Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

i Martinsville Bulletin Dial 638-8801 LOCAL CLASSIFIED. RATES consecutive per' line. consecutive days 280 per line. Single Insertion 300 per line, Minimum Charge 3 Lines National advertising rates are 50c per line daily and Sunday. The Bulletin shall not be sible for error or incorrect insertion except to the extent of the post of one insertion.

All ads mast appear under proper classification and the Bulletin reserves the right, to edit and so classify all Copy. WANT-AD COPY DEADLINES: Classification ads 9:00 a.m, date of insertion. 1:00 p.m. Saturday for Sunday's paper. Classified Display 40 hours prior to Insertion.

1. Special Notices ANTIQUE SHOW and Sale September 27 and 28 Blacksburg, Virginia Armory, Jackson and Water Streets. 11:00 am to 9:30: pm. TURKEY SHOOT Friday, October 3. Every Friday and Satur-' day night 6 pm 11 pm until further notice.

Rangley Ruriten Building, Rt. 1, Fieldale. AFTER THIS DATE will not" be sponsible for debts. contracted by anyone but myself In person. Fred A.

Bishop, Route 1, Patrick Springs, Va. WILL GIVE ROOM, BOARD AND CARE to elderly persons or semi-invalids, in private nursing home, for more Information call 483-9119 Rocky Mount. AFTER THIS DATE 1 will not be sponsible for debts contracted by any. one but myself in person. Stella R.

Spencer T-A Spencer Studio, 37 Church Martinsville, Va. 3. 1: Cards of Thanks WE WISH to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to friends, neighbors and relatives for the kindness, food and floral. tributes extended at the death of George Edward Dunford. The Drewery Family 5.

Lost and Found $50.00 REWARD. for the return of a half rat terrier and French Poodle dog with a head missing from the name "Fido." Contact Herman WarRidgeway Area. The. dog answers 1o ren's. Barber Shop, 956-3741, 6.

Employment Agencies. JOBS OF ALL. KINDS Employment Positions Open Mechanics, Carpenters, Secretarial, Lumber workers. Equipment Operators, Counter Help, Etc. Open 9 am 10 pm.

Evenings by appointment only. American Consultants 647-7000 LEE PERSONNEL Chief Tassel Building 638-3911 7. Female Help WantedBOOKKEEPER Top lob with well known firm 5 day wk excellent future $300 mo call Nellie Parlier 632-7131 Snelling and Snelling 32 Franklin J. HOUSEKEEPER-5 days a week. Can lIve in.

Call after 4:30 pm 632-3989 RECEPTIONIST with good phone voice and typing skills. Lee Personnel, Chief Tassel 638-3911 SALES LADY for '12 to shift. Good working conditions, salary, vacation with pay and many other company benefits discussed at interview. Apply, The Singer Company, Patrick Henry Mall, ask for Mr. Harris.

An equal opportunity employer. SECRETARY- Take charge girl needed with gen office experience to $350 Call Jean Overman 632-7131 Snelling and Snelling Personnel 32 Franklin WAITRESS, over 27. call Park 'N Eat Restaurant, 647-7933. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, 21 or over, for day shift. Apply at Noten's -Drive In.

912 E. Church St. or call 632-9040. DO. YOU USE A DICTOPHONE, like to type and want a really good lob? if sot Lee Personnel, Chief Tassel Bldg.

638-3911 7A. Saleswoman-Agents ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES Sell toys and gifts party plan, now through December. Excellent Commissions, No Collecting, No No Investment. Call or write "Santa's Parties," Avon; Conn. 06001.

Telephone 1 (203) 673-3455. Also Booking Parties CAN YOU QUALIFY Need someone to assist In my business 2. day, 5 days a week, $65. per week. For personal interview, call, Mrs.

Allred 647-8038 between 1 and 3 pm AVON CALLING Good opportunity for mothers school age children servicing Avon Cosmetics Write Avon Mgr. Mrs. Bernice Elliott, RI Box 370, Danville, Va. NAVE A See the "Homes for Sale" In today's Classified Ads. Check Classification No.


ROOM, private bath and entrance, at furnished. Call 632-1561 THREE FURNISHED Apartments and house Baths close in, Apply before 6 pm at 204 Starling. 71. Rooms, Room and Board BROAD ST 205-Close In--Room for working gentleman, References requir. ed.

Apply at address. MARTINSVILLE Special Fall Rates, Nightly and Weekly. 20 Fayette 438-7210. RIVES RD 219-Private room for gentreman, Call 638-8234 after 5:30 pm 72. Houses for Rent MILES N.

Patrick Henry College (Flesboro Rd.) 4 rooms, floor furnace, bath, water furnished. Dial 4-0052. 72A. Trailers For Rent COLLINSVILLE 2 bedroom mobile home on Seminole Dr. $18.50 week.

Call 647-8895 BEDROOM housetrailer. to couple or with small child. Large lot and patio, call 632-1203 2 BEDROOM HOUSE TRAILER for rent Arlington. Hots. 638-1994, 73.

Bldgs. Offices for Rent AIR CONDITIONED room Office Suite with parking and private lavetory. Route 58 lust across City line. $150. mo.

water and heat In. cluded. Dial 632-4880 DESIRABLE STREET LEVEL business property, approx. 3,000 sq. Main and Jones Martinsville: Extra space for storage if needed.

