push each other, beat each other up will certainly form a life long bond; wouldn't you agree…?" King told his lord Hand. His voice perfectly portraying the enthusiasm of a naïve child who either could not see the actual scenario or deliberately refuses to look at it.

"That is the hope, your grace." Taking a quick breath, the Hand of the King responded.

On her father's lap Aemma turned and co*cked her head at the man standing, to study him. His face lacked the King's enthusiasm. Unlike the latter he was seeing the scene unfold differently. Simultaneously, in his mind hoping and praying for the King's naïve assumptions to be true.

The King then turned to his daughter and kissed the crown of her head.

"Lyonel seems hesitant, but you agree with me, don't you Aemma?"

The girl in question switched her attention from the Hand of the King to the King. And instead of answering she put the sapphire pendant, which she has been fiddling between her fingers all this time, into her mouth and began suckling on it. A habit she picked up anytime she did not wish to speak to an individual.

This time it happens to be her father. Actually… last time it was her father as well.

Truth is, Aemma never quite enjoys her father's company. It is especially worse recently. His blatant favours over his eldest daughter's family and lack of interest in his younger children is only making the gap wider between him and his younger children. Although Aemma's situation vastly differs from her siblings; still, it does not change the resentment she formed in her heart towards the man who is causing her own blood to be hurt. Also, the man's ageing, sickly and ugly (in Aemma's own words) appearance is definitely not helping the situation. She prefers to be around her mother who is youthful and beautiful look wise.

However, if being in her father's company means she can use it as an excuse to skip her lesson with her Septa then be it! Which is precisely the reason she is here today— on the terrace above the courtyard.

Seated on her father's lap and wiggling her legs freely, Aemma was overlooking the training ground. Watching her brothers and nephews train under the supervision of Ser Cristen Cole; with absolute disinterested eyes.

Disinterested, mostly due to Daeron's absence from today's training. The boy has been suffering from upset stomach due to over indulging in apple pies last night.

Aemma contemplated on leaving. As the plan to sneak into Daeron's chamber and check on him tantalize her mind. But she decided against it for two reasons:

One- She did not want to be caught by an angry Septa Lyra, who in Aemma's opinion is the absolute worst. The older woman would certainly not hesitate to viciously drag her back inside and assign her additional task of sewing. Subsequently complaining to her mother adding details that would only get her grounded.

Two- when a supposedly passing by Ser Harwin Strong stopped to offer some advices to her nephews. The scene peaked Aemma's interest as she recalled the excitement in her mother's face when she told him about the man accompanying Lucerys that day, when he gave her the flowers.

Let it be known that Aemma's decision to stay worked in her favour. Rapidly things got interesting on the training ground. Ser Harwin soon questioned Ser Criston's method of training, accusing him of not paying proper attention to his younger pupils. Aggravated by the Commander of the City Watch, Ser Criston changed his tactics. The boys were paired up. Elder brother against elder brother and younger brother against younger brother. The first one to go up against one another were Aegon and Jacaerys.

Just as they engaged, Aemma clapped her hands, cheering for her brother excitedly.

Her choice certainly left her father flabbergasted. But he did not dwell on it much longer, just kissed her temple affectionately and refocused on the courtyard. After all, Aemma was free to support her choice of opponent.

What began as friendly sparring rapidly changed. Encouraged by Cole, Aegon began taking more aggressive approach. Even Aemma was left a bit startled when he kicked Jacaerys to the ground and continued on with the attack. If not for Ser Harwin's intervention, Aegon would have seriously injured the younger boy.

Her father even scolded Aegon for going hard on Jacaerys.

The King, his little princess, and the Hand of the King continued to watch. The former two remained oblivious to the increasing tension between Criston Cole and Harwin Strong. But the Hand of the King could sense it.

In a way, he saw it coming.

The pendent dropped from Aemma's mouth as it parted aghast the moment Harwin Strong tackled Criston Cole to the ground and began to throw series of hard punches.

Not willing to expose his daughter to senseless violence and further terrorize her, the King commanded the closest Kingsguard to take Aemma back inside.

Much to her disappointment, she did not get to see the end of it.

On the bright side, whatever little bit of the embarrassing scene she missed, were filled upon by the gifted story tellers— the gossiping maids. Their narratives were far more entertaining than her brothers, who witnessed the whole thing unfold firsthand.

As an aftermath of the incident at the courtyard, by the King's command, Ser Harwin Strong has been stripped off of his position as the Commander of the City Watch.

It was the first and only official information to break out following the scandalous incident.

However, the unofficial ones were plenty. Many were saying Harwin Strong would be banished from King's Landing and sent to the wall. Some argued that, it simply would not end with his removal. Even his father's position as the Hand of the King, now stands on shaky ground. Despite the King's reluctance to notice it. Some courageous ones were also whispering that he should be executed for tarnishing the Princess's reputation.

Regardless of the side, the whole Red Keep has been bussing with gossip since. Various versions of the event is being retold by people over and over. Now, more people felt bold enough to discuss the Princess's boys resemblance to the banished commander of the City Watch.

It was no different for Queen Alicent Hightower and her children.

The most interesting aspect of their private dining time inside the Queen's quarter was that - it always began with a prayer and ended with talking sh*t about Rhaenyra.

Tonight was no different.

"Princess Rhaenyra laid a proposal today, at the small council." Alicent broke the news. Her eyes settled on the her two children seated to her left hand side — Helaena and Aegon. To her right, were the other three — Aemond, Daeron and between them Aemma - gobbling down everything in her plate like she hasn't eaten in days.

Under normal circ*mstances Aegon would never sit beside Helaena. But due to his late arrival, he was forced to take the only remaining seat. Which unfortunately happened to be the one beside his unfavourite sister. Begrudgingly glaring down Aemond for not taking his usual spot tonight, Aegon slumped down on the chair and drained the wine in his cup in one long sip.

"She wanted to betrothed you to her son, her heir, Jace." The Queen told Helaena, grimacing at the thought of having her other daughter also betrothed to a bastard. As if one isn't enough.

"To alley ourselves once and for all. And for the two sides to rule together." Alicent put on a smile that looked painfully forged. Soon the smile was wiped off making her face contour in rage.

Heavy silence descended upon them. Out of five, four of the children were now staring at their mother with bated breath - like strings pulled taut. Only Aemma sat quickly scarfing down her carrot cake, while she was also greedily eyeing the portion sitting on Aemond's plate. Daeron had swiftly finished his, so point looking there. But Aemond… by the time Aemma finished her cake, Aemond still had not finished half of his.

She studied him carefully. Pondering, if he would mind, before carefully extending her spoon towards his plate as he remained distracted.

A flicker of gold moving in the periphery of his vision caught Aemond's attention but before he could react his mother spoke up gaining his attention back again on her.

"Your father thinks it's the most judicious proposition." Alicent snarled.

Aemma successfully got to put her first scoop in her mouth and savoured its taste.

"Everything that involves her is judicious to him." Aemond retorted, not noticing Aemma had dipped her spoon into his carrot cake for the second time— this time she dug out a bigger scoop.

"Wait till she starts squeezing out Strong girls. I bet, she and father will betrothed them to us to strengthen our bloodline." Said Aegon putting his cup, emptying it for the third time waiting for the fourth refill.

"I won't allow that to happen. Just like I did not allow this match to happen." Their mother reassured. "I rejected Rhaenyra's offer. Privately of course."

"Then why don't you also break Aemma's betrothal…?"

Alicent stared at her second son for a long moment, assessing whether it was a question he asked or suggestion he made. As it could be perceived both ways. Then sighed, rubbing her hands on her face before they slid up to firmly press against her temples.

"It is above me…" She admitted trailing off uncomfortably. Ashamed to be in a position where as mother she had no say in decisions regarding her youngest, supposedly insignificant child. The one who shouldn't have been of much importance.

"…as your father refuses to listen to anyone else's suggestions besides himself, when comes to taking decisions about Aemma."The bitterness lacing her tone was unavoidable.

Aemond gulp, dissatisfied.

And in order to eat out his dissatisfaction he absently dipped his spoon down to scoop out his dessert, only for the spoon to clank against the ceramic plate. Immediately looking down the young Prince was baffled to find just leftover crumbs — the carrot cake all gone!

He snapped his head at the only possible suspect and was able to catch a glimpse of the last piece on Aemma's spoon before she quickly stuffed it into her mouth.

Leaving him with naught.

"Aemma!" He exclaimed, outraged. "You ate my cake!"

She denied nodding her head. Unable to speak due to having her mouth full.

From the other side of the table Aegon laughed. Following him Daeron laughed as well.

Alicent turned to her hand maiden. "Are there more Talya?"

The woman nervously shook her head. "No, your grace. The cakes are all finished for tonight."

Frustrated, the Queen turned her gaze to her youngest and scolded. "Must you be this selfish!"

The little Targaryen's lips formed a pout. Huffing and puffing, she refused to consider it was a mistake on her part.

That is where Aegon came in,

"Why scold her, when it was his fault?!" He jumped to defend Aemma. Pointing the blaming finger toward Aemond. "Only an idiot would leave something so delicious in open display and not expect others to snatch it." The emphasized words so delicious sounded lewd in his voice.

A cold stare was shared between the two brothers, glaring daggers at each other. What no one knew in that moment was that Aemond took this incident as a lesson and vowed to never repeat this mistake again.

Daeron and Aemma snickered. Helaena chuckled with them. Soon Alicent joined, only smiling and Aegon also laughed. Just like that the environment in the room changed from a glooming mood to a lighter one.

And Aegon took this opportunity to share the news he had heard from the maid he took to bed this afternoon.

"A very reliable bird whispered to my ear today that the Hand of the King has resigned from his position. He is taking his son and leaving for Harrenhall."

"He wanted to resign." Alicent was quick to correct him. "Desperately tried to. Who can blame him. If I were in his shoes, I would have done the same. However… your father refused to accept his resignation. According him removing Harwin Strong as a commander of the City Watch is punishment enough. Having given no other option, Lyonel Strong decided to take a leave in order to take his disgraced son to Harrenhall and set him up as the lord there."

"Our sister will be heartbroken then." Aemond taunted. "Just as her son's will be fatherless."

"Don't worry about her. She is an experienced whor*, it wouldn't be much longer till she finds another man to produce bastard with." Aegon said putting down the cup he just emptied.

"Aegon!" His mother scolded, but it was clear from the tone of her voice that she was nowhere near serious. If anything, it could be interpreted as being subtle-secret encouragement.

Viserys was left heartbroken when Rhaenyra informed him of her finalized decision — she and her family would move to Dragonstone.

It was never going to be an acceptable decision for the old King. But he understood the importance of it. As it was for the best. Best for her and her children. At least, her boys will be spared from the cruel whispers of the gossipers. They would not have to grow up under the scrutiny of the court constantly questioning their legitimacy; suspicion of which only grows by day. And ever since the incident at the yard, things have gone from bad to worse.

"Father…?" Rhaenyra's call interrupted the King's line of reasoning. "…there is something I would like to ask for… while being fully aware, how much of a difficult decision it will be for you."

He observed her fiddling with the skirt of her dress. Hesitation clouding her mind deeply, possibly for what she is about to ask. Viserys already made up his mind, he was not going to judge her and possibly not deny her, her request.

"Be that as it may, ask away child." He cupped her face.

"I…" she trailed off momentarily rethinking her words. "I would like to take Aemma with me."

The King frowned. "To Dragonstone?"

His daughter only nodded, confirming.


"It is for the betterment of their future." Rhaenyra clasped her father's hands, signs of desperation portrayed on her face which she did not bother hide.

"For her and Luke's future, together." She specified.

"Aemma will be Luke's wife there is no going back on that." He reassured.

"Her mother and brothers are jointly poisoning her against my sons. Aemma has already grown distant from them. And it is starting to seem like she cannot even bear to be anywhere near them."

"But Aemma is too young to—"

"Father! Just like you, I know it isn't Aemma. Its the people she is surrounded by are the ones pulling the strings of manipulation. They have already successfully put a distance between them. And this distance cannot be bridged if live so far apart."

Viserys felt his heart clench. Horrified at the prospect of not having his little one around anymore. What motivation would he have to awaken from his sleep if Aemma is not there, running around in his chamber creating havoc. It is her innocent disturbance that keeps him going.

"If you want a future for them, then please father, allow them to be together from now."

King appeared to be in deep thought. Of course he understood Rhaenyra's reasoning. Her intention is good. Like him, she also wants the family to remain united. However, question remains how strongly would Aemma's mother react to this? Would she be able to understand?

She should. Alicent is an intelligent woman after all.

The disturbing news was put into Aemma's mother's ear by none other than the Lord Confessor himself.

She was about to head to bed, already changed into her sleeping clothes when the Clubfoot showed up at her doorstep. Alicent was more than willing to send him away, but the look he wore on his face, told her, she would regret not listening to him.

So she invited him inside.

The information that left Larys's mouth numbed Alicent, freezing her completely on the spot. It felt as if the world around her came to a complete stop.

She stared at the man in disbelief.

No! No! No! It cannot be true. There has to some misunderstanding. Viserys would never agree to such proposal. There's no way he would agree. Seven hells he cannot live with seeing her! It is next to impossible.

Initially her head and heart both were in agreement. But then, one began to deter…

It was her head.

Coming up with logic that presented the scenario in different prospect.

Nothing is impossible when it involves Rhaenyra. She has her way into her father's head. The man will do anything for her.

Alicent felt her anger rise tenfold.

Just as her senses returned she was up on her feet. Storming out of her chamber, heading in the direction of her husband's.

Her steps were quick, strides long with heart beating tremendously on her throat. Her mind could only wonder how cruel her husband could be to separate a child from its mother...

She barged into the King's chamber even before the guard could finish announcing her arrival.

"Tell me you did not agree to this, lord husband." She demanded. Manners be damned.


"Viserys, please tell me you refused her." She pleaded, utterly desperate. A part of her wanted to deny, refusing to believe her husband could be so…

He swallowed, hard, closing his eyes momentarily.

Her heart dropped. She got her answer.

Alicent shook in anger. Gathering all her strength to remain on the spot, resisting the intense urge to march over to her husband and strangle him with her bare hands.

"How could you be so cruel? To even think of taking a part of me away from me."

"Rhaenyra told me—"

"RHAENYRA DID NOT BIRTH HER! IT IS I WHO GAVE BIRTH TO HER! ME! I AM HER MOTHER!" She roared. Chest heaving up and down, fists clenched together hard enough for a dull ache to settle in her muscles.

She did not care that it was the King she was screaming at and the fact that she could be punished. She did not think straight that moment. Nor did she possess the ability to. The mother in her could only act on instinct. King or father matters not. No one should dare separate a child from its mother.


"Calm down Alicent! You're not thinking clearly."

"My youngest child, the one who still insists on sleeping with me is being taken away from me. OF COURSE I AM NOT THINKING CLEARLY. NO MOTHER CAN!"


"Why don't you try taking away one of her boys and see how she reacts?" The Queen challenged, looking at the King directly in the eyes. He maybe the King but she's the mother refused to accept the fate the father-daughter duo decided to bestow upon her.

"I bet you, she'll loose her ability to think the same way." She scoffed.

"I'm doing it for Aemma. For her betterment." Viserys sighed and hung his head between his arms.

Disregarding all her shame Alicent dropped down to her knees and pleaded before her husband.

"Viserys, please… do not do this to Aemma and I."

"Tell me dear wife, have you ever fallen in love? Or even been fortunate to experience it?"

Alicent bit her lower lip frustrated. Why was he asking her questions he knew she had no answers no. How would she know what love feels like? Has he ever shown her what the feeling of love is? This marriage is nothing but duty on her shoulders imposed by her father right when she got out of childhood.

"I have experienced love. I am well aquatinted with its bliss. It is a magnificent feeling. A gift from the Gods, some may say." He said gently pulling his wife up and wiping away her tears. "Dear wife, I want our little Aemma to experience this beautiful feeling. At least one of our children deserves to be free from the burden of duties. I want our daughter Aemma to live the life my wife Aemma couldn't."

His honey dipped words fell into deaf ears. A mother who is about to lose her daughter understood none of those philosophical sentiments. All she knew is that her child will soon be taken from her forcefully.

More importantly the hypocrisy did not go unnoticed in all these. Viserys talked about freeing Aemma from burden of duties — and yet, he is coaxing her to be with a boy ofhis choice. An alliance that will serve no benefit to her but certainly a lot benefit to that bastard, when his legitimacy will be put to question in the future. Even here he is trying to pave an easy route for Rhaenyra and the byproducts of her sins.

"I'm begging you, Viserys… don't… don't do this." She pleaded once more. But it was for the final time.

"Trust me my Queen, that boy will grow up to be a good man. He will love her… cherish her… keep her happy. And I assure you, he will always choose her above everyone else." He argued, gently so. But at the same time made it clear with his firm eyes that there is no plan to back down. The decision is final— Aemma will go to Dragonstone with Rhaenyra.

However, he massively underestimated the emotions of a mother. In his defence, as a man he was not even expected to understand.

The Queen huffed, blowing a stray curl from her forehead. "Perhaps you're right. With Rhaenyra's guidance Lucerys Velaryon will grow up to become a good man. Such pity, that our daughter will never know…"

The King frowned, detecting how his Queen's voice suddenly became so calm.

"…for I will put an end to her life; followed by my own, before the night ends." She growled, turning on her heel and storming out of there. Not even able to relish the sheer shock and fear that begun to form on her husband's face.

Viserys shouted, ordering the guards at his door to stop her. But his order came a little late. Alicent was gone too far by then.


Aemma was in her chamber with Daeron as her company.

Post supper, the two had returned to her chamber, been tucked under the covers by lady Lyanne and had been cuddling since.

Daeron was trying to read her a story while she kept on disturbing him by tickling him on the neck. Something she has leaned from Aegon few days earlier when he did he that to her.

Unpredictably, however, this blissful moment was put to an abrupt end when the door suddenly burst open and their mother rushed in. Her appearance disheveled— hair loose in wild curls. Strange glimpses in her eyes that were already red and puffy, indicating she had been crying. She looked every bit like a mad woman described in the tales as she approached the bed, coming around the side Aemma was on.

Confused, the two children sat up. Clueless to the impending danger.

Instinctively, Daeron tightened his hold on Aemma. Still, he failed to match his mother's strength in that moment as she yanked the little girl out of the bed and took her in her arms.

"Mother!" Daeron gasped, confused and frightened. As he watched his mother as swiftly climbed onto the open window. Aemma still tightly tucked below her arms.

Her intention became clear to both the children— she was planning to jump.

It was the combination of Daeron's screams and Aemma's lungs bursting cry that had their older brothers and Ser Criston Cole running in within the next few heartbeat.

The knight quickly grabbed hold of the Queen's leg, securing her, so that she does not fall. Aegon went to Daeron and Aemond climbed onto the window. He tried to reason with his mother while trying to pull Aemma out of her arms. But did not have much luck. His mother's grip on his sister only became painfully tight.

The King came in shortly after. His full weight on the pair of guards that almost carried him since he could not match with the pace of his young wife.

What he saw, made Viserys feel like the ground beneath him has crack opened. He audibly gasped, eyes turned so wide that on lookers feared it would pop out of its socket at any moment.


"NO!" She roared spitting at the man in disgust. "I SHALL FINISH US BOTH! AND YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS, LORD HUSBAND."

Aemma's shrill cries tried to cut through in between causing Aemond to wince. He looked back at her and found her pale chubby face to be turning dangerously red due to how loudly she was crying and the lack of air she was breathing. And their mother's iron grip in addition was making everything worse.

"Mother! Mother! Aemma can't breathe. You're suffocating her!" Aemond had to shout to hear his own voice over his mother's screams and sister's her wails.


Just then, Princess Rhaenyra and her husband hurried into the room.

Baffled, the couple cursed in unison. "Seven hells!"

Only Helaena and Rhaenyra's children remained absent from this ordeal.

"Alicent please… do not do this." The King called out to his wife softly. His tone this time was humble and voice came out as a plead. "Our daughter deserves to experience life, don't deprive her off of it."

"If so, then should she not experience life with us? Her mother… her father… her siblings."

Rhaenyra opened her mouth to protest but her husband gave her wrist a tight squeeze, signalling her to be quiet. Because even a word out of her mouth could further aggravate the Queen. And at the position the latter stands, if she goes down Aemma and Aemond both will go down with her. Three lives will be lost. Two without even being given the chance to fully live it.

"She does, she does my Queen." Desperate to calm his wife down, Viserys agreed to whatever she said.

"Then assure me husband, give me your word, that my daughter will not leave for Dragonstone."

"She's going nowhere!" He promised. "I give you my word Alicent; as your King and as your husband that our daughter is not going to Dragonstone. She will remain here… with us."

Gradually, the tension on Alicent's face faded away, but she remained unmoving.

Accepting defeat, Rhaenyra closed her eyes and let out a sigh of relief when Alicent's hold on Aemma became loose enough for Aemond to successfully pull her out.

The room descended into silence, except for Aemma's loud wailing which still continued in the background. Natural reaction for a child who received the trauma she just did.

Criston Cole helped the Queen down while another guard rushed to help her two children.

The decision made that night was finalized. Aemma would remain in King's Landing. But the King gave Rhaenyra his words that he would make arrangements for frequent visits between the betrotheds, for them to get to know each other better.

As much as Rhaenyra liked to trust her father, taking into account the current circ*mstances, she has her doubts on how much of it would actually come to fruition.

The King sent all of his children to bid farewell to Rhaenyra and her sons.

The three brothers just gave their nephews a pat on the back and left wishing them the very best in their new beginning. But Helaena stayed back, waiting for Aemma to finish her turn. The latter's shortest exchanges were with Ser Leanor and Jacaerys.

Rhaenyra took her time with Aemma.

She sat with her youngest sister on her lap. Cup, caressed and kissed her face like an affectionate mother. Gave her advices, told her to never to stop writing and never hesitate to reach out if she needed anything. And left only when her betrothed arrived to say his farewell.

Lucerys stood silently basking in her presence for as long as he could. Then gathering as much courage as he could he leaned forward and softly kissed both her cheeks. An act so adorable that it melted the heart of the onlookers, Helaena being one of them.

Awkwardly Aemma mimicked his action. And complied when he pulled her in for a tight hug. She even felt kind enough to return the embrace with equal measures.

"I will write to you." The silence was broken with Lucerys's promise. "Will you also write to me?"

Aemma pulled out of the embrace.

When people have spoken about how silence can be so deafening, it can probably hold true for this little pair.

However, this time, instead of a screeching roar of silence, it was more of a harmonized symphony reaching a rising crescendo and then gradually calming to a trailing falsetto until it reaches a sustained melody.

"I will." Her delicate hands tightened onto his wrist in a reassuring gesture. She gave him another kiss before releasing her grip.

Then, they parted once again as silent farewells were exchanged through melancholic smiles.

The young brunette boy helplessly watched her leave. Uncertainty of not knowing when they will meet next was eating him up inside. A part of him hopes that his mother would change her mind and ultimately end up staying in King's Landing.




Later, Jacerys finds his brother hiding in a corner of their chamber, quietly weeping. And quickly rushes to his side.

"What's happen...? Luke?"

The younger boy said nothing initially, just wiped away the tears with his sleeves.

Then murmured. "Do we have to go?"

"Yes we do. Mother and father thinks it would be better for us to stay there."

"But I don't want to go… I don't want to leave Aemma behind." He quietly admitted. Looking the other way shyly. "I will miss her so much."

Hearing his brother Jacaerys frowned.

"Luke… do you like Aemma that much?"

Lucerys closed his eyes and nodded affirmatively.

"Then stop liking her." Jacaerys advised, grabbing his brother's wrist and pulling him up.

"Come now, we must finish packing."

Rhaenyra overheard the conversation between her boys. Her heart clenched. If only Alicent Hightower came down her high horse and understood the value of her boys than just look down on them and judge them for their parentage.

Then perhaps, she would have taught her daughter to appreciate her betrothed better.

Either way, nothing can be changed now. Soon they will leave for Dragonstone. And by the time they meet again, chances are, a lot would be different by then.

Few days after Harwin Strong's departure from the capital, Princess Rhaenyra, with her family also left.

During those early days the royal wing of the Red Keep felt empty. The absence of the heir to the Iron Throne and her three young boys was felt throughout; especially by the King.

But for most people, things went back to normal pretty quickly.

A week later:

"I have news," Aegon declared, striding into Aemond's chamber with the air of authority as if it was his own. He kicked the door shut, sauntering towards the bed where Aemma was and plopped down, resting his head on her lap.

"Otto Hightower will return to court and resume his position as the Hand of the King."

"Who is Otto Hightower?" Aemma asked. Proceeding to tuck the leftover lilies from the basket onto Aegon's head. Daeron's head already covered with them.

Aemond and Helaena were spared since they were sitting further away from the bed, below the window. Aemond reading to her while Helaena played with the butterfly on her palm.

Whilst the youngest two never met the mentioned man, Aemond and Helaena barely remember him. Making Aegon the only one in the group with some recollection of the man.

"Our grandsire."

Aemond answered Aemma's question, pausing his reading and looking up from the book. In doing so, he watches Aegon pull out a small packet from the pocket of his breeches and hand it to Aemma.

A smile made it to her lips as she gladly accepted the present. Then, unwrapping the packet swiftly she began feasting on the given pie. Aegon has built this habit of frequently bringing Aemma small gifts and treats from outside. A special treatment that he had only reserved forher.

Daeron wanted a bite and Aemma was more than happy to share.

Aemond furrowed his brows and clenched his jaws as concern grew at the pit of his stomach. Aegon brought her those nasty food items from the markets of Flee Bottom again. The berry cake he fed her last time, made her stomach upset. She threw up day and night and was barely able to eat anything for two consecutive days. Their mother gave him an earful. Forbidding him to bring anything from Flee Bottom into the castle.

Turns out, their mother's scolding went through his one ear and out of the other. Clearly Aegon did not learn the lesson. Otherwise he would not be bringing her a pie from the same rotten place just three weeks after her recovery.

"You shouldn't be feeding her those. Mother would be upset if she found out." Aemond warned.

Only to get mocked by Aegon in return. "Then don't tattle on us, you twat!"

Aemond gritted his teeth but said nothing more. There was no point. The very person he's trying to protect did not seem to appreciate his help.

Unbeknownst to the boy, envy shined upon his gaze.

"What happened to the current hand of the King?" It wasn't just a curious inquiry. It was Aemond's another attempt to blend in with the other group. To keep the conversation that initially started, going.

"Mother told us, father did not accept his resignations. Therefore, he is due to return soon."

"That was his plan. But Gods certainly had another—they're dead!" Aegon said chuckling. His face made it seem like he was telling a joke.

"They're dead?!" Aemma was dumbfounded.

"What?" Daeron's eyes widened.

"How?" Aemond was confused.

The three of them focused on their eldest brother who was now elaborating.

"News arrived this morning, the Hand of the King and his son both perished in fire at the cursed castle. What a tragic twist of fate— he went to become a lord, but got roasted like pig instead!"

Silence followed after Aegon's conclusion. Only Helaena's voice playing in the background muttering her usual cryptic message which none present there understood.

"Could somebody have had them killed?" Daeron asked putting an end to the silence.

Taking in a big bite of her pie, Aemma allowed her gaze to slide towards Daeron. Then moved to Aemond as he asked.

"Who would dare kill the Hand of the King?"

The answer was not so simple: His own son.

The following afternoon, after lunch, the Targaryen children were summoned to their mother's quarter.

The Kingsguard who came to fetch them, informed, their mother wanted to introduce them to someone special.

The walk to the Queen's quarter was a short one.

Leading the way, Aegon walked forward. Staying unusually quiet for the talkative person he was, who generally disliked complete silence and often filled it with meaningless talks. Behind him, his two lackeys— Daeron and Aemma. Behind them was Helaena. And at the very back was Aemond.

Unsurprisingly, their mother's hand maiden was already waiting for them at the entrance. Talya held the the door for them and gestured inside with her hand. ''Right this way please."

Entering the room, Aemma immediately spotted their guest — an ageing brunette man in dark clothes. Engaged in conversation with her mother. Only then, her gaze fell upon the golden bronze broach- symbol of the Hand of the King pinned to the right side of his chest. Immediately Aemma understood, it was her grandsire, whom Aegon mentioned few days ago.

"Children come," Alicent ushered them to come forward.

They did!

Unplanned they stood following the order of their age— from the eldest to the youngest. In a straight line.

"I am sure you remember these three." Alicent motioned her hands toward the direction of Aegon, Helaena and Aemond.

"These two," The Queen then pointed towards her younger ones, "Daeron and Aemma, were born during your time away."

Otto Hightower stood and closed in towards the children. He barely glanced at the younger children. His focus was solely on Aegon. As he stopped in front of the adolescent boy, who almost reaches his shoulders now, to silently study him. His last instruction to Alicent before his exile was to prepare Aegon for the Iron Throne. But judging by what he could see, it was easy to conclude she did a pathetic job. Now that he has returned, things could be changed, he thought patting Aegon's shoulder and address him as the future King.

Aegon grimaced, not yet ready to accept the fate his mother has been hammering in his head. His younger siblings however did not even bat a lash. Their mother's words is their belief — as the King's eldest son, Aegon will one day be the next King.

Leaving Aegon, Otto Hightower then moved to Helaena. He pulled her into an embrace and gave her a tender kiss on the forehead.

"How you've grown darling!"

"Thank you grandsire." Helaena replied politely. Then mumbled something below her breath. As usual her strange ramblings were overlooked by everyone.

Next was Aemond's turn. The older man shared a long eye contact with him before softly petting his head and addressing him as the dragon less Targaryen.

Alicent's eyes widened and her smile died for a moment. Whether her father was sympathizing with her son or taunting him, was hard to guess. She did not appreciate it nonetheless. But was too afraid to let him know.

Aemond bit down the inside of his mouth and balled his hands to fist on his side. Having used to being bullied by his brothers and nephew, he already knew it was a taunt. But what hurt him more was he expected better from his grandsire. Unsure of how to respond, Aemond continued to search for the right words to reply with. But before he could have luck finding it, another voice spoke up.

"I'm also a dragon less Targaryen."

All head turned to the smallest person standing in the room. Yet it did nothing to deter her boosting confidence. If anything, it added more.

"Mine died few days after hatching. His name was Arryron—" She paused unexpectedly, and cast her eyes down in deep thought.

Was her dragon a he or she? Aemma racked her brain to remember but couldn't. Therefore out of desperation she decided to seek help.

"Was Arryron a he or she?" She whispered into Daeron's ear. But her loud whisper was more or less heard by everyone.

Otto Hightower exchanged a glance with his daughter from the corner of his eyes.

"Maybe she." Daeron hesitated. He was also as uncertain as she was.

"Arryron was a he-dragon." Aemond answered, rolling his eyes at the irony. The girl who mourned her dragon for days and nights already forgot the gender of the dragon.

Aemma looked at him for a moment. Surprised, that he knew more about her dragon than she did.

"Oh! Anyway…" Her faltering confidence bounced back immediately as she met her grandsire's gaze once more. Pretending the little discrepancy did not even take place.

"He has a dragon." She pointed towards Daeron. "But tiny. She can barely breathe fire. Aegon says she as useless as a lizards. If you step on her she'd be dead."

Otto Hightower danced his head between his daughter and her youngest. Then deciding to skip Daeron, leaving him forgotten, Otto closed the distance between himself and the little girl.

Picking her up cautiously he placed her on his hip.

"I have been told the King has a precious gem now, could that be you?"

Aemma opened her mouth to respond to the compliment but was cut off by her mother.

"She definitely is. And with Princess Rhaenyra gone, she is all the King searches for."

"Taking in her father's undivided attention… Impressive." Otto mused. "Perhaps you shall achieve a lot more than what your mother did."

Alicent exhaled deeply, feeling anxiety prickling under her skin and an uneasy feeling settling in her stomach. Knowing her father's nature she could only dread the plans he has up his sleeves for her children. One of which is already set to motion.

"Think we should let them know as to why they have been summoned here." She meekly suggested. Her voice was low, still it managed to earn the attention of all her children.

"Would you break it down to them or should I be the one to do it." Her father asked. Indirectly imposing the task on her.

Alicent sighed. It certainly was no easy decision for her, as it goes against all her beliefs. However, her father somehow managed to put it into her head that following the Targaryen queer custom is necessary in their dire situation to strengthen their blood.

"As you already know, earlier, Princess Rhaenyra placed the proposal to have Helaena betrothed to her son Jacaerys. Which I turned down. However… now…" She darted her tongue out and licked her dried lips to moisten them. "…after a through discussion with your grandsire and with the King, we have jointly come to the decision to have Helaena betrothed to Aegon."

"What?!" Aegon exclaimed immediately. His jaw almost dropping to the ground. He was appalled by idea. And no, he has no issue with the concept of intermarriage. His issue lies with the person chosen.

Helaena stayed quiet. She may have no opinion but was content with the idea that she would not have to leave behind her home, her family and the life she knows.

Aemond appeared unimpressed and angry. Aegon was not good enough for Helaena. She deserved much better than she was being offered.

Aemma pulled the 'Hand of the King' broach off of Otto Hightower and tossed it onto the ground. Startling him beyond belief. Furious, the man was about to react but Alicent came quick to her daughter's defence and pulled her out of his grip.

"Don't mind her actions father! She tends to do that occasionally. A bad habit you could say. Even the King's crown was not spared."

Ironically, in the room full of angry and upset people, only Daeron looked genuinely happy and confused simultaneously. Happy because the news was certainly a joyous one. And confused because his innocent mind could not comprehend why the rest (Aemma included) looked so disturbed after hearing such happy news.

Should we not be celebrating?

The same night, much later in the evening, past the witching hour, the raven arrived bearing the tragic news: lady Laena Velaryon, wife of Prince Daemon has died. Set ablaze by her own dragon.

The environment turned tense from then onwards. No one in the Red Keep slept that night as preparations for the royal family's journey to Driftmark began.

And at the break of dawn Aemma and Aemond found themselves on board the ship with their parents and other important members of the court. While Aegon and Helaena took to the sky flying above the ship on their dragon backs. Daeron sharing the ride with Aegon. Aemond was also offered by Helaena but he turned her down out of shame and to avoid further mockery by Aegon.


A.N. Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Feel free to point out if you notice any errors. I'll have them corrected. Also, for those of you wondering why Aemma was upset hearing Aegon and Helaena's betrothal- because she does not think Helaena deserves to become the queen like her mother. I'm sure you noticed she doesn't like Helaena much, basically she sees her through the same lens as Aegon.

Next chapter is basically events of episode 7. Depending on the length might come in two parts.

Chapter 6: Driftmark


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Standing on the deck of the ship, distance away from where the smaller figures were, Alicent Hightower absently observed with content eyes.

Her children playing.

Although unsure what they were actually up for, the sight of them bickering was still highly entertaining. Alicent was not willing to look away. She watched Aemma forcibly bring Aemond down to his knees before proceeding to climb on and sit on his shoulders. Then grabbing fistful of his hair to support herself, she commanded him to get up and start moving.

Aemond obeyed, to no surprise of his mother.

Tightly gripping her knees he carefully stood up on his feet and marched over to where his sister directed.

Touched by the scene, a smile tugged at the corner of the young Queen's lips. She is truly proud of her second son. The middle child to be accurate. With two before him and two after him, Aemond stands at the centre blanching the rest of his siblings. He is everything a mother dreams of, and Alicent would have him no other way. As it's him, who makes up for everything her eldest boy lacks in quality— being responsible, respectful, obedient, loving and most definitely kind hearted.

Even now, how Aemond's handling his troublesome little sister is truly remarkable to Alicent. Not as a biased mother, but as a person in general, she is throughly impressed by his patience and level of understanding. She's aware that he wanted to be in his cabin and read. Even brought few books along, which he intended to finish during this journey. However the little girl had different plans. Unfortunately, it involves him. Therefore he is forced out of the cabin against his will and brought to the deck. So that she could plonk on his shoulders and perhaps make him give her a tour of the ship.

"Such waste of opportunity." Her father's voice rumbled behind her. Alicent did not sense the other presence joining her. It matters not nonetheless. He has been sneaking up on her like this for years now. A part of her already used to the intrusion. Even then, she tensed. Although she had no reason to be.

Ironic, how he had only been back at court couple days and already he was getting on her nerves. First he had manipulated her to get the eldest children betrothed. Who knows what he has up his mind this time, involving the two boys who are available.

From the corner of her eyes Alicent noted how he was watching the children. His gaze hard on Aemma.

"What is it that you have in mind, father?" She asked boldly. Years in his absence gave her the courage.

"How have you not managed to rectify the King's mistake?" Alicent turned to her father in question. Otto Hightower cast her a disappointed glance before clarifying.

"Your daughter's betrothal to Lucerys Velaryon, I'm referring to."

Otto Hightower came prepared and determined, collecting few proposals before his return to the court to get the youngest Princess married into the Hightower family. Being the King's only favourite child from his second wife means she will be a great asset in the future.

The sound of Aemma's laughter permeated through the air. But Hightower father-daughter neither looked, preoccupied glaring at the other.

In the distance, the children are wrestling on the ground. With the elder tickling the younger and bringing about her laughter.

"Do you think I have any say in matters involving Aemma?!" Rage took root in Alicent's heart at the mention of her daughter's betrothal. "I am only a vessel that brought her into the world for the King and his Princess. All decisions are taken by them. I'm never even consulted, just informed as courtesy."

"You have been married to the King for so long, and yet you fail to persuade him." Otto mused, looking down at his daughter, unimpressed.

In fact, he seemed positively disappointed… disgruntled even.

Alicent glared up at her father. She hated this particular look, which he wore only to fix her with it, when he considered her behavior foolish and immature. But that time is now over! She thought naively.

"Whatever plan you have regarding my youngest, for that I wish you good luck and the very best. As I intend to sit by and watch you learn the hard way that she's no Aegon, Helaena, Aemond or Daeron that you can use as puppets for your purpose." Her voice was as fierce as she would allow to not draw attention to the sharp ears of the children. "She is Aemma Targaryen, Aemma. And I certainly hope you haven't forgotten where that name came from."

Otto Hightower blinked, as if thinking of what to say. But the Queen swept out of the deck, not waiting for his response, which she knew would further enrage her.

"Grandsire…?" Aemond's call drew his attention. Otto Hightower looked down to find the two children now approaching him. "Aemma has something to say to you."

"Oh!" The man immediately masked his hard face to a softened one as he crouched down to level himself with his granddaughter.

"My Princess, what is it?"

Aemma watched him intensely for few passing heartbeats. Debating inside about what the repercussions of her actions to be, would be.

There's no denying it would anger her grandsire. But would he go to great lengths to punish her? No he cannot! A voice in her head assures. Her father is the King after all.

"Princess...?" Otto tapped on the girl's cheek to pull her out of her dazed state. "Tell me, how can this old man be of assistance."

Aemma stared for another moment. Then out of nowhere and without anyone seeing it coming, she spit on her grandsire's face.

Shocked and outraged, he looked at Aemond. Assessing his role in this. But before he could open his mouth to discipline the boy, his sister grabbed him by the sleeve and the two ran back inside and headed straight to their cabin.

Leaving Otto Hightower behind in an embarrassing position, as the incident was witnessed by few Kingsguards, who themselves have been a victim to such treatment by the Princess when she was a mere toddler.

Back inside their cabin Aemond and Aemma both were trying to catch a breath. They ran so fast that their lungs were emptied out of air to breathe.

Regaining some strength Aemond poured himself a cup water, drank couple sips before making his sister drink the rest. After she finished, he put the cup back onto the side table and turned back to understand.

Admittedly, he was scared for them both. One does not need intelligence to understand their grandsire is a dangerous man with immense power as the reinstated Hand of the King. If only, he was able to predict what his sister had in mind when she told him she wanted to speak with their grandsire... he definitely would have prevented.

"Why did you do that? Do you realize how upset you've made grandsire. You should apologize." He told Aemma.

But she nodded disapprovingly. "He was bullying mother."

"What if he bullies you?"

"Then I will tell father."

"What will father do?"

"Send him back to where he came from. Now read to me." She ordered laying down on the bed and patting the space beside her for him to do the same.

His chest felt strangely heavy. Aemond was in the middle of deep sleep to understand what was happening, but when his eyes finally reopened, he was surprised to find a dozing Aemma on top of him. Last he remembered was she was laying beside him while he read to her. How she managed to climb atop him would remain a mystery that he could not be bothered to solve. It was his first time spending so much time in the company of his little sister and he did not mind. In the absence of the other two brothers Aemma was a far enjoyable company.

He looked out of the window and watched the sun had already risen over the horizon. The dragons flying above were without their riders. The ship was already docked at the harbour, he realized.

His fingers ran through Aemma's sleek blonde hair that had grown long and thickly. Out of all of them, Aemma has the best quality hair. Then it's a tie between him and Rhaenyra. After them it's Daeron. After him it's Helaena, her hair has texture and is on the wavier side, just like their mother's but blonde. Aegon's hair is the worst — rough, thin, frilly. Inherited from their father, no doubt.

He could hear multiple footsteps approaching their cabin and decided to wake his sister with gentle nudge.

"Aemma… Aemma wake up."

The girl stirred, rubbing at her eyes.

The door opened and their mother entered with their other siblings and her handmaiden in tow. She approached them with a smile. But with the entrance of their brothers the peaceful silence in the room evaporated.

"Talya, change her into something appropriate." Alicent ordered and her handmaiden was quick to pick up the half asleep half awake child off of Aemond and moved to a secure corner.

Alicent looked between her first and second son as the latter sat up on the bed.

"Stay close to your betrothed and don't over indulge yourself." Instructing Aegon, Alicent turned to Aemond. Missing out the dirty look her eldest boy gave his betrothed, while she resolutely avoided his eyes.

Aegon and Helaena hardly had a relationship. They never quite interacted. But since the announcement of their betrothal, his attitude toward her had soured. From the looks he threw her every chance he got, it was becoming evident that he would no longer simply ignore her or her strange tendencies, but rather take them as a personal insult.

"And your job is to look after Aemma. Make sure she never leaves your side. Hold onto her if you must."

"Understood mother."

Coming to stand beside Aemond, Daeron asked. "What is my task mother?"

Alicent smiled fondly at her youngest boy. Touched by his eagerness to be included. "You, my sweet boy, must keep an eye on your brothers and ensure they are doing their duties properly. Can you do that for me?"

"Of course mother." The boy nodded his head enthusiastically.

Just then Talya returned with a fully ready Aemma — dressed in dark green velvet and hair twirled and twisted from the sides of her temples and clipped at the back of her head. Aemond looked, his blueish violet eyes locked with her. Her deep violet eyes looked more doe-like than ever. A weapon she was always prepared to use against anyone and everyone; especially their father.

"Forget not, it's no celebration," Alicent continued as her handmaiden approached Aemond with his grab and helped him into it. Then taking out comb from her pocket began redoing his disheveled hair.

"…we're here to attend a funeral. Funeral of your aunt."

"Whom none of us ever met or really know for a matter of fact." Aegon grumbled. His complaint earned him an eye roll and sigh from his mother.

"It matters not Aegon!" Alicent raised her voice. "It matters not whether you knew her or not. For once try and act civil. At least pretend to be sad and grieving. Even if it is out of courtesy." Her chest heaved as she finished. Disappointed at her eldest as always.

Once her temper somewhat calmed, Alicent guided her flock of children out of the cabin and to the deck where the King awaited, in the company of his Hand— Ser Otto Hightower and Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Ser Harold Westerling.

Leaving behind her siblings, the youngest princess galloped towards the King.


"Aemma! My darling!" The King reached out for his daughter with his free hand that was not holding onto the cane. She took hold of the offered hand and rushed him towards gangplank. Completely ignoring her mother's concerned calls. Alicent tried to scold Aemma but the King silenced her with a look.

It was extremely difficult for the ailing man to keep up with the energetic child's pace. Still he made no protest. If anything he tried do everything in him to hold back the painful moans just so that he would not disappoint his little girl.

Alicent grimaced at the sight, sympathizing for her husband. She was genuinely scared when he stepped foot on the plank. She shared a glance with her father who shared her worry. The way Aemma was dragging him was concerning. The frail man could topple over any moment.

The King and the youngest princess were the first to get off the ship. Behind them, following were the Queen and the rest of their children, the Hand and the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.

The two older boys enviously watched how freely their little sister interacted with their father. Both having the same thought occupy their mind— how is it possible for that puny thing to have the King of the Seven Kingdoms wrapped around her tiny fingers; whilst they, as the first and second sons were completely invisible to him.

Two Velaryon guards opened the main entrance of High Tide, and two more guards entered first, with only one announcing the arrival of the King and the Queen with their family.

Even in mourning the oddity did not go unnoticed by the Velaryons, that it was not the Queen who was by the King's side, when he made his entrance at such an important event. Rather it was his youngest daughter.

Lord Corlys Velaryon shared a knowing side eyed glance with his wife, Princess Rhaenys. Neither had forgotten the tantrum this child threw during feast of her first name day celebration. The way she took off the King's crown and tossed it to the ground was gossiped about for days to come. It was then, this pair knew of her importance to her father. And now, they were witnessing it once again.

Princess Rhaenys could not take her eyes off of the pendant hanging around the girls neck. The blackish green fabric cladding her body could not dull the shine of the sapphire that sat proudly atop her small chest. The Queen who never was briefly wondered if the girl will ever understand the value and significance of the particular jewel.

Lord Corlys was the first to greet the King. His wife followed right after when the Velaryon lord moved his attention to the tiny figure standing beside the King with an aura of the Queen. He picked up the child in his arms and exchanged pleasantries with her. Aemma talked with him in a tone of familiarity like she had known him for ages.

"May I touch your hair Lord Corlys?" Aemma boldly asked. Although slightly taken aback by the strange request the man still gladly allowed. He saw no harm giving into an innocent child's request.

Aemma grabbed a fistful of the man's dreadlocks. Felt it in her palm for a bit and made a face.

"Why do they feel so rough?" She commented, unimpressed. Then compared. "Ser Laenor's hair is so soft."

Alicent's eyes widened in horror and so did the eyes of her father and her other children. She could barely keep her attention on Princess Rhaenys, with whom she was in mid conversation.

Except Helaena, the rest of the children stared at Aemma as if she had grown another head. Aemond and Daeron's faces were to be seen.

"Where does she get all this courage from?" Aemond muttered to himself.

"Isn't it obvious." Aegon replied suppressing a yawn. His eyes lustily gazing at the passing by maids and serving girls.

The young of the two narrowed his eyes. Slightly envious, knowing all too well that if he or the others even dared attempted such stunts, severe scolding and discipline would bound to be incoming. But when it comes from Aemma everyone takes it in awe. Just like how Lord Corlys chuckling while responding back in tender voice that mirrored Aemma's innocence.

"I apologize princess that my hair isn't to your liking. Might I suggest you touch my lady wife's hair. I assure you, it is very soft."

Aemma observed the mentioned Princess objectively before whispering into the man's ear. Whatever she said, made him chuckle once more.

The grieving father is jesting! Aemond could not believe his eyes. It was times like these where he questioned what is it that Aemma has that they don't? Helaena is also a girl, still she gets no special treatment. If anything she's the most invisible one out of them all.

Just as Lord Corlys put her down, Aemma ran back to her siblings and clung to Daeron for the remainder of the time. With Aemond not so far from them.

It was decided the funeral would be held on the morrow followed by a somber feast.

For tonight, the guests had already settled into their allotted quarters.

The royal family was assigned their own wing. And they were the first to retire since the long journey was too tiring for the ailing King. Separate rooms were prepared for the King, the Queen, the Lord Hand, the Princes and the Princess. However the Queen requested all her children be placed in one room. Although the request was odd enough to have raised brows, but the somber environment played a vital role in prevention.

On that account, the children of Alicent Hightower ended up spending the night in the same chamber where they would be separated by a bed. The three princes will take one and their sisters will occupy the other.

Out of the five, only Aegon protested against this bizarre arrangement. Stating clearly he wanted privacy. But his protest fell on deaf ears. His mother remained firm on her decision, too stubborn to listen.

Thus the scowl remained etched onto his face, as he sat on a chair in the corner of their assigned chamber, drinking down his misery and observing the rest.

As usual Aemma and Daeron were together. Although surprisingly, this time, the two were grappling like rabid pups. Aegon took a moment to humour himself to the scene. It was no secret, he found watching kids fight very entertaining. Judging by the look, it appeared pretty serious. Aemma was on his shoulders and had a tight grip on his hair, no doubt pulling it relentlessly for who knows why. All the while Daeron was trying to act strong and hold himself back from shrilling out in pain. As much as he was enjoying watching them, Aegon was also curious to find its cause. That was when he noted the last remaining piece of the cake— and he knew instantly the fight began over who's entitled to it.

Then his gaze moved over to his betrothed. Instantly, Aegon felt sick to his stomach. The lunatic was already in bed, but sitting, working on her embroidery. He moved his eyes from her form quickly. Lingering on her a moment longer, would have him vomiting out everything he ate.

Lastly he found Aemond, the twat stood by the window, studying the view outside so intently.

"Why must she have us all squeezed together?" Aegon huffed, taking a long sip from his cup. "Making such absurd decisions, mother seems to have lost her mind."

