Small Dog For Sale Craigslist (2024)

1. SF bay area pets - Craigslist

  • Puppies · North bay pets · SF bay area pets "dog adoption" · Pets

  • SF bay area pets - craigslist

2. los angeles pets - craigslist

  • Los angeles pets "dog adoption" · Puppies · Pets · Pets "dogs" in Los Angeles

  • los angeles pets - craigslist

3. What is the logic for not allowing pets for sale on Craigslist?

4. Please Don't Buy Your Pet Off Craigslist | by The Introverted Vet

  • Apr 7, 2021 · Read this before buying a pet off Craigslist, it could save you Veterinary bills and heartache. Don't support backyard breeders.

  • An amalgamated short-story based in truth, from a Veterinarian’s perspective.

Please Don't Buy Your Pet Off Craigslist | by The Introverted Vet

5. Repeat After Me: No Craigslist Puppies - San Diego DVM

  • Every week, I see owners who have bought pets (mostly puppies) from Craigslist. For the most part, these creatures are underage, underweight, ...

  • I try avoid absolute statements. But I will say the following about purchasing an animal from a Craigslist ad: Don’t. Please don’t.

Repeat After Me: No Craigslist Puppies - San Diego DVM

6. Should Craigslist Stop Allowing Pet Postings? | Mabel the Rescue Dog

  • Feb 8, 2021 · Currently, Craigslist only allows people to “re-home” animals on their site. This is intended to stop people from selling animals for profit.

  • I’ve always known that you should be cautious when finding animals online, but I didn’t know how dangerous it really was. As it turns out, animals on Craigslist could be in danger in mo…

Should Craigslist Stop Allowing Pet Postings? | Mabel the Rescue Dog

7. Meet Our Dogs - Big Dog Ranch Rescue

  • Interested in Adopting? We have hundreds of dogs and puppies (big and small!) at Big Dog Rescue Ranch. Your new best friend is waiting for you!

  • Interested in Adopting? We have hundreds of dogs and puppies (big and small!) at Big Dog Rescue Ranch. Your new best friend is waiting for you! Find you new dog, puppy, senior dog or rescue dog at Big Dog Ranch Rescue.

Meet Our Dogs - Big Dog Ranch Rescue

8. Craigslist Dogs 2 - More Dogs For Trade - Puppy Leaks

  • I'll trade one dog I don't want for two smaller ones please. craigslist dog. Yeah, he's not to be neutered and put in a kennel! Chained up in my back yard ...

  • Craigslist Dogs 2 - More Dogs For Trade - I don't know whether to laugh or cry, is this really how we use the great power of craigslist? To trade our dogs for gaming systems and younger dogs?

Craigslist Dogs 2 - More Dogs For Trade - Puppy Leaks
Small Dog For Sale Craigslist (2024)


What is the best website to sell dogs? ›

Travel and shipping can also be stressful for a young pup. To screen potential buyers and keep your pup safe, prioritize selling to buyers in your area. Some of the top puppy-selling websites include (formerly Puppy Find),, and

How to buy a dog online without getting scammed? ›

The seller prefers to handle communication by email and not the phone. A reputable breeder will always communicate with you via phone or video chat (if not in person) before selling you a puppy. Fraudulent sellers are oftentimes outside of the U.S. and may be hiding their phone number by only communicating by email.

Can you sell animals on eBay? ›

What is the policy? Sellers can only list the following live animals: Bees, crickets, and ladybugs that aren't endangered or threatened species - opens in new window or tab or species listed on CITES Appendix I.

Where is the best place to advertise dogs for sale? ›

Connect with our millions of dog enthusiasts through an advertising and marketing campaign with the American Kennel Club. If you are looking to Advertise your AKC Registered Puppies, please click here to learn more about AKC Marketplace.

What app can I sell my dog on? ›

DogsMart is the worlds 1st only app which deals with sale and buy of dogs online.

How do you know if a website is legit for a pet? ›

Search safely for a pet

Look for a physical address, contact information and secure online presence. Check out any online reviews, testimonials or complaints about the seller.

Is it okay to buy a dog online? ›

You can find many sellers online, but it is important do your research. Look for red flags on potential breeders' websites, like obvious spelling errors and stock photographs lifted from other websites. Speak with breeders in person or over the phone and ask for references.

How not to pick up a chihuahua? ›

What not to do: Don't pick up a dog by the scruff of the neck. Don't pick them up by the front legs (or “underarms”) like a baby—it can strain their ligaments. Watch the video below for a quick demo of some vet-approved techniques for picking up your dog.

Do small dogs like being picked up? ›

Small dogs often enjoy being picked up and held more than large breeds.

Is it okay to pick up small dogs? ›

“Small Dog Syndrome”, a behavioral issue where smaller breeds may exhibit heightened levels of fear or aggression to compensate for their size, can be inadvertently encouraged by excessive carrying or coddling, which leaves them feeling less capable of handling their own interactions.

Does Facebook allow selling pets? ›

Animals: Selling animals or animal products isn't allowed on Marketplace.

Can you sell animals in Marketplace? ›

Animal for sale: Selling animals isn't allowed on Marketplace or buy and sell groups. This includes posting about animals for adoption.

How much is my dog worth? ›

After crunching the numbers, this research group came up with the valuation of a dog's life being in the range of $5000 to $9000.

Is selling dog products profitable? ›

The pet industry is one of the most lucrative industries in the world by far. Many pet owners consider their pets part of the family and do not mind spending on their welfare. For this reason, there is a high potential for businesses that offer pet products and supplies.

Is TellTail legit? ›

Buyers can be confident that when they match with a TellTail breeder, the breeder is 1) not a recognized puppy mill, 2) has been ID verified, and 3) their profile information came directly from the verified breeder. Existing websites do not eliminate the overwhelming pet search process.


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Job: District Marketing Strategist

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.