Also 2 offices on second floor. Write, Box 658, Martinsville. Van 76. Wanted to Rent MOTHER DAUGHTER would like room furnished apartment in Collinsville. Dial 632-6892 after p.m.

TO RENT Nice 5 or 6 room house in Martinsville or surrounding area. Call after 5 p.m. 632-7840 80. Houses for Sale FIELDALE Remodeled 2 bedroom, electric heat, Easy terms. Ralph Wood, 632-4681 ROOM BRICK HOUSE With 6.6 acres of land.

Fisher Farm Road. Call after 5 pm, 638-1459. CHILDRESS-WEST, Realtors LAUREL PARK Lakewood Trail story brick, 4 bedrooms, baths. garage, level lot, Gl and FHA ing. available, CLARK ROAD Split level Home eryone has been looking for 3 bed.

rooms, baths, See today Office Phone 632-3434 Tommy Childress, 432-9659 MAX and GRACE WHITE MARTINSVILLE REAL ESTATE AGENCY PARK COURT 5 bedroom brick :3 baths, rec room, 2 fireplaces, carpets and drapes. large wooded lot. Equity and assume loan. SHANNON HILLS Price reduced. bedroom brick, 2 baths, paneled den, car carport, large level lot, 14 E.

Church Dial 638-0755 days or night RIVES S. BROWN Realtor Call Today At 213 E. Main, 632-3463 CITY HAVE THE BEAUTY of Lake Lanier in your front This very livable brick home at 1312 Root Trail can well supply your needs with 4 bedrooms, baths, living room, formal dining room, built-in kitchen, family room with fireplace, full: basem*nt, rear patio. This may be in your price range-how will you know. unless you check? GOOD INVESTMENT PROPERTY Memorial Boulevard 3 one-bedroom furnished apartments now renting for total of $210 monthly, The price -has been reduced which makes it an even more attractive buy.

COUNTY 3 CLOSE TO SCHOOL excellent lot -311 Oakland Drive in Collinsvitle3. bedrooms, Ilving room. large cat-in kitchen, back cement porch low monthly payments. OFF 58 Meadowbrook Lane -This 2 year old house offers 3 bedrooms, ceramic baths, living room. paneled dining area, built-in kitchen, oil duct heat, approx.

1050 sq. ft. RIDGEWAY-11 Victor Street-Anchor fence. around lot, new roof, storm windows, 3 'bedrooms, living room, dinIng area, eat-in kitchen, oil duct heat, new septic tank. This will not.

be on the market long as It has been in price WE ARE BUSY, BUT NOT TOO BUSY TO HELP YOU FIND NEW HOME-WE'LL BE GLAD TO EVEN SELL THE ONE YOU ARE LIVING IN a CALL TODAY-TONIGHT Dick Shelton, 638-7728 Lowell Thomas, 632-9463 Ann Minter, 632-6620 Don Humphrey, 638-8328 Mack. Draper, 638-7426 J. D. "Nubby" Coleman 632-1367 80. Houses For Sale Buy, Find, Hire, Martinsville Bulletin, Tuesday, Sept.

23, 1969-Page 11 By Charles M. Schultz PLANCISI THIS KICKOFF MAY TAKE A BooT! Santa 7A. Saleswoman- Agents time LADIES NEEDED for full or part work In Martinsville and surrounding area. No Investment, no delivery. Call 793-5163 or write Box 2241, Danville, Virginia 8.

Male Help Wanted Interest Pestiona listed in mis column are to men qualified women may apply these concerns covered by the Civil Right's Act. or ACCOUNTANTS: Busiriess Degree In Accounting Administration or equivalent perience. combination of training and exVacation, Insurance, sick benefits and free retirement plan. Salary range $7,480 $8.970, according sive Gas, Water and Electric Utility. Write or call T.

Haley, 1014 E. 4400. Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 449 COST. ANALYST -Math or business administration background. Call, Lee Personnel, Chief Tassel 638-3911 INSPECTOR with mechanical ability.

$120.00 week, up Call, Lee Personnel, Chief Tassel 631-3911 CURB BOYS, Apply in person Dixie Pig. Bar-b-cue 817 N. Memorial Blvd. LAND SURVEYOR TRAINEE 2 High school graduate preferred. Paid educational opportunity for advancement Outside work.

Apply, to: D. man at J. A. Gustin Associates. Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors, Room McCollum-Ferrel 16 E.

Church Martinsville, MAN TO WORK ON Golf Course full time and College Student to work in side Pro Shop in afternoons. Beaver Hill Golf Course. EXPERIENCED MECHANIC Apply Prillaman Motor Service, 338 Virginia Collinsville, Va EXPERIENCED. TIRE Good Salary. Apply at Tosh Tire Town, 421 Virginia Collinsville.

Va. ACCOUNTING CLERK Work directly under Comptroller. Must have format education or experience in accounting. Lee Personnel, Chief Tassel Bldg 3911. FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEPER with good work experience.

Salary above average. Call, Lee Personnel, Chief Tassel 630-3911 YOUNG MAN for Clerical Work in dustrial Office. Must be high school graduate with typing and bookkeeping training or experience. Please submit resume In own handwriting, stating education, experience and expected salary, -to, Box 206, Collinsville, Va. NEEDED Sprinkler Fitters and Helpers.