His complain was heard by all. However, only Aemond chose to respond. Partially because, he knew Helaena would not bother herself to engage in any conversation with Aegon, while other two were too busy with themselves to pay any attention to their surroundings.

"It is her way to get you to spend more time with your betrothed. Having you share the room with only her would be considered inappropriate; but with us here, no questions will be raised." Aemond explained, still facing the window. His focus fully set on the shadow of the figure flying off in the distance.

The thorough explanation went through one ear and out of the other for Aegon.

"Who is it that you watch with so great interest. Is there a wench that caught your interest, brother?" Aegon asked Aemond after a moment of observation. "Should you require help, always know that you can come to me. As your elder brother its my responsibility to make sure—"

"I'm watching Vhagar!" Came Aemond's deadpanned response cutting off his brother's blabbering midway.

"The dead lady's dragon…? Why?"

The lack of respect in Aegon's voice towards the ancient creature, sparked a fury in Aemond.

"What do you mean why?" He snapped his head back. His sharp voice garnered the others attention in the room. Helaena looked up, pausing in her sewing. Daeron and Aemma's on going wrestling came to a halt, with Aemma utilizing this chance to sneakily finish the cake.

"Have you forgotten our history! Vhagar is the only living part of the Old Valeria in existence today. A living witness to the conquest."

"So…?" Aegon drawled scratching his head. "Now she's a sad riderless dragon that will fly all over Westeros. Mayhaps she'll fly back to Old Valeria or whatever remains of it today."

"You won't understand Aegon. And I don't intend for you to either…" Turning back to the window, the younger boy shook his head disapprovingly. Then revealed his intention after a brief pause.

"Now that her rider, Laena Velaryon is dead, Vhagar is once more free to be claimed."

"And you think that you can claim her." Aegon laughed hysterically. "In that case, I might as well claim the The Black Dread."

His mockery offended Aemond, making him clench his jaws tightly.

"What ever are you even saying! Are you so drowned in your cups that you've forgotten Balerion is dead!"

"Precisely my point you twat! I have higher chances of claiming a dragon that's already dead than you have of claiming that ferocious beast. She'll turn you to roasted meat that can served for supper on the morrow."

"If Laena Velaryon can claim her then why can't I?" Aemond demanded, this time fully turning and walking back inside.

"Remind me, how did she exactly die?" Aegon wiggled his brows. "Definitely not from complications in childbirth. Otherwise it would not be a closed casket funeral. Her body would be allowed viewing."

"She wanted that! She had asked for it herself!"

"Whereas, you wouldn't even have to want or ask for it. Vhagar will grant it to you regardless, if you end up anywhere near her." Aegon jabbed.

Aemond seethed but said no more in the matter, realizing it was an insult to his intelligence to argue with a drunk imbecile. Who understands nothing but the cups he drains or the skirts he has began chasing. So he returned to bed. And the fact that he'll have to share it with the likes of him made his skin itch.

Like all funeral, Laena Velaryon's funeral was a disconsolate occasion. However what made it unbearably heartbreaking was the grief-stricken face of her daughters who clung to their grandmother throughout the time like she was their last resort.

The procession of solemn ceremony began after sunrise the following day. All mourners gathered on the shore of Driftmark to bid farewell and pay their respects to the deceased, whose casket was under preparation to be deposited back to the sea. Sombrely, everyone stood as Vaemond Velaryon uttered the funeral rites in High Valyrian, conducting the service.

Aemma stood between Aemond and Daeron— the former to her right and the latter to her left. Both holding each of her hand. The King stood behind her, resting his hands her shoulders protectively. The Queen stood beside the King, with Criston Cole protectively standing behind her. Aegon and Helaena stood beside the Queen and King respectively. And Otto Hightower stood a step behind Helaena.

Rhaenyra stood a little further away from her father's family, protectively holding her two boys. Her husband Laenor stood stoically beside her.

Prince Daemon stood somewhat beside Vaemond Velaryon, from where he could observe those around him as he stood with his hands crossed in front of him. He looked the part of a grieving husband.

Bored, Aemma looked around taking in all the familiar faces she had met yesterday. She detected Larys Strongamongst the crowd. Lord Corlys Velaryon and Princess Rhaenys stood comforting their grandchildren while still grieving their own lost daughter. Two young girls who had lost their mother, watched her about to be laid, broken hearted.

"Aemond look… they're crying." Aemma whispered into his ear. He followed her gaze and found himself looking at his uncle's twins, Rhaena and Baela; as they clung to their grandmother.

"Of course they're crying. Their mother died, you idiot— ouch!" He felt someone smack him at the back of his head.

Turning, the two of them faced their mother and only to find her glaring.

"Ssshhhh! Be quiet." Alicent hissed under the whisper.

The children immediately obeyed. Returning to watch the funeral procession take place.

And then, the anomaly happened.

Someone began to chuckle.

Determined to find out who this audacious person was, Aemma bent over as much as she could and watched, absolutely baffled with mouth agape— it was her uncle!

Laughing, at his own wife's funeral.

"He's laughing." Aemma whispers to Daeron.

"I know," He agrees, "how awfully rude."

And together they judge the man for his inconsiderate and indecent action, watching with a critical eye.

Aemma neither spoke nor understood a word of High Valyrian. Still she knew that whatever was being said could not be remotely close to being funny.

So why did her uncle laugh?

Aemma felt committed to find out as she watches the casket get plunged over the edge.

In the distance, a mighty dragon roars in anguish as her rider is swallowed by the sea.


Aemond catches a glimpse of her shadow above the clouds. And his heart begins pounding relentlessly.


Aemma's sudden yelp brought him back. Only then he realized how tightly he was squeezing her fragile wrist. The overwhelming emotions raking his body were expressed through the simple act.

Later, once the solemn proceedings of the day were complete, the guests were led back to the High Tide to attend the reception that came following. From that point forward, time began to pass in slow and sluggish pace. Creating a mood more than depressing.

After the meal period finished, Aemond found himself away from his family, standing around the edge overlooking the sky in search of her.

An extremely irritated Aemma— with puffy cheeks and pouting lips— stood by his side, by force. In all honesty, he would not have dragged here against her will. But the obedient son had his mother's instructions embedded into his mind.

"Make sure she never leaves your side. Hold onto her if you must."

For that reason, ever since they entered High Tide the middle Targaryen boy had glued himself to his little sister.

"What are you looking at?"

He raised a hand and pointed towards the sky. "Her."

She followed his line of sight and eventually saw the dull cloudy sky. Confused, Aemma drew her brows together.

"I see no woman up there."

"I'm referring to the dragon, you fool."

"Oh! Which dragon?" Of course she could not see, because by then Vhagar disappeared.

"Forget about it." He rolled his eyes. Wondering how is it possible for her to be born a Targaryen with complete lack of interest in dragons. Isn't she one herself?!

"Come, let's go…" He tugs her along.

"Where are we going?"

"To offer our condolences to our cousins."

Hand in hand the siblings walk to the grieving twins. Aemma's dark violet eyes met with the somber brown eyes of Jacaerys, who stood alongside Baela and Rhaena on the bench as the two girls mourned their mother. Baela, who was clutching Jacaerys's hand tightened her grip when Aemond and Aemma neared.

Aemond offered them a sympathetic smile and Aemma looked to him since she did not know what to say. But from the looks of it he did not either. Although he tried, tried to get some words out but gulped them back ultimately. Resulting in the two light skinned blondes to stand there like an idiot before the older one decides it was best to leave.

Sighing, he led his sister away returning to the corner where their other siblings were.




Aemond stood between Aegon and Daeron, holding Aemma by her shoulders. All four of them watching Helaena. The older girl was lost in her own head, as she sat on the floor mumbling softly to herself as she guided her new found spider over her hands without a care in the world.

"Why does she always talk to herself?" Aemma was the first to break the silence.

"She will talk to you if you talk to her." Aemond responded.

"She is talking to those insects." Daeron quipped.

"We've nothing in common." The older Targaryen grumbled, his face curling into a sneer as he glared daggers at his betrothed's oblivious back.

"She's our sister." Aemond reminded.

"You marry her then."

"I would perform my duty, if mother had only betrothed us."

"If only." Aegon scoffed, with a face that could be deciphered as disgust.

"It would strengthen the family. Keep our Valyrian blood pure."

"She's an idiot."

"She's your future Queen!" Again Aemond reminded.

"If Aegon marries Helaena than can I marry Aemma…?" Daeron softly joined the conversation.

The two older boys stopped and snapped their head at the younger brother.

"She's already promised to someone you twat! So you can't marry her unless the betrothal is broken off or our nephew is dead." Said Aegon.

"And according to our custom, it is me who should be the one to marry her." Added Aemond, looking his younger brother in the eyes.

Daeron drew his brows together. "What about me then?"

"If another sister is born down the line, you can marry her. Or else you have to marry outside of the family." Aemond explained, Daeron frowned and Aegon chuckled.

"Such idiots you two are! No more siblings will be born, I can guarantee that. Unless... mother decides to take after…" he lowers his voice to a whisper "...our half sister and starts producing bastards. Because it is evident that our father is too sick to enjoy the pleasures of f*cking."

"Aegon! Watch what you're saying." Aemond warned, checking their surroundings to see if Aegon's lewd words have caught any unwanted attention.

"I'm only speaking the truth." The older boy defended. "And as for you — do you really think father will let you— who doesn't even have his own dragon — marry Aemma. The man maybe sick but he’s no nincompoop. I dare you ask him for her hand. I'd wager, that even with his sick hand father will give you a slap so hard that it will change the structure of your face forever."

"So I cannot marry Aemma?" Daeron asked again to confirm. Looking at his brothers, hoping this time the answer will be different.

"Neither of you can. Unless she grows up to be a peculiar like that one." He rudely pointed at Helaena.

Right that moment, a serving girl who was going around filling the cups, appeared before them. Aegon's attention immediately switched to her. A smile crept up his lips, like he just realized something.

"We actually do have…" he mumbled, switching his empty cup for a full one. "…one thing in common." Aemond glared at him, already predicting what he'd say. And of course, Aegon did not surprise him.

"We both fancy creatures with very long legs."

Aemond was about to give his response and Aegon was ready to follow after the maid for another cup. But neither happened as Daeron interrupted.

"Where is Aemma?"

Dread filled both brothers. Quickly their eyes casted downward, only to be met with an empty space where their sister was supposed to be. Aemond was about to go look for her but was stopped by Aegon, as he had already located her.

"There she is…" the two younger brothers followed his gaze and found Aemma to be with the last person she should be with.

Aemond nervously looked at his mother, who was now glaring daggers at him. Guilt seeped through him, knowing he failed his mother's instruction. Biting the inside of his cheek he looked back at his own hands, thinking...

How had he not felt her leave...?

Meanwhile, Daemon is pulled out of his thoughts upon feeling something softly tugging his tunic.

His head turn, only to find the spot beside him empty. He feels the tug again. Instinctively his gaze lowers and narrows curiously. Out of everything he was expecting, Daemon Targaryen certainly wasn't expecting to find his brother's youngest pup, pulling for his attention.

Odd. He thought before looking away, deciding to ignore the child. Concluding, she approached him by mistake.

A mistake it was. Certainly.

Not of the child's though, but his own, to assume her approach towards him was a simple error.

Because it definitely was not!

Aemma frowned— confused and fuming simultaneously. No one turns their head away from her. No one has ever dared to, whether it be a Lord, Lady or other members of her father's court. This man was the first!

Perhaps he did not know of the unspoken rule— When you meet Aemma Targaryen you pamper and coddle her.

Therefore she decided to be fair and give him another chance.

This time when he felt the tug Daemon knew exactly where to look. Only to find her with a big pout on her mouth and her arms raised. Wordlessly commanding him to pick her up.

The older man arched an eyebrow, both in question and amusem*nt. The sight of it was humorous really, making him want to toss his head back and laugh. Of course he could reject her again. Like he gave a damn about how the audience watching would perceive. Actually, the onlookers wouldn't even bat a lash. As it was a behaviour befitting of his reputation— the rouge prince. But surprising himself and the ones who were sneaking a glance his way, Daemon gave in and picked up the little girl and placed her on the banister he was leaning against.

Truth is, he was intrigued. The pendent hanging on her neck made no sense to him. Should it not belong to Rhaenyra? After all it was a gift Viserys received from her mother. So what was it doing on Otto's granddaughter's neck?

"I'm Aemma." Daemon smirked as the child introduced herself. Suddenly remembering its not just the pendant that Viserys gave her. He even gave her the poor woman's name. A part of him wonders how the Arryns would feel about it.

"I know." He responded. And before he could figure out what else to say to her, Aemma threw him another question.

"Why were you laughing? My father says it is cruel to laugh at others misery."

He opened his mouth to counter. But she interrupted him again.

"Your wife died, should you not be sad? Your daughters are crying. They are sad. Why are you not sad." Her tone came off accusatory. Something she definitely intended.

"People have different ways of expressing grief, Princess. A kid like you wouldn't know."

"Oh! So yours is laughing." She frowned.


"Did you not love her?"

Daemon Targaryen found himself at an impossible impasse. For one thing he couldn't tell her the truth. He did not love Laena but definitely liked her enough to be able to tolerate her presence. Unlike the bronze bitch he was previously married to, whom he had to take down in order to…

Lucky for Daemon, he did have to ponder on what to say for much longer because the impatient pup tossed another question at him.

"Now that your wife is dead, who are you going to marry next?"

Daemon blinked.

For some odd reason this time her voice came out louder. What was more infuriating was the fact she made it sound like she asked him a mundane question, when in reality it was the exact opposite.

Many were now staring at them. Daemon could feel eyes pouring holes behind his back. Amongst them were his brother, his Queen, the reinstated Lord Hand, his deceased wife's parents and his own daughters. Let's not forget some of the other nosy guests. But he could care less.

Everyone held their breath. Most onlookers viewed the interaction between the newly widower Prince Daemon and his little niece as entertaining till she unknowingly asked him a very inappropriate question. The answer to which could have various repercussions. After all, the parents of his late wife were not so far away. The King fondly watched his brother and daughter. But his Queen was a whole other matter. She was beyond frightened as she looked to her father, and then Ser Criston. Thinking which one of the two would be the better candidate to be sent to fetch Aemma from the rouge Prince.

The situation with her children were not so different. Aegon was worried, Aemond looked guilty and Daeron was trying to understand why his brothers appeared so tensed.

"What does she think she is doing?" Aemond whispered, fiddling his fingers nervously.

Only for Aegon to add fuel to his fire of fear and guilt. "You were the one in charge."

"I was holding her." Aemond defended.

"And yet, she managed to escape, without you having a clue."

"She is only speaking to our uncle. Could that be so bad?" Daeron's words were brushed off by his older brothers.

"I bet you, he will throw her off of the edge."

"Don't say that!" Aemond hissed, clenching his jaws. His focus not bit wavering from his sister and ill-reputed uncle.

Interestingly... it was not so bad as other thought it was.

"You." Daemon finally answered his little niece's question. A twisted smirk playing across his lips.

"Me…?" Aemma was baffled. "But I'm already promised to someone… to him." She pointed towards Lucerys.

Daemon followed her direction and found the boy standing lone in a corner, watching the waves crashing onto the shore.

"That can be handled." His smirk widened.

"Would you not be too old by the time I am grown. We will not look good together then." She presented her logic.

"Worry not princess, we will make a fine couple just like your mother and father." He jested, loudly enough for everyone to hear especially the King and Queen.

That was when the King finally decided to approach them.

When she saw her father nearing. Aemma exclaimed, "Father!" Extending her arms the same way did to Daemon, expecting to be picked up.

Daemon did not look at his brother. His eyes remained on the little girl.

Viserys complied to his daughter's request first. In spite of the his body's struggle he picked her up and placed her on his hip.

The delicate kiss he pressed on her forehead next, showed the depth of his affection for the little girl.

Daemon elected to move his gaze away from the daughter and settle them on her father - his brother. His face was gravely serious. The eyes that were mischievous moments ago are hardened now. Even when he was deeply humoured inside to the scene of the girl taking off the King's crown and play with it like it is one of her plaything. It also did not escape Daemon's keen eyes how much his brother's health had declined over the years. Viserys was struggling to hold onto the child, even though she is quite small in size for her age and weighs as light as feathers.

"Your girls are the very image of their mother. A comfort and an anguish. As I well remember. The Gods can be cruel." Viserys made an attempt at conversation. Hoping it would finally diffuse into the tension between them.

"It seems they've been especially cruel to you." Daemon retorted with a raised brow. After all it was not him sweating and running out of breath holding a kid that weighed nothing.

"Yes…" The King admitted. While Aemma placed the crown back onto his head, upside-down. "But recently, they also gave me peace." His head turned to his little girl as those words escaped his lips.

She flashed him a toothy grin and for a moment Viserys felt all his pain fading away. Giving him the strength to focus on his brother once more.

"You should return with us to King's Landing. It's time that you came home."

"Pentos is my home… and that to my children."

"Daemon, I know we've had our differences. But let them pass with the years. There's a place for you in my court. If that's something you should need."

"I need nothing!" Daemon barked back harshly at the offer. Viserys found himself at loss of words. Confused and scared Aemma clung to her father.

Daemon wanted to say more but had no intention to scare the child so he walked away, fully ignoring his brother's call. Indicating it was the end of their conversation.

Due to tension hanging in the air a lot of people missed that Princess Rhaenyra had followed after her uncle.

The King began walking back inside. His daughter almost sliding down his body, as he was losing his strength to keep his hold on her intact. However the Lord commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Harrold Westerling quickly offered to take Aemma. Viserys let the man take his daughter and turned to his wife to tell her.

"I'm going to bed Aemma."

Alicent and Criston Cole had their eyes go wide. Both unable to speak a word.

"Alright." Aemma innocently replied from the back, thinking her father had said that to her. When in reality the situation was much dire. The King had mistaken his current wife for his late wife. Of course, the man holding Aemma understood the urgency of the situation and jumped in to meditate before the King unintentionally further humiliated the Queen in public.

"Shall I see after Queen Alicent, your grace." He purposely uttered the Queen's name loudly, to give the King an understanding of his mistake.

Viserys realized and looked back at his wife. Only to find her staring at him hurt and embarrassed. But he offered her no apology.

"No Ser Harrold." He said, resuming his way inside.

"You have the night's watch Ser Criston." The Lord commander of the Kingsguard told the man as he walked past him and the Queen.

Criston acknowledged the order but the Queen stopped him and snatched Aemma out of his arms before walking away from there.

She strode over to where her children stood and handed Aemma to Helaena, ordering them to retire for the night before she retreated herself.

Of course Aegon did not obey his mother's order. Soon as their mother was out of his line of vision, he picked up a new cup and a full jug from a nearby maid and simply strode off in a different direction.

Not surprisingly leaving the responsibility on Helaena and Aemond's shoulders to guide the younger two to their chamber.




Talya was waiting for them inside. Preparing their sleeping clothes. She offered to help them get ready for bed.

But Aemond refused her assistance, stating,

"I shall go retrieve Aegon first."

He also instructed Helaena to not wait for him before sprinting out of the room.

Little did anyone know then, it was their last time seeing him whole... full... unabridged... complete...




After putting Aemma and Daeron to sleep, Helaena went to bed herself.

But before sleep took over, the older female Targaryen heard the door pushed open.

Peeking, she saw her grandsire in a state of full outrage as he dragged a barely conscious Aegon and shoved him to the bed.

Then exit, slamming the door behind him.

Helaena flinched and ducked under the cover.

Her heart began to palpate.

Aemond is yet to return. Was the last thought to cross her mind before she drifted off to a dreamless slumber.




Later that night, Aemma was woken by Aegon's voice.

Cracking an eye open she found him shaking Helaena awake.

The older girl woke to the slightest touch and backed away from him right away.

"What's happened?" She asked, worry lacing her voice.

Aegon replied, his voice uncharacteristically serious and sober.

"A fight broke out… Aemond's been injured."

Aemma also sat up. It caught her attention that Aegon called Aemond by his name. He never does that. It's always brother or twat.

The fact that Aegon referred to him by his name, using a tone that was dead serious, and on top of that he was speaking to Helaena civilly. All indicated to one conclusion—

Something terrible happened to Aemond.

Before Aegon could provide Helaena his next set of instruction Aemma had already leapt off the bed and climbed on to the other bed. She shook Daeron awake, who by some miracle was still asleep. She does not give him the chance to ask as to why she had awakened him nor does she explain herself. She simply tugs him out of bed, ignoring his yelp and drags him out of the door. Brushing off her older siblings call.


A.N. Thank you all for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Again I had to divide the episode. The next chapter will focus the main events of it. But in this chapter I wanted to show details of how the journey and start of the funeral was for the green siblings.

I tried to show Aemma's interactions with new people so I chose Corlys and Daemon. Although I am not sure how accurate it went but I chose Corlys based on the small interaction he had with Luke. He seems child friendly to give into Aemma childish wishes.

As for Daemon- Aemma doesn't know him or heard much about his reputation. So when she saw him laughing at his wife's funeral he instantly caught her attention.

Chapter 7: Driftmark (part 2)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Like the rest of the guests staying in the High Tide, the four siblings make their way downstairs to the Hall of Nine.

As it was expected, a crowd has already gathered there; with more still coming.

They locate Aemond easily, seated near the burning fire. Their distraught parents by his side. Helplessly watching maester Kelvyn tending to him, looking grim.

Aemond makes no sound or shows any signs of discomfort as the maester stitches his wound together. It's a deep long and hideous— stretching from above his left brow, over his left eye socket, and down to his cheek. Far worse than what Aemma or any of her other siblings thought it would be.

As the maester continued to work, the King interrogated Lord Commander Westerling and his guards and Ser Criston Cole, who were supposed to have the night's watch. Blaming them for letting everything get to this point.

He was beyond angry.

From beside the light of the hearth, their mother watched the maester closely. "It will heal, will it not, Maester?" Her voice as desperate as a mother's can get at a situation like this.

Maester Kelvyn hesitates, still focused on sewing the wound together. "The flesh will heal… but the eye is lost, Your Grace."

Their father sighs and their mother looks as though she might burst into tears. But she stands straight instead, purposefully rounding towards where her other children stood, with her handmaiden.

"Where were you?" She demand off of Aegon.

"Me?" Aegon asked confused.

The slap their mother delivers to his cheek makes his younger siblings jump with fright. Emotions of shock and fear reflected on their faces.

"Ow!" He yelped, "what was that for?!"

"That was nothing compared to the abuse your brother suffered while you were drowning in your cups, you fool!" She hissed, baring her teeth. Looking like an animal ready to rip Aegon to shreds.

Just then the door above opened, and Lord Corlys and his wife charged through the stairs. While Corlys looked around with a fierce gaze demanding — what's happening? His wife rushed over to their granddaughters and took them in her arms protectively.

Not a moment later, the other door across the hall opened. Princess Rhaenyra ran in. Prince Daemon was closely following, but he stayed by the door, casually leaning against it.

Rhaenyra rushed to her boys and kneeled in front of Lucerys who was bleeding from the nose, to check for his injuries before demanding, "Who did this?"

"They attacked me!" Aemond looked back and shouted from his seat.

"He attacked Baela!" Jacaerys shouted back.

"He broke Luke's nose!" One of the twins joined the competition of shouting.

From there chaos broke out, leading to the over lapping of voices. All of the children involved in the incident were shouting at the same time. Shifting the blame from one to the other. Making it difficult to understand who was saying what.

Overwhelmed, Aemma closed her ears using both her hands. Still, the muffled voices made it to her ear.

"He stole my mother's dragon!"

"Enough." The King demanded, but it went unheard as the children continued to argue.

"He was going to kill Jace!"

"I didn't do anything!"

"Enough!" The King tried again.

"It should be my son telling the tale!" The Queen joined in.

"He called us—" Jacerys began but the King roared this time cutting off everyone.


The room indeed descended into silence. Leaving only the burning of the of the fire place the only noise to be heard aside from the heavy exhale of some. Daeron pulled Aemma's hands off of her ears, now that the screaming match was over. Aemma looked at her father shocked, she didn't know he had the strength in him to scream that loud.

"Aemond..." The King called, his cane struck the stone floor with each step he took towards his son, "I will have the truth of what happened. Now."

"What else is there to hear?" The Queen interjected. "Your son has been maimed. Her son is responsible." She pointed towards Rhaenyra.

"It was a regrettable accident," Rhaenyra swiftly defended, challenging the mother who's son has been permanently scarred by her son.

"Accident," Alicent repeated in disbelief. "Prince Lucerys brought a blade to an ambush. He meant to kill my son."

Aemma glance at her nephews. Her eyes settling on her betrothed— bleeding from the nose. Before they move to her brother—his left eye stitched. She looks back at Lucerys again and then back at her brother. Even a child like her understands who has sustained a life altering injury.

Rhaenyra snarled in defence. "It was my sons who were attacked and forced to defend themselves." And drew her boys closer. "Vile insults were levied against them."

That caught her father's immediate attention as he quickly questioned. "What insults?"

There was a moment of silence before Rhaenyra responded, looking at Aemond then to Alicent. Hinting, she already knew the true source of the insults. "The legitimacy of my sons' birth was put loudly to question."

"What?!" The King appears astonished.

Aemma and Daeron share a look. Not understanding why their father looks so surprised. They all know those boys are bastards. Howcome he does not?!

"He called us bastards," Jacaerys spoke up, making the room go still.

"My sons are in line to inherit the Iron Throne, Your Grace. This is the highest of treason. Prince Aemond must be sharply questioned so we might learn where he heard such slanders."

Sharply questioned — a decent and polite term fortorture.

Aemond had turned in his seat to glare at his older sister; making his father look down at him. But it was his mother who asked the Princess, "Over an insult? My son has lost an eye." She was shocked and heartbroken, thinking — how as a mother herself was Rhaenyra asking for an injured child to be tortured.

Viserys ignored his wife. He does not seem nearly as concerned as he leans down closer to his son, stern and cold. "You tell me, boy. Where did you hear this lie?"

"The insult was training yard bluster," Alicent tried to save her son from answering. "There's lot of boys. It was nothing."

To no avail. Her husband remains unmoved.

"Aemond... I asked you a question."

So she tries to deviate the situation in a different direction. "Where is Ser Laenor, I wonder? The boys' father? Perhaps he might have something to say in the matter."

"Yes. Where is Ser Laenor?" Viserys fell for it, eyes looking to his eldest daughter.

"I do not know, your Grace. I... could not find sleep... and had gone out to walk," Rhaenyra answered defeatedly. Now she appears to be in an awkward position.

And it certainly does not escape Alicent's eyes as she observes the princess carefully— Rhaenyra looks somewhat disheveled. Her hair is slightly out of place. There are dusts of sand on them and her clothes are creased and wrinkled. Hinting light on the factor- mayhaps she had been lying on the beach. Not to mention, Prince Daemon was right behind her when she came in.

Oh Alicent is now confirmed what the wretched Princess had been up to. And she isn't the only one, Ser Criston Cole is also smirking, in ways which implies judgement and scorn.

"Entertaining his younger squires, I would venture," the Queen snipped, making some people around smirk and snicker as the insult registered.

"Aemond... Look at me," Viserys directed his attention to his son, making the injured boy meet his father's angered, hardened gaze. "Your King demands an answer. Who spoke these lies to you?"

Aemond does not speak first. Aemma and Daeron grasp each others hands when their injured brother move his eyes to their mother. The King then follows Aemond's gaze, eyes settling on his Queen. And she appears frightened.

It was as if a collective breath was held.

The gathered crowd already predicted the King had heard his son's unspoken words. But that was when the boy proved them wrong.

"It was Aegon." By shifting the blame on his older brother, he saved his mother.

Aemma was familiar with this trait of his. He had done that before to save her from Helaena's anger when she killed one of her bugs.

"Me?" The three siblings felt their older brother's surprise as he looked shell-shocked to be thrown into the eye of the storm.

The King now turned his sight onto his eldest son, growling. "And you, boy?" He walked to him. "Where did you hear such calumnies?" But when his son did not answer, nor meet his gaze, the King shouted.

"AEGON!" Helaena, Daeron and Aemma all flinched at once. "Tell me the truth of it!"

With a trembling voice, Aegon began, "We know, father. Everyone knows... just look at them."

The hall was engulfed in silence by the Prince's words.

It is the truth that no one has dared say out loud, until now. Although everyone present knew and talked about it behind closed doors; but they all avoided discussing it publicly.

Alicent Hightower and her children quietly applauded Aegon for the bravery he showed in that critical moments. It was the first time he fulfilled the role of the eldest son and big brother.

The King silently surveyed the room, carefully assessing the face of the others and chose not to pursue the topic further.

Like everyone, he too was aware that the boys in question looked nothing like their Targaryen mother and Velaryon father. Instead they bore a striking resemblance to the late Commander of the City Watch, Harwin Strong. However, as a father with power, Viserys must show this premeditated blindness and play into the role of oblivious fool.

"This interminable infighting must cease at once!" His cane punctuated his words. "All of you! We are family!" He only glanced at Aemond briefly before turning his gaze to the room again. "Now make your apologies and show good will to one another. Your father, your grandsire, your King demands it!"

Nobody spoke nor made a move, because the King's words did not feel truly fair. Aemma looked at her brothers and sister to watch for their reaction. Helaena's face showed sadness. Daeron looked upset. Aegon kept his head bowed low and Aemond was so full of anger and animosity, which he could not express with the current pain coursing through him. And little Aemma was still trying to figure out what to feel at the moment; because all she could think of was creative ways in which she could spit on her father.

She watched the old man move away from Aegon and walk past her mother, who was almost in tears. A look consisting emotions of frustration, hurt and disbelief crossed her face as she spoke next.

"That is insufficient." The King turned, hearing his Queen. "Aemond has been damaged, permanently, my King. 'Good will' cannot make him whole."

"I know, Alicent," the King admitted regretfully. "but I cannot restore his eye."

"No, because it's been taken!" The Queen agreed bitterly.

"What would you have me do?" The King growled back, frustrated.

"There is a debt to be paid," She decided, and the room went still. "First I shall have one of her son's eye in return. Second I want my daughter's betrothal be broken this instant!"

The crowd muttered with discomfort as the King approached the Queen, "The matter of Aemma's betrothal can be discussed later. And as for your ridiculous demand… my dear wife..."

"Ridiculous demand!" The Queen spat bitterly and reminded her husband desperately. "He is your son, Viserys. Your blood!"

"Do not," Viserys warned. His voice is low, commanding, and leaves no room for argument. "allow your temper to guide your judgement."

Having said that the King turned, intending to leave the hall when his wife spoke once more.

"If the King will not seek justice, the Queen will. Ser Criston... Bring me the eye of Lucerys Velaryon."

Criston Cole straightens but remains unmoving, deciding what to do. Lucerys panics, calling for his mother. Viserys call for his wife, trying to make her see sense, but she brushes him aside. As all her senses have stopped working by now.

"He can choose which eye to keep, a privilege he did not grant my son."

"You will do no such thing," Rhaenyra threatens the Knight, shielding her boys.

"Stay your hand," The king demands.

"No, you are sworn to me!" The Queen snaps. She is burning in fire coursing through her veins, generated from outrage.

All eyes turned to the Knight.

Criston Cole hesitates meeting the queen's gaze. "As your protector, my Queen," He reminds her slowly, politely refusing.

"Alicent, this matter... is finished. Do you understand?" The King leers fiercely.

The Queen says nothing, only glaring furiously. The King then takes the opportunity and direct his words to everyone gathered.

"And let it be known: anyone whose tongue dares to question the birth of Princess Rhaenyra's sons should have it removed!"

"Thank you, Father."

Not a soul dares argues after. And for a moment it appears as if the matter is truly closed. Until the Queen yanks the Valyrian dagger from her husband's belt and charge towards the boy responsible.

Resulting in the second chaos for the night.

"Alicent!" Viserys screamed.

"Stay with the King!" Harold Westerling demanded of Criston Cole as he followed the Queen. "HOLD YOUR APPROACH!"

Talya took hold of the Queen's two young children and moved to back of the hall. Helaena came with them. Aegon was lost amongst the crowd.

Rhaenyra stepped forward and took hold of Alicent's hands.

Many were shouting and pushing forward to see what was unfolding. Amongst the sea of adults Aemma and Daeron struggled to see what was happening. But they understood far too much was happening at the same time. Lucerys's frightening scream could be heard. Criston Cole held back by Daemon Targaryen. Their mother and half-sister grapple with one another in the middle of the room. Their words portraying the situation to be more about themselves… their feud, than collecting payment for the boy who just lost an eye.

The Queen screamed in rage before the women ultimately pushed away from each other. The blade comes down, slashing through the Princess hand in the process. Hitting the ground with sound that was ominously loud against the abrupt silence.

Everyone watches… shocked and stunned by what has happened.

The uncomfortable silence continued as everyone waited for the next move to be made. Nobody did, only Prince Aemond stepped into the circle, earning the attention of all those lingering.

"Do not mourn me, mother. It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye…" He glanced at his half-sister and his nephews, with an expression that was unreadable but felt eerily deadly.

"…but I gained a dragon."

The oldest and the largest dragon alive is now the mount of a scorned boy.

Dangerousness and severity of the situation finally sank into the minds of the adults— Princess Rhaenyra, Princess Daemon, Lord Corlys, Otto Hightower and many more.

But possibly the thought does not cross the mind of the King.

"This proceeding is at an end." As he declared, putting an end to it all. But it was evident, that it is not over. In fact, it was far from it.

People begin to filter out of the hall, returning to their chambers. Aemond move in to hug his mother and comfort her. Soon his other siblings followed, embracing their mother and injured brother.

Soon after, Aegon and Helaena returned to their chamber with Daeron and Aemma. Aemond did not return with them.

Through Cole they were told that Aemond would remain in their mother's care for the night.

"Is it possible for me to see him?" Helaena asked the knight and he nodded disapprovingly.

"I'm afraid no one is allowed near him at the moment, my Princess."

The Princess no longer argued, accepted the decision she was told. But who said everyone was as obedient as Helaena was.

The following morning Aemond woke to a strange sensation. It felt as if someone was blowing air to his face.

Shooting his remaining eye open he was proven right, when he caught sight of the pink puckered lips too close to his face.

Angry, irritated and on impulse, he gave the body a hard shove on the chest. Sending the figure almost flying off of the bed.

Aemma yelped.

"What are you doing?!" Aemond growled, furious. He cared not why she was here, but the fact that she was, and has been able to see him in his most vulnerable state made his blood boil.

"I'm trying to help you." She fired back, sitting up straight.

"By blowing air to my face?" He rolled his singular eye.

His reaction made his sister blink. Never did she take him for someone ungrateful. It seemed to her, as if gaining a dragon has changed him over night. He went to bed as Aemond but woke up as another person.

"You got hurt. Septa Lira taught me, blowing air over wounded surface helps with the pain."

For some reason those words only fuelled his already raging fire. First and foremost— he wasn't simply injured. It's no mere cut that it can be soothed by blowing air over it or rubbing ointment on it. Seven hells he lost an eye! Half of his vision is gone forever. Now he must pick up everything from scratch, relearn how to survive with one-eye. And this delusion idiot here thinks she can help byblowing air to his wound. What a jest!

Determined to help, Aemma was closing in on him again but Aemond pressed a hand to her chest and kept her at a distance.

"I didn't just get hurt, I lost my eye. So blowing air would do no good."

"Then what can I do to help?" No, she wasn't ready to give up.

"Actually you can do something…" the realization suddenly hit him. "Since your bastard betrothed is responsible, why don't you bring me his eye." He suggested bitterly. In hopes that it would make her upset and leave him be for now.

But sometimes words have opposite effects. Mayhaps it was one of those times.

Aemma stared at him for few good moments. Aemond did not deter, he too glared back until she suddenly hopped down the bed and ran out of the chamber.

Clenching his hands to tight fists Aemond let out a frustrated groan. Feeling disgusted with himself for taking his rage out on his own little sister who, in good intention came to help.

He laid back down on the bed and blackly watched the ceiling with his single eye. He may have told his mother not to mourn him, but he certainly is going to, and perhaps forever will mourn his eye. How can he not? When he's left disfigured and ruined for life. Oh he can already imagine the horrific names and titles the gossiping court will come up with. How the maesters will describe him in the future.

His sulking does not last long. Aemond Targaryen's chain of thought is cut short when the sound of a horrifying scream, from a familiar voice, tears through the peaceful silence of the castle.

Like any normal person Aemond also reacted— he shot up on the he bed swiftly, with brow raised in concern. Although he couldn't exactly point out who the voice belonged to, but he was damn sure it was one of those Strong bastards.


His throat went dry. Desperately praying to whoever was listening to keep his sister miles away from whatever it is that's taking place.

No sooner than the screams died down Aemma ran back to the room. Aemond sigh in relief— as long as his sister remained unharmed. He did not give a sh*t about anything else.

"What's happened?"

She did not respond. Instead hurriedly climbed onto the bed and dived straight into his lap, making space for herself in his arms. It appeared as though she was trying to mould their bodies together.

At first Aemond wasn't sure as to what she was doing, only then he noticed how vigorously her body was shaking. She shook with the fear she felt. He could even hear the sound of her teeth grinding. He looked down, she looked like a scared kitten trying to seek comfort in her mother. He realized, she was trying to hide. But from what?

"Aemma, are you alright?"

"I'm sorry…" She mumbled.

His confusion peaked. "Why do you apologize?"

"Sorry I couldn't get you his eye…"

"You don't have to. I didn't mea—"

"I asked him politely at first. Told him to give you an eye. He refused. Then I tried to convince him, but he still refused. I thought I could hurt him a little and take his eye. So I pushed him down the stairs—"

"What?!" Aemond exclaimed, pushing himself back to get a good look at her. "You did what!?"

"— and went after him as he fell. But I couldn't make him open his eyes. He's bleeding and not responding."

Fear shot through his spine. "What have you done! You imbecile!"

"I tried to get one of his eye like you asked me to." She innocently defended herself.

"Has anyone seen you?"

She thought about it, chewing her lower lip and batting her lashes. "I think not."

"Are you certain?"

"No…" She drawled, like how Aegon does.

He said no more, just pulled her back into his arms and rested his face above her head. His mind plagued with ideas that could be implemented to save her. Sadly none of which seemed quite suitable for the mess she has landed herself in.

After everything that had taken place last night, Aemond remains unsure whether Aemma can truly be saved. If he got no justice being the victim himself, he couldn't even fathom what awaited her. While it's true their father doted on Aemma, but that alone is not enough for that man to stand against his eldest daughter and her bastards. It was the hard lesson Aemond learned yesterday. It matters not which side is in the right and which side is in the wrong. Their father's partiality remains brutal as the throne he sits upon.

His hold on his little sister tightened protectively as the sound of commotion outside became louder.

Soon their mother walked in, with their grandsire only a step behind. Her distraught appearance has changed since last night. She looks slightly better…fresher.

"What's the matter?" Alicent raised a brow, not expecting to find her youngest here.

The boy said nothing, yet somehow his mother was able to read him like an open book. And soon as she had done that, her face paled.

Alicent rubbed a hand over her face. From her son getting maimed last night and getting no justice by his own father to now this mess… it was turning out to be the most dreadful morning. Every little voice in her head seemed to be screaming and jumping to the worst conclusions on what could happened with her daughter. And she did not dare hope. Even when her little girl is so doted upon. Considering how things unfolded, Alicent in her heart could only assume the worst. At least the weight of the broken expectations would not be so suffocating then.

She stormed over to the bed and forcefully pulled her frightened daughter out of her son's arms and gave her two hard-tight slaps across the face.



Her father and son exclaimed in unison.

Aemma began to cry but her mother showed no sign of restraint. In fact she raised her hand higher to put more force into the slap. But the others got in the way.

"Alicent calm down!" Otto shouted, pressing a firm hand on his daughter's shoulder in order to keep her away from his granddaughter.

But that did not stop Alicent from screaming. "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!"

"Mother please…" Aemond shielded Aemma with his body.

"Didn't you learn anything from last night? Look at your brother, LOOK AT HIM! He's destroyed for life. Still I couldn't save him. Couldn't give him the justice he deserved. And all your father offered was 'Good Will'. How do you think I can save you after you've thrown one of those bastards down the stairs—"

"Control yourself Alicent. Get a hold of your emotions."

She paid no heed to her father's words. Aemma's sob came out louder but it had little effect on her mother, who had no strength to comfort her.

"Do not delude yourself to think Rhaenyra and your father will let it pass just because they have coddled you so far. Get this into your head you fool— You mean nothing to them now!"

Right when Alicent finished the heavy door swung open. Lord Commander Harold Westerling finally making an appearance.

"I'm here to collect the princess." He declared.

Aemma took shelter behind her grandsire's tall frame in hopes that the bald man would not find her.

Sadly it was pointless.

"Come with me Princess, your father awaits you."

Aemma looked at her mother only to find her looking the other way. Then she looked at Aemond, he looked unsure and frightened. Finally she met her grandsire's gaze. Unlike the first two people he appeared confident. He even walked her towards the awaiting commander, muttering the words in her ear.

"Fear not, nothing will happen to you."

"But Aemond—"

"You're not Aemond! Or any of your other siblings for the matter... you're special to your father, don't ever forget that."

The same crowd that had been present last night, had once more gathered at the Hall of Nine.

Difference was, only this time some figures have switched places. For instance: instead of Aemond Targaryen, his nephew Lucerys Velaryon is the victim now. The boy was unconscious, laying on his mother's lap on the ground, as maester Kelvyn, who had earlier treated his broken nose and his mother's slit hand, once again worked on him.

Ironic how Princess Rhaenyra currently wore the exact same expression of distraught, desperation and helplessness that Queen Alicent wore the night before. Her face scrunched up like an approaching thunder cloud, her breath hitched in the back of her throat since the moment she followed her son's scream and found him lying on a fresh pool of blood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Maester Kelvyn…" She called the man softly. "Will he live?"

"Of course he will live Princess. The prince's injuries may not be fatal, but I must warn you before hand that the recovery will take time. At least three moons of full bedrest is mandatory. As he has four broken ribs, the left leg is also broken and the right arm is completely dislocated from the shoulder. Miraculously though the head remains unhurt. Even though he is bleeding from the side of his temple, it is no cause for concern."

Maester Kelvyn's reassuring words washed a wave of relief onto the faces of Princess Rhaenyra, Ser Laenor, the King and Lord Corlys. All of them finally releasing the breath they did not know they were holding until now.

But the moment of relief was cut short. As all eyes moved to the young Princess just as Ser Harold Westerling arrived with her.

Some eyes, including the ones belonging to the King and Lord Corlys softened upon sighting the nervous fidgeting girl. Prince Daemon however kept his face exactly how it had been last night— like he was seeking entertainment. Whereas his daughters, alongside Jacaerys were full on glaring at Aemma. As for Princess Rhaenyra… she avoided looking at her sister, keeping herself focused on her son.

Turning sideways, Aemma saw her other siblings— Aegon, Daeron and Helaena quietly standing behind the chair their father occupied.

"Bring her over here Ser Harold." Petting the spot on his lap, the King ushered Commander Westerling to place his daughter onto his lap.

The man did as the King asked and stepped back.

"Aemma's… do you know why you have been summoned?"

Aemma blinked at the unexpected soft tone of her father, understandably surprised.

Truth be told, Viserys did not intend for his tone come out this soft. Nonetheless, holding back on his crumbling composure became increasingly difficult when Aemma would not remove her gaze from him. Looking at him like he is the only person in this crowded room, that matters to her.

Under the intensity of her gaze Viserys felt his heart skip a beat. This is exactly how his Aemma used to look at him.

"Father…" She trailed off hesitating on what to say.

"Fear not, nothing will happen to you."

Her grandsire's words echoed in her mind as a reminder that she must choose her next words very carefully. Because her mother cannot save her. How can she — when she could not bring justice for Aemond after what happened to him. It would be utterly foolish to expect her siblings to do something when they have no power and her grandsire would not risk his position for something so futile. And the rest would not even lift a finger.

She was on her own; and Aemma understood that factor very well.

"You're not Aemond! Or any of your other siblings for the matter… you're special to your father, don't ever forget that."

"Father… I'm scared." Having her vision blurred with tears, Aemma finally said what she wanted to. All the while keeping her eyes trained on her father, captivating him in her hypnotic gaze.

The question that was asked and the response given did not match. But the King's melting heart took no note of that detail. Actually not many people did. But Daemon Targaryen, Vaemond Valaryon and Otto Hightower did not fall into the category of many people.

"You have no reason to be scared darling. Luke shall be alright in no time." Viserys assured his girl, wiping away her tears using his thumb.

Standing near the entrance Alicent and Aemond exchanged a look, as they beheld the sight before them. Neither of them could comprehend how is the King still so gentle with Aemma, considering what she has done…? Similar type of confusion graced Rhaenyra's features too. As she tried to make sense of what happened to her father's sense of justice. Her son was attacked! He could have died! But her father seems more concerned for the person responsible for it.

Jacaerys cannot completely say he did not see this coming. As much of a doting figure his grandsire seems to be toward them, but these days in Aemma's presence, those affection fades to nothing. So, for his brother's sake the young Prince decided to take matters into his own hand. If his grandsire was blind to his daughter's faults, he would point a finger and show it to him then.

"It was her!" Attention in the room switched to the brunette boy as he quickly threw the accusation at Aemma. "First she demanded an eye from Luke, and when he didn't agree, she pushed him down the stairs."

"No I didn't push Luke." Aemma denied, bravely facing the boy who had pointed the accusatory finger at her. "He tripped and fell."

"She's lying! I saw her push Luke with my own eyes!"

At that Rhaenyra looked to her sister. Looking every bit like the Stranger ready to collect her soul.

"Did you ask for his eye?" She demanded.

"I didn't push him!" Aemma shook her head vigorously. Eyes twitching in irritation.

"Did you ask for my son's eye or not?! TELL ME THE TRUTH!"

Aemma flinched, drawing closer to her father for protection. By far this is the most harsh tone of voice someone had ever used against her.

"RHAENYRA!" The King roared.

The mentioned woman looked at her father. His eyes were ablaze with a fury she had seen only a handful of times, but never directed at her. But now, in this moment, while her son lay unconscious and his daughter is responsible for it; he seemed unwilling to defend her. He wasn't willing to say that Aemma stepped over the line, and will be held accountable. Instead what he actually said was,

"You're scaring the poor child."

Aemma seized this opportunity to bury her face into her father's chest. As if it was the safest place for her to hide.

"That poor child pushed my son down the stairs. He could have died, your Grace."

Viserys would never forget the look in his heir's eyes in that moment. The pure, unbridled rage that was aimed directly at the child of barely four years of age, who could barely differentiate the right from wrong.

"She tried to take my son's eye. I'm trying to find out where she's learning such brutality from. Who's corrupting her innocent mind." Having said that, her eyes moved over to the figures standing by the door— the Queen and her father, the Lord Hand. Indirectly shifting the blame on them.

"You're trying to blame me and my father! When I had spent the entire night sleepless, tending to my son who had been maimed by your son—" Alicent did not get to finish what she intended to say, as Aemma briskly cut in between.

"Luke also took my brother's eye. Where did he learn such brutality from?" She retored, exactly mimicking Rhaenyra— in tone and in expression.

The people watching were left stunned by this particular tait of the young Princess.

In spite of her denial it was evidently clear by this point that Aemma had a role to play — whether the boy tripped or he was pushed. Even the King understood that. However, he refused to believe Aemma acted on her own accord. He could swear on his dead wife's memory that his little girl is no vile creature. No! Somebody else must have been pulling the strings.

Feeling suspicious, Viserys raised an intrigued brow when his eyes went over to his injured son. He swore to himself that the punishment will be unimaginable if the boy had somehow brainwashed his sister for the dirty task.

"You have nothing to fear Aemma, no harm will come to you, your father guarantees." The King began, caressing his daughter's face. "So speak freely, tell us, did Aemond…?"

"Aemond what?!" From the end of the hall the Queen spoke up. Holding her boy in her arms protectively. "Finish the sentence Viserys. You think Aemond made Aemma do the task for him."

Viserys presented his logic. "I am looking at all possible aspects wife. It's nothing personal."

Aemma pulled back and looked at her father baffled. Pursing her lips, she frowned, "What would Aemond do with his ugly brown eyes. They don't match with ours."

Some amongst the crowd chuckled at her insult. Vaemond Velaryon being one of them.

"That isn't the point Aemma. What I am trying to find out is whether someone set you up for a trap."

"No." She replied with one simple word that stood for an entire sentence.

"So if Prince Aemond did not set you up that means, you acted on your own Aemma…" Rhaenyra was not asking, rather she was stating. "…you tried to harm my son and meant to kill him. This is a punishable offence and I would urge your Grace to—"

Sound of soft groans cut her off. Making the older Princess divert her attention to her lap. Everyone else followed, only to find the unconscious boy to be awakening.

"Luke…" Rhaenyra pulled her son closer.

In no time his senses returned and he looked around confused before managing to ask, "Where am I…? What happened…?"

"She pushed you down the stairs." His brother replied pointing a finger at his betrothed.

"Now that you're awake lad, why don't you tell us what happened?" The King encouraged.

"But I already told you grandsire, Aemma pushed him down the stairs because Luke wouldn't give her his eye."