Top Pay and subsistence. Call Highpoint. MANAGER TRAINEE Hospitalization and life. Minimum 21 Write P.O, Box 5457, Roanoke, 24012 A $100 A WEEK MARTINSVILLE BASSETT. Area Resident For work In our Circulation Department as a District Manager.

Energetic. forceful person with leadership ability to work with carrier boys in the Martinsville Bassett Area. Applicant should be high. school graduate, neat dependable, and able to furnish good character: and work refer. ences.

Starting salary of. $100 week for 5-day work week. Excellent fringe benefits. include life; Insurance, hospitalization, and other benefits. Apply Personnel Office, Times World Roanoke, Va.

Help Wanted WAITERS AND WAITRESSES needed for merning and evenins shifts. Apply to Mrs. Richardson or Mr. Edgar, Dutch Inn Motel, Collinsville. NEED KNITTERS and Tompkins Mechanics, Excellent wages, liberal benefits.

Opportunity lob. Roanoke Roanoke, Va, Call Lonnie Stokes, Roanoke, Va. 345-0473, ext 47 After pm. call 342-2469. HE SAYS WHILE SANTA FE POOR HE CAN'T DETAILS DISCUSS IT.


Leggett's COAL FURNACE AND STOKER, and Water Full Set of Drums. 632- 4213 FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES repurchased from bank. Automatic washer, refrigerator, bedroom suites, electric ranges, living room suites, mattresses and springs. Huss savings! Chestey's-On-The-Square. HEATERS, NEW SIEGLER OIL, 1970 models, delivered free.

Terms Townes Furniture, On- The Square Downtown, MATTRESSES $20 trade in allowance for your old mattress and box. springs on a new Mattress and box springs. Mattress quilted on both sides, tully guaranteed, Chesley's-On-The-Square. COLOR TELEVISION BARGAINS Select from Bondurant's complete stock. Prices start at $299.

for name brand- 14" sets. Your 'Quasar' Dealer In this area. Place your order now for Christmas delivery for everything we sell. Bondurant Furniture Showroom, Central Plaza Shopping Center, N. Memorial 432-3756 MUSIC EQUIPMENT: 75 Watt Premier Public Address System; Gibson two keyboard organ with trumpet waw waw, fuzz base section and bench and amplifier included.

Fender- Precision Bass Gultar, microphones and 4 trailer in good shape. Call 632-5447. MONOGRAM QUAKER HEATERS Lay-Away or for delivery now. Up 350 00 trade-In allowance for your old heater. Terms.

Shumate Jessie Fur. niture 106-108 E. Main, 638-2389 SAFES; Typewriters, Portables and Standards, new and rebuilt: Portfolios; Adding Machines; Attache Cases; Calculators Martinsvitle Printing 21-23 Fayette, 432-2263 MAYTAG WRINGER TYPE WASHER, used 4 times. Call (38-1734 SEE OUR setection ot used refrigerators, ranges, washers, dryers All clean and guaranteed. Stan Finney, Main Street and Church Street en trances, Dial 632-3444, KENMORE ELECTRIC STOVE, new, very reasonable.

Self cleaning oven, all modern Dial 632-7627. THE PROVEN CARPET, CLEANER, Blue Lustre is easy on the budget. Restores forgotten colors. Rent electric shampooer $1. Eagle Stores TROXLER FURNITURE No.

1 furniture store in Martinsville, your headquarters for wood, coal, gas, oil heaters. BAsem*nT BARGAINS: One Group of Occasional Chairs $24.95 and Up Recliners Reg. $119.15. Now Only $89.95 Assorted Colors and Upholsterles. 3 Rooms of Furniture Less than $20 a month 5 Piece Dinette Piece Suite Box Springs, Mattress.

2 Pillows Plece Living Room Sulte TROXLER FURNITURE Your Headquarters for Philco 26 ances. Fayette Street, 632-6349 4 Complete Rooms All New Furniture Spanish Bedroom Suite, 4 Colonial Living Room Group, Early American Dinette, 7 Refrigerator and Stove Total $1,851.69 Now Only $1,109.95 a or just take over payments of. $48.80. Collinsville Furniture Mart Open nitely "til 647-7444 22A. Sports Equipment BROWNIAG: REMINGTON: WINCHESter: Ithaca Shotguns, We'll trade you wish, Camouflage suits.

Bryant's Sports Center, 107 E. Main BOAT, 14 ft, 30 HP motor, and trailer. $400. Call 629-5291 after 4:30 pm. HUNTING CLOTHES: CAMOUFLAGE Sults, Shotguns; Ammunition; Archery Equipment.

Custer Custer, Figsboro Road at City Limits Pistois; Hunting Clothing; Camouflage SHOTGUNS RIFLES AMMUNITION Sulta. Hardware Supply, 43 Main 632-5649 SHOTGUN SHELLS. $2. Box by the case, 12 ga. only, Seller Bellot, and 8 shot.

Northside Sport Shop, 716 Liberty, 638-2000 STARCRAFT CAMPER with stove, frigerator and sink. Accommodates people. Dial 632-7431. WANTED TO BUY-Outboard Motor 20 to 35 HP and Boat. Trailer, Call 632- 5130, Mr.