It took a moment but Lucerys finally got a grasp of what situation they were in.

"It's not true! I didn't ask for his eye nor did I push him. He tripped." Aemma continued with her denial, foolishly. Forgetful about the fact that the main person in question is now awake and can debunk her claim.

And he could have! He really could have.

But instead, what he does is…

"She's telling the truth. I tripped." He defends her.

Now that flipped the situation entirely. People could no longer predict where this trial is headed. While some looked very impressed by the young man's ability to side with his betrothed. Others especially his own family appeared to be gravely disappointed.

The tension was thick, almost suffocating to the point one would think that the Hall of Nine had turned into a prison.

"Luke…" His brother trailed off in confusion and to some extent in disbelief. Not understanding why his little brother was defending the culprit that tried to harm him.

"Also, Aemma didn't demand I give my uncle an eye."Another lie. "She was simply expressing how hurt she has been for what I did to her brother."

"Stop lying Luke!" Jacaerys interjected.

"I'm not lying." He said to his brother and mother weakly before turning in the direction of the King. He tried to sit up but the maester prevented. "It's not Aemma's fault. She did nothing wrong. Please don't be upset with her grandsire."

The truth was almost buried, as the piles of lies got heavier. However, from the depths of this pool of lies one truth finally emerged. That is— Viserys made the right decision in choosing this boy for Aemma. Today, even after his daughter's horrible did towards him the boy woke up and defended her, showed his loyalty. Further cementing the father's theory that there could be none better suitor for his daughter than Lucerys Velaryon himself. Simultaneously, it also became clear how unfit and undeserving Aemma is of this boy.

Viserys closed his eyes tightly and bowed his head. He was both disappointed and ashamed, mixed with a conflict of doing what is right and the promise of his heart.

Therefore, taking into consideration the betterment of everyone, with a heavy heart he declared the end of Aemma Targaryen and Lucerys Velaryon's betrothal.

Following the announcement came the heavy silence that no one dared to break but young Lucerys Velaryon.

"Please don't end our betrothal, grandsire." He pleaded. "I admit, it was all my fault. I hurt my uncle. And for that I am really very sorry." He tried to sit up again disobeying the maester's instructions just so that he could look at the person in the eye. His father, Ser Laenor understood and helped the boy. Which in turn earned him a glare from his wife.

Lucerys then turned to Aemond, who stood between his mother and grandsire. "Uncle, take whichever eye you please. I want to settle the debt."

"Luke!" His mother harshly whispered. But he ignored her.

Instantly all eyes turned to Aemond. Eagerly anticipating his response to his nephew's generous offer.

The one eyed boy looked at his mother, then his grandsire before ultimately focusing on the boy responsible for turning him half blind and now was offering him his own eye as peace treaty.

In his head Aemond counted his options.

Option one: he could accept his nephew's offer, then take out an eye of the boy who's half his age. And probably go down in history known as the Maegor The Cruel of his generation.

Option two: he could be the bigger person and refuse the bastard's generosity.

Now that he knows how little the bastard values his eyes, he no longer wants it. He wants what matters to the boy the most—

Aemond finally besets his gaze on his sister, seated on their father's lap biting her nails. Their mother's bad habit now passed on to her.

The betrothal maybe broken now, but Aemond is well aware by nightfall it will become unbroken again. Regardless, it hardly matters. Besides it would be so much more satisfactory to take the girl - the bastard likes so much, over his sh*t of an eye.

It was in that moment the scorned boy made up his mind…

He wants Aemma!

He wants her just as much as he wanted a dragon of his own.

But he's smart enough to not share it out loud. Just the way he did not share his plan to claim Vhagar. Because if he did, he wouldn't have had her today.

Similarly, if his father even caught a whiff of his intention, he would wed his sister to the bastard this instant and send her off to Dragonstone. Which is why he must keep his lips sealed and form an appropriate plan in his head.

"I don't want your eye. You can keep it nephew."

So Aemond choose the latter option; where he could be the bigger person and in return earned the respect of everyone, including his father.

Then, when the opportunity arise he will make Aemma his, just like he made Vhagar his.

The plan to return to King's Landing was put to hold for another day.

To make sure the damn day passes without stirring any further regrettable accidents; Queen Alicent Hightower took extra precaution. She put all her children back inside the assigned chamber and had Ser Criston Cole stationed outside to make sure none of them step outside or no one goes in.

The following morning, the group of blonde children marched to the section of the beach where their dragons resided.

Aegon led, his usual lackeys Aemma and Daeron following closely. A few steps behind them were Helaena, firmly holding onto Aemond. The bandage on his face has not yet been opened. It will be though after they reach King's Landing for the Grand-Maester to examine the condition of the wound.

Sunfyre and Dreamfyre were circling the area above water whilst Vhagar remained on the beach lounging lazily.

The group froze after reaching a certain point. Too scared to take another step towards the gigantic beast. Only Aemond kept moving. His eyes shining with joy and pride as he ran towards his dragon.

Sensing her new rider approaching Vhagar raised her head and greet him. Showing others how their bond have been strengthening with every passing moment and interaction between them.

Helaena watched in awe, proud of her brother's achievement. But Aegon, Daeron and Aemma all gulped simultaneously as they started at the massive dragon in disbelief.

Aegon was still coming to terms with the fact that the dragon-less twat, is now the rider of the largest dragon alive. Such twist of fate it was. Daeron was also proud of his big brother but a little scared at the same time. Never did he think one day his brother would be the rider of Vhagar. Aemma on the other hand did not share either of her brothers view. She was left quite unimpressed. As she found the old dragon to be nothing spectacular (appearance wise) like the other dragons she has seen so far. If anything, Vhagar looks more like a mountain. A part of her wondered was it really worth it for Aemond to lose an eye for something that looks so eyesore.

Soon as the other two dragons landed, Aegon and Helaena were trotting towards them. Aegon ordered Daeron to follow, since the latter rode with him on their way here. But the younger boy failed to hear his older brother's call, too focused on the new dragon who rejoined their family.

"Aemma..." Aemond called, as he ran over to her. "Come, ride with me."

The mentioned girl blinked, trying to process her one-eyed brother's offer. Eyeing his stretched arm, waiting for her to take. She looked at Daeron for suggestion, and he encouraged her to take it.

"Go Aemma, this way all of us can fly back home. It will be so much fun."

Aemma considered the idea. Daeron's right! All of them flying back home sounded fun. But then, she looked at the dragon she would have to mount... and he hesitated.

"Is it safe?"

"Absolutely not!" The three children turned hearing their mother's nearing voice. And found her and their grandsire striding toward them.

"Nobody is riding that thing today." The Queen declared firmly.

"I will ride Vhagar home, mother." Aemond put his foot down making his point very clear. And Vhagar growled behind him, as if she was in agreement with the rider.

"Not under your current condition Aemond, please, you're very weak." Alicent tried to reason but it was not enough to convince her son.

"I'm fine mother!" He shot back, beginning to get angry. "I will always have strength to ride Vhagar!"

"Let him ride his mount Alicent." Her father came in support of his grandson. "Let the lad bond with his lady friend."

Alicent closed her eyes in defeat. Wordlessly agreeing, but not without adding her own terms and conditions.

"Fine! But not alone, Daeron will stay with you." Then turning to her youngest boy, she instructed. "Make sure you hold him tightly."

"Understood mother." Daeron was already beaming at the prospect that he would be one of the first to ride Vhagar with Aemond.

"Aemma can come with us too." Aemond tried to take hold of his sister's wrist. But their mother grabbed her shoulder and yanked her back.

"Definitely not!" She said turning around on her heels and already walking away with her daughter. "Aemma is too young to go on rides. Your father will never agree. She will take the ship with us."




The same time as the ship sailed the dragons took to the sky.

Standing on the deck holding her mother's hand Aemma watches Dreamfyre and Sunfyre as they fly above. Then a shadow passes overhead, eclipsing everything in its path. The two dragons and the ship beneath them all were covered under Vhagar's large body.

"Mother look!" Aemma jerked her mother's arm pointing her to look above.

Alicent follows and with proud eyes she watches the three dragons around flying above their ship. Her two boys on Vhagar's back are the mere size of small insects.

"Which one of the dragon is your favourite mother?" Aemma asked curiously, keeping her own eyes glued on the golden coloured one.

"All of them are my favourite." Came her mother's reply. "Just the way I love all of you the same way."

But for someone who claimed all of them as her favourite, Alicent Hightower certainly has her eyes specifically set on Vhagar.

"That can't be true!" Aemma argued. "There must be one you find most beautiful and the one you think is the ugliest."

"Hmmm…" The woman thought about it for a moment but still couldn't bring herself to choose. So she ended up disappointing her daughter with her diplomatic answer. "I think they're all beautiful in their own ways."

"No, you're wrong. Sunfyre is the most beautiful one. And Vhagar is the ugliest. Look even her wings have holes."

"Aemma sshhh!" Alicent immediately crouched down and put a finger to her lips, asking her daughter to be quiet.

"Do not say these in front of Aemond. Otherwise, he will feed you to his dragon. Do you understand?" She warned, but in a lighthearted jesting manner.

Aemma bobbed her head. Then looked behind her mother as she noticed a familiar figure waiting. Alicent turned following her daughter's gaze, and to her dismay Larys Strong stood not too far, watching them with a creepy smile.

Uneasiness shook the Queen to her core.

Sighing, she called for her knight and handed him her daughter, instructing him to take her inside while she dealt with the Clubfoot.

The next couple moons after returning from Driftmark, passed quite peacefully. Settling everyone well into their lives.

Viserys has been spending his time between attending state affairs and in his chamber, where he spent in the company of his youngest child while working on the large replica of Old Valyria he spends his free time putting together.

Alicent always stays by Aemond's side, as he is still recuperating. Aegon is hardly in the Red Keep, most of his time are spent in the Street of Silks. Helaena keeps herself busy with her bugs and other times she assists her mother in taking care of Aemond. And Daeron's time has been divided between his lessons, training, and bonding with his dragon— who has began to fly but nearly not big enough to carry his rider.

However, as it have been proven over time, that peace is never long-lasting when Targaryens are involved. Therefore, the red Keep was once more shaken up when one morning raven arrived with the devastating news…

Ser Laenor Velaryon has died.

The King was heartbroken. None had expected the impact of the news to hit so hard on him. Interestingly though, many believed it had less to do with the unfortunate death of the young man and more to do with the fact that his eldest daughter is now a widow.

Viserys immediately began planning another trip to Driftmark. Even though his family was absolutely not in favour of the idea. Most of them have still not managed to get past the traumatic event. Aemond is still physically weak and under the constant observation of the maesters. Leaving his Queen not in the right mindset to step her foot back onto that accursed place. But Viserys wouldn't listen.

Fortunately for everyone, except the King, midway into planning the second Driftmark trip, he caught a fever and became even weaker. As a result of which, the maesters strongly advised him against another hectic journey. So the royal family did not partake in the funeral. Instead condolences were sent from the King, Queen and the Hand of the King.

And then, by the next moon came another raven. This time, from Dragonstone, bearing the disturbing news:

Princess Rhaenyra had wed her uncle, Prince Daemon.

The impression it made on the both the Prince and Princess's image was a negative one. People around put two and two together and reached their conclusion.

Quickly rumours began to spread as many were convinced that Ser Laenor death was no coincidence. He was murdered by the rouge Prince, by the order of his niece. As he sat as the only remaining obstacle between the two Targaryen.

The atmosphere grew dark after Viserys came to know about the marriage. He gave their union no blessing.

Everyone was surprised by the King's unrivalled,unmatched, unmeasured wrath. It was unlike anything the court had ever seen. No one had expected the ever willful-blind Viserys Targaryen to be this upset with his firstborn for marrying her uncle. Given, he made no objections when one after another her sons were born with the features of the Strong family.

It was reaching a point where his anger was beginning to take a toll on his ailing body. It came as no surprise, when, in that critical moment the only person who had managed to calm him down was his remaining Aemma.

From there she toppled over Princess Rhaenyra, blowing out her name like candle in the wind and acquired her long reigning position as the King's most beloved child.


A.N. Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed.

Not sure if you are surprised by the turnout of the events, but allow me to explain:

Aemma's actions: Jace's perspective as to what he was 100% the truth. Aemma thought she could hurt him a little and take his eyes out. But as Luke lay there unconscious Aemma neither knew how to take out his eye, let alone get him to open it. So she ran back to her brother.

Luke's action: now this boy has been getting trained to love and prioritize Aemma before all else. Naturally he began to like her a lot. And the situation thrown their way was one where he saw the opportunity to pick Aemma above all else. So not only he defended Aemma but to resolve the situation he apologized and gladly offered Aemond an eye.

Now Aemond's actions: He understood instantly what matters to Luke the most and that's precisely what he wants- Aemma. I'm sure if canon had situations like this he precisely would do the same. Plus what fun is there in taking something that's so easily offered (referring to Luke's eye.)

Anyway, now we're jumping into the main storyline. And no, next chapter isn't going to focus on the events of episode 8. The next few chapters will be all about the Green and them growing up. The events that will be covered are- Aemond's 13th birthday, Aegon and Helaena's wedding, The Baratheon girls, Aemma growing up, Daeron leaving for Old Town etc etc.

Although there maybe slight delay in the next update as I finally have to work my brain and figure out what sort of connection Aemma will have with the grown Aemond. clearly the Aemond before the accident and the grown up one are different people. Which means Aemma can't go on bullying him or looking down on him anymore. Once he evolves from the bullied kid to rider of the biggest dragon and becomes the best swordsman. But I'm sure it's going to be a difficult transition for her. — of course suggesting are welcome. If you have any ideas feel free to pitch in.

That would be all for now, see you all in next update.

Happy new year everyone.

Chapter 8: Life after Driftmark


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It had been a little over three years since Laena Velaryon was laid to rest. But so much has happened starting from then till now. Beginning only mere hours after her casket was plunged into the sea. When, out of the three, the two important belongings of her were claimed by someone else.

Strange, how within a flicker of eyes, they belonged to another.

Unbeknownst to all back then, her husband— Daemon Targaryen, succumbed to the arms of the woman he always longed for. His niece, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. Whom he f*cked on the beach, on the evening of his wife's funeral. While his nephew claimedher dragon— Vhagar and flew overhead.

Even if the rouge Prince's tryst with his niece did not come to light right away, however, the younger Prince's actions came to be known only moments after it transpired. Bringing in rippling effects of its own. The boy lost an eye, in the fight that took place just as he dismounted his dragon and was confronted by his nephews and cousins. That subsequently led to bigger brawl between his mother and his half sister where everyone kept shifting the blame on one another.

Resulting in, causing Laena Velaryon to be left forgotten on the night of her own funeral like someone of irrelevance. Even the following day the deceased could not be remembered, as the King's youngest daughter caused another ruckus when she pushed her betrothed down the stairs to seek revenge for her brother's loss of eye. Predictably, her action led to another chaos. And like its predecessor from the night before, this also upheld the reputation being just as dramatic.

Sadly though, both these situations were handled very poorly by King Viserys. Blinded by his favouritism towards his eldest and youngest the man only delivered unjust verdicts to the rest.

The bystanders simply stood as witness to observe how King Viserys - the peaceful with his own hands foolishly tore apart his own house.

Dividing the house of the Dragon into two.

But that fact remained unbeknownst to all then. Even if it was no hard puzzle to solve.

The same evening house Targaryen and house Velaryon sat down once more to discuss the final fate of Aemma Targaryen and Lucerys Velaryon's betrothal.

As expected, it was no easy decision. Viserys may have declared the end of their betrothal in the heat of his emotions. However, when the little boy woke up and begged to differ, going as far as to offering an eye to the maimed Prince, the situation took a different turn. Leaving the King, the Queen and Princess Rhaenyra in a confused state, unable to decide what to be done.

Otto Hightower kept pushing for the King to stay intact in his decision, reasoning why the end of the betrothal is best for both families. Whilst Lord Corlys, backed by his son Ser Laenor argued against it. Princess Rhaenys just sat there, silently fuming. It was her daughter's funeral! A fact almost everyone seemed to have forgotten. Her Laena should be remembered and talked about! Her grand-daughters should be comforted, their futures should be discussed. But no! Everyone was too busy discussing fate of Rhaenyra's bastard and the King's litter. And what actually infuriated Rhaenys most was how deeply her husband was involved in this matter that served them no purpose. What good would it do to house Velaryon if Aemma Targaryen is wedded to Lucerys? The boy is no true Velaryon. Only Rhaenyra would benefit from this union as it would help her solidify her bastards before the court if house Velaryon ever drops them.

The King ultimately sided with his Hand. Deciding to stick to his earlier decision. But he reassured Rhaenyra that her son would be free to pursue Aemma once they've grown. If the two find themselves fancying each other then, he would have them wed immediately.

Although dissatisfied, Rhaenyra was out of option but to agree. Her husband gave no opinion but his father Lord Corlys was left deeply unsatisfied and he made no attempt to hide it. Seated opposite to Corlys, Ser Otto was barely able to contain the victorious smirk that was desperately itching to come to display. The victory was finally his.

While the new terms were being discussed between the two houses, the Queen who never was watched with a heavy heart…

Not sure about her husband, but with her daughter death she certainly learned how much of cruel place this world is. Here, life moves on in pace swifter than waves washes over the shore.

Despite the temporary show of unity, the house of the dragon departed Driftmark divided. Princess Rhaenyra's side which later came to be known as the Blacks and the Queen's side which later came to be known as theGreens.

After marrying her uncle Daemon Targaryen, Princess Rhaenyra has ultimately found her true happiness. She finally has a husband! A husband that Laenor Velaryon admittedly could not bring himself to be. Her boys now have a fierce, strong, proper and responsible man as a father figure in their lives to guide them to adulthood.

It helped immensely that both parties accepted each other with open arms. Daemon naturally blended in as the boys father whilst her sons, even though they addressed the man by his name, accepted him into their lives nonetheless. Giving Rhaenyra the beginning she earnestly looked forward to.

Ever since moving to Dragonstone her life has been nothing but contained and colourless. Then came the news of Ser Harwin's death, which took away everything solid and real from her. Leaving her as a body made of flesh and bones, with a heart that beats and bleeds to stay alive for her children, that's all.

It was at her cousin Laena's funeral, where Rhaenyra understood how much she needed her uncle.

They're meant to burn together.

Providentially, the mishaps at the funeral acted as an eye opener for Laenor. It prompted him to see the picture from different light. His family was in danger and he was nowhere near to defend them. His wife was injured and he had no clue about it till next morning. Their son was thrown down the stairs and he could not bring the boy justice. His incompetence stood before him apparent. And as an honest and intelligent man Laenor decided to move away from his family, never to be found again. Leaving his wife to pursue her happiness while he pursued his.

And she did!

With the addition of having Daemon and his daughter Rhaena has made Rhaenyra's family complete. In a house full of boys, now she has a daughter to keep her company.

Baela was also welcome, the older twin not only turned down Rhaenyra's offer but also stood bravely against her father's intimidating persistence and firmly against her sister's gentle persuasion. She was determined not to leave her grandmother's side. How could she abandon her grandmother in the time of her loneliness. After all, it was not her father or Princess Rhaenyra that consoled and comforted her and her sister during their mother's funeral. It was their grandmother who held them protectively through that difficult time while everyone, including their own father remained distracted with the Targaryen family drama.

One thing Baela never shared with anyone including her sister was that she saw… she saw Princess Rhaenyra following after her father that evening. And the two weren't seen until the chaos later at night. At that time Baela thought nothing of it. However, the mysterious death of her uncle soon after and following that, the hastiness at which her father and his niece married, only cemented the whispers of there whereabouts that evening. Although she never said it out loud but Baela shares her grandmother's suspicion on the involvement of those two in her uncle's death. Therefore she understands and validates her grandfather's resentment towards Princess Rhaenyra. Her personal feelings aren't too far from that angle. It's those feelings that make her adamant to never leave Driftmark.

Her mother's home. Now, her home!

Unlike Dragonstone, King's Landing was not fortunate enough to find peace.

Ever since their return from Driftmark significant changes had taken place in the Red Keep, amongst the Green household. Lives of everyone has altered. Few for the better but most of it for the worst.

Otto Hightower:

Otto Hightower for sure was one of the few fortunate ones. His life could not have been any better. Till to this day he remains the Hand of the King. But now, given the King's declining health, his position comes with added responsibilities and power than before. As it is him, who now looks after most of the state affairs.

Helaena Targaryen:

Life remained pretty much unchanged for Helaena. It is as pitiful as it was before. She still finds comfort in the company of nature and her collection of insects. Then there is Aemond, who in spite of his own difficulties check on her from time to time. And her grandsire, who occasionally joins her for a small stroll through the garden or afternoon tea.

The difficulty in her life has increased though, thanks to her betrothed, whose current favourite hobby is to look down on her and taunt her at his wake.

Aegon's cruel behaviour towards Helaena and lack of interference from the elders over time has given the small circle of ladies in waiting she has, to look at her with demeaning eyes. They make snide remarks about her oddity and jest about it when they think she's out of earshot. Some have even become bold enough to not care, knowing all too well that Helaena would do nothing but silently take them. And she does! Pretending her best they do not exist.

Daeron Targaryen:

Just like his old sister, Daeron's life did not see much changes either. His time has been quite mundane, keeping him occupied with his studies, training and learning how to bond with his dragon, Tesserion. His spare times are spent trailing after his little sister doing their usual mischief. She is the only consistent part of his life, just as he is in her life. The duo has garnered quite the popularity in court over the years. Winning hearts of the ladies that cannot swoon enough about the two youngest Prince and Princess. The most notable change for him currently is that, amongst his brothers Daeron is now the most popular one. His gentle and kind nature a top favourite trait amongst the ladies, all of whom these days get charmed by his simplest of smile.

Aegon Targaryen:

Although not much has changed on the outside, but for Aegon Targaryen life could not have gotten any worse. The weight of the betrothal to his lunatic sister and ability to not satisfy his parents weighs heavily on him. Needless to say, in his mind Aegon believes he does a lot but it's never enough. Therefore it has further turned him to seek comfort in wine and women. As such indulgences are his only remedy to numb the pain of his miseries. As a result turning him into a bigger whor*-mongering, ever-gambling profligate who enjoys drowning himself in wine, sleeping, being lazy and throwing cruel intimidating comments at his betrothed the times he is not balls deep inside a whor* or a maid.

Then there were Alicent Hightower, Aemond and Aemma Targaryen. While individually they had their own messes to clean. But combined together, their problem have become an unsolvable puzzle.

Alicent Hightower:

When it came to the Queen, her life told quite the tale. If looked from far, it appears to the eyes as though her life remained unchanged; apart from her increase in devotion towards the Faith of the Sevens. Her piousness has began to put itself known in every corner of the Red Keep. As old sculptures are now being replaced with the Seven pointed stars and statues of the Father, Mother, Maiden, Smith, Warrior and Crone. Turning the castle almost unrecognizable for the ones who haven't stepped foot in here for ages.

But when looked from close proximity it is evidently clear that nothing is as it was before. Her motherly affection is on the path to dissipate. Whatever it is that was left, are all reserved for one particular child only.

The deteriorating relationship between the Queen and her children is the common topic of discussion in court. Everyone can see her blatant favouritism towards Aemond Targaryen. He is the solo receiver of her gentle care and caresses, smile and kisses. She spends all of her time in his chambers tending to him. Trying to make up for his disgraceful father. Whilst her other children are left unattended.

The hypocrisy does not skip past some eyes.

If she does cross path with the rest of her children, the interactions that take place are short and very unpleasant. Every time she looks at her eldest, Alicent only stabs him with her glares of disappointment. The handful of times she meet her eldest daughter, she only sighs. Feeling nothing but anxiety and helplessness building up inside her. It's one of the reasons why she purposely tries to keep away from Helaena. Then there is Daeron, her darling little boy— the least problematic one out of all her children. Alicent understands he is doing everything in his power fit into their current situation. Knowing him, she has full faith in him and is confident that he will swiftly adapt. Finally her youngest, the apple of her father's eye, Aemma… towards whom Alicent cannot even look at without experiencing feelings alike of disdain, scorn and bitterness. In addition to that, it does not help when she witnesses how much her husband dotes on the girl. It makes things worse, fuelling her anger to extreme extend she did not realize existed within her. As a result of which Alicent felt all her ill feelings towards Rhaenyra now directed towards Aemma, like she is by some extension a part of the former.

Being older in age Aegon and Helaena understood their mother. Besides, they stood at a point in life where their mother's presence in their life isn't not much of requirement. Aegon is well satisfied with his wine and whor*s whilst Helaena is content to be left alone with her insects. But the two little ones— Daeron and Aemma, they needed their mother. Especially Aemma. But what a cruel twist of fate it was, she was the one who was least graced by her presence. The amount of time the child had sought after her mother only to be turned away, had become countless by now.

In Alicent's defence, such bitterness towards a small child did not just develop overnight. There were series of events that eventually led her heart to harden.

The starting point of it was when Aemond caught a viral fever just three moons past their return... The Maester's moved him to the farthest corner of the Keep, where he was kept under isolation. The Queen was asked not to visit him till the fever goes away and specially instructed to keep her other children far away. Only couple of special servants and two Maester in particular took turns to look after him. The boy spent a whole week in and out of consciousness.

Toward the end of the week he began to regain his senses and stay awake more. It was then, he expressed his desire to see his little sister. The Maesters assured him, that he would see everyone once his fever goes down. But when Alicent learned of matter, she became determined to fulfill her precious boy's wish. As his mother she was ready to do anything for his fast recovery. Even if it meant putting her youngest in the path of direct danger.

Thus without sparing a second thought, she disobeyed the Maester's instructions and had one of her trusted maid escort Aemma to Aemond's chambers in secrecy.

Next morning Aemma woke sniffling. By midday she was sneezing and coughing and by nightfall her body was burning up, she could barely breathe.

The King became furious when he was informed of the matter. The Queen was soon summoned into his chambers. That night, Viserys the peaceful did not look so peaceful. It is said, when the Queen departed his chamber the guards stationed outside gossiped how shaken she looked. Appearance disheveled, eyes fully bloodshot and puffy as she ran back to her quarters. One of the guards even claimed the King had threatened her. His words were somewhere along the line of—

"If my daughter does not live, consequences will be dire." The important part was left unsaid; only implied. This is your fault. If Aemma succumbs to the fever. Aemond will have to follow the same path.

They say whoever the Queen prayed to afterwards, certainly did not have the heart to turn away from the desperate mother's plea. As such, in a matter of two days Princess Aemma's fever began to drop. In couple more days she was up and running again.

The next incident occurred towards the end of the year, when Aemond's face was finally ready to be revealed after about half a year of treatments performed by the Maesters.

The whole family surrounded him that day and cautiously watched as Grand Maester Orwyle slowly began unwrapping the bandage covering the left side of Aemond's face.

Prior to he began, Orwyle had warned to have Daeron and Aemma removed. Stating, the sight maybe too grisly for young children like them. But Alicent took no heed to his warning, she rather persisted on having all members of the family present.

Sound of gasps engulfed the room soon as the last article of bandage was removed and Aemond's new face came to display.

Viserys was the first to look away. Nobody knew what it was that made the King look away so quickly. Was it disgust or perhaps guilt. Otto Hightower soon followed suit. Aegon's eyes held a look of aghast before he averted his gaze. Alicent closed her eyes tightly and sighed deeply. Her heart tightened at her son's gruesome face. A silent curse passed her lips for Rhaenyra and bastards. Her handmaiden Talya did not dare look. Aemma clutched onto her nursemaid lady Lyanne's skirt. Bile rising from her stomach to her throat. Daeron and Helaena both had their eyes glistening with tears. But amongst them Helaena was the braver one, who, wiping away her tears walked up to her little brother. She was the first to the touch him, as she gently took his face between her palms and kissed over his scar ever so lightly.

Alas, that heartfelt moment was interrupted shortly after, at the revolting sound of someone throwing up.

Everyone turned, only to see Aemma vomiting.

It was an involuntary action from an innocent little child who had little to no control over her body's reactions. Still, it was considered so offensive that it put a permanent bitter taste to her mother's mouth against her.

Lady Lyanne quickly scooped up the child in her arms, wiped her mouth clean and quickly excused themselves from the chamber. Soon as they were gone Maester Orwyle cast the Queen a knowing look, while the King glared at her. Silently blaming her for not listening to the Maester and getting his little girl sick.

Aemma was not as brave as her older sister. Like most women at court she was also mortified by her brother's scarred face. Regrettably it did not sit well with her mother, who remained determined to see her precious boy does not get let down by any other members of his family… especially his siblings… specifically Aemma.

The poor girl found herself trapped. She was too scared to be around her brother who seemed to be changing with every breath he took. While her mother kept her solo focus on the said brother leaving the rest of them to fend for themselves.

In the early stages Alicent said nothing, simply observed. But as the year and several moons passed with no signs of notable improvements seen on Aemma's side towards Aemond, was when she decided to take matters into her hand.

Alicent closed her eyes tightly and bowed her head. She was both disappointed and ashamed, mixed with a conflict of doing what is right. It was her duty as their mother, to keep the siblings bond intact. With that thought settled in her mind she sent Talya to fetch her daughter.


Her youngest stepped forth, just a pace behind Talya who stood right in front of the set of two settee. Lady Lyanne followed just another three paces behind.

The Queen made no move of acknowledgment for a moment. Appearing as if a breathing statue looking over the window. When Talya was about to call out to her, she was beaten by a brisk reply of dismissal coming from the Queen.

"Both of you, leave."

As if practiced, the two women exited. But Lyanne cast the young Princess a reassuring look before walking out of the door. She wouldn't be too far.

The door closed with a haunting creak and a resounding click, nothing but deafening silence hanging in the air.

Alicent finally moved. She looked over her shoulder, facing away from the window, tearing her gaze from the view of her son practicing with Ser Criston on the training yard.

"Aemma," A tight smile tugged the corner of her lips. As she proceeded to sit down on one of her settee. "Come here."

Even as it stood as a simple call, her authoritative voice demanded the child to do as she asked for without question. And Aemma did as she was told. Numbly following with wide eyes, she closed the gap between herself and her mother in few strides. Alicent cradled her daughter's small face between her palms, skeptical eyes studying the features carefully.

Although very young, Aemma shows quite the potential when it comes to her looks. No doubt she will grow up to be beautiful, her beauty will possibly surpass many. Comparison will be drawn, poets will write poems, singers will write songs etcetera etcetera. But that is a matter for later in time, no point going ahead with it right now. At present, she must face her dissatisfied mother.

Alicent silently took a deep breath before softly exhaling it into a forlorn sigh and releasing Aemma's face.

"You've disappointed me."

"I've disappointed you…" The set of dark violet eyes blinked confused as she asked. "How so, mother?"

How so indeed! When Aemma has not skipped any of her lessons with the Septa recently. Been completing all lessons assigned by them. Frequently visiting the Sept with her mother and sister. So what could she have possibly done wrong to disappoint her mother when she has gone out of her way to do everything right thus far?

"It has come to my attention that you are not fulfilling your duties as a sister. As a matter of fact you're evading them."

"I don't understand." Aemma truly didn't, until her mother spoke up again.

"Your recent actions towards Aemond are—"

"But I have done nothing to him, I only try and stay away from him."

"Precisely my point!"

Alicent gave no indication as to whether she noticed the flinch Aemma made at how sharply she snapped.

"Care to explain why you ignore him, when you know how much he craves your company."

"Because he's no fun! He bores me to sleep. All he does is talk about Vhagar. And when he isn't gloating about that old ugly dragon, he speaks of the books he read or what he studied with the Maester for the day. The absolute worst trait— he reads to me stories in High Valyrian without providing any translation. When he knows very well that I do not speak or understand a word of that strange language. He believes, born as a Targaryen it is my duty to know High Valyrian by heart."

"So," It was Alicent's turn to be confused. Unable to fathom how could someone not enjoy the company of such an ideal boy. Aemond is everything that a mother could ever dream of having in a son. "what's wrong with it then?!"

"I already told you, he's annoying and boring." Aemma also couldn't understand why her mother asked such a dumb question when she had already provided her with a detailed breakdown of her reasoning. "…And above all he looks—"

"Don't you dare!" Alicent hissed baring her teeth, not letting Aemma finish what she intended to say. "DON'T YOU DARE SAY MY SON IS UGLY." She shouted, loud enough to startle her daughter.

Aemma jolted in horror and recoiled. Eyes wide with fear, shaken by her mother's unexpected outburst.

"I wasn't going to say that."


Aemma swallowed, tears already swelling up her eyes.

"SO DO NOT MISTAKE ME FOR A FOOL. FOR I'VE ALREADY KNOWN WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN UP TO…" Her tone came out accusatory and Alicent had no intention to hide it.

"Just last week, Helaena's ants ended up in Aemond's clothes."

Standing strong Aemma quickly defended herself. "It was Daeron's doing!"

Alicent closed her eyes, clenching her hands to tight fists. Her hands were itching with the urgent urge to smack the brat. The feeling was so strong that it was beginning to overwhelm her.

"Everyone knows that Daeron is the one to carry out commands than give them. And this particular command, came from you. He admitted so himself that you told him to release those ants into Aemond's shirts."

"No! I told him to release them into his trousers and breaches." Aemma corrected boldly, a hard expression on her face. "But that idiot thought getting ant bites on the bollocks would be too painful, so instead he released them onto his shirts."

Alicent threw her head back, clawing a hand through her undone curly locks before she finally settled down, breathing heavily, trying to gain control of herself again.

"It goes beyond my understanding, how can you be so selfish towards your own brother who has lost so much. Do you have no bone of kindness in you?"


That accusation hurt. Aemma did care for him but she was also angry. Very angry at him for selfishly taking their mother all for himself. And here she's the one getting called selfish. Sadly she was too young to put those feelings to words. Thus they remained deep inside of her.

"It doesn't matter how ugly or frightening he looks. It doesn't matter how boring or annoying his topic of conversation maybe. After everything he has been through, as his family we must worship the path he walks. Let us not forget the price he paid in order to claim the large beast. Someone like you, with no beast bound to herself should look up to him… admire him."

Now that really hurt.

I had my own dragon. Aemma wanted to say, but lacked the courage. She contemplated, reminiscing on the few times she had seen her hatchling. Her lower lip wobbled as she fought against the urge to cry. She was overwhelmed with emotions she didn't know existed. Her mother was speaking to her after nine days. Even then, her topic remained about Aemond. Not even once,mistakenly, she had asked Aemma as to how she was faring.

On the flip side, venting out her anger helped Alicent quickly regain her composure. But that relief only lasted for a short period of time. Her organs dried up as she realized her foolish mistake. If Aemma complains to her father, then it will most definitely land her in trouble. So in order to rectify that, Alicent softened her features and tone before she spoke again.

"Don't be harsh on your brother, he means well. You know that, don't you...?"

Aemma only manage to nod before getting sent away by her mother.

Lady Lyanne, who decided to wait just outside the door, heard the Queen's outburst and was left speechless by the harsh words that the woman threw on the girl who is still a little babe. However, as Aemma came out with tears filled eyes and ran, Lyanne did not follow. Instead she reentered the Queen's quarter.

Alicent raised her hanging head sensing another presence enter. Her face softened seeing Lyanne. She had grown quite fond of the older woman over the years.

"Lady Lyanne, please join me." The Queen invited, tapping the spot next to her on the settee. But the woman silently declined her offer and walked over to the window instead.

"May I offer you some wisdom, my Queen."

"Are you upset with me for lashing out at Aemma?" Alicent presumed.

Lyanne chose not to answer. Her gaze lingered on the courtyard, watching the one eyed prince, who has now been joined by his little sister. She did not miss the way the boy abruptly halted his training and turned to Aemma. Although she cannot hear a word of whatever conversation is taking place between them, but she is intelligent enough to interpret by reading their body language.

Aemma is offering him an apology that she neither means nor it comes from her heart. But Aemond is wiping away her tears, like he is wiping his own tears. He pulls her into an embrace so tight that for a moment Lyanne fears he will break few bones in her little body. Then his lips touch her forehead in the most tender kiss. And she is reassured, the boy knows his limit.

Having seen enough, the older woman turn her back to face the Queen. A satisfied smirk sitting on her lips. As all of her queries have been answered by that simple interaction between the two children.

"I can understand the weakness you and the Lord Hand have for Prince Aemond now. Believe me, it is well justified. After all, the boy went from having no dragon to becoming the next rider of mighty Vhagar. An impossible accomplishment indeed. Any mother would be proud of such progress."

Alicent sighed with relief. Glad to have someone who understood her.

"However, let us not forget where the boy's weaknesses lies. I can wager that it isn't with your father or you." A simple reminder that immediately brought a frown to the Queen's face.

"Whatever tiny amount of justice he received was because of his little sister. You may not acknowledge the fact, but your son certainly does and he shall continue to do so till his last breath."

Alicent narrowed her eyes, glaring at the woman in front of her sharply. "What is it that you're trying to say… spit it out."

"I am simply trying to show you the actual scenario. Hoping it would clear the misunderstanding that had taken space in your and your father's head, my Queen. Do not delude yourself to think that Vhagar is on your side. She is loyal to Prince Aemond and Prince Aemondowes Princess Aemma…"

"You forget your place Lady Ly—"

"My Queen, the harder you push the girl, the sooner she will discover the advantageous position she stand on. And from whichever angle you look at it, her side of the scale weighs heavier."

With that Lyanne walked off, leaving the Queen alone, giving her time to process the warning. And all Alicent could do was take a deep breath through her nose, attempting to calm herself.

Aemond Targaryen:

For Aemond Targaryen, life has changed the most drastic.

He journeyed for Driftmark on the ship but returned on the back of largest living ancient dragon, with one eye remaining… disfigured… and maimed for good. Then spent the next six moons in complete bedrest and under the strict care of the Maesters. Getting the stitches removed and restitched again, suffering from wound fever, closely followed by viral fever and plenty other forms of infections.

It was an endless cycle till the end of the year.

After that, when his face was revealed, the new reality hit him like a slap across the face. His own family couldn't conceal their revulsion. His father could not look at him. His grandsire pretended to look at him but even with one eye Aemond could see the old man had his focus past him. Aegon took one look and immediately cast his eyes elsewhere. His little brother had tears in his eyes and his little sister vomited making a big mess on the ground. Whether it occurred due to disgust or fear he did not know; nor cared enough to find out. His mother clenched her eyes tightly before she reopened them and stare at him with sadness and defeat. Out of everyone, only Helaena bravely came forward. She touched him, kissed his scar and embraced him for who he was. Leaving everyone, including Aemond himself, astonished.

It does not come off as surprise to Aemond as he begins to notice the ladies in court and maid-servants refusing to meet his gaze. When they do, they cannot hide their revulsion. It pains him, crushes his pride and confidence to find himself as the subject of pity and disgust instead of inspiration, admiration and fear amongst people even after conquering the largest dragon in the world as mere boy of ten. It enrages him, to have such a massive victory be drowned by simple scars and gruesome face.

But Aemond cannot bring himself to blame them, because he understands, as he too is abhorrent to his own reflection.

So he curses the bastard. Wishes for all ill-fate to befall upon that wretched Lucerys Velaryon. Still it gives him no peace, knowing, no amount of curses towards the boy would ever return his eye or make him whole again. He is doomed to remain the one-eyed freaky boy who'll grow to be one-eyed ugly man from whom women and children will flee.

The first time Aemond looked at himself in the mirror he punched the mirror, sending glass scattering to the ground. His knuckles bruised and bled. But the burn on his hand does not make the ache in his heart fade. Nor does it prevent his own urge to throw up.

It was that moment, when he understood all those people. He understood Aemma— a child who could not fight against her body's complicated reaction.

So he forgave her without second thought.

His mother panicked noticing the cut on his hand. Much to his irritation she brought in countless Maesters to have him inspected for the hand injury and to seek alternative solutions to what everyone knows is permanently gone.

"The eye is lost your Grace." Grand Maester Orwyle repeated for the umpteenth time.

"We maybe able to fill up the empty space of the socket with something, but… but the vision will never return."

Hearing that his mother sobbed into her palms, frustrated. Sick of being told the same thing over and over again. Words that extinguished all hopes she ever had of restoring his eye.

"The prince must learn to navigate the world through one eye." Another Maester, an older one, advises. "While it may be difficult by all means, but certainly not impossible."

His mother cries harder, this time holding him close and he allows her, feeling dejected. As she and Helaena are the only two willing to touch him.

Sadly though, it isn't their touch he yearns for…


His heart races, pumping out that one name repeatedly. As his body burns to be close to her. Like the inferno collecting inside of a dragon's belly that smolders before they exhale, setting fire to the world.

Nevertheless it is a feeling that is quite foreign to him. So he tries not to dwell on it for much longer. Finding suppression to be the best remedy for now.

But in the hours of the owl as he lay awake, blankly watching the ceiling, his mind wonders…

Look at me! It demands. Touch me! Hug me! Kiss me! Do all those things that mother and Helaena do, Aemma.

One of his hand clutches the sheet underneath so tightly that his knuckles turn white.

Why do you not look?! Are you so afraid of me, like those worthless pathetic cravenness fools in the court?

His mind reels, frustrated. Not understanding what goes through the little girl's head drives him over to the edge.

I see… so you are afraid… Perhaps you are one of those worthless pathetic cravenness fools, aren't you?

He reaches a conclusion that brings him more pain.

No you cannot be one of them, Aemma, I refuse to believe that. As it was you who gave me what our parents couldn't?

The free hand that wasn't clutching the sheet, explores his face, carefully tracing over the scar that stretches from his forehead down to his cheek. He scratches the maimed flesh till it bleeds. The pain he feels is nothing in comparison to the one already throbbing in his heart.

But it's alright, I understand…

He truly does.

A drop of tear escapes the corner of his lone eye.

Because I find my own sight repulsive as well.

Helaena gifts him his first eyepatch in the coming days, which he accept begrudgingly. It isn't perfectly made, still Aemond had to admit, for her first attempt she did a phenomenal job.

Helaena's eyes sparkled with newfound excitement as she attempted to put the eyepatch on her little brother. She felt childlike curiosity and eagerness to see his new look. Much to her shock, her little brother prevented, by grabbing hold of her hand midway and nodding his head 'no'. Warning her not to proceed.

Helaena retracted her steps instantly. As opposed to her earlier action, she tries to talk to him into it. Even that ends in failure. And so does their supposedly comforting conversation; which fails to provide him any sort of comfort this time around.

He wanted to be left alone. And having understood his insinuation Helaena backed away.

It is his talk with Ser Criston, the following week that actually helps. Providing him with the much needed comfort. The knight's promise to make him one of strongest swordsman to have ever walked in all of Westeros, shows Aemond a glimmer of light at the end of the dark tunnel. Cole was right! Realization hit him, he has been miserable enough. Time has come to put it all behind and look ahead.

There is no denying he claimed the largest dragon in the world on a whim. But now he must become a rider worthy of his well reputed mount.

This time, when Ser Criston offers to put the eyepatch on him, Aemond allows. As he wants everyone to know he will one day burn down cities after cities, civilization after civilization with one eye and half his vision.

All his time are now equally divided between training with Ser Criston Cole, studying with the Maesters and flying above the realm on Vhagar's back.

Relearning everything from start was unimaginably difficult.

He had been practicing with a wooden sword everyday for hours. Every morning afternoon, evening following the same routine. Attacking and cutting through the non-existent enemies, building his body to withstand every trial.

After going through series of struggle, stumbling, hitting the wrong angle and wrong side for many moons, Aemond finally morphed himself into both his and his mentor Cole's desired shape.

In the recent weeks, he gained new strength. Though he has a lot to cover and long road to cross but that does not discourage him. As a matter of fact it pushes Aemond to train relentlessly. He beats and slashes at his opponent through scorching sun, heavy wind or pouring rain. No amount of difficult whether comes between him and his training. Even during the rarely occurring thunderstorm when everyone is hiding in the Red Keep, Aemond Targaryen is on the training yard, in company of Ser Criston, jabbing his sword at the straw-dummy. Beating and slashing it ruthlessly as rain pours down on them heavily. No amount of sudden lightning or abrupt thunder manages to deflect him.

"Not good enough! Nowhere close! You have to be better than that my Prince." Despite his harsh words Criston Cole smiles, proudly so.

Mayhaps Ser Harwin Strong was right… he teaches cruelty. And it has proven to work. The swell of muscles on the Prince's chest and shoulders beneath his tunic are proof so far. The boy is no longer half the size of his older brother. He began to grow taller, muscular and chiseled. His face began losing its rounded shape and change into an angular form with pointed chin, higher cheekbones, defined jaws. Even the way he spoke changed. He spoke slowly, softly, voice deep, calm, confident and authoritative but cold.

The progress he has shown to date, notwithstanding his disability, truly is remarkable. Unlike his two brothers— the older, who has stopped showing up to the training yard altogether and the younger, who dropped his sword at the first sound of thunder strike and ran back inside like a scared kitten.

On that account, in a matter of a passing year Aemond Targaryen relearns everything. Mastering the ability to walk and move about his surroundings. While keeping his mind and ears always sharp and focused. He is no longer the small dragon less boy who got frequently bullied by his own kin. He is set on the path to becoming the beast who'd soon go by the whispered name:Aemond one-eye.

Aemma Targaryen:

Amongst all her siblings, Aemma Targaryen is the only one whose life has been simultaneously thriving and falling apart.

Ever since their return from Driftmark, the youngest Targaryen found herself in a household with an overly doting father and an empty shell of a mother who kept on distancing herself from her.

For a child so young it is increasingly difficult to get a grasp of the situation where each parent stands at the opposite end of the spectrum. Her father treats her as though she is his most priced possession. His presence, a consistent part of her life now. She sees more and more of him everyday. So much, that it feels sickening. At the same time, there is a rapid decline in her mother's presence. Smothered by her father's love, it takes Aemma a while to notice that. By the time the disturbing detail catches her attention (unbeknownst to her), it was too late. Her mother had already gone far away from her.

Aemma is far too young, with hardly any knowledge of the dark emotions that she sees reflected on her mother's eyes every time they meet. Yet she understands, deep inside, her soul can feel they portray pure unriddled disdain towards her.

"Why does mother look so upset with me? What have I done?"

A question Aemma frequently asked her nursemaid Lady Lyanne and her mother's handmaiden Talya, these days.

Initially both ladies would respond to her question with a tight lipped smile and denial.

"What nonsense do you speak of Princess. Your mother, loves you. Currently, she is quite the bit worried about Prince Aemond, that is all." While they would brush off her worry with those reassuring words, but the uncertainty in their eyes told an entirely different tale.

Then it reached a point where Talya began to evade her questions. Excusing herself every time Aemma inquired about her mother.

Her nursemaid on the other hand, downright chose a different approach.

First off, the older woman was appalled by the Queen's cold demeanour towards an innocent child. By now she has lost count of the times Aemma had sought after her mother only to be turned away. While it was understandable why the Queen remained completely occupied with Prince Aemond early on after their return. Still, that does not justify her dismissal towards her youngest. Out of all her children it's the little one who needs her mother the most. And yet, she purposely chose to ignore her.

All of Red Keep was startled when they saw how the Queen handled the situation when a viral fever strike making two of her children severely sick. The woman spent most of her time in the Sept praying to the Sevens. The times she was not in the Sept, she could be found outside of Prince Aemond's chamber, sitting on the stance of praying. Reciting special prayers for his quick recovery.

Not once, even mistakenly, was the Queen seen anywhere close to her other younger child's chamber who was suffering from the same fever.

A lot of people including Lyanne herself deemed the Queen's partiality as being heartless. Some serving girls went as far as to whisper that they heard the Queen praying for the young Princess's death. Lyanne did not believe in those baseless rumours. However, she also did not know what to conclude of a mother who chose to abandon such a young babe at her most vulnerable time.

The woman did not travel to Driftmark, but she had heard stories from various sources. Which is why the Queen's behaviour confuses her. Shouldn't Alicent Hightower be treasuring her youngest? After all, the child succeeded where she failed. So how does she have the heart to treat the girl so unfairly?

In any case, keeping Aemma's betterment in mind Lyanne decided it would be best to have the girl's mind diverted towards her father.

It was not an easy task though, considering how strongly the little one felt about her mother. But for Lady Lyanne it was not impossible. Not to forget, it was her, who once brought Aemma closer to her mother and her siblings. So she knew her way on how to pave the girl's heart.

Thus she began teaching Aemma once more on how to channel her feelings for her mother towards her ailing father (the parent, who in Lyanne's opinion was more deserving of her affection). Hammering her brain with all the vantage and added benefits a close relationship with her father will bring her in the future.

Luckily, it does not take much effort for Lady Lyanne. The Queen made it far easier with her growing ignorant attitude which deeply thrust Aemma towards the King.

Soon after, the father-daughter are always seen together. They are either inside the King's solar where she helps him put together the replica of Old Valyria, or strolling the garden hand in hand. There, the King would relinquish his crown and adorn his head with the flower crown that Aemma would make for him.

On occasion Aemma would even be present with Viserys while he sits at the small council or on the Iron Throne. She would simply sit upon his lap, doing her own thing. Sometimes sneak a glance at her grandsire and make faces at him when she thought no one was watching.

Just because Aemma was spending more time in her father's company does not mean she completely forgot about her mother.