Burgess '66 SCOTTIE Camper Traller. Ft. with Stove: Good Reasonably priced, 638-3286 after 22C. Cameras KODAK SUPER 8 MOVIE CAMERA, Zoom Lens, through the lens electric eye reflex viewing, electric drive, cartridge load, sold new for $159.00 Guaranteed $75. Camera Corner, 2 E.

Church at Bridge PSSTI SEE WHAT HAPPENS when you advertise household goods with Classified Ad. For fast. action dial 430.8801 now. CARLA? EASY! I JUST THANK CHECKED IN: TOO. IF YOU HEAVENS EXPLAIN A FEW YOU'RE HERE THINGS- I MUST U.S.

"AMALGAMATED LOOKS LIKE A GOOD BUY! LISTINGS 7. Martinsville. Planning Commission Swap 24. Machinery. WELDING SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT Acetylene and electric outfits.

Largest stack of welding supplies in this area. prestolite for plumbing work-CO2 Gas All prices wholesale. Oxygen-Acetylenefor draft beer and soda fountains. Free delivery. "You'll like our way at do Ins business." J.

C. Wooldridge Son, Ridgeway Road. 632-5601. 27. Pets and Supplies BILLY GOAT for sale, $10 Call 632-1554.

AKC DACHSHUND Pupples, wks. old, shots and dewormed, $75 122 Grove Park Circle. Danville 792-0947 28. Articles for Rent TRUCKS U-HAUL TRAILERS for rent, tow bars and hand' trucks, too. cher's Gulf.

Service, 931 Memorial 632-4014 32. Coal, Wood, Fuel, Oil OLD SAW DUST $5.00 load Hickory and Oak $10 load. Call after pm. 629-5079. 35.

Business Service SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, Installed, paired. Concrete septic tanks for sale. Basem*nt drains Installed. Work guaranteed. B.

W. Brooks Septic Sales Service, dial 956-3510, SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, modern equipment, servicine Martinsville and surrounding territories since 1947. Frost and dial 632-9243. ELECTROLUX REPAIRS Our latty over 20 Years experience Let us put new life in your cleaner. Telephone 638-3845.

Fuller Vacuum, 1121 Memorial Blvd. PLANNED SERVICE AGREEMENTS for heating and alr-conditioning tems. Richarason Hodges Co, Phone 632-3567. STEEL CHAIN LINK FENCING, Wood Basket Weave, Post and Rail, Farm Fencing, Wrought Iron All types In stock. Fittings, retail and wholesale.

Electric gate operators. U.S. Fence Route 58 East at City Limits, 638-3100 after and weekends 638-2762 36. Building, Contracting ALUMINUM SIDING and Home' 1m- provements at low prices. Owens Window Call 632-6479, nights 632- 4446.

ALUMINUM SIDINO: storm windows: storm doors: carports! Marques; awnings, ceramic tiler bath well drilling; All types of home Im provements. Cassell's Home Improve ments, Route 1, Bassett, phone 629 7229. ADDITIONS, FINISHED Basem*nts, closed Carports, Kitchens Remodeled, Paneling and Carpets. All types of siding and rooting. Piedmont Home Improvement 22 Years Experience.

Free estimates Call anytime-432-7712. COMPLETE KITCHEN REMODELING -Free planning and free estimates. West Kitchens, 220. N. Martinsville, phone 638-3915 NEW HOMES BUILT, 1 com additions, alum, siding storm windows and doors, chain link fence.

F. Bennett Home Improvement, 647-8584. RESIDENTIAL UTILITY BUILDINGS: Clothes Line Posts; Dog Kennels: All Type Wood and Chain Link Fencing; Post Holes Dug: Concrete Cattle Guards; Steel Scaffolding Rental. U. Fence Route 50 East at City -Limits, 638-3100 after 5 and weekends 638-2762 ROOFS, GUTTERS, CARPORTS, Rooms Storm Windows and DoorsAll types of Home improvements.

Free Estimates. A. J. Neal. 432-9155.

WOOD THAT WON'T. BURN, Osmose, 'Flame Proof' for economical, noncombustible factories, warehouses and public buildings. Doyle Lumber, Inc. Rt 58, Stuart dial 957-2221 38B. Carpentering, Masonry BRICK CASE YOUR' HOME Cement and Block work Remodeling and Repairs.

Free Estimates. 632-7712. Call anytime. BRICK AND BLOCK WORK, Free estimates. After.

4 pm call Fieldale 673- 6388. 36D. Painting, Cleaning PAINTING Root, Interior, ExteriorFifteen years experience Free Estimates Call 638-4020. 12. Moving, Storage MOVING? CALL US: rates.

25 Satisfaction rears axperi. Dueence, reasonable ranteed. New storage warehouse. J. C.

Wooldridge, day 632-5691, night 032-4175. 48. Livestock CATTLE, 12 head, large and small. Also big John Deere Tractor Dial 956- 3283. 52.

Seed, Plants, Supplies PLANT GRASS SEED NOW for this summer's grass; Ground covers, Ivies, etc Pottery for all purposes. Yeatts Nursery, New Danville 132-6316. TIME TO SEED YOUR LAWN Grass Seed; Fertilizers: Lime, Davis Feed Seed -220 S. at Smith River Bridge 69. Trailer Park- Rental COUNTRYSIDE TRAILER PARK South of City.