The times spent away from her father are spent mostly attending the lesson with the Septa in company of Helaena and her ladies in waiting. Although Aemma's personal preference is to be with Daeron; her current favourite pastime being—watching him bond with his dragon. But in order to please her mother, the youngest Targaryen chooses the former option, forgoing the latter.

Then there is the matter with her brother Aemond. Unsure about how others feel, but in Aemma's opinion, over the past couple of years he has reduced to become the oddest creature in their bunch. Therefore she was content with keeping her distance from him. But that turned to be an impossible prospect.

When Aemond spends time with the family, it isunequally divided amongst the three women. A tiny portion of it goes to his older sister and his mother, exchanging pleasantries with them. After that, the rest of time is spent in the company of his little sister. Exactly opposite of how it used to be before, when the times were simpler and he was whole.

Initially Aemma did not mind his company. For a brief period he was her most favourite brother. Where upon sight of him she would drop whatever task it was she had on hand to pounce into his arms; holding him in embrace that was always the tightest.

Septa Lira dragged Aemma back to her chambers and gave her an earful, the one time she stumbled upon the siblings in such intimate embrace. But that scolding had no effect on the young Princess. The latter simply put them through one ear and out of the other.

And just like the first scolding, the multiple lectures that followed through later on, deeming her behaviour as highly inappropriate seemed to have little to no effect at all. Even threats of complaint to her mother proved to be useless. The only sort of reaction Septa Lira ever received were the absurd faces the Princess made by crossing her eyes sticking out her tongue.

For what it is worth, Aemma found herself immensely entertained by the uptight Septa's reaction. The sight of the latter's face crunching in rage and disgust gave the former sickening pleasure. Consequently which prompted her to further provoke the older women. Going as far as to deliberately hugging her three brothers (mostly Aemond) tightly, often leaving deep sloppy kisses on their faces.

"Partaking in such depravity with your brothers must cease at once, Princess Aemma!" Septa Lira raised the topic one morning, when it was just the two Princesses in attendance for theirs religious studies.

"What depravity do you speak of? I was just hugging Aemond!" Aemma retaliated glaring at the Septa. Her big bold violet eyes were so expressive that it made Septa Lira want to take back her words.

But who said the woman was going to back down so easily. She was just as stubborn as she was arrogant. Whatever she thought to be right must be right and whatever she thought to be wrong must be wrong. And here this pup of a Princess indirectly press challenges at her.

How dare she!

"Now that you are growing, feelings and affections should not be displayed so openly."

"I am not grown, I am only seven years of age. Besides, my father, your King tells me, I shall forever remain his little babe."

The young princess's audacity baffled the Septa. Completely taken aback, with a hand on her heart she glared at the girl.

"In no time you will be a woman grown. And for a grown woman to remain within such close proximity of a man who isn't her Lord Husband puts her virtue under scrutiny."

Aemma blinked batting her lashes, understanding nothing of what the Septa had just said. So for clarification she looked to Helaena, but the latter was preoccupied with the beetle crawling on her hand. Chances are, she probably didn't even listen to a word of what the Septa had said.

Therefore re-focusing on Septa Lira Aemma began her side of the threat.

"My mother won't be so happy to hear you have been asking me to distance myself from my brothers."

"I am not asking you to distance yourself from your siblings. I am simply warning you to watch yourself with your two older brothers."

"Aemond is mother's favourite."

The underlying threat was not missed by Septa Lira. Causing her to lean closer to the young Princess and whisper. Although Aemma thought it to be quite unnecessary. No one was there aside from Helaena and she is not the type to go gossiping.

"Do not forget, the folks around observes. They take notice. You Targaryens are well known for your queer customs. Do not feed them the scope…"

"Or else?"

"Soon shall they talk about you! Just like they talked about Princess Rhaenyra."

Aemma grunted, rolling her eyes. The warning was redundant.

"Stop giving that beast hope!" Septa Lira seethed. "You will come to regret your actions, child!"

As expected, Aemma stuck her tongue out, causing the woman to scowl harder.

"Go on then, fuel the fire of the beast. But remember, a day will come when that fire will engulf you… burn you… till all that will remain of you is a small pile of ash."


Now that caught Helaena's attention just as it did Aemma's. The sisters shared a knowing look. Septa Lira just referred to Aemond as a 'beast', twice. It was a hush-hush whisper throughout the Keep that Aemond was getting called cruel names. But it was the first time someone just directly referred him with such names in the face of his family.

Now furious herself, Aemma boldly turned to face the already enraged Septa.

"Me and my siblings, we're dragons. And dragons don't burn in fire. And I shall inform the Queen that you have referred to Prince Aemond as a beast."

Septa Lira looked so angry that Helaena feared the woman would combust at any given moment.

"You may do as you wish Princess, but do keep in mind, nobody is immune to fire. Everyone burns! Including the dragons themselves."

"You clearly lack knowledge on dragons." Aemma retorted. "I advise you to get yourself educated on them. There are plenty of books available in the Keep's library."

"Listen to me carefully, girl! I have have been in this world far longer than you or your mother have lived. So it would be in your best interest to not take my warning lightly."

In one heartbeat that the Septa looked to the other Princess, Aemma was gone. Abandoning Helaena to deal with the angry Septa.

Aemma did not end up telling her mother that her favourite son was called 'beast' by Septa Lira. Although she had every intention to, but by the time her mother made time for her, Aemma had long forgotten about it. In addition to that, the awful turn their meeting took, Aemma is glad to have kept those information to herself. Chances are her mother would have further misunderstood and twisted those words against her.

Not even in her worst nightmare the youngest Targaryen could imagine her mother capable of being this cruel. She taunted her for not having a dragon anymore. Which Aemma knows can change in the future if she bonds with another. But what right does her mother have to judge her, when she— a Hightower can never have a dragon of her own even if she wanted to.

Aemma found herself thinking bitterly about her mother every night since that dreadful day. But her thoughts did not just conclude there, she thought about Aemond too. Her mind ventured into the dark territory where it tried to picture how great would life be for her and her other siblings if one day Aemond simply fell off of Vhagar and died. Or Ser Criston accidentally stabbed him into the heart. Or someone poisoned his food. The circ*mstances were of no importance as long as he ended up dead; and she and her siblings had their mother back.

To turn that morbid thought to reality Aemma turned to the Gods her mother was so devoted to, for help. It became a routine for her to say a small prayer every time she knew Aemond was taking a flight or going for his training. She prayed for him to never return or best return as corpse.

Much to her dismay, Aemond always returned— alive.

Then, after a week, her relentless prayers for Aemond's death ceased. As she gave up on the idea, thinking the Gods were deaf and saw no point in talking to the deaf statues. She went as far as to doubt their existence.

Although weeks have passed, but the issue between the youngest Targaryen Princess and the Queen remained unresolved. Aemma still avoided her mother like plague. She mostly kept to herself inside her chambers. The only places outside of her chambers she could be found were with her father or with her sister attending their womanly lesson.

During this time, Aemma also took particular caution to make sure she avoided running into her brothers. With Aegon it was easy since he only returned to the Keep to sleep, otherwise he would be in the establishments of the Street of Silk. Daeron could be easily shooed away. All Aemma had to do was yell "Get out" and he would be gone. But when it came to Aemond, Aemma had no choice but to quietly tolerate his presence. And most of the time it felt so suffocating and frustrating. Her resentment towards him has doubled recently. Now, every moment that she spent in his company, Aemma stewed.

What made it worse was that he sensed her distress and tried to help. He hugged her tightly, kissed her gently, read her stories during bedtime to help her sleep; stories in common tongue so that she could understand. He did everything in his power to help her feel good. But alas, he failed to do what actually needed to be done. As he refused to acknowledge the important aspect— that he was the main ingredient in her problem. The main cause of her distress.

Regardless of all that, the next few days went by peacefully. Aemma was learning to live without her mother by pretending she was dead (a trick taught by Lady Lyanne). However, the peace she found met its end one night, two moons later, when her door breached open with the announcement of a dreadful visitor.

Alarmed, Aemma glanced at her door.

As soon as it opened, her mother waltzed in expeditiously. It appeared as though she was in a hurry to get here. Her brows furrowed in tension, while her mouth remained slightly hanging in exasperation.

Aemma had no desire to deal with her mother. Given she was already in bed, she quickly turn her back on her mother and pull the covers over her head.

The small smile Alicent had on her face transformed to a momentary frown. She took offence, but chose not to dwell on it. There are far more pressing matters in hand to settle.

"Sweetling," She called; her tone complete opposite of the one it had been since they last interacted.

Under the cover Aemma grimace. Her body going rigid hearing the footsteps slowly advancing toward the bed. The mattress dipped and the covers slowly came down before she could prepare.

As her head is revealed, Aemma quickly opt for the second option— to clench her eyes shut. With her heartbeat going much too fast, blood pumping in her veins.

"Aemma, sweetheart," Gently grabbing her shoulder Alicent turned her daughter around to face her. But Aemma further squeezes her eyes shut. Absolutely refusing to look at her mother.

"Are you still upset with your mother?"

Affirmation comes with a small nod of her head, as the words remain unspoken — yes, I am still upset with you, mother.

"Would the anger even slightly diminish, if you're told she has come to apologize."

Not expecting to hear that Aemma shoot her eyes open, assessing how much of truth lied behind those words. She could see faint conflict chasing her mother's features; which Aemma did not know what to make off.

"My dear, your mother had spoken beyond measure. Her head and heart weren't in the right place then. So please, I implore you to at least try to forgive her." Alicent had her face and tone both schooled to appear equally genuine. While having a hand reach out to affectionately caress her daughter's face.

Aemma felt her heart climb up her throat. Whether or not she realized it, her mother had long been a necessity in her life.

"Mother, do you despise me for no longer having a dragon?"

"Of course not!" Alicent exclaimed, her eyes going wide. "What nonsense do you speak of? If anything, I despise those fire-breathing beasts. The sight of them gives me anxiety. It goes beyond my understanding how your siblings ride them with such ease."

Aemma chuckle at her mother's words.

"Born as a Hightower I will never understand the bond shared between Targaryens and their dragons. However, after getting married to a Targaryen and birthing so many of his children, I understand the need for the bonding between themselves and those beasts."

"Are you politely suggesting I bond with another dragon?" Aemma asked, eyeing her carefully.

"No," Alicent nodded her head, "I'm here to explain my outburst from that day. I want you to understand why I sided with Aemond like a person gone blind."

"We can avoid speaking about it, if it makes your heart feel so heavy." Suggested Aemma, grinning cheek to cheek.

"If we're to do that my little Aemma, it will only lead to further misunderstandings in the future."

"But I already understand!" Aemma whines. "You worry for him because he lost an eye."

It was her mother's turn to chuckle. "You understand nothing, you fool! It's you I worry about the most."

Aemma shot up to a sitting position. Confusion lacing on her face as her brain racked through what her mother had just said.

Her mother, who has only ignored her after Dritmark, given her cold shoulder and their last interaction ended with her looking down on Aemma for not having a dragon unlike her other siblings — suddenly shows up in her chambers, two moons later, claiming that she worries about her most. It sounded ridiculous! To the point where it was laughable. But for a child, who had recently stepped into the seventh year of her life it was heart melting and all the more confusing.

So she quoted her mother's words, in the form of questions. Just to have a proper understanding of it.

"You worry about me the most?"

"Of course I do. Sweetling, you are the most special present I ever received from the Gods."

"So then why are you always with Aemond and never with me or anyone of my other siblings?" Before Alicent could open her mouth in defence Aemma spoke up, cutting her off. "How is it that you expect me to believe you when it has only been that way since our return from Driftmark."

"I admit, on the surface it appears as if Aemond is the only one I care about. But the truth remains far from it." Fondly smiling, Alicent poke a finger on her daughter's chest. "Truth be told, my blindsided closeness toward Aemond is more for your sake than his."

"I don't think I understand." Aemma shook her head vigorously. She really didn't understand, and no one probably would in her position. It just made no sense.

"Then allow me to explain, please." Alicent offered, shooting her child a determined look. "I only have good intentions for you, Aemma. I worry, because not only you do not a have a dragon for yourself, above that, you are also very young."

Despite the many levels of confusion raging within her, Aemma refused to show them to her mother. As she searches the latter's eyes throughly for signs of jesting but found naught. All her features screaming— she is telling the truth.

It felt even more real when the Queen took hold of her hand in a similar fashion she used to hold Rhaenyra's hand, back when the two were friends.

"Before you were born, I wished to give you my mother's name but accepted wholeheartedly when your father decided to give you his wife's name instead. After you were born, you were snatched away from me and thrusted into Rhaenyra's arms. I grew to resent your father and Rhaenyra for it. At the same time my longing for you only increased. And now, all I try to ensure is your safe future."

To Aemma, her mother's long explanation made no sense. It started off in one direction, lost momentum midway and spiralled into a direction path altogether.

"What safe future do you speak of?"

"Listen to what I say very carefully sweetling," Aemma felt a gentle squeeze on her hand and looked down to see how tightly her mother was gripping her tiny wrist.

"Rhaenyra's marriage to Prince Daemon has put us in a dangerous position…"

Alicent began and Aemma furrowed her brows.

"Once the King is dead we will be left vulnerable with no one to protect us. And when that time arrives, we have none to turn to but Aemond and Vhagar."

Aemma blink a few times, processing, before she jumped in to present her own logic.

"I don't understand, why only him and Vhagar. What about Aegon, Helaena and Daeron? They have Dragons too."

Drawing her tongue out Alicent chapped her drying lips. Her shoulders slumped with invisible pressure.

"From where things currently stand, it is easy to conclude that Aegon is both useless and unreliable. He is no warrior, he stopped going for his training long ago and spends his time being drunk and roaming the filthiest streets of the city seeking cheap entertainment. He won't fight for us. He cannot. Chances are, at the peak of danger he will simply mount his dragon and fly away, never to be found."

"What about Helaena and Dreamfyre?"

"Sweetheart, we both know Helaena is partially insane." Aemma made no comment, but she did not disagree either. "So, her having a dragon does not make much difference. Then there is Daeron…"

Too engrossed into her own talks, Alicent failed to take notice of how Aemma had looked away and faced the large lancet windows, trying to hide the faint that blush crept up her cheeks at the mere mention of the youngest Targaryen Prince.

"That boy still remains an uncertainty. He may turn out good, or he may disappoint. There is no telling on that now. Besides his mount is too small to even carry its own rider."

Aemma felt a tug on her wrist and looked to her mother.

"So that only leaves Aemond. He is all we can rely on. Especially you, who no longer has her own dragon."

Aemma tensed, noticing the repeated reminder of not having a dragon.

"Out of all the children of this generation, you and Prince Daemon's daughter Rhaena are the only ones without a dragon."

Again she mentions Dragon. The young Princess pouted.

"But that girl now resides in Dragonstone, it's only a matter of time until she has her own. As for you, we do not know when will Dreamfyre release a new clutch of eggs."

"I'm sure I can get a dragon if I truly want to. But you must understand, mother, I don't want another—"

"I know sweetling!" Alicent let go of Aemma's hand only to grab her by the chin.

"Had you not been so young and without a dragon, I would have much less reason to worry."

Aemma sighed and Alicent frowned.

"You don't have to have a dragon sweetling. After what happened to Aemond, I don't want any of my other children to go claim one. However it does not change the fact that you will need one in the future—"

Frustrated, the Princess slapped away the Queen's hand. "You just said I won't have to!"

Alicent sighed, then lowered her voice to a cold dangerous whisper.

"Which is why, darling daughter, we absolutely must keep a strong hold on Aemond. Because when your father dies, you," To further emphasize, she pointed a finger to Aemma's chest again. "…will need him the most."

"What does that mean exactly?" Aemma asked, afraid not fully catching up into the conversation or where it was headed. For sure she understood wrong or rather nothing.

"Your brothers pose as the biggest challenge to Rhaenyra's claim to the Iron Throne. Now with the Rouge Prince by her side, she will definitely come for us after the King's demise. And even if she desires not to, her husband will find a way ." Explained Alicent, giving her daughter a saddened look.

"I hope you are able to understand me now, dearest."

Aemma nodded her head numbly. Face ghostly pale in fear. But her eyes closed down as her mother leaned in to press a soft kiss on her forehead

"Good girl." Alicent flashed a tight lipped smiled once she pulled away. "Oh I almost forgot!Aemond's thirteenth name day is just about two moons away. Make sure to prepare a nice present for him."

Aemma took a moment to understand whether it was an advice of a mother, or an order from the Queen. Before softly muttering "Okay." In a voice barely audible.

Taking it as her queue for departure, Alicent helped Aemma lay back down and pulled the covers up to her neck.

"It's late, go to sleep." She spared one last glance at Aemma before walking out of the door.

All throughout the night till the break of dawn Aemma simply stared at the burning hearth. Her mother's words seemed to have had the the opposite effect. She advised her to go to sleep and yet no ounce of sleep came to Aemma that night.


A.N. Thank you all for reading. Hope you enjoyed. I don't know how this chapter ended up being this long.

Initially I wrote the chapter focusing on Aemond's birthday but last moment decided against it. Instead put up this chapter (I hope you noticed it written differently). I think it's important to show where everyone stands after the events of driftmark and how they have been doing in the next couple of years.

To clarify to all those who were confused with the timeline and flow of the chapter- it starts of from Driftmark and how their lives changed since then and how they have been adapting. For example with Aemma- she's four years old at the start of the chapter but towards the end she is seven (recently turned.) lastly, this chapter shows the beginning of Alicent and Aemma's strained relationship (the main reason why I changed the chapter). And for those of you wondering why Alicent went from ready to die for Aemma to barely acknowledging her now. Thing is, without even realizing she starting to be jealous of Aemma. So the resentment she used to feel for Rhaenyra is now in a twisted way getting directed towards Aemma. As a result now Alicent-Aemma and Aemond are tangled in a mess.

Of course if you have any questions feel free to reach out and I'll try my best to clarify it. And please do let me know if you see any mistakes I'll correct it.

Next Chapter focuses on Aemond's thirteenth name day.

Also, Daeron isn't leaving for Oldtown yet. We will still have few more chapters with him.

Another thing I wanted to get it off my chest. I know there's big debating everywhere about the right and wrong about Aemond calming Vhagar on the night of Laena's funeral. But how does no one find Rhaenyra sleeping with Laena's husband on the night of her funeral offensive. Personally I found that more wrongful in every aspect over the actions of a boy claiming and other children fighting him.

Chapter 9: Thirteenth Name Day


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Aemma remained persistent, refused to leave her father's side in spite of everyone's insistence.

All of the conjoined efforts of the Grand-Maester, Otto Hightower and Lady Lyanne to convince her to exit the chamber before the King's wounds were bared for cleaning — met with failure. Then Viserys himself tried, pleading his little girl not to see him when he's so unsightly. Even that request was thrown out of the window. Aemma stayed firm on her decision, making it clear that nothing can get her to leave the room. Not even the King's command!

A look was exchanged between the adults as they wordlessly tried to come up with a solution.

Out of desperation, due to not finding other possible resolution Otto Hightower tried to exert force. Hoisting up the little girl in his arms he attempted to walk out, but Aemma bit into his hand so hard that her teeth tore into his flesh. Thus he ended up dropping her before he could even reach the door. And Aemma ran back to her father's side.

Lady Lyanne takes one look at Lord Hand's bleeding hand before signalling the nearest Page, who in turn dashed off and returned moments later with a Maester for Otto Hightower.

The youngest Targaryen Princess not only stayed back, but also proved everyone wrong. Instead of cowering like everyone thought she would, she watched unblinking with utmost determination as the two young Maesters worked on her father under the supervision of the Grand-Maester Orwyle.

However, what she saw, only added to her already growing fear.

His flesh is rotting.

He is fading.

"Will he die?"

Although Aemma could only bring her voice to be barely above whisper but because of how eerily quiet the room was except for the occasional painful moans coming from the King and rare hisses coming from the Hand of the King who was getting his bleeding hand stitched up by a Maester, her question was heard by all.

Lady Lyanne was about respond but got beaten by Orwyle as he turned and crunched down, bringing himself to level with the Princess.

"Everyone must die one day Princess."

Rolling her eyes Aemma rephrased the question. Choosing to be more direct this time.

"But that was not what I asked. What I need to know is— if he is dying... soon?"

"We're doing our best Princess…" The older man tore his gaze away from her to focus on the King momentarily "…to prevent such misfortune."

Aemma froze in the midst of taking her father's hand, noticing he was missing another finger now. Closing her eyes she took a sharp inhale of breath.

"Will you be able to prevent it?"

The Grand-Maester could not hide how much proud and impressed he was by the display of strength the child was showing. A part of him found it hard to believe it is the same little girl who vomited at the gruesome sight of her brother's maimed face. But such was not to be dwelled upon currently. As he proceeded to respond, an unnaturally loud moan from Viserys interrupted them.

Orwyle stood at once and rushed to check if the junior Maesters have made any mistakes. While Aemma shot her eyes open and took a step back. Fear clearly visible on her violet irises now.

He will not live long.

She realized.

And when he dies…

It had raised a violent fear in her heart. Evidently loosening her grip on the rope of strength she was holding onto.

Therefore no force could hold her back when she turned on her heels and sprinted out of the King's quarters. Ignoring the calls of her grandsire and her nursemaid.




Entering her chamber the youngest Targaryen slammed the door shut before she absently walked to her bed and threw herself on it.

"…we absolutely must keep a strong hold on Aemond. Because when your father dies, you, will need him the most."

Pressing both palms tightly against her ears Aemma tried to block the voice. Push away the frightening thoughts. But to no avail. Her mother's heed would not stop ringing in her head.

Unbeknownst to her, they have already been embedded into her soul.

Aemond thought it all but a singular occurrence. One of his lucky day — when one afternoon post his training, he returned to his chamber and found Aemma sitting on his bed, her tiny legs dangling as she waited for him with a plate of assortment of pastries. Most of which she forcibly fed him.

Clearly he was mistaken!

He soon realized — when it seemed to have become a routine for him to find her in his chambers every time he returned from training.

Much to his pleasure it did not stop there.

The more time passed the more he saw Aemma. Everywhere he looked, there she was! And Aemond did not mind that at all, as it was the best thing that could have happened to him. She could disturb him anywhere and it wouldn't bother him the least. For her, anything and everything would be pardoned.

She began to show up at the library and quietly sit beside him, waiting for him to finish. From there it evolved to being present while he studied with the Maesters. During this time Aemond took the opportunity to teach her how to write in cursive like him. Turned out, Aemma was a fast learner. Soon the Maester could no longer distinguish between their writing, as it looked same to same.




It soon became evident that Aemma was beginning to lose her way from Faith. Although she hasn't strayed like Aegon but if things keep up the way it is going, it would only be a matter of time until she joins him.

The fact that she would possibly have to see another one of her child go astray, left Alicent in grave distress. And when she addressed this concern with Aemond - one evening, inside her solar - he took hold of both her hands and assured,

"Do not fret mother, Aemma will not stray from Faith." He brought their entwined hands to his heart. A silent oath taken by a duty bound son.

"You have my word… I won't let her!" It was the way his single eye lit up and his face crunched as he vowed and the deep tone in which his voice flowed, showed the first signs of trouble.

But unfortunately it went unseen by Alicent Hightower. As her focus solely remained on retrieving her daughter's faith on the Sevens— a matter that was trivial in comparison to the one unfolding right in front of her eyes.




To appease his mother, Aemond took upon the duty to take Aemma to the Sept.

Every morning he collected her from her chamber after the maids prepared her for the day. Then, hand in hand they would march to the Grand Sept accompanied by their mother, Helaena and a handful of their ladies in waiting.

There had been times when their mother and older sister skipped, but never Aemond! And neither did he let Aemma.

Personally, he came to look forward to their time alone at the Sept. As it allowed his mind to delve into thoughts that he would otherwise feel awkward to think about in the presence of his mother and Helaena. In addition to that, their absence let him freely watch Aemma as she lit the candles - only part of being in the Sept she actually enjoyed. And Aemond let her light as many candles as her heart desired. Because as long as she stays occupied, he can watch her undisturbed.




Each passing day the duration of the time he watches her increases. It has been happening so without his knowledge. A habit that formed in the Sept has now followed him into the Red Keep.

He never tire of watching her. In fact it's never enough. There is always something new to notice within her. As if the Gods make her little by little everyday.

Aemond may not agree with many of his father's beliefs. However the one-eyed Prince found himself in full agreement with the King when he said all those years ago, that, amongst all his children Aemma is the most beautiful one.

She certainly is, the most beautiful thing one amongst all of them.

It came as no surprise when on her sixth name day, she was cheered as the realm's beauty. Since then, often before sleep Aemond tries to imagine what form would she take once grown. But never has he been successful in reaching a conclusion.




It does not take Aemond long time to notice the blessing that the Sevens have bestowed upon him. And he is certain the Gods have chosen to reward him for his good deeds.

His relationship with Aemma has further improved, it is stronger than ever.

Recently she began visiting the training yard accompanied by Helaena's ladies in waiting. She would cheer for him the loudest and while the ladies with her would applaud for him.

Watching Aemma interact with these coming of age ladies profoundly fascinated Aemond. She happens to be the smallest in the group in both aspects— size and age. Barely reaching their shoulder or chest level in height, while having a substantial age gap of five to ten years. Yet she led them with the same amount of energy as the alpha of a wolf pack.

When alone, Aemma has taken up the hobby to do his hair. Making braids and different styles of up-dos, giving him different appearance each time. As much as Aemond enjoyed her touches and ministration on himself, he absolutely detested the end result. Dread filled his heart every time she'd hold the mirror before him. Some of those hairstyles are downright hideous and looks ridiculous. Still, he never dared slip those thoughts out aloud. Whatever came up his throat and threatened to spill, in fear of hurting his little sister's feelings he would swallow them forcefully.

During any meal-time be it breakfast, lunch or supper Aemma would sit by his side. Feed him with her own hand - Oblivious to the displeased look in Aegon's eyes. Snatch his favourite items from the plates of others and put it on his. And when not seated beside him, she'd make sure to sit across from him and under the table their feet would dance together. A secretive game that only the two of them had knowledge of.

After spending most of his life bullied and ignored, at long last when the one eyed Prince got to taste acknowledgment and contentment, the Sevens chose to be cruel and put his faith to trial once more.




Like all good things, his peace began its slow descent to deter when Aemma decided to include Daeron into their mix.

Initially Aemond did not know how to feel, albeit his childhood curiosity to be included in the same group as his two younger siblings. But then, he was baffled by side of Aemma that flourished in the presence of his little brother.

At first their little mischief seemed all so innocent, fun and thrilling. Most of which included stealing food from the kitchen, destroying already prepared meals by adding additional salt and spices into them. Throwing eggs at the Kingsguards etcetera.

Soon enough the disturbing ones began emerging to the surface.

Aemond found himself frozen to the ground the first time he saw Aemma prying under a Septa's skirt or pinch a serving girl's arse (a trick no doubt taught by Aegon) then blame it on him or Daeron.

He scolded her twice for such depraved behaviour but that seemed to have no effect at all. Even the ear pull he gave her barely did much.

Ultimately his weakness for Aemma caused Aemond to impose the blame on Daeron's shoulder instead. His head reasoned— Daeron too happens to be her older brother and is equally responsible for teaching her to distinguish between right and wrong. Rather he chooses to follow her like a lost pup. As a result of which, although Aemond held no ill feelings towards his younger brother like he did towards his older brother, but after seeing everything, he no longer preferred the boy to be around Aemma. Because in his presence she becomes the female version of Aegon. Unlike the gentle, docile girl who practices her embroidery (although she is terrible at it) or sketching (at which she is surprisingly good at).

Therefore keeping the betterment of both in his mind as top priority, Aemond began taking tactical measures to keep his younger siblings apart.

But it was easier said than done...




It was not just the silly jesting depravity that tied Aemma and Daeron in their bond. As it happens, there is more to their connection that meets in the eyes.

Her growing attachment towards his dragon Tessarion stands as the solid proof of that claim. That little blue lizard has come to accept her as part of their team.

On occasions Aemond had watched from afar and seethed as that miserable excuse of dragon snuggled Aemma while she caressed its scales and Daeron cheered for them.

Jealousy can be a very ugly emotion. Aemond Targaryen experienced it first hand when he got the distinct urge one day to command Vhagar to eat up the blue lizard. Of course he pushed down the vile thought soon as they invaded his mind. After all how could he be so cruel to his own little brother.

That being said he did long for Aemma to form similar kind of bond with Vhagar. The suggestion was thrown her way, alongside an offer to take her riding. But his luck did not favour. Aemma paled at the mere mention of Vhagar's name. Even his mother discouraged the idea, stating it is far too dangerous for a child to be near that large beast and would make their father furious.

Hence Aemond had to back out, now. For he knows once she matures she will come to appreciate Vhagar. Perhaps getting her own mount will help her see things differently. In any case, that isn't his priority at the moment. Currently what is most important to him is:

Their bond. Their connection. Their love.

At breakfast table inside the Queen's solar:

Not again!

Looking down at his plate, the eldest Targaryen Prince frowned, noticing how much of his portion had lessened without him eating. He did not even have to look, he already knew where it had gone or rather who took it. Still, he glanced to the side to have a quick peek; only to be further stewed by what he saw.

"I can't eat so much, I have to go for training." Aemond complained, after taking few bites of the large slice of cake Aemma was forcing him to eat.

"Have another bite, last one."

"If I am to have another bite of this cake I will not be able to move."

"How about a bite of a melon then?" She suggested and turned to the tray that had all the sliced cantaloupes but found it to be empty. The last slice was sitting on Aegon's plate, which he was about to eat. But before he could dip his fork, Aemma's hand came in like the waves of the sea and swept it away.

Aegon co*cked his head in his little sister's direction, eyes turned twice as wide.

While the growing closeness between Aemond and Aemma made Alicent the happiest, followed by Helaena and Daeron. But Aegon remained fully displeased by it, for him, it posed as quite the inconvenience. Not to mention, it was as bewildering as it was annoying! And the sober part of his brain could only wonder what had their mother poured into her head to make her behave such way. From what he knows, Aemma doesn't have the bones to dote on that twat. And here she was bathing him with all her love to the point where she would savagely snatch food from others plates with no remorse to feed him!

How irritating!

Although unsure if it was truly happening but Aegon felt smoke emerging through his ears as he watched Aemond take a decent size bite of his melon.

"I was going to eat that you little whor*!" Aegon protested, shooting both Aemond and Aemma a hard glare.

"AEGON!" His mother and grandsire scolded him in unison.

"Fine! You little monkey!" And he quickly corrected himself remembering he will have to bear consequences if his father hears of the use of derogatory terms on his precious little girl.

"How dare you call me monkey... Apologize! Apologize now!" She demanded, earning attention of everyone at the table.

"What?" Aegon and few others at the table arched a brow. All of them thinking the same thing - who takes offence to being called a monkey over whor*.

Thing is, for Aemma the situation is a bit twisted. From infancy her ears have heard the term 'whor*' being used to refer to her half-sister so many times that after all these years it no longer felt so offensive. Instead getting called a monkey served as greater insult.

"I said apologize." Aemma repeated.

"What for?"

"For insulting me."

Aegon rolled his eyes.

"Consider yourself fortunate that I chose to let it slide with simple insult, instead of stripping naked as the day you were born and hanging you upside-down outside the Red Keep."

"Aegon..." Came the warning from Otto Hightower.

"Well then," Aemma leaned closer to Aegon, in an attempt to appear menacing. "father will hear about it by tonight."

Throwing his head back Aegon laughed before turning his voice to a taunt.

"Go on tell him!" He goaded. "You're no Rhaenyra, father won't even give a sh*t."

Aemma's face twisted in anger and Aegon rejoiced at the reaction he received.

Everyone at the table already knew the youngest Targaryen had a comeback response sitting at the tip of her tongue. But none of them were prepared for the blistering stupid thing that came out of her mouth next. Especially her mother.

"Father will give sh*t." Aemma spat like she was spitting venom. "You know why? Because I'm Aemma - the love of his life. Only I matter to him. While you all are just dirt under his feet. Meant to be washed away and forgotten."

The room descended into heavy silence. All eyes set on the seven year old girl who looked ready to combust.

Otto Hightower briefly stared at his youngest granddaughter putting on a hard impassive face before he resumed eating. Truth be told, she is not wrong. Indeed she is the current love of Viserys's life and perhaps will be the last. In such circ*mstances Ser Otto's only regret being— his failure to bring her under his grasp. Problem is, the child seems to have a mind of her own. Does exactly what her little brain and heart tells; without fearing any consequences. Everyone has a protocol – but Aemma Targaryen tends to throw protocol out the window. She has privileges that did not even exist for Rhaenyra. As the heir there were boundaries that Rhaenyra could not cross. Whereas this insolent brat openly makes faces at him and King laughs, and with him the small council also laughs. Leaving Otto to tolerate swallowing his pride.

Joining her father Alicent frowned as well, feeling angry and embarrassed at the same time. Although done without the intention, but this was a big insult to her. What hurt more was that it came from her own child.

Like everyone Helaena also stared, her lips forming incoherent sentence that none bothered to listen. Aemond too watched stoically, but because Aemma was facing Aegon (eyes locked in a glaring competition with him), he could only see her long silvery mane cascading down her back, reaching below her waist.

The silence stretched till Daeron suddenly choked on his food.

Alicent (on his right) passed him a goblet of water while Helaena (on his left) gently rubbed his back. But neither of their actions seemed to help. And from the opposite side Aemma watched them tend to him in concern.

Her quarrel with Aegon nearly forgotten.

But that wasn't the case with him. He was nowhere near done. In fact it just got better— he brought out the perfect reaction from her. In one simple statement she insulted everyone at the table. Oh the look that adorned their mother face that moment was to be seen! If not for the little bastard's interruption, Aegon definitely would pushed more buttons.

"Oh Daeron... Please be alright. Please be alright. Please be alright. Please be alright. Please be alright." Aemma kept on muttering beneath her breath like she was chanting a prayer.

Aegon observed her reaction briefly before his eyes drifted over to his one-eyed brother. All the earlier smug smirks on his lips now vanished into the thin air.

Ironic, how all it took was small coughing from Daeron to put Aemond on his place.

Aemma has never been secretive about her favouritism towards Daeron. Most people assume it's due to their close proximity in age. But Aegon is confident it's blooming into something else. The more they grow the more it will blossom. Which is precisely why Aemma's sudden closeness to Aemond for the past couple moons took not only him, but a lot of people by surprise. And Aegon has no doubt of the part his mother played in this. As such behaviour could only induced by Alicent Hightower. Because the Aemma everyone knows would never throw herself at the likes of that twat! She has never been or anyway felt close to him. Above that, their perspective and priorities clash making them hard to get along.

Secretly the oldest Targaryen boy was laying odds, curious as to how long this farce would last.

Since they were almost at the end of breakfast, Alicent dismissed the boys soon as Daeron's coughing ceased. Her father followed suit leaving his daughter in the company of her daughters.

Once all the men exited and the servants began to collect all the plates, the Queen ushered her youngest to come and take the empty seat between Helaena and herself. To which the little princess gladly complied.

"Have you prepared your present my love?"

Aemma quirked her brows.

What present does she speak of?

Her mother's smile widened as she took hold a lock of Aemma's silver hair between her fingers before tucking it behind her ear.

"Aemond's name day is only two days away, I hope you haven't forgotten."

sh*t! Aemma swallowed. Clearly she forgot. But lacked the courage to admit it to her mother. Therefore, resonated to lying.

"Of course not! I… I had his present ready long ago."

Slightly relieved, Alicent's attention switched over to her older daughter.

"What about you sweetling?"

Helaena paused the full blown conversation she was having with her butterfly and looked over at her mother.

"It's ready." She muttered.

Alicent released the breath she didn't know she was holding all this time. So she failed to take notice of how Aemma's smile turned different. Her face no longer able to conceal the unease she felt inside.

"Aemond is so lucky to have sisters like you both."

Inside her chamber Aemma paced from one end to the other, consecutively picking at her nails and biting her lower lip. She has been so focused on pleasing him all this time that she totally forgot about his fast approaching name day; despite her mother's constant reminder.

Now, for the past two days she has been ransacking her brain, desperately trying to come up with a suitable name day present. With no notable success of course! Getting a present for Aemond turned out to difficult than what she had anticipated. Especially when his interest seemed limited to books and weaponries— things that she hardly has any knowledge on.

As a result here she is, on his name day, still without a clue as to what to present him.

Aemma came to a sudden halt. Actually stopped dead in her pacing of her bedroom.

What if she pretends to be ill and skip the supper tonight. That way she can buy herself sometime and come up with a suitable present for him. However skipping supper tonight will be next to impossible. And if by the grace of Gods she succeeds though, it will greatly upset her mother.

Sighing, she plopped down on the bed. Deeply regretting lying to her mother. As it has closed the option to seek her assistance. And her father has been far too ill since last week, making him use his brain in such condition would be cruel. She did try her luck with Aegon and got him to spill that he has the most spectacular gift planned for Aemond. When Aemma offered to join excitedly - so that they could give this supposedly spectacular gifttogether - he swatted her away like she was some sort of a flea.

Daeron's giving books. She knew that beforehand. So joining him would be utterly pointless and most certainly disappoint her mother.

Thus at this time, at the nearest hour, it left her with only her sister to turn to.

On that account, holding onto the last ray of hope Aemma left her bed and ran out her chamber, heading straight for the direction of Helaena's.

The guard stationed outside let her in after a quick announcement.

Aemma walked in expecting to find her sister doing her usual things — the embroidery or playing with her little friends, but definitely not sleeping!

No! An exasperated sigh left her lips.

Of course Helaena can afford to sleep like a newborn babe. After all she finished sewing two days ago! The leather eye-patch is now packed in the beautifully carved wooden box, placed on the table in front of the settee.

Striding over Aemma picked up the said box and looked at it begrudgingly. Her mind debating whether to awake Helaena now or wait till she awaken. Chance are by the time she awakens on her own accord it would be almost evening and much time wouldn't be left until supper begins.

What if I... Just then, the idea floated in.

What would Helaena give him then? She worked so hard for this... No! that would be right. She thought, shaking her head vehemently.

But Helaena already has her own dragon. She wouldn't need him in the future as much I would.

The sound of movement startled Aemma causing her heart leap to her throat. Clutching the box closer to her chest she glanced over the shoulder.

Helaena was stirring in her sleep. Perhaps awakening. Whatever decision is to be made must be made at once.

Right before supper was set to begin, Alicent Hightower marched into her eldest daughter's room wearing the expression of annoyance on her face.

Nearing of Aemond's name day has left her under tremendous pressure. Ever since the incident at Driftmark, no celebration or feasts get thrown for him. Only a supper is hosted by the Queen, which is mandatory for all members of the family to attend. There, they present him with thoughtful gifts, well wishes and prayers to make the one eyed boy feel special. Alicent takes all initiative to make sure this one particular supper of the year goes accordingly with her plan. For that reason she begins chasing all her other children moons ahead of the time; reminding them constantly to have Aemond's present prepared.

This year it was no different, everything has been unfolding according how she had planned. Except for last minute discrepancies with the punctuality of her older children. Naturally it strike a nerve within Alicent. She had repeatedly told everyone to gather up at the dining hall just after sundown. And everyone seemed to have understood the significance of her words earlier. Yet, Aegon had to be dragged out of a brothel by Ser Arryk, and Helaena is still no show. Which was why instead of sending Talya to fetch her eldest girl, the Queen decided to go see what the matter was herself.

"Why are you still not at the dining hall? Supper will be served soon, everyone awaits your presence. Including the King."

Due to her surging state of panic Helaena couldn't pay much attention to her mother's words. Her focus solely remained on the object she was relentlessly searching for.

"What must you be searching for with such urgency?" Alicent offered a helping hand. "Tell me, I might be of some help."

"Have you seen the box?"

"What box sweetling?" Alicent frowned, silently praying it wasn't what she feared it to be.

"The wooden rectangular box. Where I put the eye-patch..." Helaena trailed of uneasily. Staying consistent in her effort to frantically searching every corner of her room for it.

"You can't find it…?"

Helaena nodded 'no'. And without paying much attention to the woman's reaction she pointed her mother to check on the other corner for a carved rectangular wooden box.

Alicent paled.

Alas! It turned out exactly as she feared.

Disappointment washed over her. The boy is turning three and ten and his older sister has been reckless enough with his gift to let it go missing.

Instantaneously the dissatisfaction changed to anger and Alicent felt the blood in her veins beginning to boil.

"How could you be so irresponsible...!?" Her voice raised slightly. Wherein tone was cold, harsh sounding and quite accusatory.

"It's his thirteenth name day!" She felt the need to remind. "A special age where he begins to leave boyhood behind and step forth into manhood. And you could not be bothered to keep his present somewhere safe."

Helaena paused in the midst of her search and looked to her mother in shock. But Alicent was not in a position to care in that moment.

"Such carelessness is expected from Aemma, not you. Anyway… find it quickly and join us in the dining hall." Alicent said, as she turned around ready to leave.

Exhausted with her troublesome bunch.

Alicent returned to the dining hall and slumped down on the empty chair beside her father. Right away a heavily frustrated left her lips. Noting his daughter's distress Otto Hightower leaned into her ear to inquire if everything was alright with Helaena.

In response to which, Alicent sighed once more. Truth is, in the given moment she lacked the strength to explain to her father. Thankfully, much to her relief, Helaena came soon after. A wooden box befitting her earlier description carefully tucked under her arm.

In a rare occurrence, Otto Hightower flashed a soft genuine smile as he faced Helaena and patted the other empty seat beside himself for her to take. An affection that was only reserved for his oldest granddaughter. Just as she sat down he was quick to take her hand and kiss the back of it. Hoping this little gesture would soothe whatever discomfort she was feeling.

After everyone settled down as the father and King, Viserys was the first to present Aemond his name day gift— a Valyrian steel dagger. Aemond accepted the present with a courteous bow, muttering a polite thanks to his father.

Then the Queen clapped her hands and a pair of servants walked in, carrying what appeared to be a brand new comfortable saddle. To especially thank his mother Aemond went up to Alicent and kissed both her cheeks.

After his mother, his grandsire revealed his present— collection of ancient books on the history of Hightowers - fetched from Oldtown.

Daeron was the first amongst the siblings to give his present — philosophy books.

Everyone then turned to Aegon expecting him to reveal his spectacular present that he has been boasting about from weeks ahead. Aemma and Daeron shared a look amongst themselves curious to be finally able to see what was so special their oldest brother had in store.

Disappointing everyone, the oldest Targaryen Prince turned to his younger brother and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. A sly smirk already sitting on his lips.

"Like all good things, my spectacular present for you must be saved for last, little brother." With that taunt Aegon winked.

All Aemond did was roll his eye. Not that he was expecting anything from Aegon to begin with. Last year the latter gifted him a cup so that he can get into the habit of drinking.

All attention turned to Helaena next.

Everyone stared at her expecting the best. Last year she sewed him a set of riding gloves. This year the expectation was higher. That's when Aemma stood abruptly, drawing all attention to herself.

"A small token of my love, for your special day. I truly hope you like it, brother."

Soon as Aemma revealed her present, Helaena's eyes turned wide in recognition of the familiar box. Instantly her horrified eyes switched over to her younger sister but the latter refused to meet the former's questioning gaze. Keeping them zoned in on their brother, who has just took out the eyepatch from the box and began admiring it.

"Such a thoughtful gift." Viserys commented, eyeing the eyepatch so fondly as if no better eyepatch has been made in the realm before this. "Did you make that yourself, darling?"

Aemma bobbed her head. He then, turned to Aemond, "Is this not the best present you received tonight, my son?"

On the outside Aemond seemed as stoic as ever, but there was turmoil inside him. And it further intensified as his eye drift to Helaena and found her with head down, refusing to meet his gaze.

He's no fool nor a willfully blind and mind-numbingly daft person like his father. It is clear as any bright sunny day that it was not Aemma rather Helaena who actually made the eyepatch. Aemma stole her work and is taking credit for it. He can expose her right here-right now if he so wishes. And the urge was strongly there. For he knows her talent is not in that field. How can she make such a refined leather eyepatch when she cannot do simplest of embroidery. More important she was with him most of the time, so when did she manage the time to make this?

All he has to do is ask her anyone of these questions and the truth shall prevail on its own.

The choices were laid out for him in plain sight:

Expose Aemma and give Helaena the justice she deserves.


Act blind like his father and pretend to know nothing.

The boy closed his eye momentarily.

The given choices were not as easy as it seemed on the surface. Sure he can and should - in every moral aspect - deliver Helaena the justice she deserves but in exchange whatever progress he has made with Aemma will take a drastic step back. Perhaps the connection they formed will be ruined for good.

Is that a fair exchange?

He looked at Aemma and was greeted by her dimpled smiled and expecting gaze. She was waiting to be praised just the way Helaena was waiting for the justice to served.

Aemond's throat bobbed.

A choice must be made between:

Truth or Lie!

Right or Wrong!

Praise or Justice!

Aemma or Helaena!

And Aemond knew the truth. He understood what was right and who deserved justice. But as his lips parted, the words he spoke were…

"Indeed father…" A lump formed in his throat which he managed to swallow "…it is my favourite gift of all."

Aemma's grin grew wider. Springing out of her seat she came around the table and tightly hugged him from behind. Whilst Helaena's head lowered, eyes clenched shut and a hand clutched the fabric of her dress above her chest. It felt as if her heartstrings were being pulled one after the other.

As for Aemond… his heart sank into the depth of despair. Bitterness worked its way up his throat. He never intended to hurt Helaena. However, there was a choice to be made carefully and wisely.

Deep inside he knows Helaena will understand, she will forgive. Aemma on the other hand will never understand, nor will she ever forgive or forget.

"You have exceeding my expectations and made your mother very proud."

Aemma's cheeks flushed at mother's praise.

"Why not put it on." Viserys suggested. "Let us all see how much of a handsome Prince it makes you look."

"Handsome Prince my foot!" Aegon scoffed. "He will look no less than a pirate than he already does."

Alicent shot him a nasty glare but the rest decided to ignore his comment. For them it was not needed nor appreciated.

"Allow me..." Aemma offered.

She helped Aemond take off the eyepatch he already had on and placed the new one in it's place. But just as she was about to fasten the buckle… she couldn't figure out how to work with it.

Seven hells! She cursed under her breath.

It was taking long, excruciatingly long time to fasten a simple buckle. And Aemma still had no clue as to what she was doing wrong that the damn buckle refused to clasp together. Out of desperation, she even went as far as to open the hair-tie and undo his half done hair in order to seek possibilities whether she could tie the clasp of the eyepatch with his hair.

Still no avail!

The room descended to an awkward silence. Aemma grew nervous feeling all eyes on her, scrutinizing. An unnerved feeling burst inside her gut.

Viserys kept his warm smile intact to encourage his little girl to keep going. Just because she made it does not mean she is supposed to know how to fasten it. Otto and Alicent shared a confused glance before they refocused on Aemma.

"Stop shaking your head. I cannot fasten the hook otherwise." She told Aemond, thinking it would ease down the tension. Only for Aegon to ruin it by pointing out the obvious.

"His head is perfectly still. It's your hands that shake; sister."

"Instead of saying something useless, why not do something useful. Get up and help me!" Aemma shot back. Her scolding made it seem as if she is the older sister and he the naughty little brother.

It worked right away on Daeron. The youngest boy was up on his feet in a heartbeat, hoovering over Aemond's head to see if he could help. But he too was facing difficulties. Aemma then cleared her throat, giving Aegon the side-eyed glance. Like a trained hound he too raised to his feet and joined them.

Together all three of them crowded over Aemond's head bickering as they tried to figure out how to close the clasp of the eyepatch.

"Try joining the two heads together." Daeron suggested and Aemma followed. But it didn't work.

"No! Let's cut his hair." Aegon said pulling few strands in the process. His odd statement earned him a bewildered look from his three younger siblings.

"Huh!" Exclaimed Aemma. "How is that supposed to help?!"

"It won't, but it will be fun." Aegon wiggled his brows. "Here, you grab a fistful of his hair and I'll just chop it off with a knife from the roots."

Aemond's singular eye turned wide. He tried to turn and glare at the three behind, but could not, since his two brothers held his head so tightly.

"Aegon!" Their mother warned. But the three siblings were too busy bickering amongst themselves to notice her glaring.

"Are we really cutting his hair?" Daeron interjected.

"No silly! He was just jesting."

"Why is it taking so long to fasten a simple eyepatch." Alicent intervened. "We have to start eating. People here are starving."

"The brat here doesn't even know what she made." Retorted Aegon, losing patience and getting frustrated at this point.

"Aegon!" Viserys scolded. "Don't be rude to your sister. She at least put the effort to make something. Take an example out of her page for future."

Rolling his eyes Aegon retreated to his seat and emptied his cup in a long sip. Daeron followed suit. Leaving Aemma by herself to figure out how to fasten the eyepatch.

Finally, seeing no other way Aemma looked to her sister. She had enough, grew tired of the dramatic and was ready to reveal the truth. Consequences be damned! That's when Helaena locked eyes with her and signalled with the eyes - to bring the hook from underneath the loop and then claps it.

Aemma followed the instructions and it worked!

Another look was shared between the sister. Aemma was surprised by her sister's generosity. If she were in her position she would have exposed the truth long ago.

"What are you giving, sister?" It was Daeron's voice that broke the two sisters staring contest.

"Oh I almost forgot." Helaena pulled out her box and passed it over to Aemond. "I hope you like it brother."

As Aemond opened the box Aegon peered over and picked up the object inside barely pinching it between his fingers.

"What is this thing?"

Aemond shot him a glare and snatched it back. "It's a handkerchief."

"Oh!" He turned to Helaena. "Well sister, your gift is as stupid as your are. Next time learn something from our little sister."

"Aegon!" Alicent, Otto and Aemond all three of them snapped in unison. But it was Aemma who picked up a spoon and hit him on the head with it.

"Who are you to insult her when you came here empty handed."

Everyone turned to Aemma, shocked and astonished. Nobody had predicted this outcome where Aemma would come to Helaena's defence. Guess there is first time for everything.

"I'm giving him something spectacular." Aegon defended, massaging the back of his head as it hurt from the blow he just received.

"How are we to know it's spectacular when we have not seen it?"

"Can we at least see it?" Daeron pleaded.

"Not everything is meant to be seen, little brother. Some must be experienced." Aegon explained, taking a sip of his wine and calling after a serving girl to fill up his cup.

"He's lying!" Aemma interjected returning to her seat beside Daeron. "He has no gift."

"You speak as if you know me so well."

"We all kno—"

"Enough!" Alicent cut in, deciding it was time to put a stop to it. "All of you! Can we never have a single meal peacefully, without trying to kill each other…?"

Aemma resigned and focused on the food that was getting served on her plate. She was no longer hungry but forces herself to eat anyway. Aegon finished his drink and motion for his cup to be refilled. Daeron muttered an apology on all of his siblings behalf.

Thus the family finally began their supper.

Later that night, sometime during the hour of the ghosts, Aemma sneaked into Helaena's chamber. She had to… otherwise… sleep would not come to her tonight. As the growing guilt inside has long begun to suffocate her.

Like earlier, once again Aemma found her sister in bed. Tucked under the thick blanket, facing away from the burning hearth.

Deciding to waste no time, she joins her.

Even in state of unconsciousness Helaena flinched moment before waking up jolting and yelping. Sleep left her body at the strange sensation of a pair of hands circling around her waist. Much to her dismay the hands refused to let go, despite her struggle. But her struggle soon ceased and unease soothed once she recognized who those tiny wrists belonged to.

Looking over her shoulder the older Targaryen Princess found her little sister to be giving her wiggly eyes while an adorable pout sat on her lips.

"What's happened?" She fully turned around and faced Aemma. "Why are you here?"

Even though it appeared as though there was a lot she wanted to say, Aemma actually said nothing. Just scooted closer and snuggled into her older sister's chest. Not caring about how uncomfortable it made the latter.

Helaena tried to move back, not used to being this physically close to her.

Respecting her choice Aemma drew back.

The two sisters now looking eye to eye.

"What brings you here so late?" Inquired Helaena politely. Still unsettled by having someone in bed with her.

Aemma opened her mouth and soon after closed it off. What was there to say anyway? The damage was already done! She had snatched away and took credit for her sister's hard work. A simple apology is not enough. It cannot take them back in time for Aemma to redo it differently. With a hand on her heart, she only gave her sister a saddened look in response. Despite her inability to express it verbally, the younger Princess had skillfully shown them reflected in her eyes.

That alone was enough for Helaena's soft heart to melt. Fighting the strange feeling inside her gut she reached out and caressed her little sister face. Greedily Aemma nuzzled into her touch.

"It was wrong if me… I shouldn't have…"


Helaena smiled. Pressing a kiss to Aemma's forehead felt so natural that she felt compelled to do it one more time.

"I can teach you how to make them. Perhaps you can actually sew him one in the future."

"No need." The younger one quickly dismissed older's suggestion with a wave of her hand. "Embroidery and sewing are your tasks. Not mine."

"What is yours then?"

"I know not yet. But for now I would like for it to be hugging you... can I?"

A heartfelt smile was exchanged between them before they embraced, basking in each other's presence and embarking their new kinship.


Aemond had almost surrendered to sleep when the door to his chamber creaked open.

Instinctively he shot up, fully alert. His gaze narrowed to a glare upon finding his older brother saunter toward his bed. Reeking of wine and dressed in clothing of small folks that peeked from underneath the dark cloak.

"Here," Aegon threw the spare cloak at Aemond, which the latter caught easily. "put this on."


"We are going out."

"This late... what for?"

"You are yet to receive the best gift of your name day, brother."

The one eyed Prince frowned, eyeing his brother's approaching figure suspiciously. Suddenly an ill feeling began cooking at the pit of his stomach. And by the time he could figure out how to deal with the said feeling, Aegon had already closed the gap between them.

In almost no time at all the older Prince yanked the sheet off of his brother, grabbed him by the arm to forcefully pull him of the bed and threw an arm around his shoulder afterwards.

"It's my duty as your older brother to ensure you are as educated as I am..."

Aemond raised a brow. "I don't follow."

Aegon smirked deviously, thinking about the arrangement he has made. This will be a night that will forever remain etched into this twat's memory.

"I am taking you to one of the finest establishments in the Street of Silk."


A mixture of confusion and uneasiness rose to Aemond's face as he somewhat grasped the notion behind those words.

But Aegon read -more like chose to read- that expression as excitement. So without further ado taking back the cloak from his brother's hand, he helped him put it on and guided him towards the secret passageway that would lead them directly to their destination.

Once they were finally out on the street, the older brother looked the younger brother in the eye and said,

"Time to get it wet."


A.N: Thank you all for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Now allow me to clarify some key points of this chapter-

For those of you wondering why Aemma stole Helaena's gift. I think this section distinguishes how the two sisters feel for Aemond. Helaena's feelings are genuine, she truly cares for him. Aemma on the other hand is forced to care for him. Her feelings stay in her head than her heart. Her brain was so focused so pleasing him that she totally forgot about his birthday.

On the other hand, because of this incident the two sisters in a way were able to start a new friendship between them which didn't exist before. And I'm excited to see where it leads.

Now let's move onto why Aemond chose to keep his mouth shut in spite of knowing right away that what Aemma had done! Let's face it- he knows how his two sisters are. So in spite of his heart showing Aemond the right path, his head won when it showed him all the reasons of what could happen if he didn't follow through according to Aemma's expectations. In order to have Aemma by his side, he has to follow through her terms and conditions (for now at least).

Chapter 10: Aftermath of the Special Gift


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

He need not have both eyes, his one eye and half the vision was enough to detect the unfamiliar surrounding he had just woken to.

Confused he turned over, the stench of musk and filth circling around him as he did. Upon turning, he was greeted by a woman who lay beside him as naked as the day she was born. She has unruly red hair and hazel eyes. A soft smile made it to her lips as she tried to reach out and fix the patch that was now slightly out of its usual place.

Aemond slapped her hand away as he felt his skin crawl with disgust

"Don't touch me!" He spat at the woman like he just tasted venom at the tip of his tongue.

Even if the woman took offence to his words she did not let it be shown. Instead she threw her head back and laughed before responding in a co*cky tone.

"Forgive me my Prince, for I have already touched you…" Boldly she placed a finger to his chest and began trailing down the path of his abdomen… navel… before going down towards the most intimate region of his body. "…for the whole night."

Following the path of her finger Aemond noticed— he too was naked. Panic settled in, draining colour from his face, shame and confusion blurred together as he remembered the events from last night. The awkward fumbling, poor attempts to cower away from the strange touches, lewd moans all around.

He shuddered, remembering the way this whor* had ridden him. Fingers carving thin bloody trails down his chest while he bellowed for her. Or the way he had so roughly flipped her after, fisting his hand into her hair and used it to pull her against him as he slammed himself inside her after Aegon had taunted him. Or the satisfied look he had to put on when with each of his thrusts the whor*'s breasts bounced and Aegon cheered him on.

He felt dirty, absolutely filthy. All he wanted at that moment was to get into a bath scrub himself raw until his skin was bleeding.

"If my Prince so much as desires I can touch him again." The offer made repulsed the prince, making him recoil at once. His action earned another laugh from the woman. "Not to worry, your brother has paid quite generously, enough to sate you for a week. So… what is it that you wish, my Prince?"

Aemond clenched his eye tightly. Disgust coursing through his veins. He did not wish to relive last night's experience.

Thus he asked to be left alone.

To no surprise of his she obliged, and with quick haste she hurried out of the room.

Aegon's disappearance from the Red Keep is now considered a normal occurrence. It has become that way years ago. But Aemond's absence from his chamber in the dead of the night caused the Queen to spend her night sleepless. A constant prayer in her lips, as she frantically paced inside her solar praying for her second son's safe return.

It was before daylight broke that Ser Arryk walked in, both her boys in the Knights each hand.

Seeing that her boys had returned unharmed, Alicent sighed out of relief and at once jumped out of her settee and approached them. It was when she neared them that she noticed the brothers wore a contrasting expression on their respective faces.

Aegon looked irritated. Glaring at Ser Arryk from the corner of his eyes and cursing him under his breath. Clearly he was outraged to be pulled out of wherever orwhoever he was pulled out of.

Then, from Aegon as her eyes switched to Aemond, the Queen knew she had more reason to worry. The younger boy refused to meet her gaze. Keeping his focus on his feet. From the angle Alicent could see she read his expression for a look consisting of combination of emotions of being disgusted and embarrassed. Her motherly instincts told her to take him into her arms and comfort him. And she was about to do just that, but

Aemond took a sharp step back.

The movement of him cowering away from his mother's touch caused a small shift in his tunic, revealing the red mark on the side of his neck.

Alicent could not prevent her eyes from widening and a gasp from escaping her lips. His mother's reaction only added to the unease in the pit of Aemond's stomach. In shame he lowered his head even more if it was possible and quickly tugged his tunic to cover up the mark the whor* had left on his neck.

Understanding what has transpired, Alicent looked at Ser Arryk before commanding him to escort Aemond to his chamber.

The knight placed his hand on the younger Prince's shoulder, grabbing him as gently as possible as he ushered the boy to turn. In few great strides Ser Arryk walked them out of the door.

Soon as the two were out of the door and the door closed shut after them, Alicent turned to her eldest. Rage was cracking the surface of her face bringing out its ugly colour for Aegon to finally see. Then, mastering all her strength she gave her eldest a tight slap across his face.

"HOW COULD YOU?!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. Her chest heaved with the weight of her words. The slap and screaming didn't feel enough, she wanted to grab him by the collar and bash his head against the closet wall.

"How could I what?" Aegon asked rubbing his cheek that was burning from the impact of the slap.

"How could you soil your brother's innocence like that? As the older brother it was your duty to set good example, not put him up to engage in filthy activities!"

"I did nothing wrong!" Aegon defended himself. "In fact I did follow the responsibilities of an older brother. I made that twat a man."

Taking a step closer he looked his mother in the eyes. His body trembled with growing anger and sadness that cut like knife slicing through his skin. He tried to do something nice for his idiot brother and this is how their mother repays!

Aegon reached his boiling point, and his rage was now matching her.

"You should be proud of him mother, because I certainly am." He said in cold voice, smirking.

The confusion gracing his mother's face caused Aegon to change his smirk to a manic like smile. This would be fun! He thought, and was ready to cherish every moment if it.

"Allow me to fill you in, for his first time he did a phenomenal job. Although he was initially uncomfortable but by the end he shed those skin of shy and awkwardness and f*cked the whor* like a true Targaryen man. Sucked her tit*, ate her c*nt, even took her from the back."

Alicent clenched both her fists so tightly that her knuckles turned white. Understanding that he has successfully managed to get under her skin made Aegon made his grin wider, showing all his yellowish stained teeth.

"As a mother the least you could do is appreciate my effort rather than look at it so lowly." He said before tuning around and walking out.

Leaving his mother with a dread filled face.

Later, after a day has passed Alicent decided to pay Aemond a visit in his chamber. A confinement he hasn't left since.

And just as she had predicted, entering his chamber Alicent found him seated facing the hearth in a praying stance, like he was seeking forgiveness.

"Aemond…?" She called softly, desperation tinging her voice as she approached cautiously. Standing behind him, she placed a hand on his shoulder.

He turned, casting a quick glance at his mother's way before quickly looking away to face the hearth once more.

It was evident that her attempt at comfort had failed but the Queen was not ready to admit defeat. In fact she was determined not to give up. The hand resting on his shoulder moved to his head. But the boy only stiffened, further tension added to his features.

After a long moment of nothing but pin drop silence Alicent backed away, finally realizing there is nothing she can do at this given moment.

She returned again the following night. Brought Helaena with her. They tried to comfort him conjointly.

Unfortunately the end result still remained unsatisfactory. Aemond reacted to his older sister's presence the same way he did in the presence of his mother.

Awkward and embarrassed.

Considering the person Helaena is, she understood her brother's need for time and space. So she decided to leave as quickly as she could. Alicent followed suit. But unlike her daughter, she simply cannot lose herself into a different world. The tension refuses to leave her mind. And it would most certainly stay that way till she finds a solution.

While Alicent was spending her nights sleepless, her youngest, Aemma on the other hand was living the best of her life, in the company of her brother Daeron and their father.

Ever since being told by her mother not to bother Aemond, the little Princess has kept herself steer clear off of her one eyed brother's path. Choosing the King and the youngest Prince as her constant company for now.

As a result most of their time these days are spent in their father's solar. Soon as they finish their respective studies: Aemma's lesson with the Septa and Daeron's training with Ser Criston or his study session with the Maesters, they run to their father. There, they assist him in building the replica of old Valyria. Well it is Daeron who does most parts of the assisting while Aemma simply sits on the older man's lap and commands. On occasion they tour the gardens and other times the father and daughter sit on the balcony and watch Daeron train with Ser Criston.

The youngest Prince is not quite skilled, still practices with a wooden sword. Nonetheless Aemma cheers for him the loudest. She screams so loudly that Viserys fears she may hurt her throat. Out of worry, he gently strokes her head. Similarly, she cries, eyes full of tears whenever the boy loses or yields.

The three of them began taking their lunch together, inside the King's solar. A mandate for the two little ones directly from their father. Viserys utilized this chance to observe them up close. And what he saw certainly warmed his heart. It took him back in time, reminded him of his time with his wife Aemma. Having experienced true love himself, it did not take Viserys long to recognize the affection his two young children held for each other.

Truth be told, Viserys never thought of any of his sons as a potential prospect for Aemma. But from the looks of it he can tell that she is very fond of her brother Daeron. So if she so fond of him, it means there must be something special about the boy.

And from what he has seen so far, the boy is quite charming, polite, kind and definitely holds a lot of affection for Aemma. He knows how to take care of her and without a doubt will do everything in his power to keep her safe and protected.

Therefore what more could he ask for as a concerned father.

Days have turned to weeks with no noticeable improvement on Aemond's side. He barely leaves his chamber. Takes all his meals privately. The handful of times he has been found outside were either in the library studying with a Maester or at the Sept. Other times he snuck out of his chamber was to take flight on Vhagar. He was yet to show up at the training yard. But the at Queen's request Ser Criston left him alone.

And the times inside his chamber is mostly spent sitting in front of the hearth.

Watching the boy withering from far was becoming increasingly difficult for Alicent. She knew she needed to do something and do something fast! Having that thought pushed to the back of her head, Alicent found herself marching towards her youngest's chamber. Only to find two maids rearranging the Princess's wardrobe. The owner of the room not present.

"Where's the Princess?" The Queen demanded.

The maids shared a knowing look before turning to look at the Queen.

Meanwhile, inside Helaena's chamber:

The sisters were in front the vanity. The older one combing the younger one's hair when a sudden knock on the door interrupted them, followed by quick announcement of the arrival of the Queen.

The aforementioned woman strode in a pace the made her arrival seem urgent. Earning the attention of both the Princesses.

"What must you be doing here?" Their mother demanded of off Aemma. A little surprised to find her in Helaena's room of all places. Last time she checked her two daughters did not share a close relationship where one visited the other's chamber.

"Spending time with Helaena, why?" Came Aemma's instant response before she shared a look of confusion with her older sister.

The joy Alicent should have felt knowing that her two girls were finally starting to get along; did not show on her face. In fact that feeling was numbed, overpowered by the tension in her head about her precious boy. And it was this tension that prompted her to approach her daughters in carefully calculated steps— like a woman with agenda— which she was at that moment.

Taking the comb from Helaena's hand their mother nudged her to step aside. After Helaena moved, she took her spot behind Aemma and began running the comb through the latter's silken straight hair. For a brief moment it took Alicent back in time. It reminded her of Rhaenyra and brought back memories of their shared youth. The simpler times when they were friends before her marriage to Viserys. Till to this day Alicent cherishes those memories. But with time new memories have been made. Memories that haunt her, gives her night terrors. Resulting in those beautiful childhood memories to fade.

Alicent shook herself out of her train of thoughts and focus on the current affairs. This isn't the time to dwell on old memories, when she has a child suffering on the other corner of the Red Keep.

"Have you paid your brother any visit lately?" The question was directed to Aemma only. Alicent tried to sound conversational but the urgency laying beneath the tone failed her.

The Princesses looked at their mother through the mirror. Regardless of the idea Alicent perceived, her eldest daughter was no fool. To Helaena, the purpose of her mother's abrupt appearance became crystal clear soon as she opened her mouth. But Aemma was a different matter. Then again, it was expected. A child so young isn't supposed to see through an adult's scheme.

"He was here with us, but retired for the night not too long ago as he has training early in the morning." Aemma blabbered innocently, thinking, by 'brother' her mother meant Daeron.

The frown of confusion that graced Alicent's face was wiped away soon as she realized which brother her youngest just referred to.

"I was talking about Aemond." She clarified.

Aemma frowned and Helaena looked uncomfortable as she pulled a loose thread out of her sleeve, stitch by stitch. Slowly her lips parted and she began to murmur incoherent sentences.

"Heart will rot, blood will spill…"

As usual, no one really paid attention to her.

"Oh! Um… you told me not to bother him… so…" Aemma trailed off uneasily. Trying not to say anything that would upset her mother.

"Heart will rot, blood will spill…"

Helaena repeated, raising her voice slightly louder. Good enough to cut through her mother and little sister's conversation. Still, they paid her no heed.

"Aemond is deeply hurt, my love."

"Sapphire will slip through the fingers…"

"What happened to him?"

"He is in need of care, he needs comfort. Will you provide him that?"

How can I take of him? Comfort him? I am no Maester! Aemma thought, as her eyes blinked in confusion.

"…without being seen."

Helaena quieted down at the look her mother threw her way before she took Aemma by the arm and pulled her up from the stool.

"Come, let us go see your brother." But just as they took their first step Helaena grabbed hold of Aemma's free arm, stopping them both.

"Heart will rot. Blood will spill. Sapphire will slip through the fingers without being seen. Heart will rot. Blood will spill. Sapphire will slip through the fingers without being seen."

Frightened, Armma shirked.

"Helaena!" Their mother finally snapped. Her patience wearing thin. "Stop it will you!"

Helaena closed her eyes and bit down on her tongue. Unable to hold her mother's gaze when the latter looked down at her like she's a burden.

"Sorry mother." She released her hold on Aemma's hand and quietly watched their mother guide her little sister out of the door.

Nothing seemed different tonight. Naturally leading Aemond to imagine that this would be a night like any other. But he couldn't be more wrong.

It was almost the hour of ghost when the one eyed Prince returned to the Keep from his routine flight on Vhagar. He retreated straight to his chamber and occupied his usual spot before the hearth with a book in hand, which he intended to finish before the night ends.

The reason he chose this specific spot was because listening to the sound of burning fire filled him with sort of a strange sense of peace.

However that peace was soon disturbed when he felt a finger poking onto his cheek.

Annoyed, he turned with a frightening glare hoping it would scare off and shoo away Aegon. Only to be proven massively wrong! Instead he was met with his little sister, flashing him a toothy grin.

But that didn't mean he was any less annoyed.

"What are you doing here?"

She did not answer. Rather chose to climb onto his lap and sit straddling his thighs. Completely disregarding his unease and discomfort that came with their close proximity.

"Mother said you got hurt, where?"

She took his crescent shaped face between her palms and turned it left and right to search for signs of injuries. In doing so, her face came so close that he could feel her hot breath brush over his face.

Obviously she found nothing!

Yet the search continued…

Aemond clenched his lone eye shut. His body tensed and both hands tightly clasped the arms of the chair.

"Aemma please…" He gulped, unsure of what he even wanted to ask say.

But thank the Gods before the situation could get anymore uncomfortable for him, the door to his chamber opened and someone walked in.

"Should you not be in bed?"

Aemond sighed with relief hearing the familiar voice before he finally found the strength to reopen his eye and face the intruder. To his relief, lady Lyanne had an understanding look pasted on her face. That does not mean she was not criminally observing him.

"I'm busy!" Exclaimed Aemma.

"Doing what?!" Retorted Lady Lyanne with a raised brow.

"Comforting my brother."

Automatically the woman's focus switched over to Aemond. Her experienced eyes began taking note of the details that certainly went past the child's innocent-inexperienced gaze. She noticed how tightly the boy clutched the arms of the chair. His shoulders tensed, jaw clenched. The discomfort was apparent.

Instantly she knew, the Princess has to be pulled out of this.

"You may comfort him in the morning." Lady Lyanne came close enough, and forcefully pulled Aemma off of Aemond's lap. "Come now, let us go, it is too late, beyond your bedtime already. Bid farewell to your brother."

"But—" Aemma's attempt to protest was immediately shushed down. As lady Lyanne spoke above her, making sure the words died before slipping past the latter's lips.

"It is way past your bedtime Princess!" Said the older woman, as she took Aemma by the arm and made their way towards the door.

Just before they were about to slip out through the door Aemma turned and waved at Aemond. There was a smile on her face, a very beautiful dimpled smile that made the knot inside his chest tighten. He could not look away from her. So all he did was watch her with a heart that was heavy with the weight of shame and guilt.

If the circ*mstances were normal Aemond would have been furious by this outcome and would have made sure lady Lyanne received fair share of punishment. Let it be known that no one should dare take Aemma from him. Matters not even if it was the woman who practically raised her!

However, under the current circ*mstances Aemond could not have been happier to be left alone.

"Going forward, you must not visit Prince Aemond so late at night." Lady Lyanne warned, tucking Aemma under the covers.

"Why? I visit Daeron all the time at night." The girl of seven years of age argued, pouting, not understanding why her nursemaid suddenly appeared so tense.

"That is different!"

"How so?!"

The nursemaid sat down at the edge of the bed sighing tiredly, as she could already predict the difficulty that lay ahead. She put a hand on the Princess's head, her fingers gently massaging the little girl's scalp. This certainly isn't going to be an easy explanation. As she cannot elaborate her concerns to a child, and even if she does, a child so young would not be able to comprehend such things.

Still she tried. Omitting out as much detail as she possibly could.

"You see Princess, unlike yourself and Prince Daeron, Prince Aemond is no more a child. He has stepped onto the first stage of manhood just like Prince Aegon has couple years ago."

Aemma made a face. "But Aemond is nothing like Aegon!"

"It is too early to call for predictions like that."

"What does that supposed to mean?"

Throwing her head back lady Lyanne took a deep breath before she began her long explanation. It was also partially to avoid the girl's curious eyes.

"Prince Aemond is going through the period of transition. He stands at the stage of life where he must leave behind his boyhood to embark on the journey to adulthood. And this journey is no easy one. There is confusion and uncertainty laced with every step. It would be a while until his mind and body fully adjust themselves. So the best thing you can do for him as his sister is give him the time, space and privacy that he urgently needs."

Aemma blinked, confused. Whatever her nursemaid just told her completely contradicted with what her mother had said earlier. Lady Lyanne advised her to stay away from Aemond as giving him time and space is the best thing she can do for him. Whereas her mother told her the complete opposite. She insisted for Aemma to be around Aemond as much as possible. She even suggested to ensure physical contact.

"…Princess?" Lyanne called, gently tapping on Aemma's chin, after noticing how deep lost the young girl of seven years was. Certainly an unfamiliar trait from her. "Have you understood me or need I say more."

"No need, I understand now." Aemma muttered below her breath. Avoiding the woman's gaze. Hoping she wouldn't catch onto her lie.

Truth is, now the young Princess was not so sure to whom to exactly listen…

Her mother? Or Her nursemaid?

After lady Lyanne left, Aemma thought about it again and again till sleep took over. However right before surrendering to slumber her mind was able to reach a conclusion. Which is why the following night she was found in his chamber yet again.

Aemond shot his eye open at the feeling of a small arm slithering around his torso. A leg already curled over his hip. Judging by how tiny the foot was, he already knew who it was.

Turning he faced a grinning Aemma. Smiling at him, showing her beautiful set of white teeth and the two large dimples at the each corner of her lips. The scent of jasmine emanating from her skin and hair soothed him.

"Smile! Smile Aemond." Using two fingers she tried to part his sealed off lips.

Ultimately his lips did part, but not to smile.

"You shouldn't be here!" He told her, removing her fingers from his mouth and cupping her small face with his same hand.


"I'm filthy." He said after a long pause of silence.

Frowning, she took clumps of his hair and checked for grease, which wasn't there. Then scooting closer smelled him. He smelled of sandalwood and spices. Clear indication he bathed before bed. So what was he talking about? How can he be filthy? The only one filthy amongst them siblings is Aegon. He doesn't bathe for days, sometimes weeks. His already unruly hair becomes so oily that its strand's stick to his scalp. Not to mention the odd body oder and the awful breath. Aemma pities the serving girls that bathe him. The smell they have to endure.

"You're not filthy, Aegon is…"

Her words brought him some form of sustenance and provided him the courage to lean closer.

And yet, a simple "Hm…" was all he was able to say before giving his sister the floor to continue speaking. Which she utilized to rant about Septa Lira.

Although everything that was coming out of Aemma's mouth was bunch of nonsense and useless, still, Aemond did not interrupt her. Listening to her gibberish felt strangely soothing. He loved his sisters very much and for them he could and would do anything! Of course this love did not extend to his brothers. Because if it were either of them here speaking bunch of nonsense, they would have been kicked out long ago.

As dawn broke, the sun's rays streamed in through the large window, Lady Lyanne entered the youngest Princess's chamber to awake her.

Following her usual routine one by one she pulled the curtains and drapes open letting the soft morning sunlight to illuminate the dark chamber. While doing that, she called the Princess couple times, expecting her silver head to pop out from under the blanket any moment.

Except… that did not happen.

Nor was there any movement.

With a quick glance over the shoulder Lyanne observed before she swiftly fastened the gathered drapes and curtains to the wall and rushed to bed. Using her best strength she pulled the covers only to have her eyes go wide as saucer.

There was no Aemma on the bed!

In her place lay some pillows!

Which had sent the nursemaid's heart pounding with rage.

Dropping everything that instant Lady Lyanne rushed out of the door. Her pace picked up so much that the distance from Aemma's chamber to Aemond's did not feel that long.

Nearing her destination, the older woman noticed that the door to the Prince's chamber was left ajar and instead of the Kingsguard, it was Ser Criston Cole standing on his place. A look was exchanged between the Queen's sworn knight and the youngest Princess's nursemaid. Although they hardly ever interacted, the two were familiar with each other.

Her fingers curl onto the handle but she stopped herself from pulling the door open after noticing the presence of the Queen inside — tucking her children under the covers and pressing a kiss to each of their head.

Lyanne felt her temper flare, but she willed it down. Willed herself to be calm. But it was easier said than done. At this point nothing surprised the older woman anymore.

From the corner of his eyes Ser Criston observed Lady Lyanne clenching her jaws, he made no mention of it.

When coming out of her son's chamber Alicent Hightower did not expect to be faced with her youngest's nursemaid; who stood just outside the door, wearing an utterly dissatisfied look on her face. Her gaze so intense that it could easily dig a whole through onto the Queen's skull.

Did the look on lady Lyanne's face surprise the Queen? Not quite. As by now she had sort of gotten used to it. However it always surprised Alicent to think how bold this woman had gotten over time. After all not everyone is courageous enough to glare dagger at the Queen of the seven Kingdoms.

And yet here they were… in a situation where a nursemaid has the audacity to glare at the Queen without remorse. Then again why shouldn't one grasp the vantage, when the King himself had given her so much privilege for being the most favourite lady-in-waiting to the late Queen Aemma Arryn.

Alicent took a deep breath to calm her rising temper down. The older woman wanted to talk, Alicent understood that as much. There could be no harm in that, she reasoned, before quickly dismissing Ser Criston.

Thus with the departure of Cole came the awkward silence. Tension was at an all-time high between the two women. Alicent stared down lady Lyanne, who remained strong with a blank unreadable mask of her own.

It was as if the first to speak would be the first to yield. And neither women were ready to do that. But soon it reached a point where the silence had to be broken. The Queen and her daughter's nurse maid cannot stand on the hallway and stare-down each other for the entire day.

So one of them spoke, and the one to yield first was none other than the Queen herself.

"The children slept late last night. I'm sure it would not hurt to grant them few more hours of rest for the day, right lady Lyanne."

"Pardon me my bluntness my Queen, but from what I understand neither your husband the King, nor your father the Lord Hand, would be pleased to learn of this inappropriate act you have been conducting behind their back."

Just like that, the previous tension between them grew hundredfold.

"What inappropriate act are you referring to? ...Please explain."

"The Princess should not be sharing the bed with her brother. And the fact that you are encouraging it, will certainly not go down well with—"

"Need I remind you lady Lyanne, that I am their mother and they are my children. I hold nothing but best of interest and good intent for both of them."

"Mayhaps for the boy. But certainly not for the girl." Lyanne chuckled, her voice laced with taunt.

Alicent kept silent, her nails slightly dug into the skin of her palm as her fists clenched in frustration.

"Otherwise, what kind of a mother would make her daughter share the bed of a lad who had recently lain with a whor*."

"My son went through hell! It is after weeks that I have finally seen him sleep peacefully. And you suggest I snatch away the only person on whose company he has found comfort?"

"As a responsible mother, you should know better to not leave your young vulnerable daughter on the bed of a boy who has just recently discovered depraved pleasure. It is far too dangerous to leave them unsupervised and unchaperoned. As no one knows how his body may react to accidental touches— which is bound to happen when they're laying together. In addition to that Aemma is a child who knows no better."

"Aemond would never hurt his little sister. He isn't anything like his older brother. He hasn't gone astray!"

"He is yet to prove himself."

Alicent felt sick somehow, felt silly as she didn't even realize it could be a possibility. For fingers to be pointed at Aemond, his good character be questioned, even when the fault didn't lie with him at all.

"You do not know him as much as I do. And I know he is nothing like my eldest. The boy goes to the Sept regularly. Whatever may have taken place that night was that imbecile's doing. So stop blaming the innocent boy over something he had no control over."

"Tell me my Queen, are you indeed so naive or do you take me for a fool. Because you seem to have forgotten that I have lived a life far longer than yours. Therefore these conniving tricks wouldn't work on me."

"Your throwing vile accusations at your Queen, lady Lyanne. I would advise you to not forget your place."

The warning Alicent gave had no effect on the older woman. In fact the latter kept her amused smile and glistening eye for a while before regaining some seriousness and glancing around, as to assure that they were still alone.

"My Queen, while I may not know what you have up your sleeves for those two. But let me warn you — Aemma's father still lives. If as much as a hand is laid on her the King's wrath will not just end with Prince Aemond. The boy's mother shall be held equally or if not more accountable."

The two women had opposite reaction to their faces. While one paled in defeat the other had a victorious smirk on her lips.

"You seem to have made your point clear. Thank you for making me realize my mistake."

Alicent had her back stuck against the wall. Being well aware that if lady Lyanne complains to the King situation will certainly take a downward spiral, especially for Aemond. Which means this woman must be handled differently.

"Anyhow, now that I do see your point…" Alicent said taking a step towards lady Lyanne. Carefully she took hold of the woman's hands and brought it to her chest. "I would like to assign you the duty to keep an eye on Aemond and Aemma. To watch over them, to supervise them."

Without putting the littlest thought into it lady Lyanne accepted the offer. After all the little girl was all she cared for.

So she did accept the offer.

Thus spending the next few days observing Aemma as she took care of Aemond. And observing Aemond as he grew dangerously attached to Aemma.


A.N: Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed. First off this chapter is not edited or revised at all. So if you notice any errors or think a revision is needed please let me know I'll get that done.

Second- the reason I did the chapter this because I wanted to sort put some light on the after effects of the brothel part. Given the nature of Aemond it shouldn't have been easy to deal with the aftermath. Given his eye situation a lot of insecurity must have been felt. So I tried to shed some light on that. Although I am not sure, but I may change some things later. If not add them to the next chapter.

Anyhow, hopefully you all enjoyed the chapter. See you guys in next update.

Chapter 11: Chaos within the Greens


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was the break of dawn of a random morn when the one-eyed Prince finally entered to the training yard. While all knights were thrilled by the Prince's return, no one was more thrilled than Ser Criston Cole himself.

For him it came as a relief — as the Prince's return is a clear indication that he was doing much better. It was close to turning of two moons since he last stepped foot here. The longest break he had since his eye was taken.

"Welcome back my Prince." Cole greeted warmly but the response he received in return was a simple hum as Aemond headed straight for the armoury and returned with a sword.

"Are we doing older brother against younger brother…?" Criston Cole made it sound like he was asking but it was actually more of a suggestion he provided looking between Aemond and Daeron.

All eyes turned to the youngest Prince, who stood with a wooden sword. Some even gave him a judgmental look.

Aemond had a scowl appear on his face. He took offence. How could Cole even suggest he spar against his brother who is yet to hold a proper sword. Turning away from his brother he faced the twins Ser Arryk and Erryk Cargyll and declared his intentions.

"I have a better idea."

Aemma has been on this terrace plentiful times but never before with her mother and sister, nor particularly this early into the morning either.

As the sparring continued between the one eyed Prince and the Cargyll twins, from the terrace above his mother and sisters watched. Everyone left speechless, as no one had expected Aemond to fight this exceptionally well against two experienced knights considering his long absence and limited vision. He proved them all wrong! As he incessantly delivered blow after blow. His blond hair flowing around him as he swung his sword at the twins and strike at them one after another. And it left the three ladies watching him from the terrace above enticed as much.

Daeron, who had been left sidelined from the moment his older brother stepped foot into the training yard, decided to join his mother and sisters after dropping his wooden practice sword. Although it initially hurt to be left forgotten like that, but Daeron understood, he understood well where all the excitement was coming from. After all it was Aemond's long due return. That besides the point, he would rather be close to Aemma than be amongst the men training who stank of sweat and soil.

Watching the Prince approach, Talya was about to fetch a chair for him, but Daeron prevented. Instead he chose to share the seat with Aemma. She was too small on that large cushioned seat, so he was easily able to squeeze in.

When together, Aemma and Daeron could barely behave like civilized children. Today it started with him tickling her, and her retaliation by pulling his hair. Occasionally he would leave soft kiss on her cheek and she in turn would kiss his nose, sometimes give it a small nip even. Soon those tender moments transformed to poking her on the tummy to her nudging him on the ribs.

Even if their older sister was very much enjoying watching them play, their mother on the other hand was a whole other matter.

From time to time Alicent would look at them only to glare daggers. The two obviously put a pause to their game at their mother's wordless warning. But would resume once more soon as she'd turn away.

Aemond, like attracted to something he couldn't see, had raised his gaze up toward the terrace. Only to have the sight of Daeron and Aemma's innocently intimate moment freeze him on the spot. A muscle in his jaw jumped as his entire posture tensed like the most unyielding tree trunk. The scene disturbed him on levels he never experienced. That brief moment of distraction from Aemond's side was well utilized by Ser Erryk. The former barely managed to block the latter's blow at the last moment which sent him to the ground with a grunt.

Alicent shot up from her chair at once and bent over the banister whilst Aemma freed herself from Daeron's grasp and was already running down the stairs. Not before long she was already at the training yard, at Aemond's side.

Confused, Daeron turned to his elder sister hoping she had some explanation about Aemma's strange behaviour— her growing closeness to Aemond that seems to be ascending rapidly. Unfortunately for him, Helaena was already preoccupied with the bee she caught. Therefore unable to notice her youngest brother's questioning eyes on herself.

The next couple days Aemma barely attended her womanly lesson with Helaena, did not visit her father, saw her mother once and had no clue about the whereabouts of her other two brothers.

For the most part, she spent a great deal of time in Aemond's company with one goal—to try and cheer him up. As for some unknown reason he has been in a terrible mood since his first day back at the training yard. He barely spoke or even looked her way. Always kept himself occupied with reading. His lone eye barely leaving the pages of a book. Given Aemond's nature, it was difficult to tell whether he was angry at anyone in particular or everyone in general. At first Aemma thought it was she, whom he was upset with. But that proved to be wrong later when she saw him giving the same silent treatment to anyone that approached him. And for some odd reason he appeared epically annoyed with Daeron. Predictably, the only exception was Helaena, who was spared from receiving his cold shoulder.

However, spending long hours in Aemma's company made it difficult for anyone to stay upset for long. Her innocence came with that effect. Her smile which was a burst of sunshine could quite smoothly warm up even the coldest of hearts. So Aemond Targaryen was no exception. Then again how much longer could he stay upset when having sweet Aemma throwing her arms around his torso and refusing to let go. Or having her soft lips pressed to his cheek and refusing to pull back till he smiled.

It was after the one-eyed Prince returned to normalcy that Aemma was able to make time for her other brothers.

It so happened that Aemond was occupied that particular evening as he had an important study session with the Grand Maester. So Aemma dragged Helaena to Aegon's chamber where she knew Daeron was and joined them in listening to Aegon goading about his special gift to Aemond.

"Your gift left Aemond scarred." Said Daeron in a passing comment.

"Don't believe him. He's only playing pretence to gain mother's sympathy."

"I suppose you are correct."

"There's no reason to suppose, I am correct little brother. For I was there, seen with my own eyes how throughly he enjoyed getting his co*ck sucked."

"Why would anyone want their co*ck getting sucked?" Aemma wondered, wearing a look of disgust and confusion, absolutely appalled by the act. Her head turned foggy trying to imagine the very image of it.

But her question was ignored as the brother's were too engrossed into their own topic of discussion.

"I was left bemused by the enthusiasm in him as he sucked on the woman's tit* and ate her c*nt." Argon said shaking his head.

A horrified Aemma looked at Helaena. Obviously her childish mind picturing the image in a much more gruesome and non-sexual manner.

"Will she grow a new one or does she have to live the rest of her life without a c*nt now that Aemond ate her c*nt."

Aegon turned to give her a look as if she grew another head on her shoulder. He was about to make a remark when once again he got distracted by Daeron.

"Will you also take me there one day?"

"Of course I shall take you there someday. After all it is my duty as the older brother to ensure that all my little brothers are educated on the act of f*cking. Aemond got his wet. Soon enough it will be your turn."

"What about me?!" Aemma tugged onto Aegon's sleeve for his attention. Which she had the next moment, as he turned to her.

"Unfortunately for you my sweet little sister, you have no co*ck to get it wet. But worry not, because your gift shall be much better than the ones I'm giving these twats!" He assured squeezing her face.

"What shall be my present then?" Excitement dripped from her face.

A wicked grin appeared on the eldest Targaryen's face.

"First I will give you a taste of my co*ck…"

Perplexed by what he just heard, Daeron snapped his head at Helaena. His intent was to silently observe her reaction at the vulgar conversation Aegon initiated with their little sister.

As it was expected of her, Helaena showed no emotion. Her attention most likely remained elsewhere as she kept mumbling to herself.

"…after that, I shall devour your c*nt till you are a complete mess, crying like some wanton whor*."

"What is a wanton whor*?" Aemma asked.

Aegon did not entertain her question. He was way too engulfed by his own enjoyment.

"Then your eager c*nt shall receive my co*ck and I shall have your maidenhead—"

Aegon was abruptly cut off.

Daeron was the first to notice the large calloused hand that appeared out of thin air, grabbed Aemma by the back of her dress and picked her up with ease before thrusting her into Helaena's arms.

Securely fastening her arms around her little sister, Helaena continued to take back steps till her back was stuck against the wall.

From there, the two sisters watched horrified as Aemond pounced on Aegon.

Aemond moved towards his brother with a speed that Aegon did not even anticipate. One moment he was speaking to Aemma and the next moment he was picked up by the collar of his shirt and thrown against the nearest wall before series of heavy punches began landing on him ceaselessly.

Helaena called out for Aemond to stop while Aemma screamed soon as they realized Daeron was stuck between them. His poor attempt at distancing his older brothers landed him a punch or two before he was pushed to the floor with a bleeding nose. But the boy was up on his feet at once and daringly charged as he tried to intervene once more.

At this point all voices screaming began overlapping each other.

Soon the Cargyll twins ran inside through the already open door. Followed by Ser Criston and few paces behind him were the the Queen and the Lord Hand.

Ser Erryk pulled Aemond back while his twin helped up a bloody faced Aegon. Daeron was seated on the floor again, now with his left arm twisted and Cristen Cole helping him. As Otto Hightower demanded to know what was happening Alicent ran to her daughters and pulled them into her chest and held them protectively. However, she was only able to keep Helaena because Aemma broke free shortly after and ran to be at Daeron's side. Scooting down she wiped away the blood from under his nose, while he used his uninjured hand to wipe away her tears.

"Don't cry Aemma, I'm alright." He tried to reassure her. "See… nothing happened to me."

But Aemma was far from convinced.

"You're bleeding you liar!" She scolded, wiping away the blood from under his nose.

"Someone bring the bloody Maesters!" Otto Hightower barked the order before he faced Aemond and began unleashing his wrath upon him.

Immediately one of the Kingsguard ran out and returned with two Maesters. The senior ran towards Aegon and his junior towards Daeron.

Then came the announcement that put everything action into the room to halt; including Otto Hightower's screaming at Aemond. Thus bringing the room into uncomfortable silence:

As the King made his entry.

With one hand on the cane supporting his weight King Viserys Targaryen slowly made his way into his eldest son's bed chamber. His very presence held weight and intensity in spite of the growing sickness.

One of the kingsguard pulled a chair for the King, saving him the hassle of walking all the way towards it and helped him sit down.

The Queen sympathetically watched a painful moan erupting out of her husband's lips. The barest of movement becoming difficult for his body these days. As the simplest of shift brings in the most excruciating pain. But once adjusted into the position and the pain somewhat subsided, Viserys called for Aemma, beckoning her to come to him.

The said girl remained unmoving, her fear and hesitance to leave Daeron was evident on her face.

"Father has summoned you, go." Daeron encouraged, gently patting her on the shoulder.

Only then she rose, her small feet padded on the cold stone floor as she slowly made her way toward her father, looking back to check on Daeron after every few steps. And every time he flashed her a reassuring smile, letting her know he was alright.

From the arms of their mother Helaena watched their father put on an avid smile. A smile he previously gave their half-sister, which is now only reserved for their youngest sister.

That smile grew with each step as Aemma closed the distance between them.

Although it shouldn't have come as a surprise but to some it did, when Viserys guided his little girl to sit on his lap. How he actually managed to do it was beyond understanding for many. The action caused him so much pain that it contoured his face; still, not one sound left his lips. Alicent grimaced at the sight. Clearly his choice was to embrace pain than push his precious little bundle of joy away.

"Are you hurt, my love?" The King asked in concern, searching for signs of injury on Aemma.

People in the chambers shared a look amongst themselves. Otto and Alicent shared a look. Aegon and Daeron exchanged a look. Criston Cole exchanged looks with the twins and afterwards had a glance exchanged with the Queen. Aemond exchanged a glance with Helaena before he had his gaze fixed on Aemma. The irony of the situation was not lost on them— here he has two bleeding sons before him and yet the man must first make sure his little girl is alright; who for the record has not one scratch on herself.

Alicent was not surprised, but was she disappointed?

Most definitely.

"No." Aemma shook her head. Then pointed towards Aegon and Daeron. "But they're hurt."

Viserys did not immediately follow towards the pointed direction. He did so face the group only after he was fully convinced Aemma was unharmed. Frankly it was his first time taking full notice of his two bleeding sons.

"What has happened?" His tone was harsh as he inquired. A complete contrast to the tenderness that was present in his voice a while ago when he spoke to the girl on his lap.

There was a pause, as the people looked around trying to decide who should be the one to start. And then, Daeron decided to put himself forward.

"We were simply chatting amongst ourselves, when out of nowhere Aemond burst in and attacked Aego—"

"It was no attack! It was an ambush! He intended to kill me!" Aegon corrected.

But Daeron continued ignoring him. "I tried to stop him but it seemed impossible."

From where Daeron left off Ser Arryk Cargyll picked up.

"We were the first to arrive after hearing screams of Princess Aemma and Prince Aegon, and found the Princes huddled against the wall. Prince Aegon was struggling against Prince Aemond, the latter strangling him."

Alicent and Otto Hightower both were left speechless. Such violence from Aemond is completely unexpected. Especially towards his own brothers. Argument and bickering is common but it should not escalate to a point where he would legit try to have them killed.

Viserys turned to Aemond to hear him speak.

"Is it the truth Ser Arryk speaks?"

Aemond only stared, a hard look on his face. He remained quiet, well aware from past experience that opening his mouth would lead to nothing.

So his father continued.

"From the details Ser Arryk provided, sounds like you were ready to kill your brother. Tell me my son, what has had provoked you so much that you were ready to reduce yourself to something as sinful and disgraceful as a kinslayer."

Once again came no response from the one-eyed prince.

"Aemond I've asked you something?!"

Still no response. All he did was stare with that singular eye devoid of all emotions.

"There must be some sort of misunderstanding," Their mother who until now stood beside Helaena (shortly after the latter pulled out of her embrace), now came forth to stand close to Aemond.

"Aemond would never act so violently without valid re—" But her attempt at defending her favourite child was cut short by her firstborn.

"He tried to kill me! There's no misunderstanding in that." Aegon hissed at his mother like a viper ready to spit venom.

"Aegon." Otto Hightower tried to warn but the boy paid him no heed.

"That's because you must have done something to provoke him." Alicent accused. "After all you have history of going after him, bullying him for your own sickening entertainment."

"Oh please!" Aegon sneered. His eyes looking at his mother with barely contained anger. But his next words were laced with bitterness in them.

"We know mother, we all know you always defend him."

"That is not true!" Alicent tried to defend herself. "I treat all of you equally. All five of you are as important as the five fingers of my hand."

But her notion got Aegon to laugh directly to her face.

"Oh mother! What an idiot you have become. Do you not see the five fingers of the hand are not of equal size."

As the mother son continued to argue back and forth Aemma tugged on her father's sleeve for his attention, which she had almost instantly.

"What is it my dear?"

Leaning into his ear she began whispering.

Filling him in on the accounts of exactly what had transpired. Her action held no malice, she did so with every intention to help Aegon, without realizing it was doing the complete opposite in actuality.

While others were too busy seeking entertainment in the mother-son's bickering, it was Helaena who noticed their father's change of expression.

And she does not recall seeing him this furious ever before.

"AEGON!" Viserys suddenly roared. Taking everyone by surprise, including Aemma herself. Only Helaena remained unaffected.


Aegon could only gulp. Now it was his turn to be quiet. The earlier smugness from his face vanished into the thin air. Aemond looked at him like he was openly challenging him to lie. Daeron looked between his two older brothers, worried they might restart their fight.

"What did he say?" Alicent asked Aemond giving him the opportunity to prove his innocence. But received no answer from him. Instead Daeron replied on his behalf.

"Aegon was telling us what sort of special gifts he had stored for us- his brothers, when we're grown."

"And what gift was he referring to?"

"A night at the brothel, to have experience with whor — to have experience with the women working there."

Alicent clenched her jaw and gritted her teeth. What better could she have expected from Aegon.

"Then Aemma asked "What about me?" and…" Daeron suddenly stopped when his eyes met Aegon's. The older brother sneered, causing the younger to swallow nervously.

"What did he tell her?" Their mother mumbled, already fearing the worst. Her words brought back the courage Daeron so desperately needed to continue.

"He told Aemma that her gift would be different than ours. She wouldn't taken to a brothel. Instead Aegon would teach her everything himself. First he will give her a taste…" Daeron hesitated. Relaying his oldest brother's words sounded even more vulgar the more he thought of it.

"…a taste of his co*ck. Then, eat her c*nt."

Otto shook his head, gravely disappointed. Alicent closed her eyes, digesting everything. She clenched her fists so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

"And afterwards he will take her maiden head."

As her eyes flew open the Queen was blinded by anger and shame. In a raging fit she took off one of the slippers from her feet and charged at Aegon. The Maester tending to him quickly moved out of the enraged Queen's path. Abandoning the Prince to let him face the consequences.

Aegon's screams echoed through the air as he received the first blow on his back. But his painful cry had no effect on his mother as she continued her assault mercilessly.

Daeron flinched at the sight but Aemond kept his impassive face perfectly intact. For him it was no bother to watch his mother beat up the pervert. If anything it doubled his love and respect for her.


"I merely jesting with her!"


Those words hit him like a stab on the chest. In that precise moment looking at his mother all Aegon felt was sadness.

"I humiliate you…?"