Dial 956-3510 OWENS TRAILER PARK -Choice lots in 2 and No. 3 parks, In Collinsville. Dial 632-4471. SUNSET MOBILE HOME: PARK -Large spaces in quiet Oak Level. Phone 629-3492 70.

Apartments for Rent CHALMERS 916-3 room furnished Includes. Utilities, all private working couple Apply at address. DILLARD ST 510--2 room furnished utilities included. Working couple or girls. Call 632-6195.

FOREST ST. '308 Nice 4 room unfurnished Convenient. location, $55 month. Dial 956-3043. HUNDLEY ST.

845 BEDROOM apartment. $75 month. Dial 638-7650 or 638-7075. MAPLE $1. room furnished apartment, $55 month, Call Finney Realty, 632-6326.

WESTOVER DR Collinsville Two room and One 6 room, Phone 647-7722. FOR ANY APARTMENT needs, furnish. ed or unfurnished, Call J. P. Sutton, 632-4880 between and 5 FURNISHED APARTMENT for CoupleCall- 632-2689.

ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT Close to Bulletin Office. Water and heat furnished 638-3175 after 3:30 pm. Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE The Planning Commission of the City of Martinsville will conduct public hearing in the Council Chamber at City Hell on Tuesday, July 1, 1969, at 2:00 p.m. The Commission has before it for consideration proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City in the following manner. To add a definition for the word marquee as "any fixed canopy or other covered structure othor then prolecting sign which.

Is structurally 8 part of a bullding projectIng from and wholly: supported by the building and extending beyond the building wall," to add under dimension regulations this sentence: "In the C-2 and -C3 Commercial mars quees, fixed and moveable awnings may prolect over: the required front yard and publicly sidewalk space for two-thirds the width of such sidewalk space but not closer thair three feet to the curb face adjacent to the Those persons having an Interest in this matter. are urged to. attend this publlc hearing and express their views wth regard to same. Morton W. Lester, Secretary Martinsville.

Planning Commission COLLINSVILLE Time offered By owner Two bedroom brick recreation room, carpet and drapes. Many other features. Price $17,500 VA Financing Available. Call for appointment 647-8518 WOODLAND DRIVE Chatham Hgts. Area, 3 Bedroom, 2 baths.

large wooded lot. Carport, Full Basem*nt. Price $21,500. Adkins Construction 647-7366, 638-3286, or 647-7941. BY OWNER Laurel Park.

3 bedroom brick, carport, utility room. carpet, drapes, no basem*nt Loan can be as sumed. 638-1857: FOR SALE Duplex APARTMENT Brick baths, enclosed back porch, garage. Apartment 1 5 rooms, Apartment No. 2 Terrace Apartment, rooms, private bath, private entrance, bullt-in oven.

and surface cooking unit in kitchen, duct heating system, new well, new septic tank, newly renovated. $14,000 cash or $200 down and $101.26 per month. and interest 30 year term mediate possession, E. R. Highfield Real Estate Agency, 201 Pythian.

Bldg. 632-6191, night or day Martinsville, Va. FOR SALE New house situated on acre lot in Country miles out of Ridgeway. Completely finished with basem*nt. Must sell immediately.

No equity, easy monthly payments Call collect, Mt. Airy, N.C. 786-4101 between 8 and 10 am. 309 CLEARVIEW DRIVE New 3 Bedroom Brick. Carport and Drapes.

$100 down and Qualify for a VA Loan. kins Construction Co. 647-7366 Hi or 638-3286. R. H.

Wimbish Co. HIGHLAND PARK Under Construc tion 3 bedroom (6 room) brick, ceramic tile baths, electric Call 638-1827 before 9 a.m. and after 6 p.m. Call 638-1827 before 9 a.m. and after 6 p.m.

WELLS and DONAVANT -CONSTRUCTION CO. HERITAGE COURT 3 bedroom brick home with 2 full baths, featurIng vinyl wall paper, kitchen cabinets galore, range and tor included, papered breakfast room. dining room, den, carport and garage, electric duct heat, air conditioning optional, large wooded lot. Route 57 East take left at Woodland Heights Baptist Church, Heritage Court is next street to left. Call for appoint ment.

638-3918, 632-5953 or 638-8001 FINNEY REALTY INC. 220 North Holiday Shopping Center Phone 632-6326 WANT TO SELL your house or land? Give Us call. We will be glad to buy or list Nights and Holidays call Days Call 632-6326 JOHN D. SPENCER 632-7939 ASSUME LOAN Tahoe Drive Collinsville. 3 bedroom frame with car.

port, very small monthly payment. Pay $1,018.00 and assume $9,181.35 at pct interest. $67.00 month for 27 years. Total price $10,200 ASSUME LOAN FIELDALE Brick front, 2 bedrooms, full basem*nt, large level lot. Pay $645 equity and assume $12 900 loan at pct Interest for 20 years with monthly pay.

ments of $109.31. ASSUME LOAN Rives Road Look at this room brick carpeted room and dining room Exquisite carpeted stairway going. Up from trance hall paneled den, 4 large bedrooms, glassed-in side porch baths. Full basem*nt and nice lot. Pay equity and assume payments.

Price $22,200 or FHA $24,400. ASSUME LOAN Marrowbone Hots. 8 Room, Split Foyer, Brick and Frame House with Baths, Oil Duct Heat, Large Level Lot. Pay $8,900 and assume $14,600 loan and interest for 25 Years. $118 a month.