Sadly his sadness had no effect on her. Because if it did, she certainly wouldn't have snapped.

"YES YOU DO! You are my firstborn, the King's firstborn son! You should have been our pride. Yet you're no more than disgraceful excuse of burden that we are doomed to carry for life!"

Having said that Alicent pushed him to the edge. All restraints holding him back quickly dissolved. Therefore there's no holding back, not anymore.

He shall not fall from grace alone, he will take the rest with him.

"You call me disgraceful over a small jest."

The eldest Targaryen boy took a big step towards his mother.

"Something that I did not even mean. And yet you seem perfectly content and play blind when he—" Aegon pointed his finger towards Aemond "sneaks into her bed in the dead of the night."

"That's isn't true. T'is I who would sneak into his bed." Aemma corrected, but obviously it made no difference.

Loom in the silence that made everyone uncomfortable. It was no usual awkward silence. No! This silence was heavy with resentment. Where a mother and son had no qualms in tearing the other apart.

Otto Hightower focused on Aemond, serious annoyance on his face. And Aemond returned the stare with matching expression, if not more bitterly.

"And how long has this been going on for?" Viserys asked, his stern eyes on his wife and second son.

Breaking the eye contact he was holding with his grandsire Aemond refocused on his mother. As if wordlessly they're trying to decide who should speak. But before they could come to a resolution Aemma spoke up. Her tone so casual that it felt like the King has mundanely inquired about the weather.

"It began couple week past his name day when mothe—uh oh!" With her deep violet eyes turned wide Aemma bit into her tongue, suddenly realizing her mistake. It should be a secret between her and her mother. And here she was almost blabbering about it in front so many people.

Alicent had felt the air knocked out of her, she looked nowhere except her feet. Even when she could feel her father's heated gaze burning holes at the back of her.

Thankfully Aemma recovered fast and swiftly rephrased her words. Drawing back the attention on herself.

"I wanted to cheer Aemond up, after Aegon had hurt him." She put great emphasis on the 'I'.

Aegon wasn't sure why Aemma was trying to save that idiot's ass but it greatly frustrated him.

"For the love of sevens! I did not hurt him. If anything I gifted him plea—" He was silenced mid sentence after receiving a dangerous glare from his grandsire.

Viserys turned to Aemond with a look that was every bit accusatory. It does not matter that Aemma willing or unwillingly tried to take the blame on her shoulders. No blame should befall her! She's a child who knows no better!

But Aemond is certainly no child.

Not anymore!

"If your sister indeed snuck into your bed, then why haven't you returned her to her chamber? As a grown brother it is your responsibility, which you are well aware of, and yet you conduct yourself inappropriately."

Aemond knew a response was expected from him but he chose to give none. Rather blatantly stared at his father.

"Answer me Aemond!"

Still no response.

"Answer the King Aemond." His grandsire warned. But it had no effect like everything else this evening.

"SPEAK UP, BOY!" Viserys shouted, causing Aemma, Daeron and Helaena to flinch out of fright.

Again, no response from Aemond. He simply stared. His lone eye meeting his father's enraged gaze stoically.

As if a thread had snapped, Viserys lost the last bit of patience he had left and threw the stick in his hand directly at Aemond. The stick flew at high speed and collided against the boy's good side. It hit him on the corner of his head and then the chest that send him directly to the ground.

"Aemond!" Alicent and Aemma exclaimed in unison. The latter jumped off of her father's lap and was at her brother's side before her mother. Helaena had both hands covering her open mouth. Aegon had his eyes go wide and Daeron audibly gasped. The three knights and the Maesters all tensed. But strangely Otto Hightower remained unbothered by it.

"Oh no he's bleeding!" Aemma cried. Beside her Alicent called the Maester in panic. One of them quickly rushed to Aemond and examined the wound.

"Not to worry your grace, the cut is very small and shall heal shortly. Not even a scar will be left in weeks time."

As much as reassuring the maester's words were it did nothing to reduce the anger Alicent felt bubbling inside her blood. So she turned to her husband in rage and disbelief.

"He's your son Viserys, how could you hurt him over something so insignificant."

"Alicent, it is beyond my understanding how are you justifying the boy's inappropriate conduct as insignificant. Have you been so blindsided as his mother to see the danger your own daughter was getting herself into? Or am I to assume… you have played a significant part in it."

The insinuation was clear.

Instantly Alicent turned ghostly pale. Otto looked at his daughter furious and Aegon smiled wickedly. Oh he couldn't wait for his father to tear apart his mother and that one-eyed twat.

Little did he or anyone for the matter know a surprise of different kind was awaiting them all.

"Apologize to him."

Came the command from a small but nonetheless powerful voice.

All heads in the room turned to the youngest member and watched astonished as she

abruptly stood and marched towards the King.

"Father, apologize to Aemond, right now!"

What an admirable sight she made standing before the King of the seven kingdoms placing both hands on her hips; giving him the order. A privilege that even the current heir to the Iron Throne was not granted.

For those who had known, in that moment Aemma Targaryen was the very image of her uncle.

The Rouge Prince.

Viserys tried to grab hold of her and bring her closer but Aemma recoiled from his touch. Shock appeared all over his face and all he could do was mumble her name frowning. But she paid his emotions no heed, instead treated it as if it were needless. While remaining firm in her demand.

"Please father, I implore you. Admit your mistake and apologize to Aemond." There was something lurking in the pit of her stomach, and Aemma couldn't distinguish whether it was anger or apprehension.

"Mind your manners Aemma, it is the King you're speaking to." Her grandsire warned, deciding to act the part of the tough guardian.

Certainly it did not work in his favour and he realized that the moment she turned.

Aemma turned to him with a look that made her almost look unrecognizable. It was a look that none had seen on her before this day.

"Who are you?" She asked like she was speaking to an outsider.

"What!" Otto wasn't sure if the child wrongly phrased the question.

"I asked who are you?"

Otto raised a brow, unsettled by not being able to figure out where she was taking this.

When it became apparent the Lord Hand would not speak, Aemma carried on.

"I am no daughter of yours and your no father of mine. So who are you to to meddle in when I speak to my father?!"

Now it was Otto's turn to be shocked. And he showed it with his widening eyes which conveyed his anger and shock simultaneously. But Aemma was least bothered by it. She simply turned back to her father ignoring her grandsire as if he was a person of no importance at all.

"You offered him no apology nor any sympathy when his eye was taken away. Would you offer no apology even when he has been hurt by your own hands?"

"Aemma my child, you must understand, with everything that transpired it shows that Aemond is not entirely fault free."

"It doesn't matter if Aemond is not entirely fault free. You HAVE to apologize." She told him irritably.

"You cannot tell me what to do."

"Yes I can. Because you're doing it all wrong!"

The three brothers exchanged an uncomfortable look between them. It hurt their pride to know they shall never be able to speak to their father the way their youngest sister can.

Viserys let out a tired sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"My dear, while I completely understand and agree with his reasoning to attack Aegon, but I cannot simply forgo the fact he was taking vantage of you."

"I was comforting my brother! What's wrong in that?" Aemma argued insolently. But it was nothing in comparison to what came out of her mouth next.

"…Unlike you, I love my brothers!"

The words stung, and served as a direct blow to Viserys's weakened heart.

"That is enough Aemma!" Her mother tried to scold but it was no avail. She ignored her mother's words similarly how she brushed off her grandsire's attempt at disciplining her.

If anything, the scolding further aggravated her, resulting in Aemma to become even more irrationally demanding.

"Now you have to apologize to him, twice."

Many pair of brows in the chamber furrowed, confused. Including the ones of the King's.

"Please clarify why must I apologize twice?"

"First- for hurting him tonight. Second- for failing to stand by him when he needed you the most." The firmness with which she stated sounded quite like she has just delivered the ultimate verdict.

A decision that must be followed.

"Aemma you are in no position to tell your King what he should do!" It was the first time he spoke to Aemma sternly. Even if it crushed his heart, Viserys knew it had to be done for her betterment's sake.

"So you won't apologize." She posed. Feeling her temper rise again within her little body.

Only for her father to confirm. "No!"

"Fine then!" She stomped her foot. "From this day forth, just like your wife Aemma, I am also dead to you. So do not summon me! Do not speak to me. Our relationship is over. I am dead to you as you are dead to me! See you in afterlife!" Having said that she turned on her heels and strode back towards Aemond who was back on his feet now.

Her words made Viserys feel a stab in his chest. He called after her but she did not respond. Instead she took hold of her brother's hand and dragged him out of there.

"Come let us leave Aemond."

"Where are you both off to?" Otto Hightower asked just they were about to walk past the door.

"To the seven hells!" She snapped, casting them all one final glare.

Aemond had no idea how they ended up in godswood. All he was aware of was that Aemma led and he followed. And now, here they were sitting on the ground, under and facing the Weireood tree.

Admittedly, he had never felt so much at peace before. Despite the earlier turbulence, the essence of peace and tranquility he felt now surpassed all previous ugly emotions. Such serene feelings refused to leave him.

What Aemma had done for him today, no one in his family could ever do. Surely his mother tried and still tries but her power is limited. Suppressed by the men in her life: her husband and even more so, her own father. She will never be able to break the barrier Aemma did today. The girl may never have held a weapon but the way she used her tongue today was no less lethal than how Cole uses his morningstar.

In one sentence she branded their grandsire as an outsider meddling in matters of their family. On the other hand, did not spare their father either. She reminded him of his failure as a father, and the comparison she drew between herself and late Queen Aemma Arryn served a severe blow. And Aemond has his doubts whether the ailing man would ever recover from his. He had looked his father directly eyes multiple times tonight, the last of it being the time Aemma was dragging him out.

He watched him as he watched her.

Even called her in desperation, asking her- no begging her to return. But the feisty little girl didn't even spare him a pitiful glance. Her action made a bold statement—

She chose him above everyone.

Aemond felt his heart swell with pride.

After a long time he felt good. It felt good to be loved. To know that he was cared for. That he was worth fighting for.

It was a feeling like no other. And for letting him experience it, he will forever remain indebted to his little sister.

Out of the corner of his good eye he observed her, absently playing with the pendant on her neck. A voice in his head told him to reach out and touch her. He wanted to listen. However, the intensity of the feeling as he felt butterflies in stomach was absolutely overwhelming.

As a child Aemond had a soft heart. But years of enduring endless pranks and bullying and taunts have made it stronger. The last straw was claiming Vhagar and getting his eye taken away. After which, his heart became ice of Winterfell.

Until now.

With his little sister's warmth that ice has begun to melt.

For the first time in his life Aemond felt this way, as if his heartstrings are being pulled by someone other than himself; Aemma.

Slowly but steadily, she is taking over his whole world. And he did not mind, nor did he care.

Let her take them! One day it will her nonetheless.

Next to him, Aemma mumbled quietly.


"Hm…" He turned to her fully.

"I apologize." She did not look at him, although Aemond wished she did. "I truly apologize on behalf of everyone."

"What for?" Ironic, how the last person who owed him an apology was apologizing.

"We don't deserve you Aemond." Closing her eyes she took a deep breath. "You do so much for us— fulfill all your responsibilities and duty as a son, as a brother and as a Prince. Yet as your family we lack the minimum courtesy to give a sh*t about you."

This time she turned and took hold of his face between her two small palms. Aemond could not help but eagerly lean into her touch.

"You belong somewhere where you will be treasured."

"That isn't true. There are those who care for me." He told her, unsure if it were to comfort her or himself.

"Only mother and Helaena cares for you."

"You as well, my little sister. You care about me more than you give yourself credit for." She proved it tonight.

Releasing his face she looked away. Her palms, now balled to fists resting on her lap.

"No, I belong with the rest— who do not give a sh*t… after all, I lied. I lied through the teeth." Aemma confessed and Aemond frowned momentarily in order to grasp what she was referring to.

"Truth is, the patch you have on right now isn't made by me. Helaena made it. She put a lot of effort behind it and ultimately I stole it."

A moment of silence passed before she spoke again.

"I have already made my peace with her. She forgave me. But that does not change the fact that I gave you nothing for your special name day."

Her confession made his heart flutter. Moved by some unfamiliar intense feeling he pulled her into his arms, kissed the top of her head and buried his nose into her hair.

"You have done more than you know or even realize." Aemma tried to protest at his statement but he ignored her protest "And to know that I have you by my side, that is all that matters to me."


When he let go and they looked at each other, Aemond's cheeks were set aflame. The fragrance of her hair still echoed in his nose. He swallowed and remained nervous, palms sweating. But fortunately or unfortunately whichever way it is looked into, Aemma was too young to notice it or understand the implications of those signs.

"Still, I desire to gift you something special. And now, I think I know just what it could be." She smiled, reaching a hand behind her neck and unfastening her the hook of her necklace.

Aemond watched her carefully removing it from herself put it on him.

"What are you doing?!" He exclaimed, his eye turning wide having what it was witnessing.


"I can't accept it Aemma. Father gave it to you when your dragon died."

His eyes settled on her face, watching the way she was smiling at him.

It was mad, this warmth that so easily seemed to flood his chest when he was within her vicinity. A feeling so light and yet at same time so very stifling.

"And I'm giving it you." She stated firmly. Pressing a hand to his chest. Covering the beautiful stone underneath her palm.

And soon as she retracted her hand Aemond looked down. His heart loudly throbbed at the sight of the large sapphire staring back at him, glistening proudly under the soft moon light as if it found the place where it truly belongs to.

When had this happened? He asked himself carefully capturing the pendant and twirling it between his two fingers.

When he looked at her next, he found Aemma playing with a stray cat that found itself in the godwoods with them. She kept repeatedly pressing and pinching the cat's nose and the cat seemed to have been enjoying her ministration wholeheartedly, as it refused to leave the comfort of her lap.

His jealous gaze zoned in on the fortunate cat solely devouring his little sister's attention, only to have the singular eye turn wide when it detected the similarities between them:

They both had one eye!

He kept watching as realization after realization danced across his mind. It felt as if, for the first time in years, he was seeing the world clearly in spite of his limited vision.

Reality hit him like a pebble thrown on the head. He realized, the heart that beat inside his chest was no more his, it was someone else's property now: Aemma's.

Unbidden, a thought that he had hidden deeply within the recess of the mind suddenly made its appearance before him...

He was in love with Aemma.

Prince Aemond Targaryen was ten and three when he began to hope and dream for a future with his little sister, who was still a child at the time, merely seven years of age. What he did not know back then, was that this dream of his would soon turn into night-terror for everyone else.

And history would well remember his love as the means for his madness.


A.N. Thank you for reading hope you all enjoy. The chapter was a little chaotic but I'm sure it quite befitting of the title. Everyone has their own problems and new problems and being dug out. However on a positive note: the sapphire has found its destination.

Also the chapter isn't edited. So if you notice any mistakes please feel free to point it out. I'll have it corrected.

Another thing— someone asked me in this platform several months ago whether Alys Rivers will come between Aemma and Aemond.

Well, here’s what I have to say— I don’t know who is coming between who but they (Baratheon and Alys) will make their appearance earlier than in canon. As I have finally figured out how to do it without destroying canon.

Just keep in mind I’m not going to jump into the time-skip and go to the events of episode 8. Aemma’s presence changes things, so there’s a lot to cover before we reach that point. Hope you’re with me in this journey.

Chapter 12: Sapphire and Betrothal


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Although Aemond did not particularly enjoy looking himself in the mirror, but recently he began to do so. He avoided looking at his face, instead focused on the chest, making sure the pendant sat on the perfect spot.

This morning was no different.

Aemond looked himself in the mirror and for the umpteenth time adjusted the pendant.

His disciplined self knew he was running late for training yet again, but the child in him needed the pendant to be on the right spot before he made it out of his chamber.

The one-eyed Prince could not help the excitement he felt as he marched through the halls of the Keep to the training yard, the Sapphire of the Arryn family sitting proudly on his chest proudly. He even appeared before his father two days prior, wordlessly showing off the gift Aemma had given him and felt great satisfaction seeing the bewildered expression on the withering man's face.

For the third time in a row this week Aemond is late to arrive to the training yard. Upon his arrival Ser Criston Cole greeted him with a reproachful look. Quite unimpressed by his star pupil recent tardiness. He scarcely recognizes this new Aemond.

The session training began shortly after, before Aemond suffered through what was undoubtedly another one of the worst sparring session he has participated in since he first took up a wooden sword as a child.

Cole observed; present amongst today's crowd he detected was the youngest Princess. She stood clutching onto an arm of Prince Daeron. The knight switched his attention back to the Prince he was sparring with and noted, whatever little bit of attention the boy had previously, has left him now.

It was then the knight understood the root cause of the problem.

At the same time frustrated by his pupil's lack of attention, Cole decided to go especially brutal on him this round.

Aemond was caught off guard when his shield splintered under an unexpected blow from the morningstar. Before he could come out of the shock, came the next blow that had his sword knocked out his hand and had him thrown to the ground. And half a heartbeat after, Cole's sword was at his throat.

The audience was left stunned. Everyone was speechless. Some found themselves quietly gasping, others had their jaw dropped to what they just witnessed.

"My Prince," Ser Criston offered a hand and helped Aemond back to his feet before he taunted, "seems to me you decided to lock your focus into that pendant of yours?"

With wide eye and face twisted in emotion that was hard to read Aemond looked away from him. His breathing laboured, his embarrassment fading rapidly into outright rage.

Wrapping an arm around Aemond's shoulder Criston brought him closer.

"I understand your difficulty and reluctance to part ways with your little sister's gift. But you must find a more suitable place for it. As this isn't where it belongs." He emphasized, lightly tapping on Aemond's chest.

The advice mindlessly went through the one-eyed Prince's one ear and out of the other as he stalked back inside, with how little he cared for what the man said in that moment.

In the midst of working on her needlepoint Helaena occasionally paused and looked down at her lap just to check how her little brother was faring. Aemond kept twirling the sapphire between his fingers, unable to stop looking at it. She softly pet his head before returning to her embroidery. She had been working diligently on finishing the golden brownish one-eyed cat per Aemma's request.

They were in the private part of the garden where there were very few footsteps of people. This area served as Helaena's sanctuary. She liked to spend most of her spare time here, because here, no one disturbed her. She could work on her embroidery or collect insects at peace. Today has been no different, she has been here since early morning. Coming straight after finishing her lesson with the Septa. Later to be joined by Aemond, who currently rested on her lap.

For the longest time it was just the two of them. Basking in each other's presence, enjoying the nature and the quietness.

And then she heard— no they both heard;

"Aemond… Aemond… Aemond… Helaena… Helaena… Helaena… Aemond Helaena Aemond Helaena."

Aemma was bouncing her way towards them. Chanting their names to the rhythm of her movement.

In that instant Helaena knew their peace was short lived. Not that she mind Aemma's company, but like every children of her age Aemma too had those days where her personality could be loud, hyper and straight up annoying. Unfortunately, it was one of those days. She has been hyper since waking up. Stirred quite the trouble during their lesson with the Septa. Also, in all fairness it wasn't fully Aemma's fault. Septa Lira was the one who started when she blatantly said to the youngest Princess that she will be put into the deepest pits of the Seven Hells for tormenting her father. Aemma retaliated by throwing the banana peel of the banana she had just eaten on the Septa's path. Moment later Septa Lira stepped on it and land on her bottom. And then, chaos ensued.

Helaena didn't look up to greet her little sister. As her focus refused to deflect, she was almost finished with the embroidery. Just some details on the tail was left. But that changed the moment she felt the boy on her lap go tense. His heart pounding into his chest so erratically that even she could feel it.

Helaena stopped her needlepoint; stuck the needle into the fabric to secure it, then set the hoop down carefully before looking down her lap once more. Her brows knitted together as she studied Aemond.

They have now been joined by Aemma— who sat straddling Aemond's hips. Filling him in on her earlier brawl with Septa Lira. Seemingly unaware and unbothered by the stares and the frowns her inappropriate sitting position was attracting and the level of discomfort Aemond seemed to be in.

The older Princess's eyes were drawn onto her brother's hand, and found them to be fidgeting. There was turmoil in him, he was struggling. But from what? Before Helaena could figure that out came the voice of one of the Kingsguard who had been sent to retrieve Aemma.

"Princess Aemma," called the Kingsguard. Even his eyes could not ignore the inappropriate way Aemma was straddling Aemond. "Your father summons you."

All three Targaryen siblings turned towards the direction of the guard. But only Aemma dismissed him.

"You may go and remind the King that Princess Aemma isn't able to respond to his call. To him, she is dead; like his late wife. Now go away shoo shoo!" She made an insulting gesture with her hand.

Sighing defeatedly the kingsguard left and Aemond spoke.

"You should have gone."

Aemma shook her head.

"Father cares for you. It would do you no good to waste his affection." He reasoned, hoping she would see and appreciate the privilege she had above all of her siblings; except their half-sister Rhaenyra.

"Matters not." Aemma shrugged. "I refuse to see him. Not unless he apologizes to you."

He emitted a small "Mhm" in reply. His heart warmed at the thought of how much she cared for him.

Leaning in close, so close that their noses touched, Aemma mimicked his "Mhm" him in a mocking manner.

But Aemond could care less about her mockery. There was something different about him now. Although it was a simple gesture but the feeling it brought was so consuming that it nearly took his breath away. Aemond tried to calm the thunderous beating of his heart when Aemma exhaled and her breath brushed over his lips. Not since he was a child, yearning for a dragon of his own, had he felt such a strong feeling of want.

He wanted her... his little sister... his Aemma.

And so he would have her, sooner or later, he was sure of it. She would be his, just as he was already hers.

His arms circled around her tiny waist. An action that felt so natural as if he was holding an extension of himself. It felt even better when Aemma rested her head on his chest. Aemond closed his eye, lazily stroking her hair with one of the hands.

He couldn't stop touching her.

Helaena returned to her embroidery. Aemond still resting on her lap with Aemma laid atop him, curled into a ball.

Like all good times this peaceful moment also met its end. The interruption this time came from their youngest brother.

"I'm going to the Dragonpit. Do you wish to come Aemma…?"

Annoyed, Aemond opened his eye and directly glared at Daeron. His hand that was stroking Aemma's hair stopped and instinctively gripped her small form tightly.

'No! She goes nowhere.'

Was what he intended to say, as he planned on responding on Aemma's behalf. So he opened his mouth with the very intent. But by the time he could voice out his thought the girl in his arms had already broken out of his embrace and was galloping towards his little brother like a pony.

And just like that she was gone!

Left without sparing him even the simplest of glance.

Leaving Aemond to process what just happened. Initially all he felt was confusion and then sooner than expected the confusion turned to anger.

Helaena noted the change in Aemond, and frowned.

He looked scorned.

Grunting in displeasure Aemond was up on his feet within the next few heartbeat, ready to storm off, when he felt a hand grab his wrist. Turning, he found Helaena looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Where must you be going?" She asked.

"Vhagar awaits." He replied, avoiding her gaze.

"I see… I shouldn't hold you back then." Aemond made a nod of acknowledgement as he began to march ahead. But few steps forward Helaena stopped him again.


Aemond looked over his shoulder.

"The gap must be filled." She told him.

He simply nodded, and without any further acknowledgment rushed off from there. Only after he was already saddled on Vhagar, flying over Blackwater Bay that he finally understood what his older sister had advised.

Realization drawn on him quickly. He swallowed thickly, drawing his bottom lip between his teeth.

He must find a more suitable place for this sapphire.

His fingers lightly brushed over the leather eyepatch. Once the gap is filled, he can certainly move about without it.

Or so he thought.

Meanwhile days have passed with the King trying to make amends with his daughter.

The morning after the fight, first thing Viserys did after waking was send for Aemma. To some extent of shock and more so disappointment, the kingsguard sent to fetch her returned alone with the heartbreaking information:

"My King, the Princess has refused to come."

The following afternoon a serving girl showed up at Aemma's doorstep carrying a tray full of freshly baked pastries and fruit tarts.

"Compliments of the King." She said.

Aemma took a good look at the tray. Her mouth watering at the sight of those delicious looking treats staring back at her, ready to be devoured. Resisting the temptation proved to harder than she initially anticipated. Her tongue darted out and licked her bottom lip. But then she remembered Aemond, the look on his face when all he was offered wasgoodwill by their father after having his eye taken. The same father who without remorse threw his stick at him and made him bleed for something that wasn't even his fault. And now that father had sent her pastries as a means to reconcile. The strength to resist returned at a lighting speed. She was a strong willed girl. If her father thought he could buy her anger with sweets he was definitely in for some rude awakening.

Therefore Aemma gave her response by spitting on the pastries and slamming the door shut on the maid's face as hard as she possibly could. Causing the poor serving girl to jump on the spot in fright.

Next evening when Aemma walked into the dining hall, she was not so surprised to find her father's presence. Although she was not sure the best way to interpret his attempt:

A sweet gesture? Or rather a desperate move?

Deciding it was the latter option she scanned the room, hoping for Aemond's absence. To her utter dismay— he was also present. Seated on his usual spot on one end of the table, across from their grandsire.

Her father was the first to greet her. Resulting in all heads to turn to her direction. Her mother called her next, gesturing her to take the only empty seat beside her father. Daeron smiled, Helaena mumbled something and Otto Hightower simply watched her, his deep-set eyes gleaming with dark mirth. Aegon was taking a sip from his cup and Aemond already went back to eating.

Completely ignoring all the focus that was on her, Aemma approached Aemond in quick strides. Her eyes staring at him intently, with brows furrowed.

"What are you doing here?!" She hissed in a hushed voice.

He responded after swallowing the portion that was already in his mouth. "… Having my supper. As you can see."

"With him being present?" She rudely pointed her finger. Aemond followed her finger and briefly glanced at the direction of his father and found himself pitying the old man.

Viserys's condition has deteriorated since Aemma pulled away from him. It got him to a point where, even the simplest of sighing gave him so much difficulty. His breath laboured, as he made another attempt to calling her, asking her to come to him but the girl was stubborn as rock. She paid him no mind. Didn't even look his way.

So the duty bound son Aemond decided to do the right thing— which is, remind his sister of a fact she was deliberately choosing to forget.

"He's our father."

"He's Rhaenyra's father only!" Her protest came instantly.

"You mustn't speak about your father so disrespectfully." Alicent interjected as she tried to intervene. But her attempt was cut off by Viserys as he called for Aemma again. But neither of them had any success in gaining their youngest child's attention.

Alicent gasped before she tried to intervene but her attempt was cut off by Viserys as he called for Aemma again. But neither of them had any success in gaining their youngest child's attention.

"He's no father of yours or mine nor theirs—" Aemma motioned her eyes towards the rest of their siblings, "till he apologizes to you. So tell me brother, has he asked for your apology yet?"

Aemond sighed and mumbled something incoherent, nobody knew what exactly, except for Aemma of course whose face immediately flared like a furious cat ready to attack. As she stood in no position for such compromising acceptance.

"Listen!" The finger that was once pointed in their father's direction was now being pointed at Aemond, almost touching his nose. "Mayhaps you are shameless enough to let it pass, but I won't! Nor shall I let you do so."

"Hm," he only hummed.

While Aemond truly appreciated his little sister's efforts, at the same time he also knew what she was fighting for was an absolute lost cause. Their father would never apologize. Hence it is utterly foolish to expect apology from someone who does not even realize or understand that they are wrong. Regardless of how much he despised it, it is the nature of their father and Aemond has made his peace with it long time ago.

Dark frown graced her features when no further response came from him other than just his signature "Hm". Furious and unable to think clearly she snatched away the cutlery from Aemond's hands and tossed them away carelessly- the knife landed somewhere on the floor whilst the fork flew all the way and ended up in Aegon's cup splashing wine on his face.

"Hey!" The oldest Prince barked. But no attention was spared on him. As the rest were tied up watching Aemma forcibly grabbing Aemond by the arm in an attempt to try and pull him up off of the chair.

"Get up!" She hissed. As pulling up a person who is almost double her size in height now certainly requires a lot of strength.

"I'm not finished eating." Aemond felt reluctantly about whatever idea his little sister had up her sleeves.

"Matters not! We shall take our meals elsewhere but not here! Not with him!"

"Hm." He stood, allowing her to lead.

"Aemma!" Again she was simultaneously called by both her parents. Her father tried to reach for her, while her mother scolded. But neither had enough effect to stop her.

Otto Hightower shook his head in disapproval as he realized, the girl is starting to get out of hand. Then made a note in his mind to discuss the matter later with Alicent.

Something must be done. The brat needs to be tamed before it's too late.

Over the next several days both Alicent and Lady Lyanne tried their best to convince Aemma to speak to her father just for the sake of the ailing old man. But to their misfortune, Aemma stayed rigid on her decision: ailing or dying matters not; she would not speak to her father unless he apologizes to her brother.

Therefore desperate to aid her husband and running out of options at the same time Alicent decided it was best to seek help from her dear boy. From where it stands, it seems like only he can convince that stubborn girl.

Aemond stood before the mirror examining his new look. It's been years since he had looked at himself without his eye patch.

Thanks to extraordinary craftsmanship of the grand-maester Orwyle, the sapphire was now embedded into his empty eye-socket. For him it was much more convenient to wear the sapphire as a jewel for the eye than as a pendant around the neck; which only served to be an obstacle.

He wondered how he looked, but couldn't reach a conclusion on his own.

Mayhaps it would be best to let Aemma be the judge.

A clearing of throat startled Aemond and as he was pulled out of his reverie, he noticed another reflection in the mirror staring at him.

His mother.

Aemond fumbled with the eyepatch in an hurried attempt to put it back on. Suddenly feeling nervous and embarrassed about having his mother seeing him without it.

Only for her to step up on time and grab his hand to prevent it.

"There is no need for that anymore."

Alicent's warm eyes looked up to her son, feeling her chest get hot as her eyes welled up and became glassy with tears. A part of her will forever curse Rhaenyra and her bastards for damaging her son's handsome face. Despite wanting to sob for her son she gave him a loving smile, cupped his long face and brought it closer to kiss his cheek.

"You look handsome."

"Please do not mock me, mother." Aemond frowned at her compliment (or flattery as he would like to put it) albeit leaning into her touch.

"Nonsense! Ask your sisters if you do not believe me."

A simple "Hm" was all he said. And Alicent had the topic diverted.

"Speaking of your sister though…" Alicent trailed off uneasily.

Aemond furrowed his brows. "What has happened mother?"

Alicent picked at her nails in deep thought. She didn't want to ask him for such favour. Knowing all too well how unfair it would be to put such burden upon him. But at the moment it seems like he is the only person who can talk some sense into that stubborn little girl.

"Would you advocate for your father…" She began uneasily.

And Aemond finished. "…to Aemma?"

His mother nodded. Guilt reflected all over her face. "I had no desire to drag you into this Aemond." She gently took him by the elbows. "But your father's condition is worsening. He refuses to eat, refusing his treatment and the herbs. Such childishness will not do him any good. On the other hand Aemma remains headstrong. She will not see her father till he has asked for your forgiveness. And in the midst of this father-daughter feud I find myself helpless, with no one to turn to but you."

"Do not worry mother, I will speak to her." He assured and then headed out of his chamber in search of Aemma.

Alicent herself followed suit. She walked closely with Aemond, keeping a watchful eye on him. After all it was the first time ever he had left his chamber without the eyepatch covering his disfigured eye. And as a protective mother Alicent wanted to be there for him just in case someone tried to bully him.

However, she couldn't stick with him for long. Her father coming from the opposite end of the hallway they were walking, demanded she follow him. Since there were urgent matters in hand that required her attention.

The first place he entered was her bedchamber, but Aemma was not there. The next place he checked was Helaena's, only to find it empty as well. After that, searching through various places throughout the Keep he finally found her inside Aegon's chambers; trying to wake a sleeping Aegon.

Aemond joined Helaena and Daeron, they stood behind watching as Aemma held her new pet (the one eyed cat) to Aegon's face — a pet that she named after him, Little Aemond, after putting a matching patch over its missing eye. Whether it is an honour or an insult the one-eyed Prince is yet to figure out.

Aemma grinned when her cat darted out his tiny tongue and began licking at Aegon's lips. Soon she tittered as the gesture was quickly reciprocated by her brother. Both of them now licking each other's tongue. Aegon grabbed the cat's face possibly in his sleeping state presuming it was one of his whor*s and immediately jolted awoke. Definitely not expecting his whor* to have a furry face.

"I told you to keep that creepy thing away from me. You f*cking monkey!" He hissed at her barring his teeth.

Daeron snickered, Helaena covered her smile and Aemond watched amused.

"For the last time don't you dare call me monkey. Nor shall you call my cat a creepy thing. He's named after our brother, show some respect!"

"Like I give a shi—sh*t!" The last part was an impromptu reaction as he had his eyes settled on Aemond.

"What the f*ck is that?" Aegon recklessly pointed out.

Aemond turned completely rigid as Helaena Daeron and Aemma simultaneously turned. While Helaena showed no emotion and Daeron had some on his face, Aemma on the other hand dropped her cat and shrieked at the top of her lungs.

Swallowing uneasily Aemond removed himself from the scene. Helaena followed after him. And Aegon quickly clamped down a hand on Aemma's mouth.

"STOP SCREAMING!" He did not plan on screaming but had to, in order to listen to his own voice. "HE'S GONE ALREADY!"

The following days passed swiftly and uneventfully, just like leaves caught in a gust of wind. The sun kept rising and setting with monotonous regularity casting long shadows that stretched all across King's Landing.

The one eyed prince's mind raced all throughout these past days and nights. Each time he closed his eye, the image of his little sister's horrified face would replace the blackness before him.

He felt a dull ache in his chest and could not decide what feeling it was. Of course every mother wants their child to be happy, Alicent Hightower was no exception to this. But a sharp pang of reality hit Aemond when he realized, his mother had lied.

He does not look handsome!

The thought plagued him for the rest of the day and days to come.

He felt tremendously foolish for believing her. He should have known. The evidence was laid out before him bare. All he needed to do was pay attention to the body language of the ladies of the court and the serving girls whom he crossed path with.

Only Aemma with her ear bursting scream told him the truth. Even if it hurt, he would never hold it against her for reacting the way she did. In her own way she gave him what his mother and Helaena couldn't.

The truth!

Therefore, with a heavy heart, Aemond Targaryen returned to seek shelter behind the eyepatch once more.

A sudden knock on the door made him lose his chain of thought. After his permission the door opened and a kingsguard walked in.

"The King summons you, my Prince."

Aemond furrowed his brows finding that to be odd. What could his father want with him. Regardless he stood and left his chambers in erect spine.

Alicent Hightower halted in her steps as she was about to enter her husband's bedchamber.

She was left stunned, frozen to the ground and in complete disbelief of the scene that was unfolding before her very eyes. Overwhelmed by various emotions coursing through her all at the same time, her eyes teared up. After all she was witnessing something she had never expected to witness in this lifetime.

There he was, her ailing husband, on his sickbed, holding onto the hand of their second son… apologizing.

Covering her mouth with both her hands Alicent back away and rushed to a different direction.




Aemond looked as uneasy as anyone could be in his position. He shared no closeness with his father. So his apologies in a sense meant nothing. However there was considerable amount of surprise in him. As he too never expected any sort of acknowledgement of the wrongdoing or accountability from his father. But here they were now, all because of one little girl; Aemma.

His Aemma.




Back in Aemma's chamber:

Lady Lyanne had just put Aemma to bed and settled down beside her head with an open book on her lap that she began reading as tonight's tale for the little girl.

But was heavily interrupted when the door suddenly opened and the Queen burst in.



At once Aemma sat up. Confused as to why her mother had just burst into her chamber in tears.

"What happened? Why must you be crying?"

Lady Lyanne was thinking the same.

Alicent did not answer. Lady Lyanne rose to her feet as the Queen neared the bed. The latter occupied the exact same spot the former was occupying. Aemma and Lady Lyanne both were left deeply confused when Alicent pulled Aemma into her arms and began to sob.

"Have I done something to upset you, mother?"

Alicent shook her head. Pulling back she wiped her tears with the back of her sleeve.

"No my love," She prepped her daughter's face with kisses. Her forehead, cheeks, temples, eyes, nose nothing was missed.

"You have achieved something none of us could ever have thought possible." She said almost breathless.

"I don't understand."

"You're father… he apologized to Aemond."

"Really?" Her face lit up, deep violet irises sparkling with joy and excitement.

"Yes my dear, really." Alicent confirmed, taking her daughter's small face between her palms and then ushered, "Come, let us pay your father and brother a visit."

Aemma immediately sprang her arms, signalling her mother to pick her up; to which she complied. As it possessed no difficulty for Alicent because, for a girl of seven years of age Aemma was considerably smaller in size. And Aemma hugged her mother tightly, burying her face at the crook of her neck. Letting herself get lost into her essence.

"Also, all insolence towards your father must cease immediately!" Alicent warned as they walked out of the door and stepped onto the long corridor.

"Am I understood…?"

Aemma nodded enthusiastically, nuzzling the side of her mother's face. Smiling Alicent hugged her daughter tighter and kissed her cheek.

Lady Lyanne who was few paces behind them smiled, her heart warming watching the mother daughter bond.




Alicent put Aemma down once they were inside the King's quarter, and as soon her small feet touched the ground Aemma sprinted towards her father. Hastily climbing onto the bed she pounced onto the man's awaiting arms. A complete contrast to her hostile personality that she has been wearing around him for weeks now.

"Oh my sweet sweet Aemma…" Viserys drawled, wrapping his arms around the girl as tightly as his declining strength would permit. "This old man has missed you so much."

"You lie father." She accused.

"No, not at all. Ask your mother, in fact ask anyone. Everyone will tell you how miserable this old man was without you."

Aemma pouted, "If so, you should have apologized to him sooner."

"Aemma, that's enough—" Her mother tried to warn, but her father interjected.

"It's alright Alicent, let her be, at least she speaks to me. That is all that matters."

The aforementioned women rolled her eyes. Finding her husband's desperation sadly ironic.

Aemond watched his father press kiss after kiss atop the crown of his little sister's head. Aemma turned to him and smiled. That smile had a magnetic pull to it, which brought him closer without having much of a realization. They were also joined by Alicent; she sat at the edge of the bed, cryptically watching her children.

Aemma was telling her father about the one-eyed cat she took in for a pet, all the while her hand kept gently petting Aemond. And he kept enjoying her ministration as if some brought some solace to his turbulent soul.

Aemond and Aemma appeared to be quite taken with each other. Initially she was unsure if it was just her seeing it. Then she looked at her husband only to find him watching them as well. In that moment she knew— he could feel their connection, just as she went feeling it. It was when she felt brave enough to share the idea with him.

But before that the children had to be dismissed.

She kissed them both and bid them good night before asking Aemond to escort his sister to her chamber. It was after they headed out and the door closed behind them that she turned to her husband with a tender expression. She fixed his pillows and pulled the covers before she climbed onto the bed a settled down beside him.

"Something troubles you my wife?"

"Nothing troubles me Viserys, however I do wish to make a proposal."

"Proposal?" Viserys raised a brow.

"Let us have Aemma betrothed to Aemond." She blurted out. The idea has been toying in her mind for quite sometime now. At one point she even thought of sharing it with her father. But backed away after the Lanisters brought a very tempting proposal for Aemma and her father appeared to be quite keen on considering it. So throwing in Aemond's name there would bound to lead to failure. So Alicent chose bide by her time and bring it directly to the King— who has the ultimate say on the matter.

"Aemma and Aemond?"

"Yes, Aemma and Aemond." Alicent confirmed, affectionately rubbing a hand on her husband's almost hairless head.

"I assumed you would at least want Aemma to have marriage of love. Over marriage of duty or purpose to the crown. I supposed you wanted Aemma to be married to a man who'd unconditionally love her, cherish her, devote himself to her enough to always choose her above everything else. Besides, getting her married to Aemond also comes with the vantage of never having to part with her. Aemma can always remain in the Red Keep, with us, before your eyes."

"Does she even like the boy?" He did not look convinced.

"Are you so short of memory, so easy to forget."

Alicent looked at him in disbelief. Wondering how thick in the head her husband was, to not pick up on something so obvious. But then again, looking back, Viserys has the habit of playing the willful blind.

"Need I remind you of the torment she put you through for weeks…? And you still raise question about her feelings for Aemond? She loves him, just as much as he loves her!"

"I suppose you're correct." Even then, Viserys appeared reluctant. Returning to his silence in deep thought.

At his silence, she headed for another approach, which she was sure of would add further encouragement.

"See for yourself Viserys, Aemond and Aemma are far more suited for marriage than Aegon and Helaena will ever be. For that reason, have Aemma betrothed Aemond and in return I shall break Aegon and Helaena's betrothal and reach out to Rhaenyra with the same proposal she presented years ago. Have our Helaena betrothed to her son Jace and alley ourselves once and for all." She said, unable to figure out how she sounded. Too desperate or too pressing. Either way it did not matter because she was desperate for the sake of her children's happiness.

Viserys's face lit up and he said the exact same thing he said when Rhaenyra made the proposal at the small council all those years ago.

"Darling, it's the most judicious proposition."

Smiling Alicent pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Thank you husband, for looking at it from my perspective. I'm glad to have finally found a common ground."

"Very well then, I shall speak with Otto and declare their betrothals sometime later on the morrow." He said,delighted.

Alicent paled momentarily but was quick to recover and dismiss the idea. To have her father involved did not feel safe. He would jeopardize it for sure. She knew it in her heart.

"No need to discuss this with my father. He has far more pressing issues of the realm to deal with. Neither should you haste into the announcement. Why not take time and announce it during a special occasion."

"Would I be wrong to presume you already have a day in mind?" His shaking hand came up gently and caressed her face.

Alicent smiled, wholeheartedly embracing his affection. "I was going to suggest your name-day feast next week."

"That sounds wonderful, wife."

"I'm glad to hear that, husband."

That night the Queen slept in peace knowing with one stone she killed three birds:

One— Gave her maimed son the girl he desires and rightfully so, deserves.

Two— Gave her younger daughter to the boy who will no doubt grow up to be the most devoted and dutiful husband. And her older daughter, to a boy who not only is the next heir to the Iron throne but also very decent person in comparison to her disgraceful eldest son.

Three— United the house of the Dragon once and forever, just like her husband wanted.

If only… she knew the turn the situation would take this time.

They say time flies when it is at its most peaceful. The phrase proved to be so true for Queen Alicent Hightower.

The week indeed passed in the blink of an eye. Even before she knew which day it is, she found herself already at the King’s name-day feast. Seated on her usual spot (between her husband and her father) at the high table in the grand hall, patiently waiting for her children to make their entrance.

They are to arrive together. A display of familial unity and strength of the Targaryen family for the guests present tonight at the banquet to witness.

Alicent wasn’t exactly worried. She had faith in her children, and firmly believed they wouldn’t let her down. Her hope grew to belief because the practices and rehearsals went exceptionally well. Even Aegon surprised her with his sobriety. That alone worked as pillar of strength for the young Queen.

Finally came the announcement of their arrival.

Everyone seemed to look over in sync, eyes landing on the figures of the Targaryen siblings as they began their descent down the stairs and march along through the grand hall making their way towards the high table.

However, the face of the three individuals seated there put on three distinctive faces.

King Viserys Targaryen grinned, delighted by the sight of his youngest as she approached in quick strides. Her moon like beautiful face and the big dimpled smile she wore, made his evening.

Sitting beside the Queen, the Hand Otto Hightower furrowed his brows and frowned. Having Aemma in the forefront and leading the group inside wasn’t what was planned nor rehearsed. The task was supposed to be Aegon’s, a small display of his ability as the future ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. But the boy was at the very back, stumbling. Too drunk to manage a single graceful step. How has he still not toppled over is something Otto’s mind can’t fathom.

The Queen initially had shock all over her face but that shock passed and soon she joined her father in frowning. In fact her frown was deeper and definitely more noticeable than her father’s; albeit for a different reason.

Like the King, the Queen also narrowed her focus in on her youngest.

Aemma was not wearing the dress she had chosen for her. What the girl wore instead was something from the late Queen Aemma Arryn’s closet. Not only that, even her hair was done in a special up-do mimicking that of the late Queen’s style which she adorned during special occasions.

Now, Alicent didn’t blame Aemma for her get up tonight. She’s a child, there’s noway for her to know. The real culprit was her nursemaid, Lady Lyanne! She is the one to put everything together. Mayhaps encouraged Aemma into it as well.

While outwardly, her expression was pleasant, unperturbed. Inwardly, the Queen was seething.

Like those of the spoiled children, Aemma had no regards or respect for protocol. And it showed clearly when she abandoned her siblings midway and ran to her father with raised arms. The King also rose from his seat with his arms spread and happily embraced her.

It was a wholesome moment between a decaying man and his little daughter which the court watched in awe. Not one set of eyes blinked.

The rest of the Princes and Princess Helaena waited till Aemma was finished with their father before they wished him and took to their designated seats. To no surprise of anyone Aemma sat beside her father. Helaena took the other empty seat beside her grandsire. Aemond wanted to go for the seat beside Aemma but was beaten by Daeron. Thus leaving him with no other option but to sit beside Aegon; much to his displeasure.

Aemond watched Aemma as she chatted away with their father. Making up for all the lost times. From how far he was seated, it was all he could do. There was no possibility of initiating a conversation. However his unsettled mind reached some comfort after realizing that despite sitting next to her, Daeron had no luck with conversations either. Given how deeply involved she was in conversation with their father there will be no chance most likely.

It made Aemond happy. Happy enough to proceed to help himself to all the delicious dishes that were served for tonight’s course.

Beside him, Aegon continued to drink and take big bites from his portion like an absolute savage. Aemond tried his best to ignore him and whatsoever nonsense he was blabbering.

Sometime between the main course finishing and the desserts were being served the sound of chair moving was heard. Some heads turned and saw the Queen helping the King rise to his feet.

The rise of the King eventually led to the chatter in the hall to die down. Everyone was now facing the high table.

“My dearest friend and my beloved family, I thank you all for your presence here, this evening, for the celebration of my name day. Although celebrations such as this hold little meaning for an old man like me. But my Queen insists, it is a special day,” he turned to his wife and flashed her a tender smile before returning to face the awaiting court. “… and special days as such must be celebrated. So on the event of this special occasion I have decided to make a very special announcement.”

Looks were exchanged between the members of the courts. Little murmur were exchanged as well. Viserys also turned to his wife and shared a look of approval with her before he proceeded. Otto Hightower grew expectant, childishly hoping his daughter has finally managed to convince her husband to do the right thing— make his firstborn son as his rightful heir.

“Many of you have approached myself and my Hand with marriage proposals from your great houses for my youngest daughter,” He paused, turned to the mentioned princess and took a moment to caress her smiling face with the back of his hand.

“While your interest in my little one certainly overjoys me and warms my heart. But after spending a considerable amount of time thinking I have come to this realization that I cannot part myself from her.”

Again few members of the court shared glances amongst each other. The Lannisters brothers being notably one among them. And on the high table Otto Hightower had said nothing, but his face reflected the worst hatred for his daughter.

Or rather useless daughter!

“I have lost Aemma once. Years passed but that pain has not yet faded, mayhaps it never will. But this little girl here,” He placed his hand over his daughter’s head, “she gives me the strength to live, to look forward to the next day. In her presence I am the happiest, I forget all my pain. Many of you may consider my decision to be a foolish one. But the heart of this old father cannot bear to part ways with his little bundle of joy. The only thing this irrational heart understands is that Aemma must remain close to me. She must stay in the red Keep. Therefore my Queen and I have reached the conclusion to betrothed my youngest daughter Princess Aemma Targaryen to my son,”

Everyone held a bated breath.

“…Prince Daeron Targaryen.”


The hall was engulfed in silence. Pin drop silence. Which lasted until the Queen quickly rose and whispered into his ear their second son’s name. Thinking it was an honest mistake and Viserys messed up their names.

“Aemond! We talked about Aemond not Daeron.” She gripped her husband’s arm tightly. Desperate eyes begging him to correct the error he just made.

Viserys turned to her with a gentle smile and all he said was, “help me sit, wife.”

Only then, Alicent understood it was no error.

Lord Lyman Beesbury was the first to stand clapping his hands and pass on his heartiest congratulations to the newly betrothed pair. The rest began to follow his example. On their table Helaena was the first to congratulate, after her, to everyone’s surprise it was Aegon. He actually got up and hugged his two siblings tightly and gave them each a nasty open mouthed sloppy kiss on their cheek.

With his perpetual frown intact Otto looked disappointed. But he maintained the courtesy and congratulated the pair.

Aemond on the other hand said naught. Ever the silent boy, only secured his gaze on his mother. The look of betrayal never leaving that powerful singular eye. His mother did not even meet his gaze. She continued to speak to his father.

He abruptly stood and left the hall. It was best for him to leave as he was unable to bear the unriddled anguish in his chest. Also, after a long break the pain in the back of his head (caused by the nerve damage due to eye taken) flared. Aemond wasn’t sure what caused it, nor was he in a position to find out.

Truth is, good things never came to him. So however heartbreaking it may have been to witness his father betrothed Aemma to his younger brother… it did not come as a surprise to him. He was no more than a crippled… damaged… and tainted after all. Therefore in the eyes of his parents, his feelings held little to no value.

“This isn’t what we spoke about, husband.” Alicent muttered into her husband’s ear, apparently unable to understand what had led to such a sudden change on something they jointly agreed upon earlier.

“I’m aware wife,” Viserys spoke in a low voice. “But look at them,” He pointed towards Daeron and Aemma— the two were now dancing in the middle of the hall. The former pulled the latter down there soon as they musicians began playing.

“We both did want our youngest to marry out of love. That is precisely what I did. Turns out, it isn’t our Aemond that she loves, it’s Daeron.”

“How did you know that…? Has she told you herself?”

“As a matter of fact she did."

Alicent was stunned by the revelation. Her mind stuck wondering when and how. When Aemma could have possibly said that. More importantly, how? How could she have feelings for Daeron? When so much of her mind and soul is invested in Aemond.

Her husband spoke again; as if reading her thoughts.

"Look at her my Queen,” He pointed in Aemma’s direction and his wife followed. “Do you not know your daughter? Do you really think she would appear this delighted if the chosen boy was not to her liking…?”

Alicent sighed deeply. There was no room to refute his words. He did exactly as she wanted… except he chose Daeron and not Aemond.


Thank you all reading. Hoping you enjoyed the chapter. Well this is the last chapter in this timeline. Next chapter there will a small time skip.

And little Aemma's betrothed again. This time to the boy she wants. So everyone please pray for her and give her your best wishes. As some members of her family certainly happy with it.

Also chapter isn't edited, if you do find an error please let me know. I'll correct it.

Chapter 13: Three Years Later


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Three years later...

It was a morning like any other in King's Landing. Bright and sunny, warm yet breezy.

But the scowl on Aemond's face was dark and gloomy resembling the usual weather of Storms End. His singular eye narrowed, gazed deeply focused on the garden below, watching his siblings supposedly spending time together.

Two betrothed pairs— one stupidly smitten with one another, and the other where two individuals who cannot bear to be in the presence of the other; all four are huddled together. Where each pair must act as the other pair's chaperone. An apparently intellectual arrangement made by their father, the King.

Some foolish jest it was. Aemond thought bitterly, tapping his fingers on the banister.

If someone were to ask for Aemond's opinion he would tell them it was the most nonsensical and ridiculous arrangement he had ever seen. No one actually acted as the others chaperone. Helaena took this opportunity to find newer insects to add to her collection. Aegon would be past out, drunk. If not past out then he would be slurring insults at Helaena. And Daeron-Aemma would sneak away.

Therefore, without having been told, Aemond took upon the task of being a chaperone for his siblings. Even though from far, he always kept a watchful eye on them. It made his task easier that Aegon and Helaena didn't require being chaperoned, as they never really interacted. So this way he could fully focus on Daeron and Aemma. And the latter needed to be constantly watched. Because with age Aemma has been becoming quite bold. Always curious, mind venturing into places where a girl of her age should not be exploring. No wonder those uptight Septas were always furious at her these days and constantly complaining to their mother.

Suddenly in mid conversation with Daeron, Aemma looked up and their gaze locked.

His singular eye and stern face was faced with her big, cat-like, bold, expressive eyes.

Although her expression was anything but warm, still he felt something stir within his chest. Aemond clenched his jaws. He could not tell if what he felt in his chest was something good or something bad. It was a crippling feeling for sure. A burn so intense he believed and feared it could burn him whole.

In the past three years, no one has changed as much as Aemma did. She grows little by little every day. Now at the tender age of ten, Aemma still has couple more years to grow out of her childhood. However, since her betrothal, the youngest Targaryen princess has began to grace herself as a woman.

Barely of age, yet hauntingly beautiful.

He is never able to choose as to what his favourite part of his little sister is.

Could it that small defined shapely face, or perhaps those big bright eyes, or could it be the swan like long neck (something she inherited from their mother). Maybe it is her straight sleek hair which almost reaches her hips by now. Overall Aemma reminds him of a cat— small, mischievous and beautiful.

Aemond was pulled out of his reverie noting what a cold glare his little sister was flashing him. Even then his harsh resolve began to fade at the softness that covered her features. The one-eyed Prince wasn't greedy, he was satisfied with the little he got. Just as long as it was from Aemma.

However, soon as she returned to Daeron and smiled, the harshness on Aemond's face began making its return. And it returned tenfold. Reason being: Daeron not simply received her smile, he got much more.

Much more than he asked for.

Much more than he deserved.

She cupped his face and wiped away the crumbs that gathered at the corner of his lips from the bread he had just eaten before giving him a teasing little kiss closer to his lips. And Daeron blushed, like a untouched maiden.

Aemond pursed his lips. His hands curled in fists, and the lone eye set ablaze. He could feel his anger rise. The blood in his veins felt like the lava. Even then, his eye refused to leave Aemma's form. He continued to watch, regardless of how difficult of a sight it was.

For the rest, the years came and went by at a pace so rapid that how three years had passed by, was hard to tell. But not for Aemond Targaryen. For him, since the night his father made the announcement of betrothal between his youngest siblings, time seemed to have frozen. It has been nothing but agonizingly slow and daunting since then.

It is indeed true that time has gone by. He was only three and ten at the time. Now standing proud and tall. Tallest amongst all the siblings and the fiercest and finest a swordsman in making just at six and ten. And yet he has not been able to rid himself off of the pang of pain he felt at that time. The betrayal from his parents— no betrayal from his father still haunts him. Now he not only has nightmare of the night he lost his eye. Added to the list is also the announcement of Aemma's betrothal.

Aemma kissed Daeron again, this time on his forehead. He too returned the gesture by kissing both her cheeks.

Seething, Aemond looked away and took a deep breath to calm down. But that seemed to do naught. Therefore having decided he had enough for the day, he took a step back and walked away. His temper at the edge and patience running thin. It would be wiser not to linger where such unpleasant feelings would only be triggered.

There is no denying that Aemond wants Aemma.

He wants her badly.

But Aemond has also learned from a young age that his wants won't come easy to him. Mayhaps the Sevens prefer to test his patience. Or likely they dislike him enough to take something in return. All his life he wanted to have his own dragon like the rest of his Targaryen family. After years of waiting, enduring bullying and taunts he has finally gained his dragon only to lose an eye in return.

"...It was a fair exchange" he had told his mother then. Even to this day on nights when he cannot fall asleep Aemond quietly wonders,

Was this truly a fair exchange?

If so... how?

His own brothers had their dragons but they didn't have to lose half their sight. Those undeserving Strong bastards each have their own dragons, even they have lost nothing in exchange.

Then why must he lose an eye?! Become so ugly and unsightly— a nightmarish visage that no girl aside from his mother and older sister can look at him without flinching. Ladies at court hardly ever look at him, even when they doaccidentally, their eyes can only contain the horror or disgust.

Even his rotting corpse of a father must feel the same way. Otherwise why would he betrothed Aemma to Daeron when obviously he— who now rides the largest dragon in the world and reads history and philosophy should have been the one chosen.

Criston Cole greeted Aemond as he reached the training yard. Nodding his head in similar gesture the one-eyed Prince marched towards the armoury and picked his sword of choice.

Aemond is well aware, that the easiest way to make his father change his mind about the betrothal is to make Aemma change her mind about Daeron.

A task which at this point is close to impossible!

But his hopeful heart has been whispering to him of another possible way. By all means it would certainly be a long route, however, it is the only path with possibility of hope. And it is the route he has been religiously following. That is, show his father and everyone— how undeserving Daeron is of being Aemma's betrothed.

The boy turned ten and two about six turns of moons ago, but still his hands wobble whenever he picks up a steel sword. Like a child he still prefers the comfort of a wooden sword. And Aemond takes great joy in disarming him only within few moments of the start of their sparring session.

Not only that, when Daeron took his first flight just few weeks ago, the whole of Royal family was present to witness this monumental event. Even the King was forced out of his bed and made to join. After all the servants whispers that Aemma had threatened to stop speaking to him if he did not present himself physically to support his youngest son.

For all it was worth, the whole family accept Aemma, had a great laugh when halfway into the flight Tessarion threw his rider into the water. Although it was frightening to watch Daeron crash into the Blackwater Bay. At least it gave him and Aegon the opportunity to laugh at Daeron for days to come.

But these little pleasures he felt at belittling Daeron, came with a hefty price.

It had ruined his relationship with Aemma.

Just the way he had soured towards his younger brother, she had similarly soured towards him. Now every time she even looks his way, her gaze holds nothing but hostility and resentment.

Well... he does not blame Aemma. She is still too young. Mayhaps when she grows to full maturity she will understand that whatever it is he is doing, he doing for her betterment. After all he is not just a man with a co*ck intending on breeding her. He is her older brother who cares deeply for her and has nothing in mind but good intentions for her.

At first Alicent worries. It's sawn onto her face.

Soon that changes and she fumes. Anger streaming through the veins under her skin like the branches of rivers; as she watches Aemond walking away, after having watched his siblings from a far off distance, alone and lonely for quite some time.

He was waiting for their invite to join them.

Sadly the invitation never came his way.

It would have come if Helaena was not occupied today, collecting her insects. Unlike the rest of her siblings she has a heart. As for the other three, Alicent has no words to describe her disappointment with them. Those three noticed him but not single one of them invited him to join. Aegon's too drunk to understand perhaps. Daeron cast a quick glance and frightfully looked the other way and Aemma exchanged a heated glare with him.

Furrowing her brows the Queen observes her children in the garden once again.

Aemma and Daeron are so focused into each other that they have purposefully blinded themselves to their surroundings. Helaena has wondered off somewhere in search of insects and was nowhere in her sight. And Aegon, as usual has passed out on the table.

Alicent turned and refocused on Aemond's retreating figure. She managed to catch a glimpse before he turned a corner and disappeared. The sight was absolutely heart wrenching and gut twisting for her. As a mother she was able to feel his pain and his anguish that courses through him.

It is because she is a mother, irrespective of wanting to Alicent couldn't bring herself to blame her children. In the end they weren't the ones responsible for creating this rift. The blame solely lies with their father! It is Viserys who has started it all. If only he would have stuck to his word and not altered the course of their plan, then none of this would have happened.

So she blames her husband and will continue to do so till the end of her time.

Viserys had one chance, just one chance to redeem himself as a worthy father to Aemond. Make up for the time when the boy lost his eye and he did nothing. Even then, with the decision of his, Viserys has snatched away Aemond's happiness. And for that reason alone Alicent will never forgive him.

In fact she felt no remorse when revealing that she will no longer proceed with the proposal of betrothal between Helaena and Jacaerys. And as ironic as it may be, in that moment Viserys did resemble Aemond. The expression on his rotting face following the revelation was the same as the one Aemond had after the announcement of Aemma's betrothal. The little ray of light that the old King had hoped himself to glimpse at was cruelly put out. Just like it had been done to Aemond.

From that day onwards his health made another rapid descent.

Of course as a wife it was difficult for Alicent to watch her husband's health get worse with each breath he took. But whatever ounce of sympathy and sadness she felt seeing what a steep decline his health was making, washed away every time she saw how much her poor boy was suffering.

Perhaps the emotions of a mother are far stronger than the ones of a wife. Because it was the voice of the mother that constantly chanted in her mind like a prayer that her son deserved better. His father may have failed him, but his mother would never.

Viserys had one chance to rectify the unjust he had put the boy through. And yet he took this opportunity to rub salt in his wound.

So what that Aemma likes Daeron! Helaena certainly does not like Aegon but she will marry him regardless and perform her duty. Rhaenyra too was made to do the same when she was married off Laenor Velaryon. So why must the same fate be not imposed on Aemma?!

In the deepest recesses of her heart, Alicent is sure that Aemond would make a much better husband than Daeron. The former rides the largest dragon alive, studies all day and is in the process of becoming one of the finest swordsman in Westeros. While the latter just rode his dragon for the first time just weeks ago, that too with great difficulty. And he still struggles to properly hold a steel sword.

Aemma may not understand Aemond's value now, but Alicent is certain, her youngest will appreciate him once she comes to maturity.

Although she has lost sight of him, Alicent decided to follow after her son. So that she could make sure with her own eyes that he was alright. It has become a routine of her to secretly follow Aemond to make sure he was doing alright.

Much to her relief the Queen found him in the training yard with his sword sparring against two knights: Ser Erryk and Ser Arryk.

And finally she was able to breathe out a sigh of relief.

The initial days following the betrothal were the hardest. Aemond had pulled himself out of everything. Isolated himself in his chambers. Barely ate, barely slept, did not go for his routine training. As a concerned mother the Queen stood outside his door for hours end in hopes that he would answer the door at her call. Tragically, each of her calls were ignored. It took weeks, close to a turn of moon, for Aemond to return to his regular routine. But the wall between them remained intact, as Aemond was under the misconception that his mother was in it. Because it was how his father made it sound like. And it seemed especially cruel to Aemond as his mother promised him a surprise two days prior. If she thought of this as a surprise for him— she more blind than his father is.

But Alicent Hightower wasn't one to so easily give up, especially when it came to her second son.

After months of patience the Sevens finally answered her prayers, giving her success in breaking his misconceptions.

Although with time and after various desperate attempts from his mother's convincing Aemond understood that his mother is not at fault. She never intended to betray him that way. Mayhaps that led him to heal and eventually regaining their prior closeness back.

Alicent knew she couldn't give him Aemma. So she decided to turn a blind eye and encourage her son it whatever may bring him happiness.

Often at night Alicent lays awake wondering— does Viserys realize the extent of damage he has done with their children? For sure not.

She has worked very hard to make sure her children form a lifelong bond. They stick to each other forever. But with one decision of his, Viserys seems to have ruined it for good.

By having Aemma betrothed to Daeron, not only it broke Aemond's heart, but at the same time also strained Aemond's relationship with Daeron. The years passed has built a wall between them. Although Daeron tries his best to break it but it only ends with Aemond adding more stones to strengthen its foundation. In return it has also put strain on Aemond's relationship with Aemma.

In simple words: because Aemond cannot stand Daeron. Aemma cannot stand Aemond.

Alicent did decide to take matters into her hands and get personally involved. Over the course of time she had many conversations and even scolded her two younger ones urging them to break the barrier with their older brother.

But to no avail!

While her tough words work wonders on Daeron and easily add guilt to him. It's Aemma, whom she cannot bend to her way. The girl has a mind of her own and is extremely headstrong. In addition to that, now that she is aware of her importance to her father, the King, she has become even bolder. And tends to think of herself in position as someone above the Queen. Therefore whatever may the Queen says does not effect her. Princess Aemma only does what Princess Aemma deems best for her.

So when her mother came to her almost in the verge of tears and begging her to reconcile with Aemond, Aemma demanded for Aemond to first apologize to her betrothed. Only then, she would reconsider reconciling with him.

An impossible prospect for sure. Aemond would never do that, he was too arrogant to apologize to Daeron.

As time passed more desperate Alicent grew.

Even though she had no intention of going to her father, but no longer able to see a way out of the maze her children had created, Alicent realized she had no other option but to address the issue to her father.

"…All he does is watch her. With that broken eye. The turbulent emotions in it could no longer be sealed. It worries me father. I fear he will not be able to hold on to these emotions for much longer and go mad." Alicent concluded, reclining on the chair she was occupying near the window, in her father's solar.

Ser Otto Hightower listened. In spite of continuing to write on the parchment, he paid full attention to what his daughter had to say.

"Mayhaps years down the line when the King is unable to do much, we must have the betrothal broken and have Aemma betrothed to Aemond. This way we can—"

The Hand of the King had lifted his head from the parchment and brought his gaze to his daughter. Looking every bit of the disappointed father, ready to scold.

"Erase such nonsensical thoughts from your head this instant Alicent!" Otto roared. "Even in dreams you should not entertain such thoughts. Forgot not, we're no Targaryens, we're Hightowers. One is enough, no need to have multiple practices of their queer customs. In due time Aemma and Daeron's betrothal shall be broken but all three of them must marry elsewhere in order to make suitable alliance which will be beneficial in the future."

Alicent bit the inside of her cheek at her father's answer, drawing just the slightest bit of coppery blood. In that moment she realized why she had avoided coming to him with this issue for so long. Truthfully, she didn't know how to feel at his blatant disrespect for her wishes to have two children betrothed, two of whom she wholeheartedly believes are better suited for each other.

However all those feelings dissipated when Otto called her again to make sure she had heard him.

In response Alicent stood and turned facing the door, frustrated. There was no point in further discussing the matter with her father. It was a waste of a time anyway. The man has no heart, no feelings, no emotions, he will never understand. But just as she was about to walk out of the door her father spoke again.

"In the meantime as a responsible mother what you must do is make the boy understand. Guide him to the right path, pull him out of those sinful thoughts. We have promising proposals coming for him. He shall have plenty to choose from. Lord Borros has four unwed daughters—"

Alicent looked over her shoulder and argued.

"The Baratheon girls are known to be plain faced."

"Your son is one-eyed!" Otto attacked her and she looked at him in disgust.

"Aemond will not agree. He wants Aemma. Has been wanting her since the time he lost…" She couldn't bring herself to finish it.

"He may keep desiring her for the rest of his life from afar. Matters of his heart are no concern of us as long as he does his duty properly. His own father cannot forget his own Aemma. But that did not stop him from performing his duty to his Kingdom. He married you and sired five children."

Alicent didn't say a word, but her gaze expressed shock, horror and hatred all at once. Tears glistened her eyes but that did nothing to Otto Hightower's taunting smirk.

Silence was loud between the two of them. He was just staring and out of habit Alicent began picking at her nails. An act hated by her father. It was more than annoying, as it often left her fingers wounded and bleeding. The Queen destroying her soft hands was not ideal.

The man reclined back on his seat without looking away. And as soon as Alicent stormed off the room, with a shake of his head the Hand of the King dipped his quill into the ink pot and returned to writing.

His daughter's naivety surprised him. It's not like Otto Hightower isn't aware of Aemond's growing feelings for his little sister. In fact the man has had his eyes set on that little Rogue since the time he claimed Vhagar. And on Aemma even before that.

And to unite these two?! What was Alicent even thinking!

Giving Aemma to Aemond would mean losing the boy for good. His feelings for her would bring him under her influence in the speed of heartbeat. She already has a strong hold over her father and eventually that hold would be passed onto her husband. And if Aemond is her husband, what she would do then no one knows. The girl is already so unpredictable that despite being so young, Otto still cannot predict in which direction she would roll her dice. Therefore he cannot risk having Aemond falling into her clutches. He's a far too valuable asset to the side of the Greens than any of his other siblings.

Maybe it's time he invited lord of the Storm's End and his four Storms to visit King's Landing.


A.N. Apologies for the long wait and a very short chapter that's hardly edited. If you notice any errors please point out ill have it corrected. I did intend to write three more scenes but unfortunately my health couldn't comply... so this is it for now, a filler chapter.

I've been really sick for the last few weeks which makes it difficult to write. However whatever time I get in between I try to distract myself and write during those times.

In any case I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you all for your support. Also, yes the story is slightly deviating from canon but this little changes would all make sense later on. Another thing to keep in mind— a presence of one extra person can always bring diversion to the storyline. In canon Otto didn't feel the presence to force Aemond to choose someone till his father's death. But here situation has taken a different turn, he has feelings for Aemma is causing problems between himself and his siblings and as Otto described if by chance he gets Aemma the problems greens- especially Otto Hightower would face.

Chapter 14: Storms coming to Kings Landing


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Alicent had no way of figuring out when the right time and place was or would be to break down the news to Aemond. The boy was expected to take one of the Baratheon girls for a wife.

Anyone of the four will do! The boy is free to choose. But remember, he must choose one!

Her father's instruction was clear and yet Alicent was failing miserably to even deliver him the news, let alone prepare him for the task.

To her credit Alicent had been trying. She had taken multiple attempts to have the talk with Aemond, unfortunately it always ended with words dying in her throat. In such ways she had wasted a fortnight. Now, less than a week remains till Lord Borros and his daughters' arrival to the court. And here, the Queen is yet to figure out how discuss the matter with her son.

Queen Alicent knows it is her duty to make the young Prince agree and to help him choose a suitable bride from a noble house whose alliance would benefit them in the future. However the mother Alicent found herself worrying constantly with thoughts like: Would he even agree? If not, then how must she convince her dear boy? After all the Four Storms are known to be quite plain featured. And truth be told, alliances be damned! Alicent actually wanted a wife for Aemond so beautiful that the whole court would wonder how such match was even possible. Especially those women who consistently whispered: "Who will marry that disfigured boy?" She hoped singers would write songs about her beauty and their love. So that the generations to come may know about the maimed prince and his breathtakingly beautiful wife.


The call of her favourite son pulled the Queen out of her chain of thoughts. She looked to find him watching her intensely.

"You're not eating."

He was right, Alicent barely touched the food on her plate that evening as they all sat down for supper in her apartment. It was just her and her children though. The King remained absent due to feeling unwell since the afternoon.

"Don't have much of an appetite. My mind is elsewhere to be honest…" Alicent paused, contemplating for a moment she decided to use the given opportunity and have the talk with Aemond.

"Oh Aemond…?" She began cautiously.

"Yes mother..."

"Lord Borros is expected to arrive with his family soon."

Aemond kept his lips tightly sealed. His gaze however moved over and settled on his younger sister. She was absently eating; quieter than she normally is. Suddenly Aegon leaned and whispered into her ear. And whatever he said made Aemma look at Aemond and smile.

The smile was so captivating that his heart began to race. And it wasn't long before it reached a point where Aemond feared the organ might break out of his ribcage.

"What is the purpose of lord Baratheon's visit?"

Turning to Daeron, Aemond clenched his jaw. Silently cursing the boy for being so daft to ask the most obvious question— the answer to which, he had no desire to hear.

Moving his gaze back to his mother Aemond noted, how nervously she was gulping.

Seated beside him, Helaena was looking at him. Even though Aemond didn't turn, but he could feel her eyes on him, watching intensely. Her voice was faintly audible to him. Although he couldn't make out most of what she had just said, but did pick up on a few words such as: dragon, stag and a witch…?!

And that made him turn, only to see that she was looking at him with broken eyes.

"Sister, are you alright?"

"Aemond… There's something you must understand," It was his mother who spoke.

Sighing the Prince looked at his mother again.

"You are expected to meet with all of Lord Borros's daughters and…" Alicent's heart felt like it had been pushed down to her gut, with how heavy it felt under her precious boy's hard gaze. Unable to do anything she decided to glare at the food on her plate.

"…and ultimately pick one for a wife."

Aemond remained still as a statue, unreadable like those stone sculptures but it came as no surprise as he has always been hard to decipher. However under the table his hands clenched into a tight fist. Helaena continued to pull a thread on her dress. Seemingly lost and utterly unfazed by the revelation. Across from her, Aegon chocked on his wine and Daeron leaned forward and looked at their eldest sibling in concern before turning to Aemond with the same gaze. And Aemma, stationed in the middle of the two brothers continued eating.

"Lord Borros has four daughters…" Alicent meekly continued. Her voice lowering as she went forward. "…I'm sure amongst one of them you'd find yourself a good match. Someone as intelligent as you and your sense of responsibility… and kindness—"

"And most certainly someone as ugly as you!"

"Aegon!" Their mother warned, but the older prince acted as if she wasn't even there.

"They may have both sets of eyes brother; but quite the plain faced they are, as the court says. And everyone knows, plain face is just a decent way to describe ugly. Then again, how does appearance matter when you— one-eye is the prospective husband, right brother?"

"I SAID ENOUGH!" Alicent roared, only to be ignored the same manner as before.

"So let us have a toast," Aegon raised his cup. Aemma joined and Daeron followed her. "To Aemond one-eye and his to be ugly Baratheon betrothed."

Aemond slammed down his cutlery, stood up and stormed off leaving his meal unfinished.

Alicent had stared at her firstborn with such hatred that she prayed to the sevens for him to choke on his wine this very moment.

"Sometimes I truly regret giving birth to you!" Alicent hissed, before getting up to quickly follow after Aemond.

"You do that all the time, mother."

Although that statement stung Aegon, he did not let it be shown. Instead he chuckled and raised his cup to his lips all the while watching his mother run after her favourite son.

"Do you think he went too far with his jest this time?" Aemma asked, her guilt ridden eyes looking down at her wiggly legs. Stones of guilt have weighted her heart down.

"Certainly." And Daeron's confirmation does not make her feel any better. Along with the justification that came following.

"But that's Aegon! It is impossible to expects decent manners from him. It was our mistake to blindly follow him. We should known better, we aren't children anymore. At least not I, 'tis I who should have stopped you." Having said that Daeron let out a heavy sigh.

Aemma reached out and grabbed his arm while her head leaned down to rest on his shoulder. Seizing the chance her betrothed pressed a soft kiss over her head.

"Mother is beyond disappointed. I am not even sure how we may make amends with her this time."

It was as if suddenly a realization came her, leading Aemma to sit up in erect spine.

"We have nothing to make amends for with mother. Come now…" She said pulling Daeron down with her.

Upon passing through Meagor's holdfast Aemma's pace quickened. It was when they entered a familiar dark corridor that Daeron halted in his step, making Aemma falter.

She turned giving him an irritated glare.

"Where exactly are we headed?" Daeron asked, with a tinge of uneasiness in his voice.

"We wronged Aemond, 'tis him whom we must make amends with."

"Now…?! At this hour…?"

"Yes now!"

He tried to reason. "Aemma it's the hour of the owl."

"So…?" She drawled, giving him a quizzical look. "The sooner we apologize the better it is." With that said she began to lead once more; this time with no intention of stopping. However she fully failed to notice how her betrothed paled.

Daeron gulped, dread settling inside him at the thought being in Aemond's presence with just Aemma as his companion. As much as he was eager to apologize and make amends with Aemond, he was also quite scared to face his one-eyed big brother.

Aemond sat, staring at the ferociously burning hearth, silently tormenting himself to the memory from the earlier in the evening.

With each recollection of the event the clenching of his fist became tighter and tighter.

The thing is… Aemond knows!

He need not be observant or possess intellect to be aware of how he's perceived throughout the court. The ladies of the court with their frightened gaze, gasps and gossip unintentionally, unwillingly or mayhaps even willingly made him aware of his lack of vanity from early on. Hence why despite his mother's insistence of him being the most handsome amongst his brothers, Aemond knows he is the ugliest. After all he is the one with the cruel nickname ofOne-eye.

Although it was excruciating at the beginning, but as time passed and over the years Aemond has come to terms with it. He has one eye— so what! He rides the largest living dragon of their time. He face harbours the big ugly scar— so what! He is well read specializing in history and philosophy. And he is damn sure in certain aspects he is far more knowledgeable than those young maesters.

So what gives someone like Aegon, a complete wastrel the right to call him ugly. Aegon will need to be reborn twice in order to be half the man as he is now! And he dares judge his appearance. Which is why Aemond barely gets affected by anything that comes from Aegon. Time of his older brother mocking and bullying him are over. As for Daeron, he is irrelevant. But when it comes from Aemma…

His heart twitched. Rage and shame dancing inside him in a fashion similar to the fire dancing in the fireplace. He felt humiliated at how he always sought after Aemma's approval. How deeply even the littlest of her action affected him.

Why…? He wondered childishly.

Why did she have to be so heartless?!

Why couldn't she be like their mother or Helaena?

Shutting his eye the Prince took a deep breath in hopes to have his nerves calm. Only to realize after reopening it, as he looked at burning fire once more, that little did it help. His turmoil remained.

Rushed talking just outside his door hoisted Aemond out of his reverie. Blinking a few times he turned towards his door and before he could even comprehend what was happening, the said door burst open with his kingsguard about to announce the arrival of his visitors.

"My Prince, its—"

"Save the formality for some other time Ser Erryk." Said Aemma, pushing past him with Daeron on the toe. The latter dragging a drunken Aegon along.

Aemond set his eye on the three. His gaze grew irritated as it moved from his sister to his brothers. And it harboured a special look of disgust as it focused in on their eldest sibling— who had his breeches unfastened. Clearly pulled out of some poor serving girl's cunny.

"My Prince I told them— you are not to be disturbed, yet the Princess wouldn't listen!"

Aemma simply rolled her eyes at the accusation before turning to kingsguard and dismissing him with a wave of her hand.

Ser Erryk turned to Aemond for his approval and after receiving a small nod from the one-eyed Prince, he made a quick curtsy and exited the Prince's chamber.

Even with the kingsguard gone, Aemond had said nothing. He just kept his gaze locked in on his sister whilst ignoring his brothers as if they were not even present there.

The air grew dense. The rift between them, the brothers, widening with each passing moment into an insuperable abyss. Because Aemond refused to spare them even a glance thus made it all the more difficult for Daeron to take the initiative. Therefore he could only rely on Aegon— the person who is actually the most unreliable.

On the other hand, disappointment was eminent on Aemma's face. She felt foolish for having expectation from a drunkard and a craven. Realization drawn in on her, that it is up to her to do something. She must take matters into hand, otherwise it will go nowhere. So without feeling or showing the slightest bit of discomfort Aemma sauntered forward in confident strides towards Aemond. She sat herself down on his lap with ease as if it was her personal throne and wrapped an arm around his shoulder like he was her personal possession.

A startled Daeron and an amused Aegon exchanged a look; neither of them having anticipated this bold move from their little sister. Then again it was Aemma— who neither understood nor gave a sh*t about how an action such asthis would be perceived. She still moved around without having to think of the repercussions of her actions.

"Must you both stand there like statues!" Aemma looked at the other two who were still standing by the door. "Come now…" she insisted, beckoning.

At this gesture Daeron pushed Aegon forward first, then with a hesitant step he made his approach. Trying his best to suppress the unsettling feeling fluttering inside his belly. His unease, poorly masked by his smiling face.

"I have brought them to you," said Aemma to Aemond, caressing the unmarred side of his face.

Aemond furrowed his brows. "Whatever for?"

"They are here to seek forgiveness. Both of them are deeply regretful. And so am I." Having said that, she kissed his cheek. Her lips landing very close to the scar.

Albeit shocked, leaning into her touch Aemond allowed himself to indulge in her warmth. His face looked nothing but peaceful as opened his eye and saw his little sister smiling at him. It was when she pointed that he turned to face his brothers. Right away the look on his face was replaced with disdain. First he focused on Daeron, scrutinizing him. The boy was so desperately terrified that he tried to seek shelter behind Aegon of all people. And the latter was far too intoxicated to be regretful. Clearly he was brought here against his will.

It was Daeron's apology that held the utmost sincerity. Even more so than Aemma's, but Aemond did not care. Aemma regretted her action and that was all that mattered. Without a doubt Aemond forgave her. To be honest, he wasn't upset at her to begin with; he was just hurt.

On the other hand Aegon said it differently.

"Let us be real, what are we even apologizing for?!" The eldest Prince said lying down on the floor in front of the burning fire, spreading his arms and legs.

Aemma glared at Daeron, deeply regretting to comply with his idea to having included Aegon. She should have known this worthless and good-for-nothing would make it worse than good.

"If anything, 'tis the lord Hand who should be apologizing to Aemond. Just like he should be begging for my forgiveness for having me betrothed to our mad sister." Aegon snarled, face turning away from his siblings, to the burning fire. Trying his best to conceal the sadness in his eyes.

"Do not speak of Helaena like that in my presence." Although Aemond warned, but he had to agree that in spite of being drunk Aegon made lot more sense.

"Quit pretending!" Aegon huffed. "We all know Helaena's a peculiar one."

The rest of the siblings were about to protest but the next words out of Aegon's mouth quieted them. Even his tone softened as he said the following.

"She's special that way… 'tis why she deserves someone who'd understand her… value her… look after her."

If asked, all three would agree that it was the first time their oldest brother sounded so soft and tender while referring to their older sister. Although none of them actually asked, secretly they were hoping for Aegon to turn just so that they could see the look on his face.

It was as if their prayer was answered, because the next moment Aegon turned.

"Instead, she's getting tied to me!" He pointed a finger at himself and chuckled bitterly. "A drunken wastrel who loves to indulge in cups and c*nts." His laughter got louder, making him sound like a maniac. "Look at me! Do I look like the best suited person to look after Helaena? She'll be only a burden for me. Just as I shall be for her."

There was no trace of emotion on Aemond's face but Aemma's showed contentment. She was glad to see this side of Aegon. As it indicates that he does care for Helaena in his own way.

"You can always try and change. Mayhaps then—" Daeron tried to persuade but Aegon interrupted, not giving him the chance to finish.

"I DON'T WANT TO!" He yelled, abruptly jumping up on his feet. Then, he closed in on Daeron. Looking every bit like the madman, which he often looked like due to his usually unkempt appearance.

Daeron flinched back. Aemma tightly gripped Aemond and the latter jumped into his protective stance, wordlessly warning Aegon to not approach Aemma irrespective of whatever he did.

"Why is it so hard for everyone to see that I do not want any of it! I want no part of the duty I'm not suited for. Just as I don't want to take Helaena for wife. And yet, everyone is so adamant on looking at me as if I'm the conqueror reborn!" He said dancing his head between his brothers.

"Why does no one ever care to ask about my own desire?!" There was a crazed look on Aegon's face as he closed in on Aemond and looked him in the eye, before shifting them to Aemma, but she shrunk back more into Aemond, almost moulding their bodies together.

"Very well then, since nobody is going to ask, I'd say it anyway… I Aegon Targaryen, wholeheartedly wish to become a brothel keeper."

There was an awkward silence. Fortunately, Aegon did not let it stretch.

"Down the line I dream to own every single establishment in the street of Silk and in flea bottom. For those of you wondering, sitting on the Iron Throne and rule Westeros isn't meant for me. However, I am perfectly capable of ruling over the whor*s and pimps of Kings Landing."

He finished with a smiling face. It felt good to pour his heart out. Made him feel lighter, as if the heavy weight has been lifted off of his shoulders.

The silence that came following dropped like the clothes on a body leaving the truth naked before all. And this time it lingered because none dared speak even though clearly Aegon had finished saying his peace. When it became apparent that none of them were going to speak Aegon decided to continue.

"Aemond, my brother… no amount of apology or regret from me would miraculously make those plain faced Baratheon bitches a beauty! Nonetheless why does it matter when this marriage is only meant for a political alliance."

"It does not have to be a political alliance only." Aemma protested shooting Aegon a scolding glare before turning to the brother whose lap she has been occupying ever since they've come in. "I am certain brother, you will come to find love with the one you choose."

There was a lot Aemond wanted to say to counter that statement. The words even crawled up his throat, only for it to ultimately die down inside. However the feelings were able to swim up the surface of his face. But alas Aemma failed to put two and two together. Either it was her young age and lack of experience or mayhaps her incapability to see beyond her own selfish interests prevented her from seeing it.

But of course it did not escape the eyes of his brothers.

Aegon took a moment to throughly scrutinize the scene unfolding before him. The way their hands entwined was quite intimate. In addition to the longing on Aemond's lone eye, which spoke volumes. Above all, his free hand that holding the handle of the chair, was now wrapped around Aemma's tiny waist possessively.

Curious as to how Daeron perceives this, from the corner of his eyes Aegon observes his youngest brother; the poor lad was literally squirming with overwhelming unease.

For Aegon it was definitely quite the amusem*nt. Whatever resentment he held against Daeron for interrupting his f*ck and dragging him here, has diminished.

"Indeed it is unfortunate and quite frankly unfair that as someone who understands and respects our Targaryen tradition and customs, ain't given the opportunity to fully live it."

All eyes turned to Aegon, curious as to where he was going with this.

"It should have been you marrying our sisters. Be it Helaena or Aemma; mayhaps both…" His voice held the same tone of mockery as it did back in time when Aemond was the one without a dragon.

Daeron became visibly tensed, Aemond's face kept darkening in anger and Aemma appeared confused.

"…but worry not Aemond, your brothers are here to resolve the issue. Daeron and I will share our wives with you."

Aemma gasped, her eyes becoming wide enough to pop out of the socket. Her reaction was just the boost Aegon needed in order to take his jest even further.

"You can f*ck them till your co*ck falls off. Not like anyone would be able to tell if you put a bastard in their womb." He laughed like the court fool has told the best of his jest.

Aemma glowered at Daeron.

"Now do you see why I was so against bringing him here! But no, you wouldn't listen!" She hissed, clearly upset with him, and it caused Daeron to cower.

"Come now sister, it shouldn't be that bad." Aegon snickered. "But if you are so appalled by his appearance then simply let him take you like the dog takes its bitch!"

Aemond and Aemma both shot up. Aemond was already reaching for his dagger when Aemma screamed quickly coming in between them.


Daeron also rushed to Aegon's side.

"Oh sweet sister there's no need for you to get so offended. Not like I have said—"

"GET OUT!" This time she turned to Daron and pointed towards the door. "Both of you leave this instant!"

Even though Daeron wasn't quite comfortable leaving Aemma alone with Aemond, especially after all that vulgar insinuation Aegon just made. But judging by the look on her face it was clear— she's going nowhere till Aemond calms down.

Unfortunately having no choice left he begrudgingly pushed Aegon— who was not yet done saying his piece, out of the room. And just before stepping out of the door himself, Daeron looked over his shoulder, looking at Aemma for one last time only to see her fully occupied with Aemond.

It was said that Princess Aemma Targaryen had spent almost two-third of that night in Prince Aemond's chamber.

Some night maidservants and kingsguards have claimed to have seen the one eyed prince during the hour of the wolf, carrying a sleeping princess Aemma to her chambers.

As whiff of the gossip reached Otto Hightower, he immediately summoned Aemond to the tower of the Hand and scolded him. Reminding him that Aemma is now growing, she isn't quite the child she used to be. Therefore he must not to be involved in situations where his little sister's virtue could be put to question— just like it had happened with his half sister years ago.

Then right after it Otto informed his grandson that the Baratheons are due to arrive in two days time and instructed him to prepare himself to meet them.

Aemond said nothing, he left with a wordless agreement. But the kingsguard stationed outside, gossiped with his peers that the one eyed prince left with a deeper scowling face than the one he entered with.

Aemma yawned— but had to quickly suppress it when it earned her, her mother's stern eye.

Naturally the youngest Targaryen princess isn't a morning person. All her lessons are scheduled in accordance to her sleep schedule. Therefore she is not accustomed to waking this early. And the fact that she was made to do so, in order to receive guests who are of little importance to her, left the her in a foul mood.

Moreover it further fuelled her frustration, when upon arrival she saw that it was just her mother, sister and grandsire; accompanied by Ser Harold Westerling at the gate, waiting to receive their guest from Storms End.

Whereas all three of her brothers were absent!

Aegon definitely was still in bed that is if he has returned from the street of silk. Seven only knows where Daeron was, mayhaps still asleep. And Aemond, who happens to be the supposed intended, did not have the decency to come and receive his to be betrothed. Instead he chose to carry on with his usual routine. And their mother could do nothing about it. Even then it did not dissuade her from having her daughters forcefully awaken from their slumber and brought here against their wishes.

"Make sure to have a pleasant smile on your faces as we receive them. Remember they are amongst our most special guests." Alicent instructed both her daughters.

While Helaena tried to practice a smile, Aemma only frowned.

"If they are so special as per your claim, then howcome none of your sons are present here to receive them."

The Queen's eyes met her youngest with a venomous glare

"Must you always be so resentful Aemma?! Tell me, why is it so difficult for you to do something so simple for your brother."

"Before I answer you, why don't you tell me why is Aemond still in the training yard? Should he not be here to receive his betrothed?! Someone as duty bound as him should know better."

"Aemma..." The Queen sighed tiredly, exhausted with her youngest's antics.

"Please mother!" Aemma scoffed. "Don't antagonize me. You are well aware of how—"

The sound of gate opening put an end to their mother-daughter bickering. Both straightened up and looked ahead. Yet Otto Hightower shot them both a cold look and scolded them to remain in their best behaviour before he marched forward towards the wheelhouse pulling in.

Soon as the wheelhouse came to a stop, a kingsguard quickly ran to open the door.

It was a brutish looking man that stepped out first. No doubt, it was the lord of the Storms End; Borros Baratheon. Then one after another stepped out his daughters—the four Storms.

Queen Alicent put on a wide smile, appearing delighted to receive their guest. Helaena suddenly became far too occupied with the centipede she just picked up from the ground. As for Aemma, her eyes widened with never before seen shock.

"What are they!?" The level of rudeness and insolence in Aemma's voice went hand in hand with the look of disgust portrayed on her beautiful face.

Her mother turned to her with a raised brow but Helaena was quick to come to her rescue.

"She meant 'who are they?'"

"I meant exactly as I said!" Aemma interjected. "We all know grandsire is blind with greed. But how could you allow this? Force your golden boy to pick his wife from amongst these horrid creatures."

Queen Alicent looked like she was ready to explode, as she swiftly grabbed hold of her youngest child's face.

"For the greater good of the crown, all of us must do our duty. Just as I have done when I married your father. Just like Helaena will do when she marries Aegon. Not everyone is as fortunate as you are, to be able to choose whom they wish to marry. So please keep those thoughts to yourself Aemma! Your opinion is not welcome nor appreciated." Alicent ruthlessly poured out all that came to the tip of her tongue. Helaena flinched at the cold and uncaring tone of her mother. But it had little effect on the person for whom it was intended.

"How could you, of all people do this to him, mother?!"

"They are not as bad." Helaena passed her judgment. Her words comforted Alicent enough that she somewhat loosened her grip on Aemma's face.

But Aemma wouldn't have any of it.

"He may lack an eye but that does not mean he must be tied down with someone so unsightly. Look at them mother! Each surpasses the other with their unappealing features."

"If you are so bothered, then why not marry him yourself!" Alicent angrily suggested.

"Now that is going way above his means!"

"The dragon shall have all his desires attained, when the crown sits his head."

Helaena suddenly began to mumble. Her hands covering up the centipede as if to protect it from looming doom; but as always her mother and sister were far too occupied in their own argument to pay attention.

"Then what would you have me do Aemma. Please share if you have any better suggestion that would benefit our house when the time comes."

"All I'm saying is that there are far too many noble houses in Westeros to make alliances with. Allow him to explore and find himself someone suitable rather than just giving him the option to choose between ugly and hideous."

Alicent was about to open her mouth to counter but closed it off at the sound of approaching footsteps. The atmosphere then shifted considerably, silence wrapped around them like a rope as Otto Hightower began to walk back, bringing with him Borros Baratheon and his daughters.

"Please I beg of you Aemma, do not sprout anymore of your nonsense in front of the guests. Keep your thoughts to yourself."

"Have no fear mother, I won't let you down." Said Aemma with heavy sarcasm in her voice. Then proceeded to flash her brightest smile at their approaching guests.

Helaena spoke again, this time in the midst of tensed silence her words were clearly audible; even then her mother and sister remained deaf to the forewarning.

"He shall have all attained, just as the conquerer's crown sits his head... just as the conquerer's crown sits his head,he shall have all attained... He shall have all attained, just as the conquerer's crown sits his head... just as the conquerer's crown sits his head, he shall have all attained... He shall have—"

"Helaena! Ssshhh!"

"Sorry mother…"

And just like that the Queen and the two Princess braced themselves to greet Lord Borros Baratheon and his daughters Cassandra, Maris, Ellyn and Floris.


A.N: If there’s anyone still reading this, thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed. For those of you who have been waiting... apologies for the long delay (i know almost a year). Hopefully the next update will by next month.

Chapter 15: The Chosen Storm


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Meet my daughters, my Prince," Lord Borros enthusiastically introduced them to Aemond. Having them all assembled in the garden, standing side by side according to their age.

Not too far off the maidservants were filling up the table for an intimate supper, meant for a private affair, that will be attended by the immediate members of the Crown and their esteemed guests. A small group of musicians sat close-by playing harps and lute-flute. Already seated at the head of the table queen Alicent was picking her nails as she watched the exchange between Aemond and Baratheons with a bated breath. Sitting to her right was her father observing the same thing. Helaena was seated next to her grandsire listening to her little sister whispering into her ear whilst their betrothed stood behind, yet to take their seat.

"This is Cassandra, the eldest. Maris— the second and the cleverest. Then there is Ellyn, and after that…" Borros Baratheon wrapped a protective arm around this particular girl "…it's Floris. She is the youngest and the prettiest of them all."

Aemond courteously took each of their hands and kissed the back of it. Save for Maris, with whom he had a brief exchange of pleasantries (an initiative taken by the lady herself) before inviting them to the table.

Borros Baratheon sat at the other end of the table. Aemond took the seat to the left of his mother. Floris was about to sit beside him but Maris tactically slipped through leaving a pouting Floris to take the next available spot.

The Queen watched, a frown etched upon her. She hoped for her son to be smart enough to not pick the insolent sister.

As it was expected of off the duty bound son of the crown, for the next couple of days Aemond had been seen in the company of the four storms. Viewing it as his duty and obligation, he decided to give them all an equal chance.

Those ladies on the other hand, in order to win his favour and secure the ultimate spot as his bride, fiercely competed against each other. None of them were ready to pass on the opportunity to become a Princess.

Shortly, from four the number was narrowed down to two. One that was of Aemond's choosing, and the other chosen by his mother.

Maris was his choice. Her father was right indeed, she is the cleverest and the intelligent one from the bunch. For Aemond it was easy to find common grounds with her. She often joined him in the library, where they spent hours discussing books of different genres, history, philosophy and even exchanging ideas and opinions on current affairs throughout the realms and beyond. Whereas her sisters preferred strolling the garden. They also went for walks but Maris's favoured spot happened to be by Belarion's skull. She openly expressed her admiration for dragons and frequently asked to see Vhagar but Aemond stalled, believing it to be too early for that. After all the only person he wanted to introduce to Vhagar was more interested in the puny lizard Tessarion.

Then there's Floris! His mother's favourite out of all the sisters, as she's the prettiest in the bunch. Therefore only to honour his mother's wishes Aemond decided to try again with the youngest sister. However in Floris's company, Aemond couldn't look more annoyed even if he tried, seemingly uninterested in anything she could potentially offer him. Not that she was offering anything. What irked him the most was that Floris had found herself in constant competition with Aemma. As if she could come anywhere close to his sister for comparison. And even more outrageous was the fact that she had taken a fancy towards Daeron. The audacity most definitely surprised Aemond.

But what actually surprised the Prince more was his mother's persistence, as she insistently kept pushing him toward Floris Baratheon. Stating how similar she was to Aemma. And Aemond highly disagreed with that statement. Appearance wise they're nothing alike. Not even their personalities match. Only aspect of their similarity being— like Aemma, Floris also pretty quickly manages to get under his nerves.

However, there's a world of a difference between Aemma getting under his nerves than Floris. The former is his family, his blood...

…to sum it up, she is his everything!

Even then, more often than not he finds it increasingly difficult to tolerate her nonsense. So what makes Floris Baratheon so special that he would make an exception to tolerate her as well.

Thus the decision was easy to make.

Albeit he was yet to verbalize, but his mind was certainly made. All that needs to be done is to let his mother know, that he has finally chosen his storm:

Maris Baratheon.

Animosity had been created between the sisters.

Only Ellyn remained neutral, as she predicted from start that the Prince would not pick her. Cassandra was deeply disappointed, because she believed as the eldest she needed to get married first. Competition between Maris and Floris lasted the longest, even though it was clear whom the Prince favoured.

Ultimately a week later, at the feast thrown in honour of the guests where Prince Aemond announced that he intends to marry lady Maris Baratheon.

The pair received the King's wholehearted blessing. From the Queen, Aemond received a soft kiss on the forehead whilst betrothed only received a forced smile. The Hand on the other hand, warmly congratulated the pair focusing mostly on Maris— an attempt to make up for the Queen irrational behaviour, where she barely acknowledged the girl. Afterwards the siblings from both sides congratulated the pair.

Ever since she was a little girl, Maris had always known that she was meant for greater things. And she had made it her motto to never give up till she achieved it. Yes, it made her the most ambitious one amongst her sisters. But good fortune always comes to those with high ambitions.

It had been proven to be true ultimately.

In the end it was her, whom the Prince chose! It is her who shall become a princess of the realm. And from her will be born the next generation of the Targaryens.

Maris could not have been happier with the changes that came her way with her new position. As the Prince's betrothed, she was now moved from the south wing of the red keep (where all the guests usually resides) to the west wing of the keep; which was closer to the royal family's residence. Her new bedchamber was much larger and grandeur in comparison to her own bedchamber back in storm's end. She has also been assigned a handmaiden, named Lyanna— a good natured chatty little thing.

And Maris intends to make good use of her in due time.

Next morning Maris woke up to the sound of swords clashing. Although it irritated her at first as she tried to blink her sleep away. Then suddenly she remembered, her betrothed is habituated to waking at the break of dawn to train. Motivated to catch a glimpse of the Prince she quickly left the bed. Picking up a shawl on the way and wrapping it around herself Maris stepped onto her balcony; only to be met with disappointment.

The view was not great. She could barely make out the small silhouette of the Prince in the distance as he sparred with Ser Cole. Maris made a mental note to wake up even earlier tomorrow so she can pay him a visit at the training yard.

Why wait? Why not now?! The thought changed her mind. Indeed, why must she wait for a day, when she can just go now.

Retreating inside hastily she ordered her handmaiden, "Help me dress."

A satisfied smirk made it to her lips as she did a quick examination of herself before turning to the door. Just as she was about to head out, a Kingsguard entered, announcing the arrival of Queen Alicent and her daughters.

No sooner than the announcement was made Queen Alicent gracefully walked in with her daughters in tow.