ASSUME LOAN Chatmoss Ct. Room Brick, Den with fireplace Sliding Glass Doors, Kitchen and Dinette Combination. 11 Baths. Full Basem*nt, Large Level Lot. Pay $12,000 and assume $12,550.01 Loan at for 16 Years and 5 Months $100.31 per month.

ASSUME LOAN Victor son Ridgeway. An excellent low economy home that would be good for a young couple. 4 room frame and bath with nice lot. Pay equity and assume very small monthly payments. Price $6700, ASSUME LOAN Dexter Street Villa Hgts.

5 room frame with bath and very large lot. This is an cellent. assume loan deal with low equity and payments. $11,741.11 ASSUME LOAN Salmon City room brick, 11 Baths Basem*nt and carport. A very nice home In an excellent area Pay equity and assume small monthly payments.

077.43. 80C. Housetrallers for Sale HOMES OF DISTINCTION by Redman, DeRose, Ritz Craft Skyline. Best selection ever. '70 models Elliott Mobile Homes, 220 South, 632-1612.

NICE TRAILER 2 bedroom, 12 50 Call 957-1731. ROOM MOBILE unit, can be used with. mobile home or as office, etc. Diet 638-1205. 81.

Lots for Sale burial lots Roselawn $450) cash. (Adjoining lots sell for $675). 647-8892. 83. Acreage for Sale LOVELY 4.4 acres of wooded homesite.

Fresh water Spring and branch. Lo cated end of Forest Road. Restricted Phone 638-8982. 20 ACRES OF GOOD Laying Land with plenty of Road frontage on State Road 606 near Henry, Va. Call John Spencer, Finney Realty 632-6326.

20 ACRES WITH YOUNG fruit trees, Franklin Co. ST 759 (turn off 220 on SR 608 Call Bassett 629-2356. 84. Business Property Business lot corner 100 -and City Re servolr Road 250 ft. front with good drilled $5,000.

Roy 647- $495. 85. Real Estate Wanted Want' to buy acreage with or without house on 220. Between Oak Level Sydnorsville, Call this week 647-8892. WILL BUY HOUSES; prefer by deed assumption.

Days call 432.6326, nights, Charlie Finney, or John Span. cer 637-7939 91. Auto Service- -Supplies CARBURETOR IGNITION need checking adiusting for fall-winter driving bring your car to Law. rence Auto Repair, 1013 Danville Rd. RADIATORS REPAIRED RECORED Free estimates, prompt service.

Martinsville Welding Radiator: Works, 201 Bridge, 632-2471, RUBY, Need Tires? Please take your car to town and stop by Sears for terrific savings. Premium Tires budget prices. 714 Memorial Call 638-8711. USED TIRES $5 AND UP-Al1 sizes available. Goodyear Service Stores, 121 E.

Main, 632-2181 96. Cars, Trucks Wanted SALES and PUBLIC RELATIONS Help Wanted Are you now earning $90 to $125 per week? and find your chances to ture advancement limited. We can of. -fer -you the opportunity earn this amount while training with to $10,000 within the reach of a able worker. This is a career position representing local well established firm.

Employee benefits Include life and hospitalization Insurance, retirement program, paid vacation, plus liberal bonus system If you are from Bassett, Martinsville, Rocky or could relocate In these areas you should Investigate this opportunity. To quality you must be over 21, married and have car for local calls. Sales experience helpful but not necessary. For an Interview please contact Mr. Paul J.

Johnson, at Holiday Inn. Martinsville, between 11 am and 2 pm or 3:30 to 7:30 pm Monday, September 22. or on Tuesday, Sept. 23, 1969 from 9 am to 1 pm or' 3 pm to 1 pm. No phone calls please, or send resume to Mr Paul J.

Johnson, PO. Bo.x 5492, noke, Va. 24012. All Information kept in strictest confidence. 10A.

Salesmen-Agents SALES LEADER The man we seek 18 top notch salesman, confident of his sales ability because he has record to prove it. He is probably employed, but has little. chance for advancement, If you are anxious to get ahead, and at the same time enloy 5 figure earnings, plus every known fringe fit, Including profit sharing and free retirement Income, you ore the we are seeking. Must have a mini mum of 3. years successful sales experience and must have been actively selling for at least 3 years territory comprised of the noke area.

No overnight traveling necessary. If you believe your qualifications meet our requirements, please contact as listed below for personal inter. view: Mr L. Premo PO Box 5222 Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Telephone 362-1295 Equal Opportunity Employer Work Wanted EXPERIENCED male bookkeeper Age 29, Complete knowledge, of pay. roll procedures, payroll taxes, fuel taxes and reports, Insurance, etc.

Write co Box 39, Martinsville Bulletin. 14B. Sewing, Alterations SEWING MACHINE Repair Fast pert service. Singer, Kenmore New Home. All makes.

and models. Service Sewing Center, 436 Memorial Blvd. Open 11-7. WILL DO SEWING AND Alterations in my home. Dial 955-3042, 14C.

Child Care WILL KEEP children In my home on Inman Street Dial 632-3700. 16. Personals FOR "A JOB WELL' DONE FEELING" clean carpets with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Hardware Supply 21.

Good Things to Eat NEW CROP RUNNER Green Beans, also Tomatoes for table use. Miles S. of Blackberry Church at Wingfield Orchard, J. Haryey Wingfield. 22.