Excitement dropped from her face immediately and was replaced with vexation. Her mind spiralled as she thought bitterly, of all times they had to show up now.

Nonetheless Maris did her best to hold onto the smile, as a curtesy of course. After all she dares not frown before the Queen and the princess.

"Good morrow grace." She curtsied before the Queen and then acknowledged the two Princesses. "Princess Helaena… Princess Aemma."

"I hope we haven't disturbed your sleep." The Queen spoke.

To which Maris responded, "No your grace, I'm habituated to waking early."

"Ah my Aemond is just like that! He prefers to live with discipline."

"Maybe that's why he had taken a liking towards you." Princess Helaena added after her mother.

Unsure of what to say, Maris smiled awkwardly.

Then, telling Maris to sit — which she did, tentatively — the Queen and Princess Helaena took to the settee, while Princess Aemma approached the small table, plucked a grape from the plate and propped it into her mouth before sitting down on the other side of her mother.

The door opened again and a maidservant walked in holding a tray with four steaming cups.

"I took the liberty to bring tea. Hope you don't mind." The Queen explained, gesturing the maid to put the tray down.

"Of course not! In fact, thank you… your grace." Said the feisty Baratheon girl, quietly.

The maid quickly served each occupant in the room a cup and then one look of dismissal from the Queen had her make a swift exit.

"I'm glad that my son has managed to make his choice." The Queen hid a solemn smile behind her cup, unsatisfied with the choice her son made. But for Aemond's sake she decided to give it a fair shot before jumping into conclusions about the girl.

"My Aemond is a good man. He will be kind to you, much more than any other men in the city and that includes my older son. So I hope you will be kind him as well."

Maris smiled. "Most definitely, my Queen. I will be the honourable wife that he deserves."

"And you are okay with…" This it was Aemma who questioned, shutting her left eye and pointing towards it offensively. "… a husband who lacks vanity?"

Queen Alicent turned to her daughter glaring, but said nothing.

"On the contrary, I would say Prince Aemond is very pleasing to the eyes! In fact I would add he is the most handsome one amongst his brothers." Maris defended. "And if you think otherwise Princess Aemma… then I suppose your beautiful set of eyes truly lack vision."

Momentarily the youngest princess was taken aback. No one had dared spoken to her with such insolvency ever before. But was quick to come back with her counter.

"Of course Prince Aemond is very handsome! I suppose your statement would remain unchanged, even if he were to become pirate Aemond in the future. After all he's the second son with nothing to his name, therefore anything is possible."

"He shall acquire my father's land, his banner, his army. Is it not why this alliance is being made in the first place…?"

Aemma was about to open her mouth but the Queen interfered.

"I apologize for my daughter. At times her mouth runs ahead of her head. Anyway, my daughters and I are heading to sept for prayers. And I've come here to extend the invitation… that is if you—"

"It would be an honour to join you and the Princesses at the sept, my Queen."

Alicent smiled. Aemma rolled her eyes and Helaena suddenly began mumbling something incoherent about dragon, stag and the witch.


A.N: I'm aware that in canon he didn't choose Maris. However I always had a deep feeling that Maris is the one most suitable for Aemond amongst the Baratheon sisters. As she would probably be the one able to connect with him because of her intellect. So if the circ*mstances were different (which it is, in this story) he most probably would've chosen her. Anyway... for all we know by the time we reach the storms end part of the story, Aemond might change his mind about Maris. Let's see.

Thank you all for reading, hope you enjoyed. The chapter is a little short, which means the next update would hopefully be sooner, since I have most of it written anyway. If you do find any errors please don't hesitate to point out as you can probably see the story isn't proofread. And any thoughts or ideas if you have again, please don't hesitate to share.

Chapter 16: An Eye for An Eye


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Maris could barely contain her smile. Her dreamy gaze fixated on Aemond, her hungry eyes scanning him throughly.

Watching him train is most certainly a treat to the eyes. His languid movements as he swung his sword and charged at his opponent… how easily he disarmed them. With each move that Aemond made, Maris began to feel something bubbling inside — a strange feeling that heated up her face simultaneously sending jolts of current throughout her body ultimately sending shivers between her legs.

She observed, how hot headed and quick to temper he is. A trait which she despised in most men, now began to seem appealing. Her heart tried to argue and show reasons, but her head was quick to justify, theorizing, he has blood of the dragon running in his veins. In addition to that, her memories served her all the tragic stories of his childhood and the difficulty with which he grew up since losing his eye; narrated by the Queen and Princess Helaena yesterday, on the way to the sept and back.

The end result being, Maris grew to adore him more and more.

The sudden presence of another figure beside her took Maris by surprise. Turning she saw her little sister Floris. Naturally she tensed, allowing the feeling of possessiveness to take over as she charged.

"What brings you here?"

"The same as you."

Maris scoffed at that response, greatly flustered by her sister's presence as she couldn't comprehend why Floris was there. Then she wondered if her little sister had forsaken shame and came to admiringly watch the man that had rejected her. But her theory was proven wrong. After careful observation she realized her sister's longing gaze lingered on the other Prince, the youngest brother, Daeron Targaryen.

Maris heavily doubted the feelings would ever be reciprocated by Prince Daeron. Considering, not only was he already betrothed to his little sister, but he is absolutely besotted with her. So chances for Floris is almost nonexistent. But Maris felt generous enough to not open her mouth and rub salt in her sister's already open wound.

"Oh by the way, one of the serving girl's, I think her name is Dyana, she told me something interesting about Prince Aemond."

Maris rolled her eyes. Not quite keen on hearing about which maid her betrothed had f*cked. So she jumped to conclusion.

"I am not interested in knowing which maids he took to bed or still does."

"Dyana said, it's the older brother with that reputation. And she assured, Prince Aemond is nothing like his older brother. In fact there is no ounce of depravity in him. However…"

Floris paused, biting her lower lip and fidgeting with her fingers. Hesitation clearly visible on the face now. As she internally debated on whether or not to share the gossip she was told earlier.

"Go on, finish what you've begun." Maris challenged.

"He wanted to marry… his little sister."

Maris felt her heart skip a beat. But chose to remain silent, letting Floris continue without interruption.

"He has had love for her for a long time now. Even the Queen was supportive of it, albeit her strong repulsion for the Targaryen queer customs. It was said that, she suggested the king to betrothed Princess Aemma to Prince Aemond and Princess Helaena to Prince Jacaerys. However down the line, the king found out Princess Aemma and Prince Daeron held love for one another. So he had them betrothed. And out of spite the Queen had Princess Helaena betrothed to her whor*mongering son."

"Is there more to the gossip?"

"No, I'm finished." Floris turned to leave the training yard, now that Prince Daeron was done with today's training and leaving as well.

Maris stayed back, eyes unmoving from her betrothed. He was talking to Ser Cole. They appeared to be discussing about the sword that the Prince had in hand. She had hoped their gaze would lock, but it didn't. The Prince didn't even turn her way once. Although nothing showed on her face, but the truth of the matter is, the gossip had left her with conflicting emotions. Maris shook her head, avoiding the image that formed in her mind. Concluding it all to Floris being jealous and bitter for not being chosen by the Prince and at the same time developing crush on a boy who is already taken.

Saying goodbye to her family was easy. For Maris, it was much more relieving actually.

Since the Prince chose her, her sisters had been so hostile towards her that it became unbearable for her to remain in their presence. So in their last few days in King's Landing Maris avoided them like plague. Making it clear she couldn't wait to part from them.

Although her betrothed remained absent, but the Queen still showed up with her two youngest to bid farewell to her family. For that Maris was grateful. Besides that, she took great delight and pity in watching Floris looking at Prince Daeron with such love-struck eyes. The two would have made a handsome pair. They were nearly same age, with Floris being few moons older. Sadly, the Prince hardly noticed her or her longing gaze. As his full attention not even once deterred from his betrothed.

Soon as the wheelhouse carrying her family passed the threshold of the red keep, Maris turned on her heels and sprinted towards the training yard. Aemond was just wrapping up his training for the day and she couldn't wait to tell him about her day after listening to his.

They sat in the library in silence.

Though Maris would have preferred to be elsewhere where they could talk, but the Prince had planned to finish the book on Dornish history, which he had been reading for the past two days. Turns out, it was not bad. Even if they couldn't converse, Maris still could observe him from such close proximity.

Despite being dangerously handsome, Prince Aemond looked mature for his age. Years of hard and excessive training had aged him faster. Therefore despite being six and ten (sharply two full years younger than Maris herself), he appeared to be almost five and twenty. For which Maris was grateful because she had no wish to be wife to a man who looked younger than her. Everything about Prince Aemond is perfect, it's just that—

"My Prince, the Queen summons you."

Her thought was cut off at the voice of the Queen's handmaiden. Turning, she saw the woman at the entrance of the library, waiting for the Prince. Beside her, Aemond shut the book and stood at once.

"Are you finished reading?"

"No. Mother has summoned me, the book must wait."

"Shall I wait for you here my Prince? Would you be back soon?"

"That depends on my mother."

He only replied to the latter part of her question before following the woman out of the library. And disappeared for the whole day. Every time Maris inquired, the only response she received was:

"The Prince is with the Queen."

The next time she saw him was at supper.

"Ser Erryk, have you seen the Prince?"

"My lady, the Prince is occupied at the moment. He's accompanying the Queen and the Princesses to the sept."

A frown etched upon her lips at the information. Strange that the Queen hadn't invited her this time, considering her betrothed is accompanying. Without wasting another moment she rushed, in hopes to catch up.

She met them at the hallway, coming from the opposite end. The Queen and Princess Helaena already dressed in appropriate attire for the sept. A step behind them was Prince Aemond, carrying the other Princess on his shoulders, who was screaming profanities at him. And walking beside him was Ser Cole.

Maris swallowed, not understanding what was happening. Noticing her the Queen and her older daughter both smiled. However the Queen's smile failed to reach her eyes. But Maris couldn't care less about that, her gaze remained on her betrothed. Assessing what he was doing.

"Is everything alright my dear?"

She barely heard the Queen, her focus still on the Prince. Watching him hold his sister with ease, while the latter was fighting with tooth and nail to get down.

"What is going on?" She did not mean for the her query to sound like a demand but it did unfortunately.

"Oh that..." the queen pointed at her children behind her. "Well you see, our dear Aemma woke up this morning on the path to ashtray. She has been refusing to go to the Sept. But worry not, it's a common occurrence with her. Silly girl is easily influenced by her oldest brother. Usually when it happens Aemond forcefully drags her to the Sept. And it is one of those days."

"I see…"

"So did you need something dear?"

Baffled, Maris looked the Queen in the eyes. Unequivocally she was expecting an invitation to join. Not be asked if she needed anything!

"No your grace, it's perfectly fine. Thank you for asking." With great difficulty she held back the urge to invite herself. Her eyes casting a quick glance at Aemond, who seemed far too occupied with his little sister.

"Well then, we shall see you later." Queen Alicent said dismissively, before turning to the flock behind her and signalling them to follow.

Just like that, they left. Without sparing her a single glance. Maris didn't care for others, but certainly had some hope from her betrothed. The fact that he too didn't bother to turn, actually hurt.

Watching Aemma observing herself in the mirror, Viserys grinned. His heart heavy with joy and serenity. Such positive emotions were what he felt every time he was in the presence of his youngest child— the beacon of light to his dull decaying life. Everything little thing she does not only brings a smile to his face but also relives him of the constant agony which he gotten accustomed to living with.

"How much longer do you intend to stand there and look yourself in the mirror, my little darling?"

"Till my heart finds the answer it seeks, father."

"Do you know the last time I looked in the mirror was when my wife Aemma was alive."

"I would have done the same, if I had my flesh rotting away. You must understand father, mirrors are simply not meant for ugly people."

Even though the comment was excruciatingly insulting, it still made Viserys burst into a series of laughter that came from the pit of his belly.

"Come," Viserys called, extending his hand. "sit with thisugly old man for a bit."

Turning, Aemma walked back. Taking his offered hand she squeezed herself a spot at the edge of the bed. Viserys brought her small tiny hand to his lips and kissed it deeply before bringing it to his chest and stroking her palm with his thumb.

"My most beautiful child." He mused, playing with a lock of her silky silvery hair. "tis' beyond my understanding how you grow more beautiful with each passing day. As if the gods aren't finished making you yet."

"I'm aware." Aemma hummed. "Been told multiple time by many, especially grown men. However…" She frowned, entwining their hands. Her flawless fair hand against his dull rotting flesh was a perfect contrast.

"Do you doubt yourself then, darling?"


"You definitely should not. I can guarantee you, that your beauty will most definitely surpass Rhaenyra from her olden days, when she was dubbed the realms delight."

"So I've been told by various people, countless times. The last one being Jason Lannister, just yesterday. Still…"

"You find yourself doubting…?" Viserys finished her sentence not understanding where the insecurity was rooting from.

"Often I don't! But if by any means an ounce of doubt enters my mind, I look in the mirror. And instantly it clears away. However, what I can't comprehend is that, if my beauty is so talked about in court and frequently compared to the realms delight, then how come Prince Daemon hasn't shown any interest in me?"

Viserys honestly did not know how to answer that. But most importantly he prayed to all gods out there so that his wretched brother does not turn his wandering gaze upon another daughter of his.

"I was told he likes little girls. So why does he not like me? Is there something wrong with me then?"

Before Viserys could say anything or reprimand her for speaking so obnoxiously the Queen's voice floated in.

"You do not want that man's interest!"

The father-daughter duo looked to see Alicent striding in. A look of never before seen disdain on her face.

"Believe me sweetie, you're better off having him nowhere near you. Daemon is a pervert who preys upon young maiden."

"You sound like you're speaking from experience. Tell me mother, did uncle Daemon prey upon you as well when you were a young maiden?"

Alicent's heart had nearly halted to a stop. Her ability to speak left, as if her own voice had suddenly abandoned her. She cannot say she has ever felt fear quite like this despite knowing her daughter meant no malice, just asked out of sheer curiosity.

Alicent opened her mouth again in an attempt to speak but closed it off immediately. Not wanting to discuss this uncomfortable topic with her daughter in the presence of her husband. Instead she opted to give a generic answer.

"Like I said, he preyed on all young women."

"Like I asked, what about you?"

Alicent gritted her teeth. If Viserys wasn't present she would have strangled Aemma.

"Yes... including me." She cast a quick glance at her husband to watch his reaction. Only he had none. "However I didn't cave like your half-sister did." She replied, hoping and praying that her eyes did not betray her.

Of course now he had a reaction on his decaying face.

"Come now wife, let's not slander Rhaenyra's name." Viserys urged, speaking through a tired sigh.

"I think by now the whole realm knows what Rhaenyra's capable of. You should not bother wasting whatever energy you have left sugar coating her sins." Alicent spat, walking to the window. Her already terrible mood further soured when she caught a glimpse of Aemond and Maris Baratheon strolling the garden. In her perfect world, it would be Aemma by his side, not some outsider.

Sensing her mother's distress Aemma left her father's side and came to stand by her by the window. And soon as her eyes landed on the figures strolling the garden she immediately knew the reason for her mother's distress.

"Why can't you be happy for him."

"I would have been happy for him, if he were happy himself."

"He looks quite happy to me."

"Then you must be blind! Despite having two perfectly working eyes."

Aemma flinched at the way her mother hissed, through gritted teeth. But it didn't prevent her from rolling her eyes before turning on her heels and walking away. She had no desire to get into baseless argument with her mother in her father's presence and give him farther pain than he already is in.

Patience is a trait which Maris Baratheon was not known for. Yet here she was, waiting for her prince's arrival for quite sometime. With only her handmaiden Lyanna for company, who was busy chatting with the stable boy as he readied the horses which they would take for their ride today.

In all honesty, Maris actually wanted to meet the Prince's famous dragon and go for a flight. She even waited a long time for the offer to come from him. And when it didn't, she suggested so herself. Even then the Prince politely turned it down, stating Vhagar is not very welcoming to strangers and suggested they take horses and ride to the nearby forest.

It hurt her pride and inside she seethed at the suggestion, even if she did not let it be shown. She wanted to ride a dragon and fly above the realm. Not go horse riding like andals! It was not in her nature to be so demure, she is fierce and outspoken— just like the storm. But for now she chose to be patient and keep everything bottled up inside. Understanding it would be in her best interest to not anger the Prince. As she'll get plenty of time to ride his dragon once they're married. Ultimately birthing children who will someday have dragons of their own.

"My lady, the Prince…" Lyanna gave her a simple nudge.

Pulling out of her woolgathering Maris looked, and immediately her face dropped at she saw.

"He wanted to marry… his little sister."

Floris' words rang in her head like the bell of the sept as she watched her betrothed approaching, hand in hand with his little sister— who by the way spared no attempt to hide her disinterest. But for some reason the Prince didn't seem to care.

"Pardon me for the delay. My mother insisted I bring my little sister as a chaperone. And she, like always, was having difficulty waking early." Having explained the Prince turned to his sister and tucked a lose strand of her hair behind her ear. The tender smile made it to his lips did not go unnoticed by Maris.

"There is no need for you to apologize my Prince, in fact I'm delighted to have Princess Aemma join us." Maris managed to deliver the line with great difficulty. Never in her life she had this much struggle lying.

Fortunately, her terribly said lie went undetected because the Targaryen siblings were far occupied with themselves to pay attention. Aemma was trying to break free from the iron grip that Aemond had on her wrist while he watched, taking amusem*nt in her struggle.

Maris and Lyanna watched them, uneasily.

"He has had love for her for a long time now."

Truth is, after everything Floris had told, never in her sane mind would Maris be delighted to be in the presence of the youngest Targaryen. Simultaneously Maris also wasn't too worried. Just one look at the youngest Targaryen's eyes served her an assurance that Aemma Targaryen didn't reciprocate her brother's feelings. Then again why would she? The girl is far too pretty to settle for a man who has one eye. She mostly definitely wants a husband who's whole with all body parts working. And it was this realization that gave Maris a boost in confidence to interrupted the silver haired siblings.

"My Prince, shall we…"

"Yes of course."

Only three horses were prepared when they were four in number. It's obvious which one of them would be sharing a ride. It certainly wouldn't be her or her handmaiden. Maris clenched her jaws. The bitterness that she'd managed to subdue, has now returned tenfold. The thought of having to see her betrothed sharing a ride with the person he was so besotted with made her skin crawl. Before she realized jealousy crept up and pushed her to run her mouth.

"I was told you're the only one amongst your siblings, who is dragon less. Pray tell me, are you also without a horse of your own Princess Aemma?!" Maris taunted, turning to approach the white mare. But before she could even take the first step, a large hand harshly gripping her forearm.

Turning, Maris saw an absolute different face of her betrothed. His eye wide open in rage, his nostrils twitching in accelerated breath. He looked unhinged! Calling Aemmadragon-less felt like a personal attack. How dare this plain featured bitch, who'd never in her life be able to claim a dragon taunt his sister for not having one at the moment.

"You dare insult the Princess... my sister..." Hissed Aemond, his each word dripping with venomous resolve. "...apologize to her right now!"

Lyanna gasped whilst Maris recoiled at the intensity of his words. Her face full of anger and disbelief. Her heart sank at the weight of insult pressing down upon her in the form heavy weight. She glared, at this point unsure of whom she was glaring at— the fuming Prince or his sister who stood with a cold smile on her face.

However her intellectual brain soon took and reminded her that this issue must be resolved fast and the only way to do it...

"I said, Apologize. To. My. Sister." He punctuated each word.

Swallowing her pride Maris did what she was told to do, albeit curtly.

In response the Princess said, "All three of the horses are mine! Present from my father, for my sixth, seventh and eighth nameday."

Then she walked past Maris, sauntering towards the same white mare the latter had tried to approach earlier. Aemond followed, he helped his sister up and then mounted himself. One hand securely wrapped her waist while the other held the rein. Maris and her handmaiden Lyanna took the two remaining horses. Before they set off Aemma turned to Maris once more and said— more like threatened.

"Oh a friendly advice lady Baratheon… next time you have an opinion about me, do think very carefully before voicing those thoughts."

Maris walked beside her handmaiden while her betrothed and his little sister walked ahead.

She felt herself boiling. Her blood has long turned into the molten lava. She knew she should not have been too hopeful after angering the Prince. Still! She had not anticipated their outing to be this bad. The Prince had kept his sister on his good side, held her hand protectively all throughout. While she, his betrothed, ended up on his blindside. Struggling to keep his attention. On top of that, they hardly spoke. Whatever attempt at conversation Maris had taken was vehemently dismissed by him. As he'd mostly respond with his signature 'hmm' and the times he felt generous or it really required him to speak, he responded in one word.

Naturally the trip was no longer enjoyable for Maris. She frequently found herself seething. The Princess who came as a chaperone has made herself the centre of attention.

Finally when it was time for them to return, Maris couldn't be happier. This disaster needed to end soon.

As they returned to the red keep, the group was greeted by a very distressed looking lady Lyanne and Ser Criston Cole waiting for them at the gate.

The Prince was the first to dismount, then helped his sister and after that came around and helped Maris down. By then the two people waiting for them approached in hurried steps and Aemond left her to listen.

Although Maris couldn't exactly hear what they were discussing because of the hushed whispers but the abrupt change in body language of the Targaryen siblings told her the matter was very serious.

Prince Aemond became visibly rigid. As for the Princess, when she turned to her brother, she had her eyes brimming with unshed tears. Her lady was trying to console her. Maris exchanged a worried look with her handmaiden. But before she could attempt at reading the Princess's lips, her brother tugged her along.

The siblings along with the Princess's lady went back inside as swiftly as they could whilst Ser Criston approached them and walked Maris and her handmaiden to her chambers and advised them to remain in there until stated otherwise.

The halls of the red keep never felt so long.

It was as if they had been running for ages, yet the destination was nowhere near. Their entwined hands clasped tighter. And who took the initiative for the gesture at this point did not really matter.

Finally as the door to King's quarter came into view Aemma felt her heart jumping up into her throat.


She was not ready for whatever brutal reality awaited them inside.

Her feet slowing down. But because Aemond had such long legs, his each step led them closer and closer.

Entering the King's chamber the two finally separated. Aemma rushed towards the bed where her father was placed, having three masters including the grand-maester working on him. Aemomd went to his mother who was not too far from the bed being comforted by Daeron. Helaena stood next to their grandsire, who stood behind their mother. And Aegon was sitting on the table, next to the model of Valyria.

Seeing her favourite boy approaching, the Queen pounced into his arms and began to sob.

Aemma reached for her father's boney hand and brought it to her lips, kissing each of his fingers. All the while shedding drops after drops of tears which fell from her face and landed on his hand.

The maesters paused, grand maester Orwyle declared facing the royal family.

"The King lives."

Most members released the breath they were holding. But the concern on the grand maester's face remained as he marched over to the Lord Hand and the two left for a private discussion.

When they returned, Otto Hightower dismissed the children and asked his daughter to see him in the tower of the Hand. All the children obliged, in fact Aegon was the first one out of there. Only Aemma refused. The grand maester explained to her about the procedure they would perform and how bloody it could get. But the youngest Targaryen remained steadfast in her decision — she will not move and absolutely nothing could make her leave her father's side in his current state.

Quietly she stood in a corner of the room and watched the maesters work.

Maester Orwyle did not lie when he said it would get bloody. There was blood everywhere… the bed, the sheets, the floor, the sleeves of the maesters grey gowns were soaked in blood.

Aemma began picking at her nails, turning them bloody as she worried if her father would survive whatever it is that the maesters were doing to him.

It was several hours later when the maesters finally finished the task. While two maesters worked on wrapping up the King in fresh linen and giving him another dose of milk of poppy. The third one walked to the nearest table and put a small glass jar, some bloodied linen and a tray with all the blood covered tools and equipment.

Aemma walked up to that maester who advised her to go to bed as the King will most likely be in an unconscious state for the next few days. But she hardly paid attention to the advice, instead her focus was on the glass jar and the familiar object inside it.

"Is that…?" Aemma couldn't bring herself to say the word.

The maester nodded, confirming, it was exactly what she was thinking.

"It is fully functioning but alas the infection has spread to the area surrounding it. Therefore it could no longer be held in— Princess! Princess!" The maester exclaimed as Aemma suddenly took the jar and stormed out.

Just because he was lying with his eye closed doesn't mean he was asleep. In fact whatsoever light sleep was there, left, the moment the door opened with a creaking noise. And he instantly knew it was not the main door, but the other door that led to the hidden passageway.

Instinctively he tensed. After all not many people knew their way through these passageways. Even their mother would get lost halfway through. The only exceptions aside from him and his siblings were some servants who had been serving in the keep long before he was even born. Only other explanation could be assassins.

His one hand was already under the pillow, holding his dagger, ready to strike. But his senses calmed and body relaxed to some degree when his nostrils were hit by a familiar lavender-jasmine aroma.

His sharp ears picked up the sound of her nearing footsteps and he tensed when she joined him under the sheet. His brows furrowed and hand tightly clutched onto the pillow. Aemond didn't dare turn. Even when every cell in his body was begging him to do so.

"Aemond, are you awake?" Her call sounded like an invitation that he knew wouldn't be wise to accept.

He felt his temper rise. Aemma could be so stupid sometimes. What was she thinking? Coming into his chamber this late and joining him in the bed on top of that. She most certainly has lost her mind. What if they're discovered? The damage it would do to her reputation — not even their father would be able to mend it.

"Aemond?" She tapped on his shoulder.

"Mh!"His breathing wasn't the steadiest. He furrowed his brows and tried to melt himself into the bed. But that effort became futile with her next request.

"Please turn."

He did! Despite not wanting to, he still did, as his body decided to disobey him and listen to her.

She gasped, sucking in a sharp breath. Not used to seeing him without the eyepatch donned. Aemond was quickly reminded of the time he first revealed the sapphire to his siblings. Aemma's horrified screams haunted him for a long time. Since then he made sure to never appear before her or any ladies of the court without having it covered. However, at this moment he did not care for the aesthetics, there were bigger issues at hand. Such as Aemma's sullying reputation if they're caught in the current state.

"What is it?" He did not care how harsh he sounded. He was doing it for her own good. Saving her reputation from being tarnished, which she had little care for.

"I have a present for you, Aemond." She raised the glass jar within the periphery of his vision. But he paid no heed.

"Tis' the hour of the owl!" He began with a hiss, and his voice escalated as he continued. "You've entered my bedchamber through the dark passageway and invited yourself into my bed. What gift could you possibly bring with you but your cunny—"

"EYE!" She shouted over him. "I BROUGHT YOU AN EYE!"


His heart came to a complete stop before it began racing rapidly.




Long uncomfortable silence fell between them.

His singular eye moved to the object in her grasp before returning to her, all startled and stunned. His heart fighting fiercely to tear out of his chest.

Aemma could read signals of the violent storm brewing inside him. The abrupt awakening of the years of subdued rage, his turbulent emotions and the pain he has endured in silence for so long was devouring him from inside.

In an attempt at easing his agony Aemma closed in, entering his intimate space. Their noses almost brushing. She smiled a hopeful smile while her free hand reached to caress his face tenderly.

It took him a moment but he finally caved in and basked into her touch.

…Aemma! …Aemma! …Aemma! His heart thumps.

Her other hand slid down… reached for his hand… and gave him the gift.

"Sorry." She finally broke the silence.

"Whatever for?"

"For failing to get you Luke's eye."

He got the urge to laugh at the irony. She was giving him aneye and apologizing simultaneously. Both of which his father failed to give him.

"It was never your fault sweet sister—"

"Consequently I'm giving you father's eye instead." Carefully she traced a finger over the glistening sapphire. "As the adult and the one with power he did absolutely nothing when your eye was wrongfully taken, which makes him equally if not more responsible. However I'd totally understand if it does not hold the same value to you."

"Why make me so indebted to you Aemma?" Shutting his eye, he closed the gap between them more, if it was even possible. His mind running thick with emotions that he couldn't phantom nor has he ever felt before.

"How am I ever going to repay you? My blood and flesh will never be able to outweigh the things you've done for me." He spoke in high Valyrian.

"That's not important. Come, let's go see the grand maester, I'm sure he can—"

He cut her off with the shake of his head and left the bed. Desperately searching for something to drink— he was parched.

Aemma followed him steps behind, her large eyes assessing him carefully as he drank himself a glass of water. He needed space, that much she understood. And as much as she wanted to grant him his desired space, now it was not the time. The eye definitely won't be preserved for long. So in order to get his vision back they must act fast. But judging by his odd behaviour it seemed like he lacked the interest to visit the maester.

"We must hurry." She tried to rush him.

"It's useless… unfixable…" he said plainly, speaking through a sigh while running his fingers through his loose hair. "… half my vision is forever lost."

"No… No! No! It cannot be!" She exclaimed closing the gap between them in quick strides. With force she turned him to face her. Her hands grasped his arms so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

"Please Aemond, don't lose hope. Let's go to maester Orwyle, surely he can figure out a way for you to find your vision again!" Disbelief and refusal to accept the reality remained unwavering on her face.

He simply held her by the elbows and brought her to his chest.

"Aemond please..."

His only response was to kiss the top of her head before sinking his face into her hair. He let the silence speak on his behalf and it did. The unshed tears that were brimming her eyes began pouring. Burying her face into his chest she let out a chocked sob.

His heart shattered for both of them.

Just then the door opened to reveal their mother. For a moment the siblings froze in terror before quickly coming to their senses and pulling apart, creating a decent space between them.

Quickly entering Queen Alicent slammed the door shut before the King'sguard could catch a glimpse of Aemma inside of Aemond's chamber, then go around spreading exaggerated gossip.

Both braced themselves to the chastised.

Instead they were faced with their mother's smiling face.

A hauntingly genuine smile.

"Good that I found you both together." She walked over, took each of their hand and guided them to the nearest settee.

"Come, we have much to discuss."

Sitting them down side by side Alicent took to the chair on the opposite side and looked directly at her daughter; wordlessly demanding an explanation for her presence in her brother's bedchamber at this indecent hour.

The three of them sat quietly. The silence stretching longer than it was deemed necessary. The weight of her mother's silent demand hung heavy in the air, making it almost unbreathable for Aemma. Deep down she knew that she owed her mother an explanation. But simply didn't know how to start.

Lucky for her she didn't have to, because Aemond came to her defence.

"She came to give me this." He showed their mother the glass jar. And the topic was put to rest when Alicent asked no further questions.

Following another round of silence their mother began, sighing in despair.

"Your father's condition has rapidly deteriorated. He lives because the gods have bestowed mercy this time; but…" She left the rest to be interpreted.

…next time they may not be so kind.

"We must be prepared for when that time comes."

"What is expected of off us?" Aemond asked, ready to take on the duty that would be assigned.

"I need you two to start writing the invitation. Ravens are expected to be sent out by morrow onwards."

Aemma arched a brow. "What for…?"

Clearing her throat Alicent declared.

"Your grandsire and I have jointly come to the agreement. Aegon and Helaena should be wedded within the fortnight."


A.N: Thank you all for reading. Hope it was worthwhile. In canon Aegon and Helaena got married very early but as you can see it happened a little differently here.

Chapter 17: Tourney


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The last celebration to be held at the Red Keep was three years ago. Namely it was the King's nameday celebration where he announced the betrothal of his two youngest children.

Now, three years later, the Red Keep and all of King's Landing was once again preparing itself to celebrate the marriage of King's first born son.

Time seemed to fly by in a whirlwind as the preparations for the wedding celebration began. It has been keeping everyone on the edge ever since; especially the Queen—who has had her hands full with all the problems weighing down her shoulders. Starting with her decaying husband. Her cunning father whose ambitious knows no beyond. Her five children— each of whom are a unique character. Amongst them the two most mismatched ones are getting tied down to one another.

While Helaena had no reaction when Alicent had broken down the news of her nuptial to her, but Aegon certainly did. He tried to flee, only to be caught by Ser Erryk at the Meagor's holdfast and be dragged back. It was embarrassing to watch nonetheless.

Then Daeron — the child that gives Alicent least amount of trouble — has suddenly decided to partake in the upcoming tourney. It wouldn't have posed an issue, if he were of proper age and not two and ten. How would he compete against experienced knights and men being such a young boy.

Initially Alicent assumed it was Aemma who instigated the idea. Turns out she at least has the sense to understand how risky it could be and in fact relentlessly discouraged him to her best ability. But for the first time Daeron didn't listen to her. He remained steadfast in his decision, determined he would win and crown her before all— Queen of Love and Beauty.

So far the only two that has been surprisingly helpful and cooperative were Aemond and Aemma. For having the best handwriting the Queen made them write the invitation letter. Aemma even went as far as to help design the dress for Helaena. The only disappointment for Alicent was that for herself Aemma chose the colour combination of black and red— true Targaryen colour— for all occasions. And here Alicent was hoping for once Aemma would wear green.

The Baratheons were one of the first guests to arrive, much to Maris's dismay.

Due to not being in the best of position with her betrothed, she decided it would be best to keep herself a good distance away from her family; especially her sisters— those bitter bitches, who'd love nothing more than to gloat on her misery. She already has had enough, having her patience being tested on more occasions than she can count by now. Last thing she needed now is to be further humiliated in front of her sisters.

Her naive heart was hoping for them to not come at all. But then she received a raven, informing that her family was due to arrive soon. Her thoughts ran as grim as to hope for them — her own family— to get perished on the way. But fortunately for them and unfortunately for her, nothing of that sort happened.

Amongst other notable guests were Vaemond Velaryon and his family. Rhaenys's absence was whispered about although it was understandable and in a way expected. Considering how brutal the last few years have been for her— losing both the children one after the other, in addition to that mourning them all alone when her husband— the sea snake, suddenly set sail for the Stepstones again.

Rhaenyra Targaryen's clan was also not in attendance, even though the very first ravens was sent to Dragonstone. However a quick response did come. The heir had congratulated her siblings and wished them the best. She also sent her apology for not being able to attend due to recently being with child again. But Alicent knew it was all an excuse. In truth, Rhaenyra lacked the courage to face her after everything that transpired at Driftmark.

To everyone's surprise, house Stark was in attendance. The bedridden Rickon Stark— the lord of Winterfell, sent his recently widower son as a representative of the north.

"Where's your brother?"

Alicent asked Aemma, just as she entered Aegon's chamber. It took her less than a moment to understand whom her mother had referred to; Daeron.

"With Ser Criston, practicing for the tourney." She answered, dropping down next to Aemond on the settee and raising her legs up to rest on his lap after taking off her slippers.

"Oh dear!" Alicent sighed. "I'm starting to worry. That boy is taking this tourney far too seriously. I hope it was neither of you boys who put this risky notion into my little boy's head, that he must win a tourney to impress his betrothed."

"Of course not, mother." Was what Aemond responded with.

Aegon on the other hand simply arched an eyebrow. Quietly observing how their pious mother was simply playing willfully blind like their father and purposefully overlooking something so… indecent. Aemma's feet were far too close to Aemond's crotch, if not already brushing his co*ck. And their mother was using her concern for Daeron as a method of distraction, rather than asking Aemma to remove her feet and sit properly.

Aemma is young, naive and a little too reckless to understand the repercussions of having her feet placed so close to a man's co*ck. But what happened to their so righteous mother who prefers to live every moment under the guidance of faith? She certainly isn't naive nor is she blind. Yet, at this very moment she was pretending to be both.

And it did not end there, her next course of action only proved to Aegon that she was complicit in it.

Alicent moved closer and positioned herself in between in such a way that her body blocked the view of the seamstress who was taking Aegon's measurements before starting to rush the old woman to finish her job.

Aegon was no idiot! He could easily see through his mother's ploy. It was as clear as the water that Alicent Hightower was deliberately trying to have the seamstress dismissed, so that her golden boy could continue to enjoy the co*ck-rub without having to risk his or their little sister's reputation. Regrettably fate did not take their side, because moments later a knock was heard.

Aemma hastily straightened and sat properly before the door opened and a King'sguard walked in, announcing:

"You have been summoned by the Hand of the King, Princess Aemma."

Aemond and Alicent shared a look. Both thinking the same thing— what could Otto Hightower possibly want with Aemma? The man doesn't even move a bone without a hidden agenda. So what is he up to this time that it requires the presence of the youngest Targaryen Princess.

And to everyone's surprise, for once Aemma played the role of an obedient child and left with the King'sguard without making a single query.

"You should come out with me tonight."

"To where exactly?"

"co*ck's Inn. Madame has brought few new girls from Lys. I had one wet my co*ck yesterday. I must say quite the pretty thing she was, and knew how to use her mouth best."

Aemond rolled his eye. He didn't even want to entertain this conversation.

"The youngest one among them is not to be bedded, as she hasn't bled yet. I've had a glimpse of the girl though— the exact same age as our Aemma, has the same type of expressive eyes, except that whor*'s are a tad smaller, unattractive and hazel. Then again it's unfair to draw comparisons between a Princess and whor*."

He paused to sip his wine.

"In any case I'm sure for a hefty price you can get your co*ck sucked by her. I can haggle a deal for you with the madam. What do you say brother...?"


Came the younger brother's absent response, as he continued to look out through the window he was standing in front of. Unable to tear his focus or his gaze away.

Aegon grew irritated. "Who are you stalking?"

"No one in particular."

His tense jaw contradicted his statement. He was definitely watching or rather glaring at someone. Curious to know whom it could be, made Aegon pick up his cup and come to stand beside his brother by the window.

For a moment he was rendered speechless when he found Aemma being closely followed by a man whom he scarcely recognized as Cregan Stark. From their viewing point it appeared as though the two were merely enjoying each other's company as they strolled through godswoods.

Now that explains Aemond's constipated mood.

"Oh don't they look cozy!" Commented a highly amused Aegon, putting an arm around his brother's shoulder for moral support. But Aemond was quick to swat it away like it was some filthy fly from Flea Bottom.

"At least now we know why the Hand summoned her so urgently. Although the real wonder is how did he actually manage to get Aemma to agree to keep the Stark company. What could that old c*nt possibly have bribed her with?"

How indeed?!

Aemond was also racking his brain wondering the same thing over and over again. But the response he gave was a disinterested "Hm…" forgetting the fact the his older brother knew him better even if he had strange ways of showcasing it.

The week long celebration was set to commence with a tourney in honour of the couple.

The gallery was filled with loud and cheering crowd. With members of the crown occupying the main section. As the guests of honour Prince Aegon and Princess Helaena were made to sit at the centre of the front row. The intoxicated groom was slumped on the chair, struggling to keep his eyes open which were red and puffy from drinking all of last night. His bride, sat stiffly beside him in worrying silence. Princess Aemma occupied the chair next to her sister and on her other side sat the Queen.

Due to the King's absence, his Hand occupied his seat; which is at the centre of the middle row. On his right were his older brother lord Hobert Hightower and both Jason and Tyland Lanister. On his left sat Prince Aemond, next to him was his betrothed and her father, Borros Baratheon.

Maris wore a bitter expression on her face, upset at her betrothed for not participating. Had he participated, surely he would have won. Such a tragedy that he thought so lowly of these tourneys.

The tourney began with Tyrell versus Tully, where the latter easily unseated the former and claimed victory. For a while it went on without any apparent surprise. Just the regular one participant throwing the other off of the horse.

However it does not take much longer for Aemma to conclude that the tourneys were far too violent for her taste. Her earlier excitement began to slip away and she began fidgeting the wreath of —lavender, lilac and jasmine— which she had weaved with her own hands, taking three days to perfect it after finally accepting there was no way she could make him back out.

A Buckwell unseated a Celtigar.

Aemma flinched, her jaw tightening. Now guilt was seeping through, she was starting to regret not trying harder.

A Stokeworth fell after being swatted by a Rosby.

Aemma clenched her eyes and a moment later reopened just one eye to assess the damage; which only made her realize her leniency. No matter how, but she should have fought fiercely and done everything she possibly could to not let him be a part of this bloody tourney!

Aemond is quick to notice Aemma's discomfort. He threw an irritated glare at his mother. In spite of sitting next to Aemma, she somehow remained too distracted by her own worries to notice her daughter squirming.

A Wendwater boy gets thrown off the horse by Ser Erryk Cargyll. And as Erryk Cargyll leaves the tiltyard Ser Gwayne Hightower enters. Bringing his horse over to the audience he ask his niece, Princess Helaena for her favour. And the bride to be, gladly slides her wreath down his lance.

Gwayne Hightower claims victory but it comes at the cost of his opponent ending up bloody with several broken bones. From there it starts to get viciously violent, bloody and messy. As it happened, the next set of participants to enter the tiltyard are a Bracken and a Blackwood.

There was an eerie silence lingering through the gallery. The audience sat with bated breath while the two participants from the respective houses that are notoriously known for their hatred towards each other and would find the slightest excuse to spill each others blood, gallop around the tiltyard in a way that is tentative, taunt and uneasy before taking position.

Aemond clenched and unclenched his hands in tension. Frightened from start, Aemma is now visibly shaking and neither his mother nor Helaena yet noticed. Brackens verses Blackwoods is about to start, and he cannot let Aemma be by herself when this tourney is about to be at its filthiest.

After excusing himself from his betrothed, without wasting further time Aemond stood, garnering some attention on himself. Then walking over to his mother he asked to exchange seats. Alicent gladly obliged. While Otto Hightower glared from above. But the mother and son both ignored him at best.

Maris wore a look that could be best described as a combination of shock and rage as she watched the Queen take the seat previously occupied by her betrothed, offering her only an awkward smile. While he was already seated next to his little sister, with their hands entwined.

Looking around Maris noted some ladies from the audience, her sisters included, giving her a pitiful look. Shame rose to her chest, and she hoped that it wasn't painted all over her face.

The Blackwood managed to push the Bracken out of his horse but in doing so, he also fell. The two then got at it with each other. The next passing moments were absolutely brutal that resulted in both being mutilated. One dead on the tiltyard and the other not expected to see the next sunrise.

The entire time Aemma kept her eyes shut and pressed both her hands to her ears to block the horrific sounds. Helaena made herself busy with the beetle she picked up at some point. Aemond was gently rubbing his little sister's back to comfort her. Aegon was the only one seeking entertainment from the bloodbath.

Once the bodies were pulled away and the tiltyard cleaned up hastily, entered the northerner, Cregan Stark. Like their uncle he also brought his horse over to the gallery and extended his lance.

"Although I'm fairly certain I can win these games, but having your favour would only assure. All the while making it sweeter and worthwhile… Princess Aemma."

The said Princess blinked, trying to process what had she just heard. Then quickly resonated to the best solution her brain could master in the moment; which was— to pretend not to hear him.

But alas, that effort met its end as Aemond began to poke his nose into her business.

"He is asking for your favour." He whispered into her ear.

Frustrated, Aemma tightened her grip on the wreath on her lap.

"I specially made it for Daeron. Hence I refuse to give it to the wildling!" She hissed, whispering below her breath.

Aemond smirked, as he challenged her. "Go on, refuse him then."

Gulping, Aemma cast a quick glance around and became even more nervous after seeing that all eyes were now focused on her. Anticipating her next move. Still, she did not want to give him her favour. It was for Daeron!

On impulse, she ordered Aemond. "Give him the sapphire!"

"What?" He raised a brow. Somewhat in disbelief and somewhat amused.

"Pluck it out of your socket and just give it to him. I give you my word, I'll get you another." This time she sounded like she was begging. Indeed begging she was out of desperation.

"Oh sweet-sister, you seemed to have lost your mind. The northerner has asked for your favour, not mine!" Taunted Aemond.

"How much longer do you intend to keep him waiting? Quit wasting time." Aegon doubled the pressure on her. Getting irritated at the increasing wait time.

Seizing the opportunity Otto added. "Princess, it is considered disrespectful to not grant your favour when asked for."

Now it was Alicent's turn to glare at her father.

Aemma rose, ultimately caving under pressure. Reluctantly she put her wreath on the extended lance and watched it slide down smoothly.

"Good luck Lord Stark." She said without a smile and turned to retreat to her seat when Cregan Stark called her.

"Princess Aemma," The mentioned Princess halted in her steps and looked over her shoulder.

"I want you to know that I've seen and acknowledged your reluctance and I promise, you will not regret."

Giving him a nod of acknowledgement and a forced smile the Princess returned to her seat pouting.

Cregan Stark won each and every one of the jousting rounds he was in, and dedicated his victories to the Princess. Otto Hightower seemed very pleased with outcome. His calculative brain already summing the benefits of making alliances with the Starks. Alicent on the other hand felt equally uncomfortable about the matter. The boy was the exact same age as Aegon. Lost his wife (who happened to be his childhood friend) to childbirth not too long ago. Yet it didn't stop him in pursuit of a new wife.

The tourney was towards its end when Prince Daeron finally entered the tiltyard. Making record for being the youngest person ever to take part in the tourney.

Knowing the Stark Lord had taken his betrothed's favour, the young Prince asked his mother for her favour. Once his mother's wreath slipped down his lance, Daeron then turned his attention to his betrothed.

"We've all witnessed the tremendous victories Lord Stark achieved with your favour, sweet sister. And I was wondering if you could spare me anything."

Aemma's heart sank at those words. Cursing Cregan Stark under her breath she quickly took off her necklace and wrapped it on his lance.

"All the very best, my love." She wished, kissing the tip of his lance as an additional parting gift before returning to her seat.

Daeron and his opponent, a Lannister boy took position. Ser Criston appeared at Daeron's side to give him the final tips before sending him off.

The two participants began to charge.

Otto wore a proud look on his face. Alicent was picking at her nails, turning them bloody. Aemond watched with his signature stoic expression. Aemma was chewing her bottom lip to the point it was bleeding. Helaena released the beetle and began clapping. And Aegon leapt to his feet.

"Come on brother!" He shouted, raising his cup. "Beat the pup to a bloody pulp!" Then dropped back to his seat. His grandsire glared at him, but none of them were paying any heed to him today.

Although the first attempt was amiss, in his second attempt the Targaryen Prince managed to dislodge his opponent, who was almost double his size and age.

Impressed, the entire gallery clapped. Aegon once again leapt to his feet and whistled. Aemma was also up on her feet and cheered. Floris mimicked the youngest Targaryen. But it earned her a disappointed glare from Maris, who hissed at her to sit down.

Even the next two rounds Daeron managed to win. Despite having opponents who were older and bigger than him. His hardwork consisting of day and night training with Ser Criston finally paying off. Just as Daeron was basking in the glory of his victory, entered the last opponent: Cregan Stark.

Aemond and Aegon shared a look. Concern for their little brother evident on their faces. But Aemma remained hopeful. Daeron's previous performance gave her confidence. He had shown and proven his ability. Therefore taking down Cregan Stark should pose no challenge for him. She could envision him coming out victorious and crown her Queen of Love and Beauty. Aemma smiled, a solitary moment in a pulsing space.

Both waiting at each end of the tiltyard. Their horses paw at the ground restlessly. Everyone cleared the tiltyard. And then both parties kicked their mounts and the horse began hurtling towards each other. People around screamed louder and louder as the space between the two fizzled out. The participants ready with their lances to strike...


Prince Daeron and his lance both went flying in two different directions whilst his horse plummeted onto the ground shrieking.

The crowd exploded into a series of loud cheers and applauds. Cregan Stark came out as the champion while Prince Daeron lay on the ground defeated.

A bolt of dread pierced through Aemma's chest like a blade as she watched with horror stricken eyes before abruptly reacting.

"DAERON!" She was about to jump down from the gallery to the tiltyard. But Aemond caught her in time and pulled her back.

"RETURN TO YOUR SEAT AT ONCE AEMMA!" Otto Hightower scolded. Albeit in a loud voice, still it did not reach her ears.

"LET ME GO!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, struggling against the one-eyed Prince to break free.

"LET ME GO!" Pushing of her palms have turned to hard slaps against his chest. Even then Aemond did not loosen his grip. In fact it turned vice like.

"Calm yourself Aemma. He's lives! Look," Aemond pointed, in the direction of Daeron. "Cole's already there, assisting."

Aemma followed his finger. Seeing the truth to his statement she calmed and allowed him to guide her back. As she sat, Helaena quickly took hold of her hand and comforted.

"Everything will be alright. Your hope will not shatter. The crown always finds the deserving head."

What do you mean? Aemma wanted to ask as her tears freely flowed. Her hopes have already shattered.

Just then, as if her luck couldn't get any more worse, the victor Cregan Stark made his way over to her.

"Princess Aemma," He called.

Sighing frustratedly the Princess rose.

"Lord Stark." She greeted him through gritted teeth.

"I promised to not let you down. Although I suppose I did make you greatly upset." He mused, grinning innocently. "However I hope this certainly makes up for it." Having said that, he placed the flower crown on her head, choosing her to be his Queen of Love and Beauty.

Aemma's face twisted in anger, she said nothing, not even the simplest 'thank you' left her lips. Nor did she feel any ounce of guilt turning her back on him and walking away. In all honesty, she wanted nothing more than to be crowned the Queen of love and beauty. But this isn't how she had expected it to unfold. It should have been Daeron crowning her not some savage from the north!


If anyone is disappointed by Daeron not winning— the only thing I can say is that I wanted to keep it realistic. A young boy like him wouldn’t have won. But he tried his best and won everyone’s respect hopefully. Thank you all for reading. Hope you enjoyed and it was worthwhile. Also, I hope you are braced for season 2 tonight.

Chaos Within the Greens - myrakkuran (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.