Miscellaneous for Sale FREEZER used Frigidaire Upright frostproof freezer. 12 cubic foot. $125. Sater's Furniture 25 E. Main, dial: 14 PAINT CUSTOM MIXED: Free m.ates.

Satisfaction guaranteed. We'll even find a painter for you. Southside Hardware, 937 Starling, 632-5404. KID! IF I HAD MORE OF HER SITUATION I FIND SOME WAY TO HELP. CAN DON'T IT WON'T 80.

Houses For Sale extra lot. Good location for schools CHATHAM HEIGHTS 3. bedroom home and factories, $9,000 cash, $4,500 equity and assume loan. Dial 638-8214. COLLINSVILLE-3 Dearuom brick, full basem*nt, carport, cement drive, real shady lot, Cahill Real Estate, Realtor, phone 647-8678, night 647-0229 ROOM BRICK, full basem*nt, family room, duct heat small equity and assume loan.

Dail (32-9463 after 4 pm. M. KILBY, BUILDER FOREST ROAD 3 Bedroom brick, with approximately 1 acre wooded lot In county. Now under construction: time to select. colors.

House and Lots in other areas. for sale. 632-1008. RAMSEY Construction Co. NEW FRENCH PROVINCIAL Brick 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, fireplaces, bullt-in kitchen and family room.

Full basem*nt, carport. Call 630-2259 or 638-1350 M. ANTHOM REALTY, Reilter. Phane 621-5404, Bassett, Virginia BASSETT State Road 831 off 57 West-4 rooms. bath, larse tot BASSETT Nice room house, with garage apartment, Appointment only.

We need and FHA financing available Nights call Owen Reavis 673-644 A FINNEY CONSTRUCTION CO, 038.2324 LAUREL PK 3 houses, 2 with basem*nts. CHATMOSS COURT EXT. room brick, full basem*nt, 14 ft. carport. SMITH RIVER Nice Cabin, Fur.

nished. Can be seen by appointment only. STULTZ ROAD rooms, bath, Breezeway and garage. MAPLE DRIVE Collinsville New 5 room brick, wall-to-wall carpeting, built-in stove, carport and utility room $16,800.. T.

G. Finney, 632.5104 James L'. Finney, 956-3635 Lester Satliff, 647-7940 EARLE W. GREENE Realtor, 638-7826 F. Da.vis, 632-4221 HUNDLEY ST-3 bedroom brick, full basem*nt, easy walking distance to Patrick Henry School and Patrick Henry Mall A real bargain at $15,500 Also houses at: Shannon Hills Ferndale Drive Ridge Road Woodlang Heights OVER The Backyard With Christine HI, Before you turn your furnace on Perhaps you'd like a new home.

Call me. We'll go see SUSAN Collinsville, 3 bedroom brick, rec room, full basem*nt, electric heat, carport. $12,000 for: 2 bedroom aluminum sidTho house at Collinsvitle, ceramic bath, new roof, storm windows, garage and shed. Loan can be assumed. TANGLEWOOD, brick ranch, 3 bed.

rooms, 2 baths, country kitchen, full basem*nt, carport, lot fronts 177 feet on Tanglewood and 200 feet deep. There is loan on this which can be assumed Christine Bennett Home 632-2826 Office 632-3463 Rives S. Brown, Realtor Burch-Hoages-Stone, Inc. -Insurors Our 79th Year of Service lovely to look at, better to own. 3 EXCLUSIVE Marrowbone Heights; bedroom brick, 2 baths, large kitchen and family room, carpeted living room and hell, full basem*nt, carport with paved driveway, large private patio with wrought Iron railing, level lot.

Trade the equity In your present home and assume loan on this beauty. LITTLE WHITE HOUSE. Ideal first home 2 bedrooms, large eat-in kitchen, enclosed porch, full basem*nt, conveniently located on good street. Good assumption. Total price $9,250.00.

READY AND WAITING for new owners in Collinsville, 3 bedroom brick, large kitchen with built in range, full basem*nt and carport. $16,750. Maximum financing. WANT OUT? One short mile from city limits 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, famIly room with fireplace and patio, central' airconditioned, carpets, situated on large lot. $23,500.

Finance and pay like rent. COLLINSVILLE John Redd Boulevard Neat as pin. rooms, rage, aluminum siding on nice level lot. $11,600. Maximum financing.

Quality and move in. FOR LARGE FAMILY dwelling within 2 blocks of elementary school. Convenient to all areas Maximum financing. Priced for. $11,700.00.

TWO. BLOCKS FROM CITY HALL. Zoned Four -bedroom- dwelling in good condition. "Good potential business property $9,000. EXCELLENT LISTINGS FOR THE "DO IT YOURSELF" fam Ily.

Paint and remodel to suit self and save. Priced from $1,000. to $29,000. Call 632-2161 Anytime Night 647-8666 -Ji WILL PAY CASH tor good, clean used cars. Garquer Brothers, 101 W.

Church dial 639-7148. DMV 3662. 97. Trucks for Sale CHEVROLET 1954 PICKUP Call 956-3501 FORD 1955 ton pick up, new paint lob new model motor, a cream puff. $895.

Dial 629-4021 atter 6 pm. 9R. Motorbikes, Motorcycles TRIUMPH, YAMAHA Sales Service. New and used. Bank financing, Johnnv't Cycle Sales.

Collinevitle, Va. 99. Used Cars for Sale BUICK, 1969 engine. LeSARRE Hydramatic Custom $400, Transmis- 350 cower steering, yellow-black vinyl top. Riddle Turner Auto Sales, 1075 Memorial.

632-3491. DMV 3158 CAMARO 1968, red with black vinyl to, one owner. 16,000 miles. $2,300. Dial 638-1154.

CAMARO '68 2 door, heavy duty 427 engine. Call 629-3458 after 4 pm CHEVROLET '67 Camaro Sport Coupe, Radio; heater, wwtires, Richardson Wyatt Buick 614 W. Church, 632- 9759. DMV 851. CHRYSLER Newport 1966, 2 door, power steering-brakes, air conditioning.

excellent condition. $200 and take payments. Call 673-4711. DODGE SPORT VAN BUS 1966, 6 cylinder engine, automatic transmission, extra clean, $1,595. Collinsville Imported Cars, Virginia Collinsville, 647-8080, DMV.

993 FORD 1967 Fairiane Convertible, Cruiseomatic. Power Steering, extra clean, one: local owner. Richardson Motor 30. Bridge 638-2422, DMV 89 FORD '66 GALAXIE 500 Sport Coupe, 390, V8 Automatic, fully equipped. dark blue, $1695.

Morgan Motors, Rt. 220 638-8873, DMV 1775 FORD '66 Custom V8; Automatic Regular $1495 Now for only $895. Vin qinia Motors, 521 Memorial Blvd. 7248. DMV 4215.

FORD '68 Galaxie 500 Tudor Hardtop, V8 Engine, cruiseomatic transmission, power steering, radio, wwtires, wheel covers. (Stock No. P99) $2295. Mitchell Howell Ford, River HIll 632-6371, or Main at. Lester 638-2331, DMV 1576, FORD '65.

GALAXIE 500 4. Door, Vt automatic, power steering, radio, heater, wwtires, extra clean. A real buy. $1395. Diamond Motors, Virginia Ave.r Va.

647-7525. DMV. 3343 MERCURY MARAUDER X-100 Hardtop, 2 door, power disc brakes, air condition mag wheels- vinyl top, power windows seats, only 13.000 miles. Riddle Oldsmobile Cadillac. 410 Memorial Bivd.

632-9741. DAAV 708. MERCURY '67 MARQUIS Hardtop, 2. door, power steering brakes, air condition, other extras, one owner. $2,195 Bridge Street Motors, 115 Bridge St.a 632-3453.

DMV 120 MGA 1961, needs voltage regulators. $350. May be seen at 118 Askin St. or call 629-2417 after 5 pm. PLYMOUTH.

1968 Road runner, 2 automatic, excellent condition. call 632-3614 after 5 pm. PLYMOUTH 1968 Road Runner, 330, Automatic, $2.695. Mitchell Motor. Co.

Bassett, 629-2521 DMV 170 PONTIAC. '67 CATALINA 4 Door Sedan, Air Power steering, Brakes and other extras. Quality Motors, 1101 Me. morial Blvd, 638-1096, DMV 1091. RENAULT '69 '10' door, green brown and white interior, 16,000 miles, 4 speed, extra clean, one er.

$1595. Piedmont Dodge, 100 Church 638-2427, DMV 1509. VOLKSWAGEN 1966, red, $1,195 RossToyota Sales, 117 N. Virginia -Collinsville, 647-5072. DMV 1695 CLEAN '64 CHEVROLET Blue.

327, Loaded with extras, radio. heater. Call 629-3150 2. NICE SELECTION of Used Sports Cars in Stock, Motor Sales, Inc.r Collinsville, 647-5532. DMV 1524.

2-'168 CHEVELLE SS Coupes engines, both. radio, heater, automatic. 1- 4-in-floor. Mize Motors, Villa 632-7513, DMV 4181 MR. EXECUTIVE Don't overlook this exclusive location.

1223 MULBERRY. ROAD FOREST. PARK. New 2 story. colonial with 5 bedrooms, 2 full and 2 half baths, entrance foyer, living room with fireplace, dining room, fully applianced kitchen, paneled family room with fireplace, sun deck overlooking beautiful wooded area.

2 car, garage and full basem*nt. $43,500. First National Bank of Mar. tinsville, 632-6361; ext. 86 or 632-4894.

Join The Magnavox Team in Andrews, N.C.a CABINET ROOM FOREMAN 3 SUPERVISOR in ASSEMBLY SUPERVISOR in SUB-ASSEMBLY (Positions require previous TV or stereo Cabinet Manufacturing experience.) The above positions offer excellent salaries and opportunities for advancement. Fringe benefits include Hospitalization and Life insurance, Profit-sharing and retirement, benefits. If you feel qualified for the above positions Please call Mr. Virgil Maniago; Personnel Manager, 704-321-4251, for an appointment or forward resume to P. O.

Box 700, Andrews, N. C. Additional Openings in Quality Control, Industrial Accounting, 'and Supervision in the Magnavox Team Plans in Tennessee. Resumes should be forwarded to Mr. W.

E. Potter, Employment Manager. The Magnavox Co. Greeneville, Tenn. 37743 An Equal.

Opportunity Employer 1.. TA. tag. U.S. On 7.


Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.